NBA Trade Value by Bill Simmons

看板Grizzlies作者 (曲終人不散)時間11年前 (2013/05/15 05:11), 編輯推噓10(1001)
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Bill Simmons,就是ESPN中場和Magic, Jalen Rose坐一起的那個白人娃娃臉 這位是還算有料的高級酸酸,文筆很好梗又多,但都是美國梗很難翻成中文... (想像一下一篇充滿了馬囧傳說和恰恰爆橘這類梗的中文文章要翻成英文...) 連結是從灰狼版看來的,找了一下前幾天剛出完第三部分 虎撲有第一部分的翻譯,後面兩個還沒翻完 有興趣的很建議看看,是打發時間兼學英文/美國文化的好材料 說實話他真的沒怎麼在討論trade value,說是漫談還差不多... 節錄幾個灰熊的球員,有些地方因為時間點的關係所以加減看看吧。 (虎撲有翻的部分有些就借過來用了) Honorable Mention: Z-Bo、TA、Conley (written in April 18) (他這專欄寫了一個月才寫完,Conley季後賽的表現讓他後面又提了一次) TA T.A. would have cracked the top 50 if he weren't an expiring contract — he's recovered from last year's knee problem and back to being the League's Best One-On-One Perimeter Defender Not Named LeBron. Memphis lost in seven to the Clippers last spring for two reasons. First, Rudy Gay didn't just shit the bed in that series; he whipped his feces at the ceiling fan so it sprayed all over the arena. And second, Tony Allen wasn't healthy and couldn't bother Chris Paul at all. This spring? He'll be bothering Chris Paul. 要不是他今年合約到期,TA可以擠進這個榜單的前五十名。他從去年膝蓋的傷病中 復原,而且成為了聯盟中除了LeBron之外最好的外圍防守者。灰熊去年輸給快艇有 兩個原因:第一,Rudy Gay打得像坨屎;第二,TA不是100%,沒辦法給Chris Paul 帶來困擾。今年呢?他會一直纏著Chris Paul的。 From a basketball standpoint, that's the best subplot of Round 1: Those 45 to 50 crunch-time possessions over seven games (and yes, it's going seven) when Vinny Del Negro stares vacantly toward the floor with a gaze that says, "Look, Chris, you know we don't have plays, you're just gonna have to do something here" and then it turns into another mano-a-mano battle between Chris and Tony. Think of them as two perfectly matched super lightweights ready to kick the living basketball crap out of each other; they may as well be Mike Alvarado and Brandon Rios. I'm fired up. Don't sleep on this series. 從籃球的角度來說,這是第一輪最棒的插曲:在七場大戰中(是的,七場)總共大概 五十個關鍵play裡,Vinny Del Negro會眼神空洞的看著地板說:「聽著,Chris,你 知道我們沒甚麼戰術,你得自己想辦法打出些名堂來。」然後就是Tony Aleen vs. Chris Paul一場接一場的單挑。想像一下兩個旗鼓相當的超級輕量級拳手,好比說 Mike Alvarado和Brandon Rios,他們都想用籃球把對方幹掉。一想到這裡我就熱血沸 騰,千萬別錯過這個系列賽。 Z-Bo The obvious signs of decline: Z-Bo was a 20-12 guy in 2011 (and shot 50 percent), and he's a 15-11 guy right now (and shooting 46 percent). Less obvious: He's not the same crunch-time force anymore. Check out Z-Bo's numbers in 2011; he was as good as anyone late. In 2013? You can't even find him in the top 50 for anything other than rebounds. Throw in Z-Bo's salary ($17.8 million in 2014, $16.5 million in 2015) and he's suddenly an honorable mention guy.8 If 2011 Z-Bo shows up for Round 1 this weekend, the Clippers don't have a chance. But if 2013 Z-Bo shows up? They have a chance. 他有著顯著的衰退徵兆:2011年的時候他是個20-12,五成命中率的球員;現在他是個 15-11的球員,命中率只剩46%。另外比較不明顯的是,他在關鍵時刻的表現也不如以 往。在2011年他在關鍵時刻的表現和其他人一樣好,但2013呢?除了籃板之外,他在 其他統計數據上連前五十都排不到。考量到他高額的薪水,他也沒辦法擠進這份榜單的 前五十名。如果2011年的Z-Bo出現在今年打第一輪,快艇一點機會都沒有;但如果是 2013年的Z-Bo?他們或許有機可乘。 Quick Z-Bo story: We taped a mini–B.S. Report with him during All-Star Weekend. He showed up with an oversize kid who looked about 13, only he was taller than me. I asked if that was his son and Z-Bo said, "Yeah, that's Little Z-Bo." When we finished the podcast, he said, "Come on, Little Z-Bo, we gotta go." And they left. Here's my point: Either we need a reality show with Z-Bo and Little Z-Bo or, at the very least, we need a music video along the lines of this one: 一個關於Z-Bo的小故事:明星賽周末的時候,我和他錄了一段mini-B.S. Report。 (譯按:,我沒看)他帶了一個看起來像是十三歲的孩子,只不 過他比我還高壯(譯按:Bill Simmons六呎一)。我問他這是不是他孩子,他說:「 是阿,這是小Z-Bo。」錄影結束後,他說:「走吧,小Z-Bo。」然後他們就走了。我 的想法是:我們不是需要一個Z-Bo和小Z-Bo的實境秀,起碼我們需要一個像這樣的MV:
