Re: [心得] 高手論職業強度 4月份 (法師篇)

看板Hearthstone作者 (小可憐)時間10年前 (2014/04/17 23:14), 10年前編輯推噓16(16015)
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第9名 法師 With the new season under way, we will begin to see some experimentation with the Mage class. Trump’s past success in achieving legend with the budget Mage has seen a spike in Mage play compared to its Priest and Paladin counterparts. Mage’s greatest weapon is that once it has established board control, it is often very hard to lose it unless you overextend or misplay. However at its core Mage remains one of the most reactive classes in the game, with potentially only Mana Wyrm and Water Elemental as empty board drops. Often this means that powerful spells such as Polymorph, Fireball and Flamestrike sit in our hand until we are able to play them on our opponents' minions. 隨著新賽季的進行 我們可以看到一些法師牌組的實驗 Trump用無課金法師達到傳說階級 造成的是和牧師聖騎士比起來 法師數量大幅增加 (不太確定see a spike in是不是這樣翻? 敬請指正) 法師最強大的武器就是 當他已有場優 通常很難輸掉 除非躁進或失誤 然而重點是法師是遊戲中僅存的 最有反應性的職業 通常很可能只有法力龍鰻和水元素是會空下的 這意味著那些強力的法術 像是羊 火球 烈焰風暴 很可能會一直扣在手上 直到我們能夠將之反應在對手的手下為止 Another significant issue when compared other counter archetypes is that Mages have no mechanic that is able to provide card draw and affect either tempo or life at the same time. Druids have Ancient of Lore and Wrath while Warriors have Shield Block. This means that if we haven’t established our win condition by turn 7-9, we start running out of cards and eventually top deck significantly less valuable cards. Furthermore, Mage lacks the class cards to build a solid board during turns 5 and 6, which often end up in playing 4 drop minions on these turns. By nature, these 4 drops don’t match up with creatures such as Fire Elemental or Ancient of Lore. This is clearly seen in the clogged 4 slot where Mages have Water Elemental, Fireball, Polymorph and often Defender of Argus. 另一個明顯的議題是 和其他職業相比 法師沒有良好的機制 可以同時提供抽牌+效果(不論是節奏或生命) 德魯伊有知識古樹和憤怒 同時戰士有盾牌格擋 這意味著如果我們沒有在T7~9建立我們勝利的條件 我們就會開始缺手牌 最後演變成每回合都只能抽一張很可能價值較低的牌 還有 法師缺乏能在T5和6建立堅實場優的職業牌 這通常會以在這些回合中下4費生物作收 很自然地 這些4費生物比不上像是火元素或知識古樹這類生物 這點可以非常清楚地從法師4費鎖死水元素 火球 變羊 和時有出現的阿古斯看出來 Perhaps Mage's greatest weakness is its inability to remain consistent versus aggro match-ups as our removal often takes our entire turn. This means that even if we clear the board, the initiative is given back to our opponent who can flood the board again. The only advantage that we gain compared to other classes is that our hero power does not require us to take damage when we ping minions. Often Mage versus aggro match-ups are determined whether or not you have a Mana Wyrm in your starting hand or your opponent has a terrible draw and whether you can survive till turn 7. 或許法師最大的弱點是他沒有能力去保持對快攻侵略牌組的反抗 因為我們的移除手段通常會吃掉我們整個回合 這表示就算我們真的把場面清空 先手權也會又再次回到對手身上 而他們卻可以再度瞬間快速鋪場 我們唯一的優勢就是和其他職業相比 我們的天生技在清怪時不需要去吃傷害 通常法師面對侵略牌組 勝負會取決於 起手有沒有濾到法力龍鰻或者你的對手牌神爛 還有你能不能存活到T7 Mage has incredible potential because of the power of its class spells, but it lacks the X factor which allows it to consistently compete with the top tier classes in the meta. Often Mages play the trading game hoping to have a significant board on turn 7 where we can Flamestrike to win the game. Our “ reach” is often cast to trade with minions leaving us with very little options in the late game. In truth, you may as well be playing Shaman. 法師因為職業法術的威能而有難以置信的潛力 但是在這個meta下缺乏了可以和其他一流職業競爭的X因子 通常法師會做交換 希望建立能在T7有烈焰風暴清場的場面來贏得遊戲 我們通常會一直用法術換手下 這讓我們後期剩下的選項非常少 (這裡也不確定是不是這樣翻...敬請指正XD) 說實話 要這樣還不如去玩薩滿 Ultimately until new cards are released or more changes to the current cards are made, Mage is stuck in a tough situation. Many have tried to create the new thing for Mage using secrets, Enrage minions and reinventing the Frost Giants but as stated above, they all seem to lack consistency versus many of the other classes. 最後 直到新卡釋出或是現在的牌有更多的變動 法師一直卡在嚴峻的情勢下 很多人想嘗試創造法師的新玩法 像是秘密、狂怒和重出江湖的巨人冰法 但就像上面統計提到的 面對許多其他職業 他們全都缺乏穩定度 -Mockingjay 本區作者 Decks: 範例牌組 Mockingjay Mage
Trump Budget Mage
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04/17 23:15, , 1F
04/17 23:15, 1F
※ 編輯: a2364983 (, 04/17/2014 23:18:31

