[GW2 ] 訪問Jon Peters-關於GW2電子競技

看板GuildWars作者 (LdsFish)時間12年前 (2012/03/08 08:59), 編輯推噓1(105)
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新聞來源(英文):http://0rz.tw/gJAlv (by Pwyff) 轉載中文翻譯:http://0rz.tw/8t5MW (by fire78113) --- An Interview With Guild Wars 2's Jon Peters - by Pwyff We sat down with Guild Wars 2's Jon Peters to talk about competitive PvP, combat, and GW2's eSports aspirations! 我們和GW2的Jon Peters坐在一起談論著PVP、戰鬥系統、以及GW2的電子競技願景。 It's no secret that I've been a huge proponent of competitive PvP in MMORPGs from the very beginning, and even though many attempts have been made to generate a robust tournament-friendly MMO (Fury, World of Warcraft 3v3 arena, the original Guild Wars), the results have been less than stellar. That being said, Guild Wars 2 probably has the highest chance of any MMORPG to break into the mainstream competitive light and I, for one, could not be more excited. Throughout my experiences in the press beta two weeks ago, I spent much of it testing out all sorts of PvP builds. Near the end of the testing window, I also got the opportunity to grill ArenaNet Game Designer Jon Peters about the various design choices made to help GW2 succeed as a competitive MMORPG. 我是MMORPG,PvP競賽提倡者的這件事早就不是秘密,而且即使有很多試圖建立健全的錦 標賽形式的MMO(Fury、WoW 3v3 競技場、原本的GW),結果都成為過去。話雖這麼說,GW2 很有可成為MMORPG的主流,成為競技遊戲之光而且我們感到如此的興奮。根據我兩周前的 測試經驗,我投入大量的時間在測試PvP建築的類型。在測試結束前,我也得到機會可以 拷問A社的設計師Jon Peter有關大量的設計選擇來使GW2成功的成為一個競技MMORPG。 Of course, I didn't record any of it. Regardless, I did manage to catch up with Jon once again to get his thoughts in a more formal manner, so without further ado, check out our interview with Game Designer Jon Peters on Guild Wars 2's combat, PvP, and eSports aspirations! 當然,我沒有做任何紀錄。 無論如何,我再次地跟 Jon取得聯繫,並以更正式的方式來取得他的想法。 所以事不宜遲,來看我們訪問遊戲設計師Jon Peters有關GW2的戰鬥系統、PvP 、以及電子競技(eSports)的願景! ZAM: Hi there and thank you for taking the time to talk to us about Guild Wars 2's PvP and combat systems! ZAM:你好,很高興你願意撥空來跟我們談論GW2的PVP以及戰鬥系統! Jon Peters: Thanks for being interested. We love to talk about this stuff whenever we can. Jon Peters:謝謝你們對此有興趣,我們很樂意跟大家談論這些事情。 ZAM: First of all, congratulations on the successful press beta test! In your recent blog development update, you detailed some changes made after the test, but was there anything else you liked from watching us play over the weekend? ZAM:首先,恭喜press beta 測試順利成功!最近你的部落格有所更新,你詳細的敘述了 一些在測試之後的改變,但是有其他是你在觀看我們在周末遊玩後比較喜歡的嗎? Jon: For me, it was how much I enjoyed playing with new players and teaching them things about the game. Jon:對我而言,跟新人一起玩跟教導他們有關遊戲事情是非常有趣的。 ZAM: In an MMORPG like Guild Wars 2, where skill and timing matter just as much as your equipment and levels, it seems like skill disparity can become a real balancing problem in PvE. In an optimal situation with highly skilled players, we'll see things like conditions being stacked, cross-profession skills being utilized, and boons distributed to right players. In less than optimal situations, however, it's easy to see everything winding down to disaster. In this way, how do you craft content that will challenge even the best players without frustrating the less "skilled" ones? ZAM:像是GW2這種的MMORPG,技能跟時間的問題就如同裝備以及等級,似乎技能的不同將 成為PVE的平衡問題。