Mike Conley Jr. Assumed a Tony Parker–like level of offensive responsibility for a legitimate 2013 Finals contender … but that's the same reason nobody thinks Memphis can win the title. So I don't know what that means. More importantly, where does Conley rank among the greatest athletes who tried to keep the "Jr." going in their names? I have Cal Ripken Jr. first, Ken Griffey Jr. second, Roy Jones Jr. third, Mike Conley Jr. fourth and Keith Closs Jr. last. 在一支足以問鼎2013年總冠軍賽的球隊裡肩負Tony Parker等級的進攻重任...但這也 是為什麼沒人看好灰熊能贏得冠軍。好吧,我也不知道這是甚麼意思。更重要的是, Conley會在那些「Jr.」運動員中排第幾呢?我會說Cal Ripken Jr.第一,小葛瑞菲 第二,Roy Jones Jr.第三,Conley第四,Keith Closs Jr.最後。 (譯按:前兩個有在看MLB的應該都知道,Roy Jones Jr.是個拳擊手,Keith Closs Jr. 請參考: (以下寫於五月十號) Even if I'm a charter member of the Rudy Gay Is Severely Overrated committee, I never anticipated the addition-by-subtraction elements of that trade: (a) Memphis becoming Conley's team, and (b) Conley making a semi-leap in the playoffs for a legitimate contender. Throw in his suddenly agreeable contract (three more years at $26.34 million combined) and he's absolutely a top-50 guy. If I had a do-over, I'd give him Paul Pierce's spot and stick Conley at no. 37 in that Rondo/Chandler group. I'd also appreciate a do-over on this tweet from two and a half years ago: 儘管我是「Rudy Gay被嚴重高估」的忠實支持者,我從沒想過交易掉他能有另外兩個 加分的效果:a)灰熊成了Conley的球隊;b)Conely讓這支冠軍候選更進一步。考 量到他突然變得合理的薪水(還剩三年26M),他絕對有資格進入這份榜單的前五十 名。如果我重寫一次,我會把它放在三十七名,取代Paul Pierce,和Rondo/Chandler 那組放在一起(譯按:請自行參考part 2)。我也希望能重寫我兩年半前的這條tweet : No. 14 Marc Gasol Any pickup-basketball regular battles an ongoing dilemma: What's it worth to keep playing for as long as possible? If it's super-crowded and you want to stay on the court for a few games, you might suck it up and jump on a team with Pickup Carmelo or Pickup Kobe — a.k.a. a one-on-one guy who will shoot half your team's shots, only he's good enough that you might be able to ride him for two straight hours. But if it's less crowded? You take your chances with people who are fun to play with — a.k.a. unselfish guys who run the floor, know how to pass and cut, keep the ball moving, don't take stupid transition shots, and generally know what they're doing. 每個習慣在球場報隊的人都會碰到這樣的難題:在場上一直打的價值在哪裡?如果是 個超級多人的場而你又想在場上多打幾場,也許你會忍氣吞聲找一個三重Kobe或是台 中Melo之類的隊友。他們是強大的一對一好手,會占掉全隊半數的出手,但也是唯一 一個能讓你霸場打兩小時的隊友。但如果是人沒那麼多的場呢?你會找那種和他打球 很有趣的隊友。他們不自私、願意跑動、知道怎麼傳球和空切、會轉移球、快攻不會 亂來、而且通常很清楚他們自己在做甚麼。 And ideally, this is what happens: A few times per year, you'll find the right four guys on a crowded day, everything will click, you'll turn into the '77 Blazers, and you end up laying the smack down, 2013 Heat–style, for six or seven straight. 這是理想中該發生的情節:每年總有幾次,在一個人很多的場,你會找到四個對的隊 友,你們默契渾然天成,打的就像77年的拓荒者一樣,然後就像今年熱火一樣,連贏 六七場比賽。 