[轉錄][新聞] Nash哭哭,Barnes嘻嘻

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: IamBeasley (Beasley) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] Nash哭哭,Barnes嘻嘻 時間: Fri Dec 12 00:23:49 2008 Just like Nash was separated from Dirk Nowitzki by Dallas owner Mark Cuban's unwillingness to match a Suns offer in 2004, Nash has been split from his basketball buddy again by a basketball decision. "It's tough," Nash said after a big exhale. "While I'll welcome my new teammates with open arms, it's tough when you lose your best friend. It's tough when you lose two of your best buddies. It's tough and it hurts. It's tough." Nash was boarding the team bus at the hotel Wednesday afternoon when he received a friend's text message, reading, "It's a tough business." He called Bell, who was already at the airport because he didn't want to wake Nash from his usual game-day afternoon nap. Nash seemed as if he was blindsided by the news. "A little bit, yeah," said Nash, searching for words he couldn't find. "Um, a little bit, yeah." Nash said it has become the nature of the NBA business for teams to change very quickly. It's still hard for him to look at what fruits may come of the basketball side of the decision. "I know we've got two good players, that's for sure," Nash said. "It is tough when you're thinking about that emotionally. "I was pretty flat emotionally (in Wednesday's game). I had a tough one . . . I struggled. I was emotionally drained and just couldn't give the guys what they needed tonight to get the win but I'm proud of these guys. They played hard tonight. They played well." 就如同2004年一樣,當時他與好友Nowitzki分開. 這讓人感覺很難受。”Nash深吸一口氣說,“當然我會張開雙臂迎接我的新隊友,但是, 失去我最親密的朋友,真的很讓人難受。他們都是我的好朋友,這讓我深受打擊。太難受 了。” 周三下午,當Nash登上球隊巴士的時候,他收到了朋友的簡訊,內容是,“生意就是這麼 殘酷。”他馬上打電話給Bell,Bell當時已經在飛機場,Nash在比賽當天的下午總有 小睡的習慣,而Bell並不想打擾Nash的休息。看起來,這個交易的消息讓Nash整個人 都呆滯了。“是的。”Nash努力尋找著一個事實上他無法找到的準確的詞語,“我真的有 點傻眼了。” “我清楚,我們得到了兩名非常優秀的球員,這是毫無疑問的。”Nash說,“當你感性地 思考這一切,不自覺地陷入傷感,你真的會難受到死。周三的比賽中我完全無精打採。我 的狀態糟透了。我沒辦法幫助隊友打出最佳狀態,但是我真的為我的夥伴們感到自豪。他 們打得非常努力。他們幹得漂亮極了。” Nash went 2 of 12 from the field Wednesday, going 0 for 6 in the first half, and finishing with seven points. His nine assists did tie him with the legendary Bob Cousy for 13th on the NBA's career assists list but he could have cared less, if he had even noticed. "I hope it's not a situation where they are just trying to blow it up," Nash said. "I think we still have got a chance to be a really good team. There's time to incorporate the new guys. "(Richardson) is a great scorer. I think he'll fit in offensively obviously. Our transition game, he'll fit right in. There's a lot of positives Jason will find coming to our team." Nash dismissed that Bell had been any sort of drain because of his obvious disenchantment for the changes that coach Terry Porter made. "He is my best buddy and he's my best friend and the guys loved him," Nash said. 就在太陽輸給湖人的這場比賽中,Nash全場僅僅12投2中,上半場6投0中,最終僅僅拿到 了7分。雖然他的9次助攻讓他追平了Bob Cousy的生涯總助攻數從而在NBA歷史上排到了第 13名,但是,他看起來對此一點都不在意。 “我希望我們現在不是整個砍掉重練。”Nash說,“我覺得我們還是有機會成為一支強 大的球隊。我們還有時間去幫助新的隊友融入進來。Richardson是非常好的得分手。我 相信他肯定會很快適應我們的進攻。我們的攻防轉換會讓他如魚得水。在我們的球隊, 他會打得很舒服。” 當然,Nash也在全力維護著Bell,他並不認為這個曾經的最佳防守陣容球員真的已經江郎 才盡,在他看來,Terry Porter在球隊實施改革是相當顯而易見的。 “Bell是我最好的兄弟,他是我最好的朋友,所有人都喜歡他。”Nash說。 