[新聞] 洛時:蔡英文近在咫尺的總統路消失

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政黑 首發. 哦, 不對 PTT首Po 才對. 其實八卦版不夠權限才讓死魚版沾光.. 原Po實在不是文組的料 翻得怪裡怪氣的地方 請別見怪 其實本文昨夜發過一回 上色編輯時候搞砸 排版救不回來 只好重發 順道修飾部分文字 1. 新聞網址: http://goo.gl/gyP4jB 2. 新聞來源: 洛杉磯時報 3. 新聞內容: Taiwan's Tsai Ying-wen has presidency, and history, within her reach 蔡英文近在咫尺的總統路 平行標題: 蔡英文的總統路,回顧,就近在咫尺 (台北 11日訊) Four years ago this week, Tsai Ying-wen stood before thousands of crestfallen supporters in yellow raincoats in the dark of night. The lawyer-turned-politician had just lost Taiwan’s presidential election to incumbent Ma Ying-jeou, extending her party’s exile from power for another four years. 四年前此刻, 夜幕下的蔡英文佇立着 站立在上千垂着頭喪着氣穿著着黃色雨衣的支持者前。 自律師轉換跑道成了政治人物的蔡英文,在剛結束的台灣總統大選中敗給了競選連任的總統馬英九,這場敗仗讓她的政黨再度與權力交臂失之 放逐另一個四年。 “I bear the responsibility for this defeat,” she said, conceding to her Nationalist Party rival and announcing she would step down as head of the Democratic Progressive Party. But she was hardly defeatist, despite the 51%-45% loss. “There will be a future for us. Next time, we will make that final mile,” she pledged. “Dear people of Taiwan: One day, we will come back.” 蔡英文對著台下支持者說 “敗選的責任,由我一肩扛起來。” 承認敗給了對手中國國民黨。同時宣布辭去民主進步黨的黨主席職務。儘管是以51%-45%差距落敗,她並沒有表現出失敗者的沮喪 “我們一定還有未來!下一次,我們一定可以走完最後一哩路!”。她作出誓言 “各位親愛的台灣人民,有一天,我們會再回來,我們不會放棄。” Come Saturday, the 59-year-old, who has a master’s degree from Cornell University and a doctorate from the London School of Economics, is poised not only to make good on that vow but also to make history. 這個即將來臨的星期六,這位59歲,擁有康乃爾大學碩士和倫敦政經學院博士學位的蔡英文,不單寄望就能完成當年作出的承諾,同時也將在台灣史上揮下一筆。 Having held a double-digit lead in opinion polls for months, Tsai appears all but certain to become Taiwan’s first female president. Moreover, she may very well sweep her DPP into control of parliament — the first time since Taiwan’s modern political era began in 1949 that the Nationalists have lost control of the chamber. 蔡英文在幾個月來的各項民調中皆以雙位數差距領先對手,勢必然成為台灣首位女總統。此外,她極可能帶領民主行動黨席捲國會 — 這是自1949年台灣邁入新政治後 國民黨首度交出國會制權。 Long the main opposition party, DPP has held the presidency only once before, from 2000-2008 under Chen Shui-bian. But in contrast to Chen’s strong leanings in support of formal Taiwanese independence from mainland China and his unpredictable style, Tsai cuts more of a cautious, wonky figure. She has carefully calibrated her comments on Taiwan’s political status throughout the campaign, saying she is committed to a “consistent, predictable, and sustainable relationship with China” while robustly defending Taiwanese autonomy and democracy. 傳統光譜上的民進黨長時間屬於主要的反對黨,儘管如此公元2000-2008年間陳水扁曾一度持有總統寶座。相較於陳水扁總統強烈傾向台獨意識還有其難以預計的作風,蔡英文顯得極為謹慎,模棱兩可。在競選過程中的蔡英文會仔細校正自己對於台灣政治局勢的主張, 她表示自己致力於 “一致性、可預測、可持續發展與中國的關係”,同時不忘捍衛台灣主權自治與民主價值的重要性。 