[新聞] Hingis上訴遭駁回 禁賽兩年

看板Hingis作者 (VStarr)時間16年前 (2008/01/04 22:54), 編輯推噓3(300)
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還要繳回溫網後的獎金(約十三萬美金) 不過公主都退役了禁賽幹嘛= = Decision in the case of Martina Hingis The International Tennis Federation announced today that an independent Anti-Doping Tribunal convened under the 2007 Tennis Anti-Doping Programme has found that Martina Hingis, a 27-year-old Swiss tennis player, has committed a Doping Offence. Following a two-day hearing in December 2007, an independent Anti-Doping Tribunal found that a sample provided by Ms Hingis on 29 June 2007 at the Wimbledon Championships in London, England, had tested positive for a metabolite of cocaine. Cocaine and its metabolites are Prohibited Substances under WADA’s 2007 List of Prohibited Substances and are therefore also prohibited under the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme. The Tribunal rejected the suggestion made on behalf of Ms Hingis that there were doubts about the identity and/or integrity of the sample attributed to her. It therefore found that she had committed a Doping Offence under Article C.1 of the Programme (presence of a Prohibited Substance in player’s sample). The Tribunal also rejected Ms Hingis’ plea of No (or No Significant) Fault or Negligence, on the basis that no mitigation was possible as it had not been shown how the cocaine entered her system. It therefore ruled, in accordance with the sanctions prescribed by the World Anti-Doping Code, that Ms Hingis be suspended from participation for a period of two years, commencing on 1 October 2007, and that her results from The Wimbledon Championships and subsequent events should be disqualified, with the resulting forfeiture of the ranking points and repayment of the prize money (totalling a sum of $129,481) that she won at those events. The Tribunal’s written decision with reasons is available as a PDF file on www.itftennis.com/antidoping. Any party wishing to appeal the decision will have three weeks to do so from receipt of the written decision. The Tennis Anti-Doping Programme is a comprehensive and internationally recognised anti-doping programme that applies to all players competing at tournaments sanctioned by the ITF, ATP and WTA Tour. Players are tested for substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency and upon a finding that a Doping Offence has been committed sanctions are imposed in accordance with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code. More background information on the Programme, sanctions, tennis statistics and related information can be found at www.itftennis.com/antidoping. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/04 23:21, , 1F
雖然很難過...但看到大大貼突槌 我笑了... (最後的"幹麻")
01/04 23:21, 1F
XD sorry ※ 編輯: VWilliams 來自: (01/04 23:27)

01/05 02:10, , 2F
哀 討厭的新聞..... 希望不是真的
01/05 02:10, 2F

01/05 17:46, , 3F
01/05 17:46, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #17VaYawt (Hingis)