[情報] TS對Magicamy事件的公告翻譯

看板Hearthstone作者 (BrowningZen)時間9年前 (2015/02/23 08:54), 9年前編輯推噓31(32115)
留言48則, 35人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:https://tempostorm.com/articles/tempostorm-parts-ways-with-hyerim-magicam y-lee LOS ANGELES, 20 February 2015. Today, we are sad to announce that Tempo Storm is parting ways with Hyerim “MagicAmy” Lee. After reading the allegations pr esented against her on the r/Hearthstone subreddit, we launched a full blown i nvestigation, gathering a large amount of evidence from dozens of sources incl uding former employers, ex-teammates, fellow players, and personal friends. Hy erim was very open to answering all of our questions and has been cooperative during the investigation. 今天,我們很遺憾地宣布Magicamy(下稱amy)要與Tempo Storm(下稱TS)各走各路了.經過細 閱在reddit登出對於amy的指控,我們開始了一連串的調查,蒐集了大量從以往雇主,隊友, 玩家以及朋友所得的證據.Amy非常大方地回答了我們所有問題以及於調查過程中表現合作 , We began this investigation with the intention of maintaining everyone’s pers onal privacy, and we decided to end it on the same note. The report examined a nd addressed each side of the issue, but the evidence crossed the line between what we were trying to discover and the basic privacy of the involved parties . We will cover the information relevant to the investigation in as complete a manner as possible. The significant findings can be summarized by the followi ng: 我們決定無論展開抑或結束本次調查時都保持保護各位個人隱私的原則.我們審查及解決 了每一方的問題,但有部分證據跨越了我們要同時調查及保護各方隱私的底線.我們會盡可 能地以適當的方式將所有有關調查的資料都包含於調查當中.而以下是對於重大發現的一 些總結: We believe that MagicAmy is one person and that Hyerim Lee is indeed who she c laims to be. This is based on multiple eyewitness and firsthand testimonies cl aiming that they interacted with her individually without William Blaney, her ex-boyfriend seen in cached pictures sharing the same username. We went throug h great lengths to cross reference travel records, personal information, and t estimonies of accounts from her recent past. The personal information she has given us, combined with her employment records with Lunarch Studios, relations hips with players, and the fact that she has met people face-to-face is enough to confirm her identity. 我們相信amy是真有其人,亦即Hyerim Lee(非之前所提的加拿大人William).這項結論是由 多位目擊者的證詞所得出的,他們都曾與amy私下有交流,而過程中沒有涉及William Balne y即Amy那位在記錄中共用帳號名稱的前男友.我們亦調查了大量有關的出遊記錄,個人資料 ,以及amy近期的證詞.那些amy的個人資料,再與她在 Lunarch Studios的受僱記錄,以及她 與玩家的各種關係還有其他人曾與她親身接觸的經歷吻合,足以證實她的身份. Through the course of our examination we discovered a series of other allegati ons concerning the potential scamming of employers and players, which seem to be the result of a misunderstanding between differing parties. While this is i ndeed an issue that should be addressed, it needs to be ironed out in private between the disputing parties. Regardless, seeing as how these people have had some of the most intimate interactions with Hyerim over the past year, we dov e extensively into these topics as one of the primary ways to fact check Hyeri m’s whereabouts and alibis. 在調查過程中,我們發現了很多對amy有可能對雇主及玩家作出詐騙的指控,相信是因各方 的誤解所導致的.而這的確是一項有待解決的問題,這需要爭執的各方私下磨合化解.無論 如何,有見於這些人在過去一年與amy作出一些親密舉動,我們深入地探討了這些事項作為 初步調查amy證詞可靠性的依歸. After we confirmed her identity and, to our knowledge, was not committing frau d, we found this to be a personal matter rather than an issue questioning her legitimacy as a person and teammate. To use an everyday example, we wouldn’t find it newsworthy when a roommate has not paid back a rental bill in a timely fashion. It’s their own personal life, separate from their business life. Ho wever, it is interesting to note that even a testimony accusing Hyerim believe s she is one person, not William Blaney. 在我們確認了amy的真正身份,以及她並未曾經詐騙後,我們認為這由證明她代表TS的可信 性變為了單純的個人問題.以日常生活為例,我們不會覺得你的室友沒有付房租是一件多大 的新聞.這只是他們的個人生活,與他們的職業生涯無關.