[編譯] 紐約市議會延長連任次數,彭博可開始競 …

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NY Council Extends Term Limit So Bloomberg Can Run Citing the global financial crisis, Michael Bloomberg can run for re-election 因應金融危機,Michael Bloomberg彭博可以競選連任 NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mayor Michael Bloomberg won the right to seek re-election as New York's City Council voted on Thursday to extend the two-term limit for elected officials as the city grapples with the global financial crisis. 彭博市長在星期四贏得了市議會對延長兩次連任的投票,因為城市需要對抗全球金融危機 Bloomberg, a former Wall Street trader and self-made billionaire who was elected in 2001 and in 2005, wants to run again on grounds that his financial experience will be valuable in guiding the city through lean fiscal times ahead. 彭博是個來自華爾街,白手起家的億萬富翁,他認為自己的金融經驗可以帶領這個 城市度過危機,因此必須再度參選。 The 51-member council voted 29-22 to approve the measure. About two-thirds of the council would have been forced out of office under the two-term limit, but they can now run for a third term in the November 2009 election. 51名議員以29票對22票通過這項法案,市議會裡有三分之二的議員因已到連任的限制 而將離開,但他們現在可以第三次參加大選選舉將在明年十一月舉行。 Bloomberg welcomed the decision as the "the right choice." "Those of us who work on both sides of City Hall must now move forward with the important decisions that face us, particularly finding ways to soften the fallout from the economic downturn and balancing our budget as revenues decline," Bloomberg said in a statement. 彭博歡迎這項決定「明智的選擇」 他在一項聲明中表示「我們這些曾在市政府兩頭工作的人,必須帶著這份重要的決定往 前面對自己,特別是經濟衰退所帶來的負面結果,並且平衡我們的稅收。」 "We have a lot of work to do together to get New York through these tough times," said Bloomberg, a longtime Democrat who was elected mayor as a Republican but is now an independent. 「我們將需要作許多工作來讓紐約渡過這艱苦時刻。」彭博曾是長時間的民主黨員, 但他是以共和黨員的身份當選市長,而目前乃是無黨籍。 In 1993 and 1996, New Yorkers voted to limit the mayor and other city officials to two four-year terms. A Quinnipiac University poll on Tuesday found 89 percent of voters say a referendum, not a council vote, should decide the issue. 在1993與1996年,紐約通過了對市長及其他政府公職得連任四年任期。 Quinnipiac大學在週四所作的民調,有89%的受訪者表示這項決議必須經由公民投票, 而非議會表決來決定。 Council Speaker Christine Quinn told the council that New Yorkers could express any disagreement with the council's decision at next year's election by not voting for Bloomberg or other members seeking a third term. "In a time like this what you need is New Yorkers to have the opportunity to have consistent leadership," she said. 議長 Christine Quinn魁英表示,紐約客能在來年的選舉, 透過選票表示他們的不同意見。「在這種時機上,紐約人必須有個陣前不換將的機會。」 A court challenge by two council members -- represented by Randy Mastro, who served as deputy mayor under Bloomberg's predecessor, Rudy Giuliani -- failed on Wednesday to stop the vote. Bloomberg and Quinn rejected holding a referendum on the issue and an amendment proposed on Thursday calling for a referendum was not passed by the council. 兩名議員來自法院的挑戰,以Randy Mastro為代表,他是前任市長朱力安尼的副手, 在週三阻止這項投票失敗。彭博與魁英拒絕接受公投的提案,而為公投案鋪路的 修正案提議在週四並沒有得到支持。 Ten New York taxpayers immediately sued the council, Bloomberg and individual council members in Manhattan federal court, saying their civil right to vote in a referendum on the issue was violated by the council's action on term limits. 十位紐約納稅人立刻在曼哈頓聯邦法院控告議會,彭博及個別的議員, 稱議會否決公投提案是對他們行使市民權利的侵害。 Several council members also pledged to challenge the term limit extension in court. 幾位議員依然聯合試圖能挑戰延長任期的提案。 Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner has pledged to run against Bloomberg in the 2009 election and said the term limit extension was "a sad day for New York's democracy." 將在2009年對抗彭博的民主黨議員 Anthony Weiner懷納表示通過任期延長法案為 「紐約民主史上悲傷的一天」 "Everyone can see that this is a back-room, insider deal that takes away New Yorkers' right to vote. I don't believe it will be forgotten," Weiner told reporters after the vote. 「任何人都可看出這是一項黑箱作業,黑幕帶走了紐約人的投票權。我不相信它會 被遺忘。」懷納回答記者於投票結束後的訪問 Comptroller Bill Thompson, also a candidate for mayor in 2009, called the vote "an affront to New Yorkers." "I am saddened that our mayor and majority of city council members have put individuals before principles. Today our government chose to empower itself rather than the people it serves," he said in a statement. 審計長Bill Thompson湯普森,也是2009的參選者之一, 直呼這項投票是「對紐約人的冒犯」。他透過聲明稿表示 「我對我們的市長及大多數的市議員感到難過,他們竟把個人利益置於法律之上。 今天我們的政府寧可將權力自肥而不願下放於民眾。」 Giuliani sought to stay on as mayor when his second term was ending in 2001 after the September 11 attacks. But his proposal proved unpopular and he backed down. 朱力安尼曾在911事件後要求繼續連任,但他的建議證明是不得人心的, 並導致他的聲望下滑。 http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=6096918 ABC 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 身為台灣人,不可不知天下事 立足台灣,放眼世界 國際事務版 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 PoliticMan 研究 Σ政黨/政治人物研究院 IA 政治 ◎IA國際事務版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: amkust 來自: (10/24 22:02)

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