[澳網] 決賽賽後訪問

看板Henin作者 ( New Start )時間14年前 (2010/01/31 02:06), 編輯推噓13(1307)
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http://tinyurl.com/ydlf6m3 An interview with: JUSTINE HENIN THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. Q. Disappointed but proud? Q: 失望但值得驕傲? JUSTINE HENIN: Of course disappointed, I mean, when you lose in the final of a Grand Slam, especially in three sets, and I got a few opportunities that I haven't been able to take. 當然是失望的,但我指的是這樣的輸球方式,當你在大滿貫決賽又是三盤輸球時,而且 是我沒有把握住那些許的機會。 But this feeling of disappointment cannot take, you know, uhm, advantage on all the things I've done in the last few weeks. And it's just more than what I could expect for. I just have to remember that. 即使是令人失望的,能完成第二週賽事仍然勝於一切,超乎我的預期,我會記住它。 Even if it's quite soon after the match now, I'm sure there will be a lot of positive things I can think about in a few days. Uhm, it's been almost perfect. Just the last step, I couldn't make it. Yeah, it's mixed feeling at the moment. In a few hours I'm sure it's going to be much better. 即使剛結束比賽不久的現在,我確信仍然有許多正面的事情能夠在接下來幾天回想, 那幾乎快要完美,就差最後一步未能完成。此刻有很多不一樣的情緒, 但我相信再過幾個鐘頭後一切會更好。 Q. Was fitness a factor in the last set? Q: 在第三盤有健康因素影響嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I don't think so. I mean, physically I know I have to work hard when I go back home 'cause, you know, I suffered a lot in this tournament. But we knew it. I mean, I've been to a certain stage, and now we'll have to go to the next step physically. 我不覺得。事實上我知道當我回家後必須要更努力一點,在這個賽事,我受了不少傷 但已經在這樣的舞台了。所以現在我們必須往下一站前進了。 No, I think you have to deal with this kind of situation I'm not used to anymore. It's been a long time I haven't been in this situation. Everything went pretty fast in the last four weeks, so it wasn't that easy for me to deal with. 我想必須要去應付這種我從來不習慣的情況,已經很長一段時間不曾這樣。過去四周 一切來的很快,所以對我而言不太容易去應付 So I haven't been in my best, of course. I kept fighting a lot. I got a lot of breakpoints in the first set, and it was very difficult for me to break her in the first. And then the big opportunity in the beginning of the third set, I started to play much better at the end of the second, really aggressive. 所以我不是在我最好的狀態,當然我還是持續戰鬥著,在第一盤得到很多破發點, 但十分困難去破發,然後在第三盤的開始,延續第二盤的積極,有著很大的機會 She was under pressure. She served unbelievable in that game. I was up 1 Love in the third, and what happened if I could break her at that time. But she's a real champion. She plays the right shot at the right time. She served great at that time. After that, mentally was a little bit harder to stay in the match. So I wouldn't say physically. I'm tired, of course, especially now after the match. But for the rest, it was okay. 她承受住壓力,發球發的很好。在第三盤我只有一個直接保發,如果我可以在那時 破發球局,那會變成如何。但她是個真正的冠軍。她發球很好,也在適當的時機打出 對的球,在那之後,精神上有點難以集中在比賽裡 所以我很難說我累了,尤其是剛比賽後的現在。但經過休息後會好的。 Q. What does this mean for you now for your career going forward, what you've been able to achieve here? Q: 你在這裡達到的,對你現在代表了什麼?對你的生涯發展代表? JUSTINE HENIN: I'll keep a lot of good things. Now it's gonna be probably time for me to work a few more weeks and coming back in a few weeks. Just take some rest and then work again. And I learned a lot of things in the last few weeks. Many things were positive in my game, on and off the court. I think I really enjoyed every moment of it. 我會記得許多好的事,現在應該是工作幾周然後休息幾周再繼續工作 在過去幾周學會許多事,球場內外都有許多正面的,我享受於每個時光 But I also know the way is still long in terms of where I want to go as a tennis player, and I know I'll have to work harder. And I'm gonna do it, for sure. I mean, what I did was just amazing in the last few weeks. Maybe I could be home after the match against Dementieva, and I went all the way to the final. So I keep a lot of good things now. 但我也知道,要到達想成為的那種網球球員,仍舊有一長段路,所以我必需更努力些 過去幾周我所做的是令人驚奇的。也許對戴娃時,可能就被淘汰了,但我走到了 最後決賽,所以現在我留住了許多好的事。 Q. Considering your comeback, what were your realistic expectations coming into the tournament? Q: 考慮到你的回歸,什麼是你回到球場實際的期望? JUSTINE HENIN: I didn't know really what to expect. I was ready to live, like I said, the best and the worst. And it's been very good almost till the end. No, I was curious about what my level would be and how I was going to deal with just the atmosphere on and off the court, how it would feel. And it's been -- I felt I took the right decision, so it's good enough for me already. I got the results also in the last four weeks: two finals. So I can be really happy about that. 我不知道真正所期待的。我準備好經歷最好和最壞的。而到最後幾乎是很好的 我好奇於我的水準在哪,該如何處理球場內外的氣氛,將如何感受。而我覺得 我做了正確決定,所以那就已經足夠了,過去四周,兩個決賽,對此我是開心的 Q. What surprised you most? Q: 哪部分是你最驚奇的? JUSTINE HENIN: Uhm, well, to be on the court today maybe (smiling). No, I think it's very warm now to talk about that. In a few days I'll be able to think about all what I live in the last few weeks. But, no, just the way I felt. The way I felt and the way I could deal with different kind of situations. Today wasn't enough, of course, but generally very positive. 也許是今天站在場上(XD)。我想現在是非常興奮去談論它,接下來幾天我可能會 想著過去幾周我是如何過的。我所感受的,在不同情況下我所可以處理的。今天當然是 不足夠的但大致說來非常的正面。 