擁有最高技能的玩家在最佳的情況,我們將看到一些情形,例如狀 態的堆疊,跨職業技能將被利用,以及恩賜分配給適合的隊友。然而,在不到最佳情況下 ,我們可以很容易地看見每一件事緩緩地變成災難。這樣個情況下,你們要如何建立遊戲 內容,即使最好的玩家沒有足夠的技能使用,也不阻擾他的挑戰。 Jon: I think we generate different types of content. Some is meant to really challenge even the most experienced players, while other content is meant to appeal to more casual players. We also worked really hard in our design to make the skill floor a lot higher than most other games of this nature, to make sure you could bring your character over to PvP and feel like you could just start playing. Jon:我想我們建立了不同的遊戲內容形式。有一些即使對於最有經驗的玩家來說也是種 挑戰,同時也有些遊戲內容是設計給一般玩家的。我們也很努力的設計,讓我們的技能層 次跟其他同類型的遊戲比起來更來得有高度,以確認你可以將你的角色帶往PVP且你可以 感覺到你馬上就可以開始戰鬥。 ZAM: Given Guild Wars' renown as a competitive PvP-focused game, will there be any plans to extend that competitiveness to PvE encounters? Something like leaderboards for completing elite events and dungeons the fastest? ZAM:眾所皆知GW是一個具競爭性的PVP向遊戲,有任何計畫要拓展PvE的競爭性嗎?像是 完成菁英事件或者是地城通關速度的排行榜? Jon: We did do some stuff like this in Guild Wars: Factions so it is something we do enjoy. However, there are no current plans for this. Jon:我們有在Guild Wars: Factions做了類似的事情,而這些是我們所喜愛的,然而目 前並沒有任何有關此的計畫。 ZAM: I noticed that, while players can modify their utility skills, healing skills, and elite skills with some variation, weapon skills remain the same five abilities from level 1 to level 80. Was this done to create more guided foundations for players to build on (ie: rifle engineer skills versus pistol engineer skills are very different, and so require different supplemental skills to maximize their potential), or are there plans to add more customization with weapon skills going forward? ZAM:當玩家可以自訂他們的實用技能、治癒技能以及菁英技能時,我注意到武器技能從1 等到80等始終是同樣的5個技能。有考慮創建更多的領導基礎來讓玩家建立嗎?(例如:火 槍工程師技能對上手槍工程師技能,兩者是非常不一樣的,所以需要不一樣的補充技能來 最大化他們的潛能),或者有任何計畫在將來給予玩家更多選擇來客定化他們的武器技能? Jon: This was done for a variety of reasons, ranging from giving players a leg up on build-making to more clearly differentiating between characters to simplifying balance. Keep in mind when picking weapon skills that you are managing either two weapon sets and swapping between them, or four attunements in the case of the elementalist, or up to four kits and a weapon set with the engineer. You are making decisions about when to swap and how to combine skills from different weapons by swapping. On top of that, many have skill chains that you can go through or break out of, toggle skills that can detonate previous skills for other effects, and a lot of versatility within each skill. For example, Savage Leap can be used to close on enemies, escape from enemies or jump over terrain gaps. Jon:這麼做是有很多的原因,從給予玩家建立到明確地區分角色間的不同,來達到簡易 的平衡。為了可以在腦裡記得你正在使用的武器的技能或者是第2組武器的技能並且切換 他們,或者元素使的4種調和,或者工程師的4種工具包以及武器。你要決定何時切換武器 以及藉由切換武器來了解技能組合之間的不同。 最重要的是,許多是有技能鏈可以讓你通過、擺脫、或切換技能來引爆前一個技能而產生 其他的影響、在每個技能中很多的功能。例如,野蠻人躍進可以用來關閉敵人、擺脫敵人 或越過地形的差距。 