It's just the best day you can have. It's the greatest. You limp out of there beaming, and when your wife or girlfriend asks you later that night why you're so damned happy, you can't even properly explain it. How can you explain total bliss? I love playing basketball — even now, with my body breaking down and my game decaying to alarming degrees — if only because it's one of the few places left on earth where you can connect with total strangers like that. Age doesn't matter, backgrounds don't matter, nothing matters. You have four teammates, they can be anybody, and you either know how to click with them or you don't. 這會是再好不過的一天,超爽的。你累癱了可是非常開心,回家的時候老婆或女友問 你怎麼這麼嗨,你卻沒辦法清楚解釋這件事情。你要怎麼解釋上天的賜福?我很愛打 籃球(雖然我身體已經快不行了),因為這是世界上唯一一處,你可以和陌生人那樣 的連結在一起。年紀不是問題,出身背景不是問題,沒甚麼會是問題。你有四個隊友 ,他們可以是任何人,你可能可以和他們打起來有fu,也可能沒有。 That's what makes Marc Gasol special, and that's why you can't totally measure him with stats. I voted for him as my first-team All-NBA center. Why? Because he can blend in with any four guys in the league. He'll anchor your defense, grab some rebounds, make every smart pass, post up when you need him. He's a phenomenal leader and chemistry guy. And he's malleable. 這就是Marc Gasol的特別之處,這也是為什麼你無法全然用數字來衡量他。我把年度 第一隊中鋒的票給了他。理由?因為他可以融入聯盟中任何四個人,他會為你的防守 定調、抓幾個籃板、傳幾個好球、當你需要的時候他還可以打低位。他是個非凡的領 導者,也是可以引起化學反應的那個人,可以滿足你任何的需求。 For instance, Memphis spent much of the past three years playing a deadly high-low game with Z-Bo down low and Gasol up top, where his passing makes him a weapon. After two straight losses to the Clippers, Memphis switched things around and stuck Gasol down low. That worked, too. So far in the Thunder series, they've been riding Gasol's offense against the Completely & Irrevocably Washed-Up Kendrick Perkins; when the Thunder finally adjust and go small (you know it's coming), Gasol will make the necessary tweaks and figure out a different way to affect the series. Do whatever you want with that dude, it's gonna work. Bill Russell, Bill Walton and Tim Duncan are the three greatest "You'd Want to Play Hoops With Them" big guys ever, but Marc Gasol is no slouch. Remember we had this conversation if you're saying, "I can't believe we have a Miami-Memphis Finals!" in three weeks. 舉例來說吧,灰熊過去三年中大部分的高低位都是Z-Bo在低位,Gasol在高位。他的傳 球能力讓他成為場上的進攻武器。在連續兩次輸給快艇之後,灰熊互換了他們兩個的 位置,讓Gasol去站低位。而這樣也運作良好。到目前為止和雷霆的系列賽中,灰熊讓 Gasol去攻擊那個已經完全不行了的Perk;當雷霆最終開始打小球的時候(你知道他們 會這麼做的),Gasol會做出適當的調整並且找到另一個方式來幫助球隊。你可以讓他 做任何事,都不會有問題。Bill Russel、Billl Walton和Tim Duncan是這類球員中最 棒的三個大個子,而Marc Gasol一點也不輸他們。記好這段話,特別是當你三個禮拜 後說出「我從沒想過冠軍賽是灰熊對熱火!」的時候。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ckbbwtb 來自: (05/15 05:13)

05/15 05:53, , 1F
05/15 05:53, 1F

05/15 11:54, , 2F
感謝翻譯...不過以前我真的覺得他有點烏鴉嘴 = =
05/15 11:54, 2F

05/15 15:22, , 3F
05/15 15:22, 3F

05/15 15:29, , 4F
05/15 15:29, 4F

05/15 16:26, , 5F
Vinny Del Negro嚴重中槍XD
05/15 16:26, 5F

05/15 19:08, , 6F
05/15 19:08, 6F

05/15 20:29, , 7F
Del Negro不意外啊 本來就沒什麼料
05/15 20:29, 7F

05/15 20:42, , 8F
05/15 20:42, 8F

05/16 02:08, , 9F
05/16 02:08, 9F

05/16 02:09, , 10F
05/16 02:09, 10F

05/17 00:27, , 11F
05/17 00:27, 11F
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