[新聞] No deals with states, say Pfizer, Moderna

看板HatePolitics作者 (敵は本能寺にあり!)時間2年前 (2021/05/30 18:30), 2年前編輯推噓12(12028)
留言40則, 16人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
1.新聞網址︰ ※ 網址超過一行 請縮網址 ※ https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/ no-deals-with-states-say-pfizer-moderna-101621900338001.html https://reurl.cc/MAvYeL 2.新聞來源︰ Hindustan Times 印度斯坦時報 3.完整新聞標題 ※ 請完整轉載標題 請勿修改與編排 ※ No deals with states, say Pfizer, Moderna 輝瑞、莫德納表示,不會與各州達成交易 4.完整新聞內容︰ ※ 請完整轉載原文 請勿修改內文與編排 ※ Government vaccination centres in the Capital have been shut for those below 45 years of age due to non-availability of doses, and the Delhi government is trying -- as are other state governments -- to place orders with foreign manufacturers. 由於無法獲得疫苗,首都的政府疫苗接種中心已不再對45歲以下者接種,德里政府正試 圖與其他州政府一樣,向外國製造商下訂單。 US pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna have told the Delhi government that they will deal only with the central government, and not sell Covid-19 vaccines individually to states, chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday, highlighting a major problem in scaling up vaccine stocks at a time when central supplies are much lower that the vaccination demands and capacities of most Indian states. 首席部長 Arvind Kejriwal 週一表示,美國製藥巨頭輝瑞和莫德納已告訴德里政府, 他們將只與中央政府打交道,不會單獨向各州出售 Covid-19 疫苗,這突顯擴大疫苗 庫存的一個主要問題。一個中央供應遠低於大多數印度州的疫苗接種需求和能力的時 期。 Government vaccination centres in the Capital have been shut for those below 45 years of age due to non-availability of doses, and the Delhi government is trying -- as are other state governments -- to place orders with foreign manufacturers. Centres for those above 45 have also been reduced from at least 650 to about 450. 由於無法獲得疫苗,首都德里政府疫苗接種中心已停止對 45 歲以下人群進行接種, 德里政府正試圖,德里政府正試圖與其他州政府一樣,向外國製造商下訂單。 對 45 歲以上者之接種中心也從至少 650 個減少到大約 450 個。 “We have spoken to Pfizer and Moderna for vaccines, and both the manufacturers have refused to sell directly to us. They have said they will deal with the central government. We appeal to the Centre to import vaccines and distribute to the states,” Kejriwal told reporters on Monday. His statement came a day after Punjab said Moderna refused to sell vaccines directly to the state. Kejriwal在週一告訴記者,“我們已經與輝瑞和莫德納就疫苗進行溝通,兩家製造商 都拒絕直接向我們銷售。他們表示將與中央政府打交道。我們呼籲中央政府進口疫苗 並分發給各州,”而他的聲明發表於旁遮普省表示莫德納拒絕直接向該州出售疫苗的 第二天。 “We need vaccines. The Centre talked to Moderna, and Pfizer, and completed negotiations within 2-3 days. Why can’t it talk again to [vaccine] companies and complete negotiations in 3-4 days? Why is it not being done urgently? Bharat Biotech, which is manufacturing Covaxin, is willing to share its formula with everyone. A national newspaper reported that 16 companies here can produce Covaxin. Out of them, Bharat Biotech has struck a deal with only two companies. The Centre should order, not request, these 16 companies to start production within the next few days,” he added. Kejriwal補充說明“我們需要疫苗。