[澳網] 八強賽後訪問

看板Henin作者 ( New Start )時間14年前 (2010/01/26 18:29), 編輯推噓8(804)
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http://tinyurl.com/yat25c6 An interview with: JUSTINE HENIN THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. Q. How would you grade 'Justine Henin' in that match? Q: 在這場比賽,對你自己評幾分? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it wasn't my best, of course. But it was difficult to play night match again two days ago and be first at 11:00. It's been kind of strange as I had to get used to another rhythm. Today was my first match in the sun actually since I was in Australia. We were playing under the roof in Brisbane. Here I've played almost every match in night session. And it was quite cloudy the other day when I played in the day. It was really difficult to find the good rhythm. 這不是我最好的表現,但在經過兩天前艱辛的夜間賽事後,今天又排在11點,使我必須 習慣於另外一種節奏。今天其實是我在澳洲第一場在太陽下的比賽,在Brisbane時我們 關上屋頂打球。其他比賽的日子裡,大多都像是夜間賽事般的多雲,所以有點難找到對 的節奏 I felt energy in a few games, and then the intensity, I lost it a little bit, especially in the beginning of the second set. Just tried to stay calm. When I had to play well in the tiebreak, and at 5-All also in the second, that's what I did. So I keep going. I'm happy. 我在第二盤的開始失去了些許活力,只能試著保持冷靜,我在tiebreak打的不錯,也拿下 第二盤,很高興能繼續前進 Now it's good because it's early, I'll have good recovery and two good nights. That's what I need. But it's just a great feeling to be in the semis of the first Grand Slam I play since I'm back. 我很高興現在還早,有兩個晚上可以恢復,而正也是我需要的。作為第一個回歸的大滿貫 能進入四強感覺是很好的。 Q. How important was it not to go three sets? Q: 不用打第三盤有多重要? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it was important that I could finish this match, that I could win this match, and if I could do it in two sets, it was the best. The last few days, that took me a lot of energy. It was important today I wasn't that long on the court. Even if it was two sets close, it wasn't that physical. So I'm glad about that. 重要的地方在於,我可以結束並且贏得了比賽。過去幾天花了我很多的精力,我可以不用 在比賽花費太久,但即使只花了兩盤,也不是像表面上那樣的 First the bad thing was to play at 11, but now it's a good thing because I can recover. 剛開始在11點開賽是件壞事,現在是件好事因為我撐住了 It wasn't that even. Even if she did a couple of double faults, she put a lot of pressure on the serve and I just took the right time to get the opportunities at the end especially. That was good enough. 即便Petrova發了連續兩個雙誤或在發球施加壓力,但我還是在最後抓住了機會 這就足夠了。 Q. What were your expectations coming into the tournament? Q: 你期望能在比賽中取得怎樣的成績? JUSTINE HENIN: Uhm, I was curious about what was going to happen. I mean, the draw first, of course. And when I got the draw, even if I took the draw as something, Okay, that happens like that, I knew it was going to be hard. Every match was a goal. So I never thought, We'll, I'll be in the semis, I dream to be in the final, I dream to win. Just every match is going to be difficult and important. 每場比賽都有個目標,我從未想過會打到哪,因為每場比賽都是困難且重要的 I just went step by step. That's what I'm gonna keep doing now 'cause now I can dream of being in the final of this Grand Slam, of course. But still a long way. Just try to be focused on what I have to do on the court and hope it's gonna keep going this way. 