04/17 23:18, , 2F
精神不錯 繼續翻下一篇 牧師 有錯請推文 發完再來看
04/17 23:18, 2F

04/17 23:26, , 3F
04/17 23:26, 3F

04/17 23:26, , 4F
04/17 23:26, 4F

04/17 23:26, , 5F
雖然有全職業最強大的AOE 但是對上快攻
04/17 23:26, 5F

04/17 23:27, , 6F
感覺有能力把Trump那套玩到傳說 玩小德可以輕鬆爬...
04/17 23:27, 6F

04/17 23:27, , 7F
例如說獵人/魚人術 很痛苦
04/17 23:27, 7F

04/17 23:27, , 8F
+U 推推
04/17 23:27, 8F

04/17 23:27, , 9F
但是鍋貼遇到的架盾法 似乎又讓法師有點機會
04/17 23:27, 9F

04/17 23:28, , 10F
04/17 23:28, 10F

04/17 23:29, , 11F
擁有全職最強的AOE 還沒放出來就被撞死了 sad
04/17 23:29, 11F

04/17 23:29, , 12F
04/17 23:29, 12F

04/17 23:31, , 13F
而且 就算起手嘲諷*2+龍鰻(最好起手) 還是沒用(重點
04/17 23:31, 13F

04/17 23:31, , 14F
04/17 23:31, 14F

04/17 23:32, , 15F
04/17 23:32, 15F

04/17 23:32, , 16F
04/17 23:32, 16F

04/17 23:32, , 17F
04/17 23:32, 17F

04/17 23:41, , 18F
04/17 23:41, 18F

04/17 23:57, , 19F
04/17 23:57, 19F

04/18 00:02, , 20F
04/18 00:02, 20F

04/18 00:45, , 21F
04/18 00:45, 21F

04/18 01:44, , 22F
04/18 01:44, 22F

04/18 01:46, , 23F
冰錐被改 不然前期法師AE很猛的
04/18 01:46, 23F

04/18 02:02, , 24F
2費冰腳 3費冰椎 5費暴雪表示
04/18 02:02, 24F

04/18 02:04, , 25F
以前那種冰 動物園怎可能這麼囂張xd
04/18 02:04, 25F

04/18 12:17, , 26F
真 快功好難打 鏡像沒抽到就很難打QQ
04/18 12:17, 26F

04/18 13:04, , 27F
04/18 13:04, 27F

04/18 13:17, , 28F
04/18 13:17, 28F

04/18 13:17, , 29F
後手 龍鰻+硬幣+鏡像
04/18 13:17, 29F

04/18 17:48, , 30F
牧德術法術可解 獵人放陷阱
04/18 17:48, 30F

04/19 11:44, , 31F
04/19 11:44, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1JJ-_SoW (Hearthstone)