該中心與莫德納和輝瑞進行溝通,並在2-3天內 完成談判。為什麼不能在3-4天內再次與[疫苗]公司再次進行並完成談判?為什麼不 緊急處理?生產Covaxin的Bharat Biotech願意與大家分享其配方。一家全國性報紙 報導說,這裡有 16 家公司可以生產 Covaxin。其中,Bharat Biotech 僅與兩家公 司達成協議。中央應該命令而不是要求這 16 家公司在未來幾天內開始生產。” Not long after Kejriwal’s comments, Pfizer issued a statement, saying “ Pfizer will supply Covid-19 vaccine only to central govts & supra-national orgs for deployment in national immunization programs. Allocation of doses and implementation plan within a country is a decision for local governments based on relevant health authority guidance.” 在 Kejriwal 發表評論後不久,輝瑞發表了一份聲明,稱“輝瑞將僅向中央政府和超 國家組織提供 Covid-19 疫苗,以部署在國家免疫計劃中。一個國家內的劑量分配和 實施計劃是當地政府根據相關衛生當局指導做出的決定。” Lav Agarwal, joint secretary, Union health ministry, during the Covid-19 media briefing on Monday, said, “We want to explain to you all whether it is Pfizer or Moderna, the Centre is coordinating with both companies at two levels: one is their regulatory facilitation in terms of approvals, and the other is procurement related facilitation. But most of the time for both, Pfizer and Moderna, their supply books are already full. They will come back to government of India, and we will coordinate and facilitate supplies,” he said. 聯合衛生部聯合秘書 Lav Agarwal 在周一的 Covid-19 媒體簡報會中表示:“我們 想向大家解釋,無論是輝瑞還是莫德納,該中心都在兩個層面與兩家公司進行協調: 一個是他們在審查方面的管理便利化,另一個是與採購流程便利化。但大多數時候, 輝瑞和莫德納的供應契約都均已滿載。他們將會回到印度政府,我們將協調和促進供 應,” Later n the afternoon, at a press briefing, deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia stressed that the Delhi government has reached out to Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson&Johnson for vaccines, of which the first two have refused. 下午稍晚的新聞發布會上,副首席部長 Manish Sisodia 強調,德里政府已與莫德納 、輝瑞和強生公司接觸以獲得疫苗,而前兩家公司拒絕。 “We asked the Centre for vaccines for the younger people, to which it replied that Delhi will only get 400,000 and the rest must be procured through a global tender. So, we reached out to foreign manufacturers and they have said they will only give to the Centre. The Centre is solely responsible for vaccine shortage in the country,” he said. “我們要求中央為年輕人提供疫苗,中央回答說德里只會獲得 400,000劑,其餘的必 須通過全球招標採購。所以,我們聯繫了外國製造商,他們說他們只會給中央。中央 需對疫苗短缺全權負責。” The deputy chief minister urged the central government to expedite approvals to foreign vaccines, and procure, and distribute them among states. 副首席部長敦促中央政府加快批准外國疫苗,並在各州之間採購和分發。 On April 13, India made a significant modification to its regulatory processes for foreign-made Covid vaccines to consider an emergency use application without a precondition of a clinical trial in local population. It said it would allow all vaccines that were granted approvals in the US, the UK, the EU, Japan, or by the World Health Organization (WHO) with only bridging trials that could go on simultaneously. Several weeks later, however, none of the eligible companies have received approvals. 