專注於每一場賽事,即便我來到這,對於決賽依舊有很長的一段路,所以我可以做的 就是專注每一場比賽然後期望可以繼續下去 (幾乎每次都是這種答案,記者還是很愛問) Q. Have you shown yourself now you know that you can play the big points well again? Q: 能在關鍵時刻擊出好球,你現在做到了嗎? JUSTINE HENIN: I think I improved a lot in this tournament since in Brisbane. I haven't been able to play well in the tough moments. And this week, in this tournament, I've been able in the last few days to do it. It's probably the most important thing. Even if you know you're not playing your best tennis, being able in the tight moments to play good points like I did, I think it's the key mentally. 跟Brisbane相比,我想我進步了不少。在艱難的時刻我發揮的還不夠好,希望能在這 禮拜接下來的賽事做好它。即便你知道你不是拿出最好的表現,但在關鍵時刻發揮好點 ,我想這可能是最重要的事 But, of course, physically and mentally today was difficult because my energy level was a little bit lower than the last few days. But I've been able to raise my level when I had to. That's really important. That means that I'm still here. Even if I'm getting older, I still have this fighting spirit, and that's a good thing. 不過今天生理或心理上的狀態,都是低於過去幾天的,但我必須得提升我的狀態, 那也代表著我還在這。即使歲數增長,但我依舊擁有這樣的對戰精神,這是件好事。 Q. There was quite a commotion going on out there. First fighter jets flying over, then cannons exploding for Australia Day, helicopters. Were you tuning that out? Was it distracting? Q: 戰鬥機呼嘯而過,以及澳洲國慶日所引起的騷動,是否有被分散注意力? 那怎麼調整的? JUSTINE HENIN: Not really. I was quite focused on the match really. 我全神貫注在比賽上! Q. You didn't hear it? Q: 什麼都沒聽到? (好想給個大驚的表情( ̄□ ̄|||)a) JUSTINE HENIN: I did, of course. I'm focused, but not that focused (smiling). No, I mean, it's a big day here. Very special, of course. And I think it's normal. But both of us, I think we were pretty concerned about the match. So it wasn't a distraction for us. 當然有阿,雖然我很專注但也沒到什麼都聽不到XD,對這裡來說這是很特別的一天, 不過我想我們都覺得頗平常的,都非常專注於比賽,所以沒有一人被分散注意力。 Q. Last Grand Slam you played was this, and this is the first one you're playing coming back. What does it mean getting to the semifinals of a Grand Slam? Q:退休前你在此打最後一個大滿貫,回歸後的第一個大滿貫又在此,打進四強對你是否 有什麼意義? JUSTINE HENIN: It means a lot, because Grand Slams I really love. I love to play here. Like I said many times, the Australian people, they have the culture of the sport. They really know about tennis. They live tennis in January. Everyone's watching. We can feel this atmosphere. 太多了,我真心喜愛大滿貫,。我喜歡在這打球,就像我說了很多次,澳洲人真的懂網球 (為什麼我覺得有很多國家的人中槍),在一月好像每個人都在看網球,我們可以感受這 氣氛 I think it was the best place for me to start again. So it's just great. Here in Australia I had different feelings in the past. But for me, I mean, when I lost to Sharapova, it was a difficult moment in my career. When I had to retire in the final in 2006, it was one of the worst moments of my career. But I just keep positive things. 作為重新開始這對我來說是個最好的地方,在此我有與過去不同的感覺。當我輸給莎娃時 那在我的生涯中是個困難的時刻(你的球迷也是...╮(╯_╰)╭),當我在06澳網決賽 必須退賽時,那應該是我的網球生涯最糟糕的時候,但我只留下了正面的影響。 (澳網發生過好多想刪掉的事情) When I come back here, I don't feel anything negative. It's only good things. I'm here again in the last four. It's just much more than what I could expect, and the dream continues, yeah. 當我回到這,沒感受到任何負面的事物,只有好的,我又重新回到了四強,比我預期的 好太多,以及夢想可以繼續v( ̄︶ ̄)y Q. What about Marc Grosjean, to get your body ready every day? Q: Marc Grosjean是如何幫助你每天都恢復成比賽的狀態? JUSTINE HENIN: He is really important to me. I was traveling with him already before I retired for two years. He has the passion also. He was a fan before being my trainer, but in a good way, in a positive way. He's doing everything he can. 