[情報] 殺戮世代 劇尾嗆詞中文改編版

看板HBO作者 (是男人就支持小三)時間13年前 (2011/04/12 02:28), 編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天本來在寫自己在看的翻譯,後來很自然地就四字一句的亂翻起來,分享給大家。 其實寫五言的會比較順,也會比較精簡啊...哈哈 10 November 1775. I was born in a bomb crater. My mother was an M16 and my father was the devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life.I eat concertina, piss napalm, and I can shoot a round through a flea's ass at 300 meters. I travel the globe, festering on anti-Americans everywhere I go, for the love of mom, Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie. I'm a grunt. I'm the dirty, nasty, stinky, sweaty, filthy, beautiful little son of a bitch that's kept the wolf away from the door for over 225 years. I'm a United States Marine. We look like soldiers, talk like sailors, slap the shit out of both of them. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the rope from the Army, and the anchor from the Navy. And on the 7th day, when God rested, we overran his perimeter and we've been running the show ever since. Warrior by day, lover by night, drunker by choice, Marine by God. Semper Fidelis. 一七七五,葭月十日。生於彈坑,步槍為母,惡魔為父。我的存在, 每分每秒,都能讓你,生不如死。吃鐵絲網,拉汽油彈,三百米外, 一槍貫穿,跳蚤屁眼。踏遍全球,痛整反美:以母之名、歌雪弗龍、 吟詠棒球、頌蘋果派。我是步兵、骯髒嘔心、臭氣衝天、汗污滿身、 邪惡卑鄙、超級雜種,為美驅狼,二二五載。問我是誰?美軍海陸。 觀如士兵,談如水手,三拳兩腳,一切搞定。偷空軍鷹、搶陸軍繩、 盜海軍錨,待到週日,上帝休息,搶祂地盤,主宰世界!白天勇士、 晚上情人、兼差醉鬼、上帝神兵、永遠忠誠! The self-less sacrifice of day to day military personnel, especially combat veterans, is under appreciated. And you got the American society wanna run as fast as they can to the counter tops, to the fuckin' newsstands, and grab mother fuckin' Us Weekly's and fuckin' People Magazine just to see what fuckin' Jake Gyllenhaal did on Thursday afternoon. You know what I did Thursday afternoon? I put one of my mo'fuckin' Marines on a plane. I put that motherfucker on the bird to fuckin' nowhere. I picked his lifeless ass up body, put him on a stretcher, and put him off. Why don't they put that, why don't that be in a mother fuckin' magazine? Or how 'bout let's put a day in the life of fuckin' any average Marine out here, going through the streets of Ramadi. Their biggest concern is that, you know, they couldn't buy a mocha latte at fuckin' Starbucks because it was under construction. Our biggest mother fuckin' concern is getting blown up on fuckin' 2 9er 5 in Michigan. But we're gonna go home and they're gonna say, wave their little flag, and say "Welcome Home, thanks for, thanks for preserving our right to go on not giving a fuck". 老兵不死,日夜奉獻,無人讚揚。老美鄉民,前仆後繼,衝屁超商, 搶屁報紙,買屁雜誌,只想知道:斷背傑克,這個周四,幹什麼事? 你可知我,這個周四,幹什麼事?抬個擔架、運我弟兄、滿身彈孔、 半死不活、上了飛機、到處亂飛。這種鳥事,幹嘛不報?那怕只是, 短短一日,異國軍旅。報紙雜誌,為何不報?老美鄉民,管你死活, 只怕星巴、正在裝修、沒賣拿鐵、或是什麼、密州鳥事。等我返鄉, 你舞小旗,高聲歡呼「歡迎回家!十分感謝!為我權利,搞成廢渣」 There it is folks. We're sitting here fighting for your freedoms. You got the right to say what you want, we got the right to punch you in your fuckin' mouth if we disagree. 死老百姓,我在這裡,為你自由,出生入死。你有權力,暢所欲言; 若我不爽,我也有權,賞你賤嘴,狠狠一拳! -- 【改作文銘】 廢話連篇,修辭不行;胡扯亂寫,結構失靈;斯謂作文?目觸心驚! 白紙滿江紅,黑臉半面青;處處有錯字,段段無句型。 送你零級分、鴨蛋羹。雖孔孟不能教;惟三蘇亦悲鳴! 韓柳吐鮮血,李杜發神經。師嘆曰:「一群天兵!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 22:17, , 1F
原po真有才情, 推一個
04/12 22:17, 1F

04/14 11:44, , 2F
04/14 11:44, 2F

04/17 17:36, , 3F
04/17 17:36, 3F

04/20 21:00, , 4F
04/20 21:00, 4F

04/20 21:10, , 5F
04/20 21:10, 5F

05/08 00:08, , 6F
05/08 00:08, 6F

05/13 23:47, , 7F
簽名檔也是 建議轉到美劇板 會有更多人看見
05/13 23:47, 7F

05/29 04:25, , 8F
05/29 04:25, 8F
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