ZAM: You've decided to really level the instanced PvP playing field by giving players access to all the equipment and skills they need to remain competitive. While it's clear that ArenaNet has big plans for competitive team-based PvP, will there be any rewards (or forms of progression) for players who simply want to jump into the queue day after day? ZAM:你們已經決定藉由給予玩家途徑可以取得他們在戰鬥中所需要的所有裝備以及技能 ,讓大家在PvP都一樣。很明確地ArenaNet有針對於隊伍向的PvP競賽的計劃,有可能有任 何獎勵(或者級數形式)給於那些一天又一天跳隊伍的玩家? Jon: Let me first point out there is no real 'queue.' Games are hot-join based so that means they are always running and once you get in a "server" you can keep playing the map rotation with the same players to build some community. That being said, there are a few forms of progression. The first is a PvP resource called Glory. Glory is earned by playing in matches and players can spend it to obtain new weapon and armor skins for PvPing. There are also PvP achievements and statistics that we track. Finally, we have tournaments for more organized players. Those are focused 5v5 tournaments and are the true replacement for GvG. We'll have more on those in the future. Jon:讓我事先聲明,並沒有真正的”隊伍”,遊戲是建立於”Hot Join”基礎,所以這 意味著他們總是在變動以及只要你加入一個「伺服器」,你可以一直在裡面跟同一批玩家 一直玩並建立一些社群。 這曾說過,會有一些級數形式。第一種是PvP物資稱作榮譽( Glory)。榮譽( Glory)是在 競賽中所獲取而且玩家可以使用他購買在PvP時使用的武器、裝備的皮膚。也有PvP成就系 統以及我們所追蹤做成的統計。最後,我們有為了組織玩家準備了錦標賽。錦標賽重點放 於5對5而且這將取代GvG。我們在未來有很多有關此的內容。 ZAM: Speaking of competitive team-based PvP, eSports has been making a big push into the public sphere, with more players turning to streams to generate consistent revenue while playing in tournaments for the prestige and bigger cash prizes. Do you have any major plans to support eSports gaming in Guild Wars 2 that you can share? ZAM:談談隊伍競賽,電子競技已經成功打進大眾領域,當錦標賽提供名譽根鉅額的獎金 時,越來越多玩家跟隨著趨勢來賺取穩定的收入。你可以分享一下你們是否有任何有關 GW2支援電子競技的重要計畫嗎? Jon: Absolutely. We consider it to be one of the primary goals of Guild Wars 2 competitive PvP to make it into an eSport. We plan to have daily tournaments, monthly tourneys and a yearly world championship. I can't give out tons of details on these yet, but I just wanted you guys to know that we plan to have these things and support them. Jon:明顯是有的。我們思考GW2的競技PvP的主要目標就是將它建立成電子競技遊戲。我 們計畫有日錦標賽、月錦標賽以及年度世界冠軍賽。我還不能對此敘述太多細節,但是我 想要你們知道,我們有這樣的計畫去支援電子競技。 ZAM: One of the big requisites of being a good eSports game is how it translates to a spectator sport and if audiences can understand what's happening without that deep knowledge of the game. By making GW2's PvP -- like Guild Wars' GvG-- objective based rather than deathmatch-based, how do you think this will help the game's accessibility? ZAM:成為一個好的電子競技的一個先決條件,是如何將它轉型成觀賞性運動以及觀眾能 否在不需要很了解這個遊戲的情況下也能夠了解發生什麼事。GW2的PvP-例如GW的GvG- 目標取向而非死鬥取向,你覺得這如何使遊戲變得更加親民? Jon: It offers cool splits. 8v8 is obviously too big. 7v7 is pretty much the same. 6v6 can be cool, but it creates even matches (3v3 or 2v2v2) which aren't always fun to watch, since teams might just stand around not wanting to engage. In 5v5 you get great splits that are uneven and encourage action. 