Ma’s pursuit of closer economic ties with the mainland has irritated many voters, who say his policies haven’t improved the fortunes of the average Taiwanese; Taiwan’s economy grew just 1% last year. Ma’s approval ratings have been in the basement, and his party has run a disorganized campaign, switching presidential candidates late in the fall. 馬英九追逐與大陸建立更密切的經濟交流已然惹惱了不少選民,他們認為馬政府的政策並沒有為一般社會民眾帶來更多機遇;尤其去年的經濟成長率僅為1%。馬英九總統的滿意度處於谷底徘徊已有段時間,所屬國民黨更執行了一場雜亂無章的選戰,甚至在晚秋時分做出更換總統候選人的舉動。 But Tsai has taken strong steps to recast her image in the last four years, spending more time engaging with grass-roots voters while cultivating relationships in Washington. The U.S. is Taiwan’s key ally and has vowed to defend the island of 23 million in the event of an attack by China, which regards it as a renegade province, but Washington has been wary of the DPP since the Chen era. 相對下的蔡英文這四年間著力於重新塑造自己形象,她分享出更多時間與基層選民互動,同時也不忘培植與華府之間的關係。美國是台灣關鍵的夥伴,過去曾作出承諾當台灣遭逢視台灣為叛變一省的中國政權攻擊下將協助這座島嶼上2300萬人防禦,但陳水扁執政以來的民進黨一直讓華府感到厭煩。 “Tsai is a much better candidate this time. I think she spent the last four years thinking about what she needed to do to be successful,” said Shelley Rigger, professor of East Asian politics at Davidson College in North Carolina. “And her relationship with U.S. is much better than it was four years ago.” “這一回蔡英文是一位合適的總統候選人。我想她過去四年正思考該如何做才能達標,” 北卡羅萊納州戴維森學院東亞政治教授Shelley Rigger表示 “而現今蔡英文與美國的關係相較起四年前實在好多了。” That’s classic Tsai, say friends and former colleagues who describe her as naturally shy and someone who rarely takes quickly to personal relationships (she’s single and has no children), but is hard-working, detail-oriented and deft at anticipating people’s wants. 蔡英文的朋友說 這就是典型蔡英文作風。 前同事們形容蔡英文是一位生性害羞且不是位能迅速與人交心的人 (她單身且沒有子女),也很努力、注重細節、精於預料別人的意望。 From 2000 to 2004, Tsai ran the Mainland Affairs Council, Taiwan’s government office that handles policymaking toward mainland China. Her colleagues regarded her as a “perfectionist,” said Lin Chong-pin, a retired strategic studies professor who worked as Tsai’s first deputy. “She would call our [PR] colleagues after midnight to correct what the media had printed,” he recalled. “She was nicknamed ‘Correction Tsai.’” 公元2000至2004年間,蔡英文領導陸委會。它是台灣政府負責處理中國大陸政策的辦公室。時任蔡第一副的退休战略研究教授林中斌說:同事們視她為一位‘完美主義者’。林回想 “她會在午夜致電給[公關]同事修正媒體的報導”,同事們給她的暱稱是 ‘蔡更正’。 But Tsai had a knack for foresight, he added. “What amazed me most is that she … answered my questions before I ever asked them,” said Lin. “You cannot learn that from Ph.D. courses.” 但蔡英文擁有精闢的眼光,他補充。 “讓我吃驚的是她… 在我發問前已經先回答我的疑問,這是你在博士班裡學不到的。” That anticipatory sense, he believes, will help Tsai fend off detractors, be they domestic or overseas. (Beijing, which has referred to Tsai in the past as a “troublemaker,” has warned that a DPP victory could raise cross-strait tensions.) “Before you attack or criticize her, she will have an answer ready before you even fire a bullet,” Lin said. 林中斌相信蔡英文敏銳的警覺性能幫助她擋下國內國外的負面輿論。 (北京之前曾稱蔡英文為‘麻煩製造者’,藉機警示民進黨的勝利可能導致台海關係緊繃。) 