Q. What are your plans now going forward? What tournaments? Q: 你現在有計畫接著要參加哪些賽事嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's probably going to be Indian Wells next step for me. Probably, yeah. I just need a few more days to take my decisions and really make a plan and talk with Carlos about that. But that should be the most appropriate option. Indian Wells應該是確定的,其它的還要和Carlos討論,但應該會有適當的選項 Q. What about the kind of reception you got from the fans? Q: 你從球迷那裏得到哪樣的反應? JUSTINE HENIN: They gave me an unbelievable support. And it was, I mean, for me very important to realize that they like the fact that I'm back. And, like I said, I mean, Australian fans and people are so nice, and they know about tennis. They wanted me to win. They gave me everything they could. I think it was fantastic support. It was the best place to start again. 他們給了我難以相信的支持,對我來說很重要的是了解他們喜歡我回來的這個事實。 就像我說,澳洲的球迷很親切,他們了解網球。他們想要我贏球,他們給了我任何 他們可以給的,我想這是驚人的支持。(為什麼覺得很場面話XD) 作為開始這是個最好的地方 Q. Serena said you could be ranked No. 1 at the end of this year. You definitely have the possibility. What do you think? Q: 小威說你可以在年終排名升至世界第一,你自己是怎麼想的呢? JUSTINE HENIN: Oh, I don't think about that. It's too far away. I'll be focused on what I have to improve in the next few weeks, the next few months. I've only played two tournaments. It's the end of January. The season is still very long. I want to enjoy every moment I spend on the court and be very smart about the calendar and everything. 我沒有想過這個,那還太遙遠了。我將專注於接下來幾個禮拜、幾個月我該改進的。 才一月底,這賽季還非常的長,才打了兩個比賽,我想要享受每個在場上的時間 及變得更聰明。 Winning big tournaments, just get better, get better, get better. That's my motivation, and the rest comes. If I get better, if I improve, if I work hard, the rest will come. So I'm not focused on who's No. 1 or whatever at the moment or where I can be in a few months. I have some goals, of course, but I just don't want to look too far. Everything went pretty fast, fast enough already in the last four weeks. It's just time to calm down and think about the future. 要贏得大比賽需要變得更好,那將會是我的動力。如果我變得更好,如果我進步些, 如果我更努力一點,其餘的自然就會來。所以我並不專注於誰是世界第一,現在如何, 或幾個月內我可以在哪 我當然有些目標,但我不想看得太遠。 過去四周事情發展得太快,現在是時候冷靜一下,思考未來 Q. Is the competitive part of the game mentally being out there in those types of moments? Is that something that comes back gradually, or is that innate and you have it or you don't? Q: 在比賽中最具競爭性的地方是如何讓精神狀態進入比賽嗎? 那是逐漸形成的 還是與生俱來的,而你是否擁有? JUSTINE HENIN: No, you work on it, of course. Even if probably when you have the determination and a lot of things, you have this at the beginning, but you can improve a lot. I mean, I improved a lot in that part of my game in the last few years, you know. 沒有,是你運作得來的。即使你有可能在一開始擁有它,當你擁有決心和其它東西時, 但你必須增進更多,在過去幾年,我在比賽中增進這部分。 Now I have to probably work again on it. But in the past, I mean, I was quite fragile when I was younger, then got really stronger in the important situations. And Serena proved again that she has it. But with the competition and these kind of match, I'm sure I'll learn a lot of things from this. 現在我必須再次運作它。但在過去。當我年經時很脆弱,在重要時刻才真的變的堅強。 然而小威再次證明她擁有它。 但在像這樣的比賽裡,我確信我在此學到了很多。 Q. What was it like when you walked out of the quiet hallway and onto center court and you heard that applause? You had this big smile on your face. Had you forgotten what that felt like? Q: 那是怎樣的感覺,當你走出安靜的長廊到達球場,然後聽到了掌聲 ? 在你面前看到了 許多笑容,你是否忘記這是怎樣的感覺? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it's a long time ago it didn't happen. So, uhm, yeah, it was emotional of course. I was feeling nervous, of course. But it was great. I mean, to play this kind of match that we play in tennis, it was a very good feeling. It was a bit harder after that. But at that moment, it was a very nice moment. 對,那很久都沒有發生了。是有點激起情緒的,我感到些許緊張,但在這樣的網球 賽事裡,那依舊是很好的感覺。雖然接下來發生的有點辛苦, 但在那一刻,是非常美好的時刻 Q. Have you got a thought on tomorrow night's match at all? Q: 你對明天的比賽有什麼看法嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: I'll be flying at that time, so... Well, I'm sure it's going to be a great match. For me, maybe the two best players of the world at the moment. I don't know, Andy Murray is such a smart player. What he's doing on the court is just fantastic. Roger, what can we say more than what he's doing? I mean, I have so much respect. I still think he's gonna win. But I hope and I'm sure it's going to be a great battle. 那時我應該在飛機上了...我確信那將會是場很棒的比賽,對我來說這也許是目前世界 最好的兩位球員,Murray 是個聰明的球員,他在場上的表現只能用驚人來形容。 而Roger,我們還可以對他說什麼呢,我非常尊敬他,我依舊相信他會贏得比賽,但我 希望也確信它將會是場好的對戰。 Q. Apart from today's final, what was the other highlight of this tournament? What one memory will you take away of these two weeks? Q: 除了今天的決賽,在此賽事還有什麼其它精彩時刻? 你將會帶走這兩個禮拜的哪一段回憶? JUSTINE HENIN: It's very hard to keep one moment. But when I beat Dementieva, it was a very good moment because the quality of the match was very, very good, and it was a match that I was, yeah, waiting for. It was a very good memory for me. But generally, the way I felt in the last few weeks has been fantastic. So I go back with only good things. 很難選擇某一個時刻,但當我遇到戴娃,那是個很好的時刻因為那場比賽的質量非常 的好,而也是我所等待的那種比賽,對我來說那是非常好的回憶。 但平心而論,過去幾周我所感受到的都是難以置信的,所以只會有好的感覺與我一起回去 -- Every game, every match. I know that I've been consistent despite injuries and some tough times, so I've got nothing to prove, except to myself.” < Justine Henin > -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/31 02:10, , 1F
以前 Ju的賽訪有這麼長嗎?XDD 現在動不動就1.20頁XD
01/31 02:10, 1F

