[新聞] 猶他州十五歲的川普支持者遭到同學霸凌

看板HatePolitics作者 (JDIsuperior)時間3年前 (2020/10/13 00:19), 3年前編輯推噓23(23026)
留言49則, 23人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
1.新聞網址︰ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/15-year-old-utah-high-school-student- spit-assaulted-liberal-bully-wearing-trump-hat-video/ 2.新聞來源︰ Gateway Pundit 3.新聞內容︰ ※請完整轉載原文 請勿修改內文與編排※ https://i.imgur.com/cDLczj9.jpg
轉學來到猶他州西喬丹高校的十五歲少年是總統川普的支持者,他因為身穿美國國旗上衣 並帶著MAGA支持川普的帽子而遭到女同學的霸凌,被吐口水並且搶走他的MAGA川普競選帽 子及愛國口罩。 A 15-year-old student at West Jordan High School in Utah was viciously bullied and spit on by girls at his new school for wearing a Trump hat and patriotic face mask. 這件事發生在剛開學不久的九月三號 The incident took place on September 3, shortly after kids went back to school . The young man was wearing a patriotic mask and Trump hat when one of the girls stole the mask off his face and ran to throw it away in the girls bathroom. W hen she came out, she began assaulting him and attempting to steal his Make Am erica Great Again hat. The Gateway Pundit is not naming the student, due to his age, but spoke to his mother Meshyalah McElhaney who said that the girls involved have been expelle d and there will likely be criminal charges. “He has not attended public school since 1st grade, he has attended charter s chools and was doing online. This year he was taking two electives at public s chool and this happened just two weeks in. He is solely doing online now. He i s 15 in 10th grade,” McElhaney told the Gateway Pundit. “I am so incredibly proud of him for holding his ground and not giving into her and retaliating.” McElhaney said that one of the girls is going to be charged with a felony and the other is still unclear if it will be a misdemeanor of felony. Both of the girls were also in tenth grade. The school recently had to switch to online schooling due to a spike in COVID cases, making the mask theft and spitting even more egregious. The Gateway Pundit has spoke to officials within the Trump administration and the campaign to hopefully hook him up with an upgraded and signed hat. 4.附註、心得、想法︰ 其實這件事不是個案,左派在全美各地的學校霸凌共和黨支持者的案例越來越多,之前還 有老師霸凌學生就因為學生說他最尊敬的人是川普總統而已。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1602519572.A.F45.html ※ 編輯: satsuma0460 ( 臺灣), 10/13/2020 00:22:37

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文章代碼(AID): #1VUM_aLv (HatePolitics) [ptt.cc]
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※ 編輯: satsuma0460 ( 臺灣), 10/13/2020 00:28:10

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10/13 00:35, 3年前 , 10F
想到我人生的某個階段跟同學在學校說支持謝長廷 被深藍
10/13 00:35, 10F

10/13 00:35, 3年前 , 11F
老師罰午休打掃QQ 北部的學校 那時只想 等我可以投票一
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10/13 00:49, 3年前 , 16F
憨粉霸凌的翻版... 咦 ? 好像不太對 是川粉被霸凌
10/13 00:49, 16F

10/13 01:05, 3年前 , 17F
這種情況shy trump 只會多而已
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10/13 01:23, 3年前 , 20F
這種事層出不窮 選舉前誰敢說支持trump啊 房子被燒都
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10/13 01:23, 3年前 , 21F
有= =
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10/13 01:24, 3年前 , 22F
意外嗎 BLM造成超多隱性川粉
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10/13 01:28, 3年前 , 28F
大部分的人 根本是互相歧視 這又沒啥.
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10/13 01:57, 3年前 , 36F
臺灣就國家認同混亂啊 一堆穿國旗裝又不反共的
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10/13 04:01, 3年前 , 39F
原本以為川普支持者跟韓粉比較像 沒想到年輕人裡面反而
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10/13 04:01, 3年前 , 40F
是他們被霸凌 感覺真的隱形支持者回很多 左膠跟blm狂成
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10/13 04:01, 3年前 , 41F
這樣 根本沒人敢表態
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10/13 05:03, 3年前 , 42F
美國女台女化 O.o
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文章代碼(AID): #1VX88Kz5 (HatePolitics)