Nowitzki was his best friend too. There was some preparation for that moment, though, because Nash knew he was going to be a free agent, although he never believed he would leave Dallas. "It's hard," Nash said. "I have a hard time committing to this as a business. I take this personally and I take my career home with me. I care about my teammates. When you lose two of your best friends on the team suddenly, it's hard." "It (recreating chemistry takes time, that's for sure. We're not only recreating chemistry. We're changing our style a little bit. That's been difficult. There's been a few moving parts." Nash was already among the players talking about how there hasn't been enough fun with the team this season. Between losing Mike D'Antoni as coach and Bell leaving, could this affect his long-term future in Phoenix. Nash's contract expires after the 2009-10 season. "I knew you were going to go there," Nash said. "I don't know. Like I said before about the 2010 speculation, it's so far away. I just want to try to win as many games as I can and then I'll worry about it after." 當年,Nowitzki也是Nash的好朋友。但是當時至少他還有一些些心理準備,畢竟他知道自 己即將成為自由球員. 當然了,當時Nash還是不太相信自己真的會離開達拉斯。 “這真的很艱難。”Nash說,“這樣的商業化運作真的很難讓我接受。我只能自己撫慰自 己的心情。我要對我的隊友負責。當我突然之間同時失去兩名最要好的朋友,真的,糟透 了。” “重建化學反應當然是是需要時間的,不僅於此,我們肯定還要進行一些調整。這會相當 艱難。我們的戰術跑位都會有變化。” 有關太陽的未來,有關Nash的未來,Nash顯得很淡然:“我知道你們肯定要討論這種話題 。我不知道。我早就說過了,2010年還遠著呢,我現在只想儘可能贏下更多的比賽,然後 ,我才會去考慮這種問題。” ------------------------ 如果說太陽和山貓這筆交易中,有誰是第一時間感到一絲喜悅,那一定是Matt Barnes。 2007年季後賽,他與Richardson並肩作戰那一幕仍歷歷在目。相信不會有人忘記那 個夏天,Monta Ellis、Baron Davis、Stephon Jackson和Barnes與Richardson在那個金 黃色的甲骨文球館上演了老八傳奇。 “那一年,我們在金州勇士瘋狂砲轟,而他是我們的關鍵先生。”Barnes說,“我們的隊 伍裡有Jackson,有Davis,有那麼多的天才球員,但是關鍵時刻,我們就會把球交給理查 德森。所以,我真的很高興又能與他在一支球隊。我們會熱情歡迎他,然後幫助他儘快適 應新的環境。” “現在,我們的球隊煥然一新,我們擁有了能夠勝任搖擺人的好傢伙。”Barnes說。 再次回憶當年的黑老八,Barnes和Richardson的組合顯然功不可沒。“現在的進攻體系 與當時老尼在金州倡導的一模一樣,就是不斷地跑不斷地跑。”Barnes說,“他是個 非常恐怖的三分手。他運動力十足,並且防守也很強悍,所以我覺得他很適合我們。” 兩位新同學預計將於周五抵達鳳凰城接受體檢,一切順利的話就會在周五晚上主場迎戰 奧蘭多魔術的比賽中正式登場。“我當然也會想念Bell和Diaw。”Barnes說,“我與他們 還有Singletary的關係都不錯。生意當然很殘酷,但是能與Richardson再次同隊,我是 說,這傢伙,我從在勇士的時候就開始深愛與他一起打球了,他在攻防兩端都是超級 強悍,同時他在二號位上是個非常可怕的關鍵型殺手,想想看吧,我真的覺得這能給我 們球隊帶來很大的幫助。” “我並不想故意冒犯山貓,但是說實話,能從山貓來到太陽,對他以及他家人來說都是很 不錯的機遇。”Barnes說,“之前我也跟他聊過了。他現在興奮極了,他已經迫不及待要 離開夏洛特。好吧,歡迎來到鳳凰城太陽。” -- █◣◢█ ███◣ MIAMI HEAT ◥█ ψBrandonRoy █◣ █◣ █◥◤█ █◣ █◣ █◣ █ ◢█◣ ◢◤ █ █ ◢◤ ◥◣ ◤◢ █◢◥█ █ █◤◢ ◥█ ◥◣ █◤ ◥◤ █ ◥█◤ ▅ █ ███◤ ◥█◤ ██ ◥█◤ █◤ █◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: IamBeasley 來自: (12/12 00:24)

12/12 00:25,
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12/12 00:25
lovefordidi:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns 12/12 00:26

12/12 00:26,
呵呵 對厚 巴恩斯鐵定超懷念綠茶嬸 巴恩斯也是激情四射啊
12/12 00:26
lovefordidi:轉錄至看板 SteveNash13 12/12 00:26

12/12 00:26,
Nash 哭哭
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12/12 00:27,
翻譯真好...太陽組成從Nash進去的全盛到現在 轉變好大
12/12 00:27

12/12 00:27,
其實對Nash來說還比較好 我覺得交易完的陣容比較強
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12/12 00:28,
Nash總有午睡的習慣 Bell並不想打擾Nash的休息...
12/12 00:28

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12/12 00:31,
NASH神 真性情阿~ 這就是NASH 永遠的NASH!! 推阿~
12/12 00:31

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12/12 00:38,
NASH 回小牛吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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12/12 00:39,
NASH + JK 哇 好屌~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XD
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12/12 00:48,
Nash還是去NY好了 搞不好能跟LBJ合作~
12/12 00:48

12/12 00:49,
我是說2010年 加上Mike到時還在執教就更好了
12/12 00:49

12/12 00:52,
借轉山貓,感謝 :)
12/12 00:52
-- 理直,氣和。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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