5v5 is also a great number of people to have in a team, and since a lot of other games ask you to play with five friends, it felt like a great number. In Conquest, capture points are just our way of getting players to fight. It prevents turtling and gives new players a very easy way to help their team. See a point you don't own? Go to it. Are people attacking a point you do own? Go to it. It also gives us a nice set of layers to observe. The first thing is the score. Anyone can look at the score and know who is winning by who has a higher score. Then after that they can look at the state of the objectives and start to understand that next layer. After that they can start to look at player positioning and builds and get into the real nitty-gritty strategy. If you compare this to something like football, score is their first layer. Field position and down is their next layer, and offensive and defensive formations is their 3rd layer. Jon:它提供很棒的劃分。8人對8人很明顯大過龐大。7人對7人似乎也是。6人對6人很棒 ,但是牠形成的比賽(3v3 或者 2v2v2),通常觀看起來都不怎麼有趣,因為隊伍可能只會 站在一旁而不願意交戰。在5人對5人的情況下,有著很棒的劃分,雖然不平等但是鼓勵你 行動。5人對5人在隊伍中也是一個很棒的數字,而且大多數都要求玩家跟5位朋友一起遊 玩,這個感覺起來是個好數字。 在占領戰,佔領點是我們讓玩家打起來的方法。他可以避免玩家龜起來而且可以讓新玩家 有可以幫助隊伍的地方。看見一個點不是你們的?就占領它吧!有人攻擊你們的占領點? 就迎擊他吧!它提供了不同的階段讓我們去觀察。第一個是分數,每個人可以藉由分數了 解誰是目前分數高的贏家,然後他們可以觀察目標的狀態而且開始了解下一個階段。之後 他們可以看見玩家的位置以及建築並且體會到如同真實體驗般的策略。如果你跟一些事情 比較,例如足球,分數是它們觀察的第一階段,再來是球場的位置以及草丘,進攻方跟防 守方是觀看的第三階段。 ZAM: And that's all we've got for now! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions; we're really excited to see if players can pick up on Guild Wars 2's deep combat system! ZAM:而且這些全部我們現在已經得到了!真的很感謝你撥空來幫我們解答,我們熱烈地 期待著看玩家能否了解GW2這有深度的戰鬥系統! Jon: Thank you. Let me just leave you with these thoughts (mostly stolen from the eloquent Jonathan Sharp). Jonathan, Izzy and I all have at one time in our past played Starcraft, Quake, Quake2, GW1, TRIBES, and other games at a semi-pro level. We have been on the other side of the fence and can appreciate the perspective of those players. GW2 is trying something new, and we're gonna try to blend the best of the old world with a new game style that asks players to employ skill sets from different genres. We want it to become a major eSport, and hope to make the right decisions that will make that happen in the long run. Jon:謝謝。讓我留給你一些思想(大多是取自具說服力的Jonathan Sharp)。Jonathan、 Izzy 和我三個人在過去曾玩過星海爭霸、雷神戰槌1跟2、GW1、TRIBES跟其他遊戲,以一 個半職業玩家的水準。我們已經在另一邊而且可以欣賞其他玩家的觀察力。GW2正嘗試新 的事物,而我們將會試圖把舊世界與我們從各方玩家蒐集而成的新遊戲模式混合在一起。 我們想要它成為電子競技的主流,並希望能做出正確地決定使它能夠長久存在。 ---End--- 5v5的錦標賽中 不曉得會不會有激戰2版本的dota XD? 個人還滿期待的啊XDDDD -- ───────── ──────────────────────── ˊ What's 's story GUILDWARS彡/ ▅▅▅▆▆▇▇▇ 激戰2】 ◢▲◤/───────── /◆ ───────────────────── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DemonElf 來自: (03/08 09:47)

03/08 16:09, , 1F
感謝搬運工~ 我認為GW2的5V5 一定會成為電競的
03/08 16:09, 1F

03/08 16:09, , 2F
不吃裝備 就是他 最大的優點 望向隔壁的...
03/08 16:09, 2F

03/08 18:19, , 3F
03/08 18:19, 3F

03/08 18:20, , 4F
03/08 18:20, 4F

03/08 18:21, , 5F
03/08 18:21, 5F

03/08 18:22, , 6F
步提供了玩家發揮個人特色的空間 電競展望度確實是很高
03/08 18:22, 6F
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