4 月 13 日,印度對其外國製造的 Covid 疫苗的管理程序進行了重大修改,以考慮 在沒有當地人群臨床試驗前提下的緊急使用申請。它表示將允許所有在美國、英國、 歐盟、日本或世界衛生組織 (WHO) 獲得批准的疫苗只進行可同時進行的橋接試驗。 然而,幾週後並沒有一家符合條件的公司獲得批准。 Experts say that several of them have committed their stocks to countries that moved faster than India. “There is likely to be another surge in cases. Over the past one year, there has been two distinct surges in India and 3 for Delhi. This period has to be utilised to give at least the first dose of the vaccine to as many as possible. A solution has to be found immediately to expedite procurement. It looks like that the number of doses available will go up from July; after that there is a need for aggressive vaccination. That is the only hope for preventing another surge,” said Dr Amit Singh, associate professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. 專家說,他們中的一些人已經將他們的庫存承諾給比印度增長更快的國家。班加羅爾 印度科學研究所副教授Amit Singh博士說“病例可能會再次激增。在過去的一年中, 印度出現了兩次明顯的激增,德里出現了 3 次。必須利用這段時間向盡可能多的人至 少接種第一劑疫苗。必須立即找到解決方案以加快採購。看起來可用劑量的數量將從 7 月開始增加;之後需要進行積極的疫苗接種。這是防止再次激增的唯一希望。” India’s Covid-19 vaccination rate peaked at over 4 million on April 10, but has since been gradually declining. In the week ending May 24, average daily vaccinations came to about 1.48 million, falling from 1.82 million in the week preceding it and 2.15 million in the week before that. 印度的 Covid-19 疫苗接種率在 4 月 10 日達到超過 400 萬的峰值,但此後逐漸下 降。在截至5月24日的一周中,平均每日疫苗接種量約為148萬,低於此前一周的182萬 和之前一周的215萬。 Sisodia highlighted some of the problems over India’s delay in granting approvals to foreign-made vaccines, and wrote a letter to Union heath minister Harsh Vardhan. “In spite of early advantages given by our scientific community and Indian manufacturers, we have squandered away the great opportunity of timely vaccination of our people. The missed opportunity by the Government of India has resulted in extraordinary loss of lives during the current wave of Covid pandemic... To prevent any further loss of life, it is our humble request to the Government of India to come out with a centralised vaccine procurement and allocation policy. Delhi is ready to pay for the cost of the vaccine,” Sisodia said in his letter. Sisodia強調了印度延遲批准外國生產的疫苗的一些問題,並致信歐盟衛生部長 Harsh Vardhan。“儘管我們的科學界和印度製造商提供了早期的優勢,但我們浪費了及時為 我們的人民接種疫苗的大好機會。在當前的 Covid 大流行浪潮中,印度政府錯失的機 會導致了巨大的生命損失......為了防止進一步的生命損失,我們謙虛地請求印度政 府推出集中疫苗採購和分配政策,德里準備支付疫苗的費用。” 5.附註、心得、想法︰ ※ 40字心得、備註 ※ 到底是誰認為地方政府說要買疫苗就可以買疫苗,當然啦,如果郭台銘、佛光山等等 的單位可以完全靠自己的力量,完全不用經過中央政府買到疫苗,而且疫苗如果有任 何藥害救濟的問題都要自己扛下來,那也是樂觀其成啦。 ※ 「Live」、「新聞」、「轉錄」此類文章每日發文數總上限為3篇, 自刪與板主刪除,同樣計入額度 ※ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1622370605.A.219.html

