[情報] Hearthpwn預測極有可能的新卡

看板Hearthstone作者 (BrowningZen)時間9年前 (2015/03/21 12:48), 編輯推噓8(806)
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來源:http://www.hearthpwn.com/news/818-blackrock-known-but-unknown-cards-deck- spotlight The Blackrock Cinematic When Blackrock Mountain was first announced, we got a glimpse of all the legen dary cards in the cinematic trailer.. just no card text! In previous Hearthsto ne trailers, they too have had accurate card representations at the start of t he trailer, although the trailers seem to always show incorrect rarity values. . and Darkbomb showed up as a 4/1 Minion in the GvG Trailer. It should also be noted that some cards in the trailer will be mission cards, and not collectib le. 在黑石山正式公佈時,我們在預告片中得以一窺所有傳說卡片,只是沒有文字說明而已!在 以前的爐石預告片中,開頭都有準確地預言了一些卡片,只是有一些卡片未必符合片中的稀 有度.以及黑暗炸彈是以4/1生物的姿態被展示於GVG預告片中.值得注意的是有一些卡片可 能是boss們所使用的卡片,未必為可收集的. So are they all legendary minions, or are they just going to be drops of varyi ng value? 那麼這些可能是那些傳說的生物嗎?還是最後會擁有不一樣的稀有度呢? 3-Mana Minion 8 Attack and 4 Health Art makes it appear to be a Dragon. May be Gyth, Rend Blackhand's Chromatic Drake. 3/8/4 圖片顯示應為龍類生物 可能是雷德黑手的多彩龍坐騎 5-Mana Minion 10 Attack and 2 Health A Lava Worm, which are considered Beasts in WoW. Could be Magmaw, from Blackwing Descent. 5/10/2 在魔獸世界中被歸類為野獸的熔岩蟲 可能是黑翼陷窟中的熔喉 9-Mana Minion Appears to be Nefarian, son of Deathwing. Great chance of this being a legendary, as Nefarian should be an end of wing b oss. Could have something to do with the Lord Victor Nefarius card below. Different forms? 9費生物 看似是死亡之翼的兒子,奈法利安 很有機會是傳說生物,因為他很有機會會作為關卡的最後首領出現 可能與下面那張卡有關連,或許是不同的形態? 9-Mana Minion Appears to be Lord Victor Nefarius - Nefarian's human form. Nefarian was resur rected by Deathwing in WoW: Cataclysm. 9費生物 看似是奈法利安的人形態-奈法利奧領主.在魔獸世界:浩劫與重生中被死亡之翼所復活 More Cards! Some we've already seen, added as supporting evidence. 更多的卡牌!有些我們已經看過,在下面當以支持事實的證據 Infernal / Abyssal - Interestingly, not found in Blackrock Mountain dungeons, but it is framed on a spell card. 地獄火/深淵魔-有趣地這生物並沒有在黑石山系列地城中出現,但這卡的邊框是法術卡專 用(PS:根據WOW中召喚地獄火技能,此卡可能為術士法術) Fire Elemental - All over Blackrock Mountain. 火元素-在黑石山中到處都是 Core Rager - Same art as cinematic, just a different style 熔核狂怒犬(已知)-與預告片中圖片一樣,只是沒有發光 Drakonid Monstrosity - Mob in WoW from Upper Blackrock Spire. 畸形龍獸-在魔獸世界中是上黑石塔的嘍囉 A Whelp - We know Dragon Egg summons a whelp. 幼龍(已知)-我們已經知道龍蛋這張卡會召喚幼龍了 Lava Shock - Same art. 熔岩震擊(已知)-圖片一樣 Lava Surger - Mob in Molten Core. 熔岩洶湧者-熔火之心的嘍囉 An Email from Blizzard Earlier today, Blizzard sent out an email to promote the Blackrock Pre-order e vent, and in it we discovered a Paladin Card which costs 5 Mana, sitting behin d Hungry Dragon, and Dragon Egg. 較早前BZ向大家發出了一封電郵以宣傳預購活動,我們發現有一張聖騎士的五費卡躲在飢 餓的龍和龍蛋之後.(而且應與龍有關) -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1426913325.A.E62.html

03/21 12:52, , 1F
03/21 12:52, 1F

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03/21 12:53, 2F

03/21 13:06, , 3F
03/21 13:06, 3F

03/21 13:07, , 4F
03/21 13:07, 4F

03/21 13:07, , 5F
配老爸(X) 術士職業卡(O)
03/21 13:07, 5F

03/21 13:23, , 6F
03/21 13:23, 6F

03/21 13:23, , 7F
打掉一定的血變成龍 之類的
03/21 13:23, 7F

03/21 14:15, , 8F
Let the game....be begin....
03/21 14:15, 8F

03/21 17:54, , 9F
沒有公會殺手 小紅龍嗎?
03/21 17:54, 9F

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03/21 18:17, 10F

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03/21 22:17, 11F

03/22 10:06, , 12F
03/22 10:06, 12F

03/22 13:35, , 13F
現在已經證明炸雞nerf的剛剛好 不會太強也不會太弱
03/22 13:35, 13F

03/22 13:35, , 14F
03/22 13:35, 14F

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