[家教] 台北/新北 ap calculus

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(代po,請聯絡家長line) 1. 對象 Student: A digilent, hardworking high school senior with background in Calcu lus (recently earned a 5 on the AP Calculus AB Exam) 2. 地點 Location: Taipei, Taiwan 3. 科目 Subject: AP Calculus BC (Content instruction, Preparation for class quizzes, tests, semester exams, and the external AP Exam) 4. 時間 When: Weekends, 2hrs-3hrs per session, 1-2 sessions per week 5. 時薪:800~1600NTD/hr Tuition: Negotiable depending on credentials. 6.條件 Requirements: 1.Native or bilingual fluency in English, as all lessons are taught complete ly in English. 2. Familiarly with AP Calculus BC material and relevant content extensions t hat may appear on in-class assessments 3. Excellent communication skills, with the ability to explain things clearl y and in different ways if needed, in addition to being patient and attentiv e Plus/Preferred: 1. Experience teaching AP Calculus to high school students 2. Experience tutoring international school students 3. Experience conducting instruction in English 7. 聯絡方式 If you are interested, please add “renireneeyun” on LINE. Please provide a resume of your teaching experience and educational background, and explain how you would fit the requirements above. In addition, please indicate your availability and what hourly rate you would like to charge. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HomeTeach/M.1628299521.A.278.html
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