05/30 18:31, 2年前 , 1F
05/30 18:31, 1F
印度的確是COVAX平台「貧國疫苗分享計畫」的最主力生產者之一,但印度目前的疫 情已經導致全球開發中國家疫苗短缺。

05/30 18:31, 2年前 , 2F
05/30 18:31, 2F

05/30 18:31, 2年前 , 3F
印度自產不太能用啊 要外銷
05/30 18:31, 3F

05/30 18:32, 2年前 , 4F
印度也是滿慘的 疫情這樣還被打槍
05/30 18:32, 4F

05/30 18:32, 2年前 , 5F
05/30 18:32, 5F

05/30 18:33, 2年前 , 6F
信不信 疫苗繼續缺 也許連高端都能出口
05/30 18:33, 6F

05/30 18:33, 2年前 , 7F
大家都是沒魚蝦也好 到處抓浮木
05/30 18:33, 7F

05/30 18:34, 2年前 , 8F
05/30 18:34, 8F

05/30 18:35, 2年前 , 9F
所以其實藥廠也是希望跟中央簽 雙方都有保障
05/30 18:35, 9F

05/30 18:36, 2年前 , 10F
05/30 18:36, 10F

05/30 18:36, 2年前 , 11F
什麼叫“淪落” 以為台灣地位能跟印度比?
05/30 18:36, 11F

05/30 18:36, 2年前 , 12F
印度是大量疫苗產地 然後他們自己人沒得打
05/30 18:36, 12F

05/30 18:36, 2年前 , 13F
05/30 18:36, 13F

05/30 18:36, 2年前 , 14F
還有 這篇都告訴你 這些藥廠傾向跟中央政府談
05/30 18:36, 14F

05/30 18:37, 2年前 , 15F
印度一開始沒辦法自用 還因此激發反美潮
05/30 18:37, 15F

05/30 18:37, 2年前 , 16F
05/30 18:37, 16F

05/30 18:37, 2年前 , 17F
05/30 18:37, 17F

05/30 18:38, 2年前 , 18F
05/30 18:38, 18F

05/30 18:39, 2年前 , 19F
問題是地方政府很難買到 因為藥廠不賣你
05/30 18:39, 19F

05/30 18:39, 2年前 , 20F
在那邊說政府無能的 地方政府能怎麼補?
05/30 18:39, 20F

05/30 18:39, 2年前 , 21F
05/30 18:39, 21F

05/30 18:42, 2年前 , 22F
05/30 18:42, 22F

05/30 18:42, 2年前 , 23F
05/30 18:42, 23F

05/30 18:47, 2年前 , 24F
05/30 18:47, 24F

05/30 19:06, 2年前 , 25F
05/30 19:06, 25F
這個可能性很多,有可能是還沒拒絕,也可能是因為嬌生的不須超低溫冷鏈運送。 這個要修改一下,嬌生也已經拒絕了。 https://www.wionews.com/india-news/pfizer-and-moderna-dont-want-to-deal-with-indian-states-for-vaccines-387168 https://reurl.cc/83nLdM Punjab made request to Moderna, it was denied. Moderna says it will only deal with the central government. The Delhi state government wrote to Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. It got the same reply. They will only deal with the Government of India.

05/30 19:06, 2年前 , 26F
台灣屬哪邊?是State 還是 Country ?以這兩家的定義
05/30 19:06, 26F

05/30 19:07, 2年前 , 27F
如果台灣是 State,那就好笑了,DPP也笑不出來
05/30 19:07, 27F
並沒有有藥廠認定是state, 如果有的話,想也知道是哪個國家在弄的,這樣有很開心嗎?

05/30 19:09, 2年前 , 28F
臺灣中央政府是 country啊
05/30 19:09, 28F

05/30 19:30, 2年前 , 29F
這美國分配疫苗也是 聯邦政府的事 跟各州一點關係都沒有
05/30 19:30, 29F

05/30 19:31, 2年前 , 30F
疫苗公司不會去淌這混水 給了一個州其他49州怎麼辦
05/30 19:31, 30F

05/30 19:32, 2年前 , 31F
台灣有嬌生(直營的)分公司 不是復星這種代理商喔
05/30 19:32, 31F
※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 05/30/2021 19:42:13

05/30 19:33, 2年前 , 32F
佛光山是直接找總公司嗎? 而且J&J的產量更少啊
05/30 19:33, 32F

05/30 19:34, 2年前 , 33F
05/30 19:34, 33F

05/30 19:35, 2年前 , 34F
半年前Pfizer就知道會遇到這個問題了 你要50州每個跟你談
05/30 19:35, 34F

05/30 19:36, 2年前 , 35F
05/30 19:36, 35F

05/30 19:36, 2年前 , 36F
所以covax才會疫苗不足 別鬧了好不好
05/30 19:36, 36F

05/30 19:38, 2年前 , 37F
jj美國打的量不太多啊 有pfizer moderna 我為什麼要打
05/30 19:38, 37F

05/30 19:38, 2年前 , 38F
jj?當然有人貪圖一劑方便拉 但是我不認為會很多人
05/30 19:38, 38F

05/30 21:13, 2年前 , 39F
所以中標死人誰會負責 政府會賠錢嗎
05/30 21:13, 39F
藥害救濟法要求藥物製造業者及輸入業者必須繳納徵收金至藥害救濟基金,當 藥害發生時,由主管機關給付藥害救濟。 這也是疫苗廠商不會找各地方政府的原因,因為...他們根本不想賠。

05/30 23:00, 2年前 , 40F
私人說要捐的本來就是聽聽就好 別當真...
05/30 23:00, 40F
我很期待唷,這些人一定不會是嘴泡的,嘴泡爛老二。 ※ 編輯: rocky ( 臺灣), 05/31/2021 20:17:03
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