[外電] Can you say Freaky Thursday?

看板HCKuo作者時間17年前 (2007/06/09 10:44), 編輯推噓12(1201)
留言13則, 13人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
SAN DIEGO -- Can you say Freaky Thursday? 聖地牙哥消息--驚異的星期四 That's what played out at PETCO Park on Thursday night, as the San Diego Padres stunned Jonathan Broxton and the Los Angeles Dodgers with five runs in the bottom of the ninth inning to pull out a dramatic 6-5 victory and complete a three-game sweep. 星期四晚上在PETCO Park 的比賽充滿了驚奇,教士隊在九局下在從躲人後援投手 Jonathan Broxton手中一舉攻下了五分,最後以6-5的比數絕地大逆轉贏得勝利,並在這個系列的 三連戰中將躲人隊橫掃出局。 It was s bases-loaded walk on a 3-and-2 pitch that forced in the winning run and capped the crazy final frame that rivaled the Padres' five-run ninth-inning rally against the Dodgers on April 30, 2006, when they wiped out a 5-0 lead and won in the 10th. 教士隊的Russell Branyan在滿壘、二好三壞的情形下,選到了一個再見保送,讓教士重 演在2006年4月30號原本以5-0落後,到九局連下五城最後在十局逆轉獲勝的類似劇碼。 Justin Hampson (2-1) got the win in relief for the Padres, while Broxton (2-2) took the loss for the Dodgers. "There was no thought of bringing anyone else in," said Dodgers manager Grady Little. "[Broxton] was throwing the ball OK at the start of the inning. ... A couple of freaky things happened out there early in the inning, and you could see the handwriting on the wall." 教士隊投手Justin Hampson(2勝1敗)拿到了後援勝,敗投則是躲人的Broxton(2勝2敗) 躲人的總教練Grady Little表示:「那時候我並沒有把Broxton換掉的念頭,他在那局一 開始投得不錯,只不過發生了一些意想不到的事情,然後你就看到記分板的的比數變 那樣了。 Indeed. Trailing, 5-1, Geoff Blum led off the ninth for the Padres with an infield single, Terrmel Sledge hit a grounder to Dodgers first baseman Nomar Garciaparra, who bobbled the ball preparing to throw to second, and both runners were safe. Marcus Giles followed with a single to left just in front of a diving Luis Gonzalez, and San Diego had loaded the bases. 確實如此,在5-1落後時,Geoff Blum率先打了一支內安,隨後Terrmel Sledge打了一個 滾地球,躲人一壘手Nomar Garciaparra準備要把球丟到二壘製造雙殺時沒有把球拿穩, 結果讓兩名跑者都安全上壘。在躲人中外野手Luis Gonzalez守得很深的情況下,下一棒 的Marcus Giles打了一支在外野手前面落地的幸運鳥安,讓教士隊的攻勢形成滿壘。 Paul McAnulty hit a high chopper to first and beat Garciaparra to the bag for another infield hit, scoring Blum making it 5-2 with the bases still loaded and no outs. 接下來的Paul McAnulty打了一個一壘方向的高彈跳,靠著腳程硬是比Garciaparra先踩到 壘包,變成另外一支內野安打,送回壘上的Blum使得比數變成5-2,沒有人出局而且壘上 依然塞滿跑者。 Adrian Gonzalez then hit a booming ground-rule double to center field, scoring two more runs, and catcher Josh Bard drew an intentional pass to once again load the bases. Mike Cameron followed with a single to center to score the tying run. 下一棒Adrian Gonzalez把球夯到了深遠的中外野,球落地後彈出場外變成一支帶兩分打 點的場地二壘安打,隨後躲人故意四壞保送了Josh Bard再度把壘包填滿,卻被接下來的 Mike Cameron敲出穿越中間防線的一壘安打,並讓教士隊得到了追平分。 The bases remained loaded as Broxton got ahead of Branyan, 1-2. However, the Dodgers reliever threw three straight balls and forced home Gonzalez with the winning run. 在滿壘的情形下,雖然Broxton在面對Branyan先取得2好1壞的球數領先,但是接著連續催 了三顆快速「壞球」,送給教士隊一個再見保送,讓教士把壘上的Gonzalez 給擠回來得 到了致勝分。 "You just have to keep battling out there," said Broxton. 「在那種慘情況下,你只能咬緊牙關,繼續奮鬥下去。」Broxton如是說。 Asked if he felt at any time that it just wasn't going to happen for him, Broxton said, "Not really. I just went out there and still challenged guys and just came up on the short end of the deal. 當被問到是否想過竟然會有這種鳥事會發生在自己身上時,Broxton說:「不盡然,我 是想著要走上丘,持續和那些打者的對決,只不過結果是我輸了。」 