他補充說 “在妳攻擊或批評她前,蔡英文會在你把子彈上膛前先把答案準備好。” As a two-time chair of the DPP, she has earned a reputation for pulling factions together and consulting broadly. Ma’s administration has been accused of being a “black box,” and sounding out too few people before making decisions, so that quality is also resonating with voters, particularly young people. Tsai has also shown a willingness to ally with candidates from new small parties whose politics align with hers. 兩任的民進黨主席為蔡英文贏得了團結派系力量及願意聆聽各方意見的好名望。而馬英九政權做決定前常僅接觸少數人士,是以被指控‘黑箱’運作。尤其顯現在年輕族群中,黑箱運作的低質量果實成了選民心中的負面典範。另一方的蔡英文卻展現出願意與其意識形態較為相近的新興小黨結盟的意願。 “You need to communicate with people here … and she’s always been emphasizing communication,” said political author Chang Ching-wen, who recalled that in 2003, while leading the Mainland Affairs Council, Tsai and her aides personally contacted every legislator – more than 200 people then – to sound them out on revisions to guidelines on how Taiwanese interact with the mainland. 政治評論家Chang Ching-wen說 “你必須和大家溝通… 而蔡英文也一直強調溝通的重要性。” 他回想起2003年蔡英文還在陸委會時,曾親自和助手們一位位地聯繫立法委員們 – 當時立委員額超過200人 – 以告知他們台灣和大陸溝通規範的修訂事項。 In 2010, Tsai ran for mayor of New Taipei City, but was defeated by the Nationalist Party’s Eric Chu (whom she’s now squaring off against in the presidential race). Following that failure and her 2012 election loss to Ma, Tsai traveled extensively in Taiwan and abroad, and founded the Thinking Taiwan Foundation and a bilingual website devoted to Taiwan affairs. 蔡英文在2010年競選新北市長敗給了國民黨候選人,朱立倫 (同時也是現今總統選舉的對手)。相續敗給了朱立倫與2012年的馬英九後,蔡英文遍遊島內了各角落及海外各地,另也成立了小英教育基金會和一致力於台灣事務的雙語網站。 This fall, she published a memoir, “Ing’s Clique: The Last Mile to Light Up Taiwan,” about her journeys. “I have fallen, and tried to get up,” she wrote. “In the past few years, I have traveled around, trying to observe and understand the problems that people are facing.” 這秋天她推出了一本回憶錄 “英派: 點亮台灣的這一哩路” 述說著她一路的旅途。 “我跌倒了, 但試著站起來”, 蔡英文寫道 “過去的幾年間,我走遍各地,嘗試著觀察與理解人們碰到的問題。” In the final week of campaigning, Tsai has been working her way northward from the DPP’s traditional stronghold in southern Taiwan. Appearing at a rally in Tainan on Sunday evening, she promised to not let her supporters down this time. “Six days from now, we will win back Taiwan,” she told the crowd. 在競選期結束的最後一星期,蔡英文從民進黨傳統南部堡壘由一路向北而上。現身于星期日晚台南競選場合的她向支持者發表演說 “六天后, 我們將贏回台灣”, 這就是她向民眾作出的承諾。 “She’s got a lot of appeal. After last election there was some very nasty I-told-you-so’s,” said Rigger. “Now, though, she’s the hope of the party, and there isn’t that kind of fog of resentment in the DPP. If they are going to win it, will be because she pulled it out, and she led them to victory.” Rigger說, “她現在有很大的吸引力/申訴力量。 因為自上回總統選舉後有過好幾回的 '看吧,我告诉过你了' 的難堪時刻”。 他表示 “現在的蔡英文是黨希望的化身,而且民進黨內並沒有種抗拒她的氛圍。若民進黨將邁向勝利,那將會是因為蔡英文做到了,是蔡英文領導民進黨迎向勝利。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1452675211.A.F4C.html

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