只是值得注意的是,就連對amy作 出指控的證詞也相信amy是Hyerim並非William. Hyerim’s performance and accomplishments as a player have been called into qu estion due to the possibility of account boosting and win trading. Tarei was i dentified as a possible accomplice under suspicious circumstantial evidence, s uch as when she posted a picture showing an account named LoveMagicAmy as rank #1, indirectly implying it was her achievement. Later it was confirmed by Tar ei that he used his own account and then renamed it to LoveMagicAmy. This brou ght up the question whether she was taking credit for other’s ranks, or if sh e was getting assistance to reach high legend. We looked into this issue as fa r as we could, but were not able to produce proof that someone else was respon sible for any of her high legend rank finishes. The only people who truly know the answer are Blizzard and the involved individuals. 而對Amy的表現及各項成就,有人指出那有可能是因為有人在背後代打及互刷勝場. Tarei 被一些值得懷疑的間接證據指出他可能參與其中.例如Amy曾與Twitter中登出名為LoveMag icAmy(下稱LMA)的傳說第一帳號,間接暗示了LMA的第一成就是屬於自己的.而之後我們與T arei確認了他曾使用自己的帳號並將id改為LMA.這為amy帶來了她是否以他人的成就歸功 於自己,或是得到他人幫助才有高排位的疑問.我們已盡力調查了這項問題,但我們無法提 出任何有關amy高排位問題的證明.只有BZ及有關人士們才會真正知道了. On a side note, win trading is an unlikely scenario considering how aggressive ly Blizzard banned notable win-traders, including Specialist, the spark of the entire controversy. They even accidentally falsely accused players. It feels safe to assume Blizzard would have caught such an action between Tarei/Hyerim or anyone else if this were the case. 作為加插的說明,考慮到BZ對明顯互刷勝場所作的嚴格封鎖,互刷勝場是非常罕見的,就算 是互刷勝場的專家,只要一小點火花就會被察覺.BZ甚至會不小心把無關互刷勝場的玩家也 一併封鎖.這令人覺得可以大膽假設若Amy與Tarei真的有代打或互刷的話,一定已經被BZ抓 到了. This finding also relates to the alleged botting allegations, because we could not figure out exactly how her account remained untouched throughout the ban waves despite its high profile and activity. Again, whether she is clear of th ese allegations or not is an issue that we cannot determine, It would require action to be taken on Blizzard’s end to determine the matter. 我們發現amy亦與使用bot的指控有關,因為我們無法想出為什麼amy的帳號在封鎖潮中不被 BZ所封鎖儘管她的行為那麼高調.而再一次,無論她在這些指控中是否清白,我們也無法決 定.這最終需要取決於BZ以作決定. As a final point, we asked ourselves throughout the entire investigation “If she/he is a fraud, what is the end game?” because eventually the MagicAmy per sona would have had to show up at an offline event as Hearthstone/Tempo Storm continued to grow. It made no logical sense to move from her homegrown team, w hich collectively placed top 8 at BlizzCon, to work extremely hard with our or ganization to get results, then “dash” when she’s getting paid for the good work she’s done. That would be the worst con of all time. 臨近尾聲,我們在調查間也問了自己"如果amy真的是個騙子,那該怎麼收場?"因為最後amy 也必須代表成長中的TS在線下賽展現真身.如果她身為Top8突然離開,將會為我們TS帶來很 多成就上的麻煩,在得到她應得的酬勞後便消失,不合任何邏輯.這將會是最差的情況了. Upon learning the entire story, Tempo Storm offered to fully support MagicAmy in an attempt to clear her name by addressing the public immediately by having her compete in an offline tournament. Hyerim, however, has decided to take a leave of absence from Hearthstone and answer these issues on her own. 在了解整個故事後,TS決定全力支持amy完成線下賽以對公眾還自己清白.但最後amy決定了 與爐石之間暫告一段落,選擇自己回答那些問題. During the six week period which Hyerim was signed with us, we greatly appreci ated her effort and camaraderie with the team. We have nothing but glowing rev iews of all the work she put in from watching her cheer along with fans in cha t to publishing her renown Meta Snapshots. She has been an ideal team member w ith Tempo Storm during her short stay and we wish her the best of luck in the future. 在過去與amy合作的六週,我們極度感激她與隊友之間所作的貢獻及感情.我們只能繼續將 她與其他觀眾一起作出的打氣製成屬於她的Meta Snapshots(TS中類似meta快報的東西)她 在TS的短暫逗留時是一位理想的隊友,祝她好運. “I want to thank Tempo Storm, Reynad, and Frodan for giving me the opportunit y to join the team and allowing me to explain myself among the chaos. I am hap py that I was given a chance to prove myself to the people that I cared for. T empo Storm has been supportive of me since the beginning and I am glad we can end on good terms.” -- Hyerim “MagicAmy” Lee (Amy的感言) 我想感謝TS,Reynad及Frodan給了我加入隊伍的機會及容許我在混亂中解釋此事.我被給了 對重視的人們證明自己的機會,我很高興.TS從一開始就一直很支持我,我也對此事能完滿 落幕感到高興. (原PO:TS的公關做得不錯,辛苦Frodan了...) -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1424652842.A.285.html ※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 02/23/2015 08:56:33