對我來說他很重要。在我退休前,我已經與他一起旅行,現在他還是保有熱情。成為 我防護員之前他就已經是我的球迷,他做任何他可以做的事。 I mean, Carlos and him, they were really involved, 200% behind me all the time. We just try to put me in the best conditions. We doing very good job. The atmosphere with the three of us is just great. I mean, it's already four weeks we are together in Australia. We enjoy really every moment. So it's a good team. Carlos和Marc Grosjean,200%的支持我,我們做了很多事只是要讓我回到好的狀態 這是個很好的團隊,我們之間的氣氛不錯,畢竟我們已經一起在澳洲度過四個星期 ,而我們也享受每個時光 I really kept exactly the same team because I think that makes me stronger when I have the same people. I like to work with the same people for many years. I think that's how we build solid things. And I trust them again. So that's good. 我很想要維持相同的團隊,我想這會讓我變的更強。當我跟喜歡的人一起工作,我就會 想要和他們一起更多年,這也是團隊如何變的穩固的原因,所以我很開心可以再次 信任他們。 Q. Does Kim's performance at the U.S. last year give you the confidence that perhaps you can go all the way in a comeback? Q: Kim去年在美網的表現是否有給你信心,也許你可以在回歸後得到所有想要的? JUSTINE HENIN: Not really. I mean, what she did, I did admire that a lot because it's not easy what she did in New York. If I see it as motivation, of course. That means it is possible. 不完全是,對於她在美網所做的一切,我感到佩服,如果說將此視為動力的話,那就是 一切都是可能的 But we have very different kind of personalities, different kind of players, so it's always very hard to compare. But what she did was just great. That will be a dream for me to do it also. 不過我們擁有非常不一樣的人格特質,也是不同類型的球員,總是很難去比較的。但她做 的好極了,那也是我夢想要去做的(所以澳網要努力拿冠軍阿!) But it's still, you know, one more match before we can talk about a final. I dream of it, of course, but I'm not going to change my attitude now. What I did is just great and I have to keep going the same way, with the same goals. (此段非常口語翻譯) 但你知道的,就是一步一步來阿 (是的,我們都很明白) I remember my discussion with Carlos in the plane when we were flying to Australia, we were talking about the goals. It's much more than what we could expect for. Because I was coming here to see a lot of things. I was curious about what I was going to feel on the court. I think it's now I've won a lot of matches and everything is well for us. 還記得剛抵達澳洲時跟Carlos討論目標,現在已經超乎當時的預期。當我再度來到這, 我很好奇自己在球場上會有什麼感覺。我想我已經贏了很多勝利,而事情走向好的發展 Q. Carlos has talked about how you're a little more easygoing and relaxed now that you've come back. When you get to a Grand Slam, how big of a challenge is that when you know you have to be intense and focused all the time? Q: 當你回歸,Carlos有跟你談過如何放輕鬆些?當你參加一個大滿貫必須要全神集 中而這是個多大的挑戰? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's a big challenge, but I think we can find a good deal. You know, I'm much more relaxed than I was in the past. That's for sure. I hope it's not only because it's the beginning and I'm not going to get crazy again in six months, that I can fix something new (smiling). 那是個很大的挑戰,不過我們會找到好的方法解決的。跟過去相比我現在放鬆許多, 希望不是因為才剛開始,我可不想在六個月內再次變的瘋狂,現在我可以處理一些 新的東西~ I think that takes me less energy than in the past. Because in a Grand Slam, I was really in my bubble. Now we just go forward. Like I say, we try many, many different restaurants. I'm more open to a lot of things. That's the way I have to keep going. 我想跟過去相比這花費我較少的精力,因為在大滿貫對我來說還是不真實的。我們現在 只要向前就好。