
看板IA作者 (節能減碳大作戰)時間16年前 (2008/08/12 21:13), 編輯推噓16(16022)
留言38則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1

08/12 15:28,
先打別人然後再來喊暫停 XD
08/12 15:28

08/12 20:45,
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08/12 20:51,
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08/12 20:52,
08/12 20:52
固有領土是看立場吧 美國宣稱兩次非正式公投均主張獨立的南奧賽梯是喬治亞固有領土 怎麼不說西藏跟新疆也是中國固有領土? 怎麼不說柯索沃是南斯拉夫固有領土? 美國主張西藏有人權自由 怎麼不主張南奧賽梯也有人權自由? 怎麼不主張土耳其境內的庫德也有人權自由? 其實 美國默認自己盟邦對自己境內分離主義的打壓(土耳其.喬治亞) 以及運用敵國境內的"分離主義人權"對付敵國(中國.蘇丹.南斯拉夫.俄國) 總是自以為很聰明 殊不知這種雙重標準已經讓其正義原則愈來愈不存在 (比方國際法庭通緝了蘇丹民選總統 可是國際法庭敢通緝對南奧賽梯種族屠殺的薩卡希維利嗎? 連國際法庭都公然走雙重標準 現在國際上還有哪個國際組織具有仲裁的公信力?) 從領土主張或是當地統獨立場 大概也可以知道一個人的國際立場是什麼了 既然某些朋友已經不主張南奧賽梯的"分離主義人權" 而可以默認"喬治亞的領土主權" 以後在講柯索沃或是新疆問題的時候也不需要講啥沒意義的正義原則啦 感覺是騙對方是白痴什麼都不懂一樣 ※ 引述《HuYong (本因坊 怪哉)》之銘言: : 我現在真的覺得格魯吉亞是歐洲民主的燈塔自由的象征 : 想什麼時候開始打仗就開始打﹐什麼時候想喊暫停了就要暫停 : 這讓我想起了愛因斯坦的話﹕“想象力比知識更重要”。 : ※ 引述《pursuistmi (common people)》之銘言: : : Georgia ceasefire fails to halt Russian attack : : By Charles Clover in Gori, Harvey Morris at the United Nationsand Edward Luce : : in Washington : : Published: August 10 2008 19:51 | Last updated: August 10 2008 19:51 : : Georgia on Sunday said it was pulling its troops out of the separatist : : province of South Ossetia but its appeals for a ceasefire in the widening : : conflict in the Caucasus failed to halt Russia’s mounting military response. : : 喬治亞於週日宣稱該國部隊已自南奧賽梯撤出,但看來這個尋求停火的決定並沒有讓 : : 俄國停止他在這爭端不斷擴大的高加索地區逐漸增強的軍事回應。 : : As the focus of the fighting widened from South Ossetia to Abkhazia, another : : separatist region, Russian aircraft were reported to have struck at targets : : inside Georgia, including the civilian airport in the capital Tbilisi. : : 當戰火從南奧賽梯蔓延到另一個鬧分離的Abkhazia,俄國戰機據報攻擊了喬治亞境內的 : : 目標,其中包括喬治亞首都Tbilisi的民用機場。 : : Local officials said Russia also deployed a naval squadron off the coast of : : Abkhazia where local separatists have historically enjoyed Russia’s support. : : 當地官員說,俄國也在Abkhazia沿岸部屬了一隊海軍;在當地的分離主義份子一向受到 : : 俄國的支持。 : : The three-day old war in the former Soviet republic, now a vital supply route : : for oil from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia to Europe, has brought angry : : criticism from both Washington and European Union leaders of Russia’s : : excessive use of force. Georgia claimed that Russia had targeted the : : Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline with at least 30 missiles, although none had : : hit it. : : 這前蘇維埃共和國是現在非常重要的裏海和中亞通往歐洲油氣能源管道。其境內持續三天 : : 的戰爭,已在世界各地激起包括美國和歐盟領袖對於俄國過度動用武力的嚴厲批評。 : : 喬治亞宣稱俄國用起碼三時枚飛彈瞄準Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan油管,雖然還沒有任何一枚 : : 造成傷害。 : : The US warned of “dangerous and disproportionate action” by Moscow. : : 美國警告莫斯科的舉動是「危險且不對等的行動」。 : : In a statement issued in Beijing, the White House said the “dangerous : : escalation” of conflict could have a “significant long-term impact on : : US-Russia relations”. President George W. Bush, who where he is attending : : the Olympics, said: “The attacks are occurring in regions of Georgia far : : from the zone of conflict in South Ossetia. They mark a dangerous escalation : : in the crisis.” : : 白宮一則在北京發出的聲明說,衝突「危險的升級」可能會「對美俄關係造成顯著且長期 : : 的衝擊。」總統布希說,「這些喬治亞地區的攻擊行動是在距離南奧賽梯衝突區域很遠 : : 的地方發生的。這些攻擊顯示此次危機的嚴重升級。」 : : Nicolas Sarkozy, French president and currently in the chair of the EU, : : announced an emergency trip to Russia in an bid to negotiate a ceasefire. : : Bernard Kouchner, his foreign minister, was flying to Tbilisi last night : : before heading for the Russian capital. : : 法國總統和現任歐盟主席薩科奇宣布將緊急拜訪俄國來討論停火事宜。法國外長 : : Bernard Kouchner在前往莫斯科之前,前晚飛到了Tbilisi。 : : As the Russian army consolidated its position in South Ossetia, Moscow’s : : overall aims were yet to be made clear. Russia’s president Dmitry Medvedev : : on Sunday said that Georgia should unconditionally withdraw its forces from : : the conflict zone and sign a pledge not to attack South Ossetia. : : 現在當俄軍鞏固了其在南奧賽梯的軍事位置,莫斯科的總體目標仍不明朗。