[新聞] Henin.小威的八強賽後訪問

看板Henin作者 (曾經嘗試,就沒有遺憾)時間17年前 (2007/07/05 07:28), 編輯推噓32(32055)
留言87則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
我非常鼓勵大家盡量能看看每場比賽的賽後訪問 這是一個可以讓你更瞭解選手的方法 而不是自己想像 (最近在主板看到滿多的,感慨一下) 而且這訪問滿值得一看的 Henin的訪問 來源:http://myurl.com.tw/ib51 J. Henin - 4 July Wednesday, 4 July, 2007 J. HENIN/S. Williams 64, 36, 63 THE MODERATOR: Questions. Q. Was that a gutsy dropshot you made at 15-30 in the final game? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, it's not the only point I remember from the match, but it was a good one. It's been tough on the nerves today. It's been mentally a very difficult match. I'm very happy to come through. Physically it's been pretty hard also. Yeah, it's been a good fight. I was a little bit disappointed to lose a single set this week. Couldn't hold my serve twice at the end of the set. I was really very close to finish that match, but I wasn't good enough. Very good reaction beginning of the third set. She served very well. My shoulder is a little bit painful now because it's been pretty strong serves. Yeah, it's the kind of victory that gives a lot of confidence that I really needed here. Q. Knowing if you had missed that dropshot or she got it, you would have been looking at two breakpoints and a lot of momentum. JUSTINE HENIN: I would have been in trouble at that time, yeah. I was a bit nervous at the end. We could see it at 5-1. At 5-2 she served well, played well. Then at 5-3 I went to the net a couple of times. It didn't really pay. But finally I could finish the match in that game, and that was really important because who knows what would happen if it was 5-4. Q. What's the difference between playing Serena on clay and grass? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it is very different. Clay remains my best surface and grass with hard court her best surface. It's a lot of differences. She served very hard. I had pretty good returns when we see that it was 120 usually or 115. I was pretty good on the return. Yeah, then she's hitting the ball very hard. She can control a little bit more the court than she does on clay. She's much better here, for sure. Q. Before you served at 15-30, you were talking to yourself. What were you saying? JUSTINE HENIN: No, I did something good at that time at 15-All. I go to the net but lose the point. I was getting nervous. I knew every point was important at that time. I just wanted to stay in the match, you know, not losing that game, so I was really aggressive. That's what I needed at that time, just being aggressive and do what I had to do, just be brave because we could see the tension on the court. Q. Did you have to assume she was fully fit? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I didn't see that she had a lot of trouble to move. Maybe a little bit at the beginning of the match. After that, I think she could run pretty much, especially on the dropshots and everything. She served great. You know, I just did my match. I wasn't really focused on what did happen on the other side of the net. Q. Is Key Biscayne on your mind? JUSTINE HENIN: It was a little bit, yeah. No, Key Biscayne has been a big lesson for me 'cause I was so close to win that match, and I should have won that match. But I lost it because I had someone stronger mentally at that time than me. I didn't want to do that mistake in Paris and here either. That's why every point was so intense and so important at the end of the match because I didn't want to lose this one for sure. Q. What would it mean to you to hold up the plate on Saturday? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, still going match after match. I have a semifinal now. Still that's how I build something good, I hope. On Friday it's going to be another tough match. Even if on the paper I'm going to be the favorite, it's going to be another kind of story on the court. So it's still too early to talk about it. It would mean a lot, but still have a lot of work to do. Q. You were concerned coming in here with your overall fitness just as much sort of mentally and emotionally because of having won Paris. What's the status report on your enthusiasm, energy level, emotional fitness? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's going pretty good. I mean, physically it's been a tough match. Mentally, emotionally it's been very intense. But I do the best I can to remain fresh. I have my physio with me. We're working a lot. I feel great. I mean, I want to play. That's the most important thing. I enjoy being out there. So it's very hard to compare from where I was last year. And I took the decision to play Eastbourne. We're going to see at the end if it was a good decision or not, because am I going to be fresh enough to win here or to go to the end? We'll know in a few days. Q. What do you do away from the court to keep fresh mentally? