[新聞] 虎爸新專輯MV- Is This The Day

看板Hoobastank作者 (Gina)時間13年前 (2010/07/23 13:14), 編輯推噓8(806)
留言14則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
果然是拿手的虎式抒情歌, 看了感覺是一個洗盡鉛華的人回首過往... 感覺這首歌會很難唱,又是轉調又是高音的 8/4日本發行 8/10美盤發行!!! 希望台灣可以進口!!!! 歌詞: Is this the day? My final curtain call What have I done? Looking back on it all So many have cried Out of love, out of vain Unsaid goodbyes Is this the day... And if it is I'll be ok With letting go of everything I leave it all behind It's been quite a ride So many laughs, so many tears All my dreams and All my fears Will all get washed away If this is the day Is this the day? That I've been preparing for Mending the wounds That I should've done before And all of our love Love that I gave away Will I know what it's for Is there something more I'll find out If this is the day And if it is I'll be ok With letting go of everything I leave it all behind It's been quite a ride So many laughs, so many tears All my dreams and All my fears Will all get washed away If this is the day Is this the day that I finally get answers To the questions that I've had so long And is this the day That there'll be no tomorrow For tomorrow I could be gone But you don't have to cry I will be alright You don't have to cry I will be alright Cause if it is I'll be ok With letting go of everything I leave it all behind It's been quite a ride So many laughs, so many tears All my dreams and All my fears Will all get washed away If this is the day If it is I'll be ok With letting go of everything I leave it all behind With no sad goodbyes So many laughs, so many tears All my dreams and All my fears Will all get washed away If this is the day If this is the day If this is the day Cause I will be alright -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 16:21, , 1F
推阿 感覺就是很有難度的歌XD~ 且跟以往比蠻不同的!!<3 IT
07/23 16:21, 1F

07/23 16:58, , 2F
鼓聲乍聽之下很像so close,so far
07/23 16:58, 2F

07/24 01:03, , 3F
我寫信去問環球 他們說會發 可是不知道什麼時候......
07/24 01:03, 3F

07/24 01:42, , 4F
期待!!好想快點拿到日盤>///< 台壓通常要稍等一陣子…
07/24 01:42, 4F

07/24 10:36, , 5F
07/24 10:36, 5F

07/24 12:23, , 6F
07/24 12:23, 6F

07/24 12:27, , 7F
07/24 12:27, 7F

07/24 12:30, , 8F
07/24 12:30, 8F

07/25 01:33, , 9F
07/25 01:33, 9F

08/05 08:42, , 10F
08/05 08:42, 10F

08/06 21:02, , 11F
08/06 21:02, 11F

08/08 21:44, , 12F
我昨天夢到我買到虎爸新專輯了!! 可惜不是真的
08/08 21:44, 12F

08/09 23:47, , 13F
話說板主不是已經拿到了 怎麼不開箱!!!
08/09 23:47, 13F

08/11 10:18, , 14F
08/11 10:18, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1CIILIWW (Hoobastank)