俄國總統 : : Medvedev禮拜天說,喬治亞應該無條件將其武裝部隊自衝突區域撤離,並簽署絕不攻擊 : : 南奧賽梯的保證。 : : Georgia’s president Mikheil Saakashvili accused Russia of seeking to take : : over his country. “They want the whole of Georgia,” he said in a magazine : : interview. Officials said the Georgian armed forces had suffered heavy losses : : before they withdrew from South Ossetia. : : 喬治亞總統Saakashvili指控俄國想要佔領他的國家。「他們要吞下喬治亞,」他在一個 : : 雜誌訪問中說。官員說喬治亞武裝力量在撤離南奧賽梯前受到嚴重損失。 : : In New York, the United Nations Security Council met to tackle the mounting : : crisis and the US and other western states were expected to press for a : : formal UN resolution demanding a ceasefire in what envoys described as the : : most serious world crisis in years. : : 在紐約的聯合國安理會為這次不斷抬升的危機召開會議,而美國和其他西方國家應會 : : 希望達成一個正式的聯合國決議來要求停火。這是安理會成員形容為近年來最嚴重的 : : 世界危機。 : : At least two thousand people, including soldiers and civilians, are estimated : : to have died on both sides. : : 雙方總共至少兩千軍民喪生。 : : Moscow has yet to respond to individual appeals from its Security Council : : partners to end the fighting after Georgia said it was pulling its troops out. : : 莫斯科還沒有針對各安理會成員要求,即在喬治亞宣稱已經撤離部隊後停止在喬治亞 : : 的軍事行動,做出回應。 : : Vitaly Churkin, Russian ambassador to the UN, said the Georgian announcement : : had yet to be matched by developments on the ground. “If they want to pull : : out, they are welcome to do that,” he said. : : 俄國駐聯合國大使Churkin說喬治亞的聲明還沒有兌現。「如果他們要撤離,他們的 : : 舉動是受歡迎的,」他說。 : : The UN’s fourth emergency session in three days was marked by a stiff : : exchange between the Russian and US envoys, reminiscent of the Cold War. : : 聯合國三天內第四次緊急會議中,展現的是俄國和美國代表團之間尖銳的唇槍舌戰, : : 似乎有冷戰時代的味道。 : : Zalmay Khalilzad, US ambassador to the UN, said Russia was guilty of grave : : violations of Georgia’s territory and had shown intransigence in the face of : : international demands for a ceasefire. : : 美國駐聯合國大使Khalilzad說,俄國對於喬治亞領土造成嚴重侵犯,並面對國際社會 : : 呼籲停火的要求展現不願妥協的態度。 : : Meanwhile, Irakli Alasania, Georgia’s ambassador to the UN, accused Russia : : of indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations that he said could not be : : defended in the face of Russia’s peacekeeping mission in the region. : : 喬治亞駐聯合國大使則指控俄國無差別轟炸平民人口,他宣稱因為俄國在當地的維和 : : 任務使這些平民無法被保護。 : : In Washington, the crisis prompted a clash between the Republican and : : Democratic camps, with John McCain accusing Barack Obama’s campaign of “ : : siding with the Kremlin”. : : 民主黨和共和黨兩陣營則為這次危機陷入激辯。McCain指控Obama陣營「為克里姆林宮 : : 站邊」。 : : Mr McCain was responding to a statement by the Obama campaign that : : highlighted the role of a senior McCain adviser who previously lobbied for : : the government of Georgia. : : McCain是在針對Obama陣營發佈的一份聲明,指出一名McCain的顧問曾經為喬治亞政府 : : 擔任說客。 : : (可參考USATODAY:http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/ : : 2008-05-20-mccainadviser_n.htm) : : In Abkhazia, separatist leaders deployed troops and heavy weapons along the : : ceasefire line, according to Edmond Mulet of the UN’s peacekeeping : : department. International observers had reported the bombardment of nearby : : Georgian villages. : : 根據聯合國維和部門的Edmond Mulet,Abkhazia分離份子領袖沿著停火協定線部署軍隊 : : 和重型武器。國際監視機構報導,附近一些喬治亞村落被砲火襲擊。 : : Additional reporting by Catherine Belton in Moscow : : Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008 : : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/077576b6-670b-11dd-808f-0000779fd18c.html : : 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 美國50州第一彈: 阿拉巴馬Alabama(AL).亞利桑那Arizona(AZ).康乃狄克Connecticut(CT). 喬治亞Georgia(GA).愛達荷Idaho(ID).堪薩斯Kansas(KS). 麻薩諸塞Massachusetts(MA).密西根Michigan(MI).密西西比Mississippi(MS) 北卡羅來納North Carolina(NC).紐澤西New Jersey(NJ).紐約New York(NY) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: undusted:轉錄至看板 CrossStrait 08/12 21:13 ※ 編輯: undusted 來自: (08/12 21:27)