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I just try to think about something else. That's important. And I have Carlos. I have his kids. I have my brother here. We spend a lot of time talking about anything. Just live normally. I need to be alone also a few hours during the day just by myself and listen to a lot of music, watching some DVDs, just try to keep my energy for the court. Q. Is that focused on the match or completely shut off from tennis? JUSTINE HENIN: No, it's a pretty strange feeling. You're very concentrate. I mean, you know you are in the tournament, but you can do something else or think about something else at that time. But you feel you are very focused on something important, yeah. Q. You've spoken about how you're in a happier place now. Does that help in the big matches? JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I don't know. I never took any decision in my life to be a better tennis player. I just wanted to be happy and a better person. And I think if that can help my game, it's great. But I love being out there. I enjoy being on the court. That's a great feeling. I don't know if it does help me. I just know I'm healthy and I love to be there. So that's the most important thing. Q. Who is the best grass court player you've ever seen? JUSTINE HENIN: It's very hard to say. Everyone has different qualities. When I played Mauresmo last year, I thought she was great on the surface. But Serena proved she was very strong here. We have many other players who won so many time here, but I was too young to watch at that time. So it's very hard. It's such a strange surface. You need to be very intense on every point, and I'm getting better. I start to really love playing on the grass. It's much slower this year also, so maybe it helps a little bit. Q. Your backhand is usually the shot you use to open up the court for your forehand. Today it seemed like your backhand was the more devastating weapon. Did Serena allow you to use your backhand today? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, probably a little bit more. It was important for me to go down the line today. Sometimes I was going too fast down the line and I didn't take my time to really open the court and go down the line. Tactically I did a couple mistakes sometimes in the match, but generally my forehand remains the shot I hit a lot of winners with. But today she gave me a lot of time on my backhand, that's true. Q. What kind of music do you enjoy? JUSTINE HENIN: I listen a little bit of everything. Nothing special. You know, like anyone else. Q. How was it to be playing with the threat of rain, knowing it was possibly damp? JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I think that's one of the things that made me nervous at 5-1 because I could feel the rain a little bit. To serve, it wasn't that easy at that time. Maybe I was a little bit in a hurry to finish the match. I thought we would have to stop. But it was finally okay. I could deal with a lot of things, yeah. 小威的訪問: 原文:http://myurl.com.tw/108h 其中有提到她的傷勢 在此只節錄和juju有關的部分,欲詳全文請點上面網址 Q. How is your health? Did you feel a hundred percent? SERENA WILLIAMS: Definitely not a hundred percent at all. Not at all. Q. 90? SERENA WILLIAMS: No. It was probably at 40 or 50 max. Q. What did you think of the quality of her game? SERENA WILLIAMS: I thought she played a very high quality game. I thought she played probably some of her best tennis. Q. What's the difference playing Justine on grass compared to clay? SERENA WILLIAMS: It's definitely a faster game on grass, you know, more winners. It was windy today, so I think we both had some errors. Q. Are you amazed how well you played? SERENA WILLIAMS: Considering my circumstances, my leg, and most of all having no backhand and no shot, I think I did pretty well. I think it's just if I'd have been healthy, I think I would have won, a hundred percent. Q. Do you think you lost to the eventual Wimbledon champion, or do you see your sister beating her? SERENA WILLIAMS: The eventual Wimbledon champion I saw playing in their fourth round today, definitely. 不知道在這裡說是否適當,不過有幾句話我還是想說說 當然這是個人觀點,沒有絕對的標準答案 對於小威的回答,我是沒有很意外 她向來的回答風格就是如此 當然小威是一位很有自信以及實力的選手 她自己也知道自己很棒 不過,從上面的回答 我想說的是,我認為她現在是心態問題更甚於體能健康問題 當juju今天的表現其實並沒有很好,小威應該也知道 但她卻說她認為juju今天打的品質很高 或許是juju表現最好的比賽之一 (多少讓人感覺她覺得juju的實力就是也只如此) 也說,如果她今天身體健康,她"百分之一百"會拿下這場比賽 加上法網輸球後,她的訪問回答 以及法網、溫網開賽前她受訪時說的話 (她一直說她是最好的、無法被擊敗的) 可以看出,她的問題其實最主要還是在於輕敵 或許,這是她的自信吧 也或許,這是她biggest problem (分享個人觀點,這沒有一定標準,請勿戰哪,謝謝) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/05 07:34, , 1F
最後一句 意思是大威會拿冠軍 怕有人看不懂小威的委婉@@"
07/05 07:34, 1F