我們試了許多餐廳,對於很多事我更能接受了,這就是我想要繼續的方向 To find the right moment to put the intensity and the concentration and to get away from that, it's probably with the experience and the maturity we can get it. But that takes for me a little bit of time because it's really new, and I still look after my feelings. But it's very interesting experience for me this week. 我們會找到適當的時候釋放壓力,那可能需要經驗的累積,而對我來說還要一點時間, 畢竟一切都是新的,我還在感受中,但過去的這個禮拜對我來說是非常有趣的 Q. And some of the girls from your academy are here. Q: 那有一些你網球學院的女孩在這? JUSTINE HENIN: We have a good player. Maryna is playing today second round. She's a very good player. There were a few of them. They came to watch me also the other night against Dementieva, and also other few matches. It's a great project to follow young players. Carlos is really involved in the academy. We glad they can live this experience here. 我們有很多好球員,Maryna今天在這打第二輪,而有些人有來看我和戴娃及其他比賽 這是個很好的計畫在培育這些年輕球員,Carlos真正參予了學校的運作。我們很開心 他們可以在此擁有這些經驗。 I just try to help them a little bit, you know, talking to them a lot about this life on the tour, how difficult it is. Especially after what happened for me in the last two years when I retired and discovered a lot of things, I just tried to help them to realize that tennis is important, it's not everything, but it's good to have them here. 我只是試著幫助他們,跟他們說關於一些職業賽的生活,困難點在哪之類的,特別是 那發生在過去兩年,退休後也發現了不少事物,我只是想幫助他們了解網球是很重要, 但那不是一切,只是它好在可以讓他們在這裡。 Q. You went out of here on a bad beating by Sharapova. Did that make you say, I've had enough? Q: 你離開這裡時剛被莎娃擊敗,這是否讓你說,我受夠了? JUSTINE HENIN: I think it was already before that. I mean, I lost against Sharapova two years ago, confirmed to myself that I wasn't really into it anymore. When I won against her in Madrid, I felt something at that point. There was my little voice that was saying to me that I should go away because I needed something else at that time, to breathe differently again without tennis, to prove different things to myself. 我想是比那更早之前,兩年前我輸給莎娃,只是讓我確認我不太適合繼續網球生涯 當我在馬德里贏她時(07年終賽),就感覺到有點什麼冒出來,有個微小的聲音告訴我, 我該離開了,在那時我想要一些其他不一樣的,除了網球之外的來證明自己 Sharapova here, Williams in Miami, it was difficult losses. But in another way they helped me to understand that I had to go away. But, I mean, started a little bit before, but it helped me in my reflection at that time. 在這輸給莎娃,在邁阿密輸給小威,都是很糟的輸球。但換個角度來說他們讓我明白, 我該離開了。但我想還是在此之前,只是那幫助我明白我的反應 Q. Little voice with you now? Q: 那個微小的聲音現在說? (贏得冠軍...我亂說的) JUSTINE HENIN: Little voice that is very positive. Thank you (smiling). 非常正向! --- 這次賽後訪談,是不是問太多問題= =" 打的我都累了,有心路歷程 按END之後,可以再往上幾行看看XD -- Every game, every match. I know that I've been consistent despite injuries and some tough times, so I've got nothing to prove, except to myself.” < Justine Henin > -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/26 18:35, , 1F
感謝翻譯! :)
01/26 18:35, 1F

01/26 18:40, , 2F
(贏得冠軍...我亂說的) XDD
01/26 18:40, 2F

01/26 20:03, , 3F
要走到最後阿! 連戴娃的份額一起努力!
01/26 20:03, 3F

01/26 22:38, , 4F
感謝翻譯~我懶得看英文= =(喂)
01/26 22:38, 4F

01/27 01:09, , 5F
同樓上 +1
01/27 01:09, 5F

01/27 04:28, , 6F
01/27 04:28, 6F

01/27 08:51, , 7F
多點不同目標分擔壓力 打球反而可以打更好 加油
01/27 08:51, 7F

01/27 09:44, , 8F
應該是比喻可以接受多一點新東西吧 但不知道確切想要說的
01/27 09:44, 8F

01/27 09:44, , 9F
01/27 09:44, 9F

01/27 10:07, , 10F
可能以前贏球會一直去同一家餐廳 以保持好運 運動員有
01/27 10:07, 10F

01/27 10:08, , 11F
時候還蠻迷信的...我猜的 大概就是像板大說的多嘗試新
01/27 10:08, 11F

01/28 12:59, , 12F
恩~了解 同意多點不同目標分擔壓力 更平衡~
01/28 12:59, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1BNiGG-U (Henin)