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08/12 22:07, , 5F
貌似他並無意在 獨.住民自決/主權完整 上擇一立場
08/12 22:07, 5F

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08/12 22:47, , 19F
原來老美這樣玩是世界警察 老俄這樣玩就變成大壞蛋了
08/12 22:47, 19F

08/12 22:51, , 20F
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08/12 22:52, , 21F
好吧 又是比爛哲學,繼續比吧 最好連中國也放進來比
08/12 22:52, 21F

08/12 22:53, , 22F
請先定義什麼是中國 再來定義什麼是固有領土
08/12 22:53, 22F

08/12 23:05, , 23F
有人想學宋襄公 可惜老俄沒那麼笨
08/12 23:05, 23F

08/13 00:23, , 24F
F 與其在這裡一直酸俄羅斯 不如多討論點國際關係
08/13 00:23, 24F

08/13 00:24, , 25F
況且你指稱別人護航的動機感覺有點可議 還有 不是跟
08/13 00:24, 25F

08/13 00:24, , 26F
你意見不一樣的就是大陸青青 這樣幫人家貼標籤 您是
08/13 00:24, 26F

08/13 00:25, , 27F
詞窮了嗎? 拿點好料出來就不用這種怪招了吧
08/13 00:25, 27F

08/13 00:26, , 28F
推這邊 對國際現實看的很清晰 實力才是王道阿
08/13 00:26, 28F

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