02/23 09:00, , 1F
02/23 09:00, 1F

02/23 09:01, , 2F
有點奇怪阿 確定不是代打卻不現身打比賽?
02/23 09:01, 2F
沒確定喔 他還是有保留吧 只是為了TS的聲也想你覺得她沒有代打 ※ 編輯: BrowningZen (, 02/23/2015 09:03:52

02/23 09:02, , 3F
02/23 09:02, 3F

02/23 09:08, , 4F
我只想知道羅杰和amy %%%的故事
02/23 09:08, 4F

02/23 09:34, , 5F
02/23 09:34, 5F

02/23 09:53, , 6F
My name is William, but you can call me amy.
02/23 09:53, 6F

02/23 10:21, , 7F
02/23 10:21, 7F

02/23 10:25, , 8F
退團應該就各讓一步吧 TS畫不講白 amy 自己退團
02/23 10:25, 8F

02/23 10:27, , 9F
02/23 10:27, 9F

02/23 10:27, , 10F
02/23 10:27, 10F

02/23 10:29, , 11F
02/23 10:29, 11F

02/23 10:36, , 12F
就算完全不看MagicAndy事件 一個戰隊成員不停在比
02/23 10:36, 12F

02/23 10:37, , 13F
賽中棄權 很傷害戰隊信譽 因此踢出團隊也很合理
02/23 10:37, 13F

02/23 11:06, , 14F
感覺是當初加入TS那邊也沒搞清楚情況 有妹子就加
02/23 11:06, 14F

02/23 11:08, , 15F
結果有問題暴了 TS也很錯愕 最後大家一起河蟹掉
02/23 11:08, 15F

02/23 11:29, , 16F
結論是什麼阿 有沒有雞雞一句話啦
02/23 11:29, 16F

02/23 11:34, , 17F
這篇真棒 每個問題都回答了 但什麼也沒說 XD
02/23 11:34, 17F

02/23 11:39, , 18F
結論 我不知道 你們去問BZ
02/23 11:39, 18F

02/23 11:40, , 19F
Reddit的懶人包:T/S沒辦法100%保證什麼 MagicAmy
02/23 11:40, 19F

02/23 11:41, , 20F
02/23 11:41, 20F

02/23 11:42, , 21F
結論 我們處理了 結果就是這樣 好了 沒事沒事回家了
02/23 11:42, 21F

02/23 11:45, , 22F
很多私下目擊就採信 很多詐騙指控就說是誤解
02/23 11:45, 22F

02/23 11:46, , 23F
02/23 11:46, 23F

02/23 11:50, , 24F
留下疑問 輕輕的她走了
02/23 11:50, 24F

02/23 12:01, , 25F
這篇公關搞其實寫得非常好 顧全所有人的面子
02/23 12:01, 25F

02/23 12:01, , 26F
02/23 12:01, 26F

02/23 12:09, , 27F
這篇真的寫的不錯 說了一堆 結果什麼都沒說
02/23 12:09, 27F

02/23 12:19, , 28F
02/23 12:19, 28F

02/23 12:29, , 29F
簡單翻譯:AMY不確定有沒有騙人 他離隊 就這樣
02/23 12:29, 29F

02/23 12:50, , 30F
這才是最高手法 在處理上可以說是雙贏
02/23 12:50, 30F

02/23 12:54, , 31F
什麼都說了 , 但是什麼都沒說 =_=
02/23 12:54, 31F

02/23 12:59, , 32F
02/23 12:59, 32F

02/23 13:00, , 33F
其實就三個重點 1.AMY真有其人 2.AMY有BOT行為
02/23 13:00, 33F

02/23 13:00, , 34F
3.AMY有找人代打 結論是 以TS的能力都無法有一刀斃
02/23 13:00, 34F

02/23 13:01, , 35F
02/23 13:01, 35F

02/23 13:15, , 36F
02/23 13:15, 36F

02/23 13:15, , 37F
02/23 13:15, 37F

02/23 14:22, , 38F
02/23 14:22, 38F

02/23 14:51, , 39F
結果根本就沒有澄清到阿 只知道 OK,有Amy這個人
02/23 14:51, 39F

02/23 14:52, , 40F
至於這個人會不會打爐石 請自己去問他XD
02/23 14:52, 40F

02/23 14:52, , 41F
02/23 14:52, 41F

02/23 14:53, , 42F
02/23 14:53, 42F

02/23 15:11, , 43F
02/23 15:11, 43F

02/23 16:33, , 44F
02/23 16:33, 44F

02/23 23:24, , 45F
02/23 23:24, 45F

02/23 23:39, , 46F
這篇文程度極高無比 張顯耀事件馬政府應該拿來用啊
02/23 23:39, 46F

02/23 23:53, , 47F
就是各自切割啊 我不查(或是不公開) 你自己退隊
02/23 23:53, 47F

02/24 02:08, , 48F
下個gHosty 4ni?
02/24 02:08, 48F

, , 49F

, , 50F
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