01/31 02:11, , 2F
我必須誠實的說,以前我都不看賽後訪談的 哈哈
01/31 02:11, 2F

01/31 02:12, , 3F
好讓人感動的賽後訪問…Allez Justine!!!繼續進步喔! ^^
01/31 02:12, 3F
※ 編輯: football 來自: (01/31 02:16)

01/31 02:16, , 5F
我是一直都有看賽後訪問的習慣, 可以多知道、瞭解很多事
01/31 02:16, 5F

01/31 02:17, , 6F
01/31 02:17, 6F

01/31 02:17, , 7F
不過現在也是覺得可以知道更多 所以就順便PO一下
01/31 02:17, 7F

01/31 02:20, , 8F
推版主翻譯辛苦了 也推tenin22 太快自刪了吧XD
01/31 02:20, 8F

01/31 02:22, , 9F
哈 其實我只是無聊亂翻 本來想存檔的 但我不會用= ="
01/31 02:22, 9F

01/31 02:23, , 10F
只會推文 很少發文
01/31 02:23, 10F

01/31 02:25, , 11F
t大也刪太快.. 我還想說是我眼花看錯嗎^^"
01/31 02:25, 11F

01/31 02:26, , 12F
翻得很流暢 版大辛苦啦~~~
01/31 02:26, 12F

01/31 02:32, , 13F
我沒有看到耶 其實可以留著阿^^"
01/31 02:32, 13F

01/31 02:37, , 14F
01/31 02:37, 14F

01/31 02:39, , 15F
我就是看上面那個連結感謝fishmand︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿
01/31 02:39, 15F

01/31 03:06, , 16F
01/31 03:06, 16F

01/31 08:56, , 17F
今天去官網後interview 發現ju回來後 講話落落長
01/31 08:56, 17F

01/31 12:20, , 18F
講話愈長愈好愈久愈好 身為球迷的我們很開心的 :)
01/31 12:20, 18F

01/31 13:22, , 19F
Ju的致詞真的好感動 雖然有點失望但還是很有風度:)
01/31 13:22, 19F

01/31 13:22, , 20F
我喜歡她給Carlos和教練團的big smile :D
01/31 13:22, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1BP7Kyul (Henin)