07/05 07:38, , 2F
呵~TRY IT ~WHO 怕 WHO ?? 愛說大話的,壓力就大~
07/05 07:38, 2F
※ 編輯: uaru 來自: (07/05 08:15)

07/05 08:15, , 3F
07/05 08:15, 3F

07/05 08:15, , 4F
07/05 08:15, 4F

07/05 08:16, , 5F
你的個人意見沒問題 重點是小威一直覺得自己當年法網輸球
07/05 08:16, 5F

07/05 08:16, , 6F
07/05 08:16, 6F

07/05 08:16, , 7F
是因為Henin的緣故 而不是實力沒完全發揮 所以總是這樣看ꐠ
07/05 08:16, 7F

07/05 08:17, , 8F
07/05 08:17, 8F

07/05 08:18, , 9F
07/05 08:18, 9F

07/05 08:18, , 10F
看不起Henin 那乾脆說她今年澳網拿冠軍要感謝Henin無法參선
07/05 08:18, 10F

07/05 08:18, , 11F
07/05 08:18, 11F

07/05 08:19, , 12F
07/05 08:19, 12F

07/05 08:19, , 13F
這週結束 就知道是JH的實力究竟夠不夠格連續擊敗小威啦
07/05 08:19, 13F

07/05 08:45, , 14F
我覺得 太驕傲不是件好事 ~~
07/05 08:45, 14F

07/05 08:59, , 15F
07/05 08:59, 15F

07/05 08:59, , 16F
而當兩人都只發揮6成,but the victory is in ju's hands
07/05 08:59, 16F

07/05 09:00, , 17F
07/05 09:00, 17F

07/05 09:01, , 18F
我同意 兩人都是6成左右^^
07/05 09:01, 18F

07/05 09:02, , 19F
07/05 09:02, 19F

07/05 09:02, , 20F
07/05 09:02, 20F

07/05 09:03, , 21F
07/05 09:03, 21F

07/05 09:04, , 22F
07/05 09:04, 22F

07/05 09:04, , 23F
問一下~這是第一次juju在溫網 列第一種子嗎??
07/05 09:04, 23F

07/05 09:06, , 24F
07/05 09:06, 24F

07/05 09:12, , 25F
07/05 09:12, 25F

07/05 09:12, , 26F
因為上個問題是"你覺得你現在健康嗎? 百分百嗎?"
07/05 09:12, 26F

07/05 09:13, , 27F
小威應該是針對檢康做出回應而非狀態吧 個人覺得
07/05 09:13, 27F

07/05 09:15, , 28F
而且小威說考慮到他現在健康狀況沒有很好 所以自己打很
07/05 09:15, 28F

07/05 09:16, , 29F
好了 所以我想這部分應該是大家會錯意了
07/05 09:16, 29F

07/05 09:37, , 30F
07/05 09:37, 30F

07/05 09:37, , 31F
07/05 09:37, 31F

07/05 09:42, , 32F
07/05 09:42, 32F

07/05 09:43, , 33F
07/05 09:43, 33F

07/05 09:51, , 34F
07/05 09:51, 34F

07/05 09:52, , 35F
雖然立場不同 但是uaru版友的某些論點深得我心 如果小威健健
07/05 09:52, 35F

07/05 09:53, , 36F
康康 要擊敗今天的Henin並不困難 但是如果今天Henin打的跟法
07/05 09:53, 36F

07/05 09:54, , 37F
07/05 09:54, 37F

07/05 09:57, , 38F
07/05 09:57, 38F

07/05 09:59, , 39F
07/05 09:59, 39F

07/05 10:00, , 40F
07/05 10:00, 40F

07/05 10:01, , 41F
07/05 10:01, 41F

07/05 10:02, , 42F
07/05 10:02, 42F

07/05 10:07, , 43F
