Fw: [外絮] 賈許嫉妒賽迷多 約滿變綠別意外

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FhWBLl- ] 作者: delete4067 (CaptainCharisma) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 賈許嫉妒老賽球迷多 時間: Sat May 12 14:27:29 2012 原文:http://tinyurl.com/7x25agu Don’t be surprised if Josh Smith is a member of the 2013-14 Boston Celtics. 如果賈許約滿變綠也不要意外 Following the Hawks’ 83-80 loss in Game 6 — suffering their second first-round exit in Boston since 2008 — their should-be All-Star forward said everything short of swearing his allegiance to high school teammate Rajon Rondo. 老鷹再次被老賽於第一輪擊退,他們的準全明星賈許對老賽語多推崇 只差沒跟他的老相好阿豆喊報隊 譯註:阿豆是賈許的高中隊友,賈許現在的老婆是阿豆介紹的 當年賈許想搭訕現在的老婆,可是又害羞不敢,就叫阿豆去幫他搭訕 不過阿豆超悶騷,所以兩個人根本沒採取任何行動 之後賈許接到阿豆的電話,原來那個女孩是阿豆老婆的好朋友 透過阿豆牽線,賈許終於抱得美人歸 ........好像注釋比本文多了XD “That’s a great basketball team over there in the Celtics,” said Smith, who finished Game 6 with 18 points (7-18 FG), nine rebounds and four assists. “They ’ve done some special things since they acquired the Big Three. Since then, they’ve been doing some special things in the postseason. We can definitely learn a lot from that ball club. 賈許表示:「老賽是支很棒的球隊,組成三巨頭後,他們在季後賽履創佳績, 而且非常值得我們去學習。」 譯註:可以說是毫洨不斷吧XD “It definitely hurts not being able to get out of the first round,” he added. “Being able to get out of the first round in three consecutive years, falling short this year, I felt like we had the best opportunity to make it to the Eastern Conference finals this year moreso than other years. That’s obviously disappointing.” 賈許又補充道:「第一輪就打包回家真的滿難過的, 特別是我本來以為今年很有機會能打到東冠, 這真讓人失望。」 If you can’t beat ‘em, as they say, join ‘em. That notion was palpable in Smith’s postgame (and post-series) press conference. The Rondo connection is an obvious one, although Smith’s admiration for the Celtics and their fans goes far beyond his senior year at Oak Hill Academy with the C’s three-time All-Star point guard. 俗話說的好,打不贏他,就加入他 從賈許賽後的談話當中,似乎能感覺到這樣的想法 其中來自老賽這隻球隊本身,以及波士頓球迷的動機 甚至要高過和阿豆組隊 Changing of the forward: Will Josh Smith replace Kevin Garnett in the C's backcourt. (AP) 圖說:賈許可能繼承KG的衣缽嗎? 譯註:這邊用Backcourt應該是指防守上鞏固後場,而非進攻上的後場 “When you’re playing in an environment like the Boston Garden, they have probably the best fans,” Smith paused, and then thought better of completely throwing Atlanta fans under the bus, adding, “some of the best fans in the whole entire league. Like I said before, I was a little jealous, you know what I mean? 「在花園廣場打過球就知道了,波士頓的球迷可能是聯盟裡最棒的球迷,」 賈許補充道:「最棒的球迷之一。像我說過的,我有點嫉妒,你懂吧?」 “The fans out here are so supportive of their team,” he said. “You go out and look in the stands, there’s nothing but Celtics jerseys and I don’t see a trace of red in there, you know what I mean? Understanding that the fans are that passionate, it adds an extra advantage for them. A bad shot can be as good as a turnover when you’re playing against a team like Boston, especially with the fanbase that they have.” 「這些球迷超挺自己球隊的啊」賈許說。 「看觀眾席上一片綠色球衣海就知了,根本沒有那萬綠叢中一點紅。 不論是熱情的加油或是鼓譟噓聲等等都算是一種優勢。 你對上老賽就要有心理準備了,可能只是球沒投進罷了, 但傷害都會被放大到像你失誤了一樣,這就是他們的球迷優勢。」 譯註:簡單說,可能老鷹只是沒投進然後老賽剛抓到板, 但觀眾可能歡呼的跟抄到球要準備灌籃一樣,整個氣勢會不一樣 另外賈許的不滿是可以理解的,據稱在亞特蘭大現場 紅綠比將近1:1,可以說是大市場,小球隊(?) The College Park, Ga. native isn’t exactly being kind to his hometown fans, but Smith is sounding more and more like a guy who believes the organization that 17th overall in 2004 has reached its potential. 看起來這個本地人(譯註:賈許是亞特蘭大所在的喬治亞州本地貨) 對他們球迷的評價不是太好,但是賈許認為自己已經盡了本份 “Obviously, it’s disappointing that we couldn’t do something special this year,” said Smith. “The road was paved as good as its probably ever going to get for us, but we didn’t take advantage of it, and that’s the frustrating part.” 「本季沒辦法有所作為,當然是很讓人沮喪的, 尤其我們雖有優勢,但卻沒有掌握好,這是讓人最挫折的。」 Think Smith wants to see if the grass is greener in Boston? He suggested as much this past summer when he listed the Celtics, Nets, Rockets and Magic as his preferred trade destinations, and he’ll have the pick of the litter when the remaining $13.2 million on his contract expires after next season. 賈許比較想去的球隊有老賽、籃網、火箭和魔術。 下季合約到期之後他可以獲得自由之身。 “We can definitely learn something from that basketball team in the other locker room,” said Smith, repeating himself for a second time in five minutes. “The way they play collectively on the defensive end together, they really make you think and they really make you work for every point. We can definitely take their philosophies and apply it to this basketball team, because we’re long and athletic. Their philosophies can help this basketball team be one of the top defensive teams in the whole entire league next year.” 「我們可以從別的球隊身上學到很多」賈許重複這句話, 「他們在防守端團結一致,他們迫使你不得不去思考,去做到盡善盡美。 我們可以學習他們團結且防守至上的理論,並套用到自己身上, 因為我們更高大,也更有運動能力。這能幫助我們成為聯盟最好的防守隊伍。」 After next year, Smith becomes an unrestricted free agent for the first time in his career. (The Hawks matched a five-year, $58 million offer sheet from the Grizzlies in 2008.) Considering the lack of elite talent in this 2012 free agent class, many expect Celtics president Danny Ainge to make one more run next season with the current core while maintaining their cap flexibility for a superior 2013 class that includes Smith. 下季結束後,賈許會第一次成為非受限自由球員 (08年受限,老鷹跟進灰熊留下賈許)考慮到2012年的大魚不多 Ainge(譯註:一手打造老賽三巨頭的男人)可能會盡量維持現有陣容 等撐完一季後,再來2013的自由市場灑網補魚(賈許是其中之一) By then, the C’s will be freed of big contracts for Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett, the latter of whom said he didn’t know if this was his last year or not during his epic press conference after Game 6. For the record, Smith said of KG: “He’s definitely their emotional leader. He still has a lot in the tank. He still has a lot in the tank.” 屆時老賽已經沒有雷槍和KG的大約在手 而且KG在開完無雙的G6賽後也說,可能這季打完要退休 賈許則表示:「KG是個貨真價實的領袖,能帶動大家情緒, 而且論實力,他還是很罩,真的,他還是很罩」 That admiration goes both ways, as Garnett recently said Smith played “the best basketball of his career” this season, and respect doesn’t come easy from the Celtics center. Would Smith, a two-time NBA All-Defensive selection, relish sliding into Garnett’s role as the anchor of the C’s backcourt after next season, if not sooner (lest we forget the Celtics have sign-and-trade possibilities with Jeff Green and others)? 其實雙方都很認同彼此,KG也說了賈許這季打出了代表作 而且大家也知道KG不會隨便誇獎人 (譯註: Teague和Ivan表示:Nobody Nobody but you 啪啪) 身為兩次年度防守球隊成員的賈許,會不會繼承KG「老賽守門人」的名號呢? “I think so,” said Oak Hill Academy coach Steve Smith on Dennis & Callahan Tuesday morning. “I don’t see any negatives. Josh is a guy that stuffs the stat sheet every night with blocks and rebounds and scoring. Some nights he doesn’t score as well as others, and his shot is a little inconsistent, but he ’s really a talented player. 「這是有可能的。」賈許和阿豆母校的教練表示。 「我不覺得有什麼問題欸,賈許是那種既能得分,又能抓板能煽鍋的球員, 雖然有時候得分不多,可能投籃還不太穩定,但他非常有天份。」 “He’s coming into his own right now,” he added. “I think his best days are in front of him the next three or four years, so I think he’d be a great pickup if Boston decided to do that. I’m sure his relationship with Rajon — them being close — it would be a great situation for both of them.” 教練又說:「他將要迎來自己生涯的顛峰,我覺得波士頓是個很棒的選擇, 特別是他和阿豆兩個麻吉組隊,對雙方來說都很完美。」 After all, only a few years removed from finishing their high school careers with a 38-0 record, Rondo introduced Smith to his wife and served as a member of the wedding party. Successful matchmaking is kind of their thing. 阿豆在自己的婚禮上介紹賈許給豆嫂。 (譯註:其實這段就是講我第一段註的東西,賈許的老婆是阿豆介紹的 而賈許的老婆和豆嫂又是舊識XD) But first Rondo and the Celtics have this little matter of the 76ers and the Eastern Conference semifinals to settle. All the more reason for Smith to be jealous of Boston fans. 現在老賽要大戰76人,賈許可以安心當嫉妒的賽迷了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: MrHeat (, 時間: 05/12/2012 14:33:31 ※ 編輯: MrHeat 來自: (05/12 14:34)

05/12 14:34, , 1F
還是希望Josh可以留下來 他是未來的棟樑
05/12 14:34, 1F

05/12 21:04, , 2F
問題在於Joe Johnson的薪水
05/12 21:04, 2F

05/12 22:51, , 3F
賈許現在表現比得上J.Johnson了 當然也要兩千萬囉
05/12 22:51, 3F

05/12 23:19, , 4F
心不再也沒辦法吧 只要Horford 再就好
05/12 23:19, 4F

05/12 23:20, , 5F
重建吧 我覺得不是換教練 就是打調重練了
05/12 23:20, 5F

05/13 00:45, , 6F
JJ的表現跟我看現在尼克阿罵差不多 可是尼克是大市場才能
05/13 00:45, 6F

05/13 00:45, , 7F
搞個巨頭部隊 老鷹這種怕繳多繳錢的真的不容一分錢多花
05/13 00:45, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1FhWGy-z (Hawks)