Broxton said he wasn't phased by some the infield misfortunes early on. Broxton還說到他並沒有被先前在內野發生的一團亂給影響到。 "I trusted my stuff and went out there and tried to throw strikes and get ahead of guys," said Broxton. "I made some good pitches and tried to go out and get some quick outs, I just had some bad luck." 「我相信我的隊友們,我試著要賞給那傢伙一個痛快的三振,我覺得我投得不錯,也一直 想要快點讓那打者出局,不過顯然我的運氣是差了點。」 "The way that inning started early on, when [Blum's infield chopper] was hit to [second baseman Jeff Kent], it was strange," said . "Then the next ball hit to Nomar, and then a little bit later, the high chopper that Nomar wasn't able to beat the guy to the bag. You better watch out when things like that start happening." Little說:「那局一開始被打了一支內安,這種開局方式感覺上就有些不尋常,隨後雙殺 機會和高彈跳球又沒抓到半個人,你就知道下次類似像這樣的鳥事發生的時候,最好就要 開始小心了。」 Little was asked if he had any thoughts of using closer Takashi Saito, who is scheduled to return from his hamstring problem Friday. "Saito was not going to pitch," said Little. "We have over 100 games to go. And at this point, it doesn't make any sense at all. 當被問到說,是否有想到過要在那個情況下啟用他們的終結者--先前因為肌腱受傷並預定 星期五要重返球場的齋藤大叔時,Little回答:「我們還有100多場的比賽要打,基於這 樣 的考量下,我們並沒有想到要讓大叔上,這樣冒然讓他上去丟並不好。」 "Broxton's a strong young man, and he'll be OK. He'll be OK. Tomorrow we get Saito back, and Broxton will be fine in his [setup] spot." 「Broxton是個不錯的年輕人,他會變得更棒的,在明天大叔回來之後,相信他也能勝任 他身為一個setup man的工作。」 Up until the ninth it appeared that Hong-Chih Kuo would get his first win of the season, as he outdueled Jake Peavy. 在九局下之前,所有人都認為郭泓志會在這場比賽拿到他本季的第一勝,因為他的表現 比Jake Peavy略勝一籌。 Left-hander Kuo pitched six solid innings, allowing three hits and one run that came in on a double by in the fourth. He tied his career high with eight strikeouts and walked four. 左投郭泓志今天在六局的投球中送出了四次保送,並賞給對方平生涯最高的八次三振, 被打的三支安打中有一支是對方投手Peavy打出、帶一分打點的二壘安打,他整場也僅僅 失掉這一分。 "[Kuo] kind of worked himself into some jams early on in the game and then got through those situations by making some great pitches," said Little. "And it happened more than once. He battled them for six innings and did OK." Little說:「在比賽一開始郭泓志自己有點失常,但隨後他克服了困境,持續在場上奮戰 、並投了六局好球。」 In addition to his pitching, Kuo dropped down two successful sacrifice bunts, the first of which led to the Dodgers first run that came in on a single by Rafael Furcal in the third inning. 除了投球之外,郭泓志也打出兩次成功的犧牲短打,第一次的成功短打讓 Rafael Furcal有機會擊出一安送回跑者,幫助躲人先馳得點。 It was Furcal, who looked to be one of the game's heroes as he delivered a clutch two-out, two-run double in the seventh inning that produced a three- spot and chased Peavy. Furcal在第七局兩人出局後打出的那支帶有兩分打點的二壘安打,原本有機會讓他在 這場比賽中變成關鍵的致勝人物。他上壘之後也靠著隊友的護送回本壘得分,並迫使教 士把先發的Peavy換下場。 Furcal was 0-for-7 in the first two games in the series and had come into the game batting .318 (7-for-22 with three home runs) against Peavy. Furcal 在前兩場的比賽中7打數沒有半支安打,不過在痛擊 Peavy之後,他的打擊率 升到了3成18 (22支7) Peavy, who came into the game with a 7-1 record against the Dodgers in 14 starts, pitched 6 2/3 innings, allowing four earned runs. 在這場比賽之前,Peavy總共出賽14場,擁有7勝1敗的傲人戰績。這場比賽他投了6 2/3局 ,失了四分,四分都是自責分。 Luis Gonzalez added what looked like an insurance run with his seventh home run in the eighth off Padres reliever Cla Meredith. Luis Gonzalez在八局面對教士後援投手Cla Meredith時扛出了他個人本季第七支全壘打 ,讓躲人「儼然」多拿到一分保險分。(事後證明只是做白工) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lawaly 來自: (06/09 10:45)

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