還好啦 每個人都有缺點 我喜歡的是球員的真實自我 實在沒必要
07/05 10:07, 43F

07/05 10:08, , 44F
07/05 10:08, 44F

07/05 10:11, , 45F
07/05 10:11, 45F

07/05 10:12, , 46F
07/05 10:12, 46F

07/05 10:14, , 47F
沒有要戰吧? 大家講話口氣還不錯呀
07/05 10:14, 47F

07/05 10:19, , 48F
所以說,賽後才在那裡講what if......?? 只是空留遺憾
07/05 10:19, 48F

07/05 10:20, , 49F
07/05 10:20, 49F

07/05 10:26, , 50F
07/05 10:26, 50F

07/05 10:44, , 51F
07/05 10:44, 51F

07/05 10:46, , 52F
07/05 10:46, 52F

07/05 10:49, , 53F
07/05 10:49, 53F

07/05 11:02, , 54F
07/05 11:02, 54F

07/05 11:03, , 55F
07/05 11:03, 55F

07/05 11:03, , 56F
07/05 11:03, 56F

07/05 11:40, , 57F
07/05 11:40, 57F

07/05 11:41, , 58F
不過那不關Henin什麼事,所以我就沒寫啦 (多一事不如少一事
07/05 11:41, 58F

07/05 12:47, , 59F
07/05 12:47, 59F

07/05 13:21, , 60F
07/05 13:21, 60F

07/05 13:22, , 61F
07/05 13:22, 61F

07/05 13:37, , 62F
樓上這是海寧版.....我剛在某文章有推文問自己 結果
07/05 13:37, 62F

07/05 13:38, , 63F
07/05 13:38, 63F

07/05 13:39, , 64F
07/05 13:39, 64F

07/05 13:40, , 65F
07/05 13:40, 65F

07/05 13:40, , 66F
07/05 13:40, 66F

07/05 13:40, , 67F
07/05 13:40, 67F

07/05 13:41, , 68F
07/05 13:41, 68F

07/05 13:41, , 69F
07/05 13:41, 69F

07/05 13:41, , 70F
07/05 13:41, 70F

07/05 13:43, , 71F
樓上 所以翻譯要怎麼翻真的是看人, 她"認為"小威..
07/05 13:43, 71F

07/05 13:45, , 72F
跟小威 "認為"自己健康狀如果況良好 可以打很好 加油自
07/05 13:45, 72F

07/05 13:47, , 73F
07/05 13:47, 73F

07/05 13:47, , 74F
給自己信心 期許自己 會很超過?
07/05 13:47, 74F

07/05 13:50, , 75F
07/05 13:50, 75F

07/05 13:51, , 76F
07/05 13:51, 76F

07/05 13:55, , 77F
樓上.............我真的覺得我說很少@@ 看推文數
07/05 13:55, 77F

07/05 13:56, , 78F
07/05 13:56, 78F

07/05 13:57, , 79F
07/05 13:57, 79F

07/05 13:59, , 80F
07/05 13:59, 80F

07/05 14:00, , 81F
07/05 14:00, 81F

07/05 14:02, , 82F
雙方都是事實 XD
07/05 14:02, 82F

07/05 14:02, , 83F
U大 我只是針對你回應的部份做回應
07/05 14:02, 83F

07/05 14:07, , 84F
07/05 14:07, 84F

07/05 14:16, , 85F
07/05 14:16, 85F

07/05 19:20, , 86F
Andydream大大 ,可以麻煩你有疑問的話 直接寫信 給
07/05 19:20, 86F

07/05 19:21, , 87F
u大嗎 ?這樣可能會比較清楚 ~~
07/05 19:21, 87F
文章代碼(AID): #16Z2qJ9C (Henin)