[轉錄][新聞] 診斷球隊高峰會 專家看好灰熊前景

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1EF1joAp ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (父親,願你安息) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] 診斷球隊高峰會 專家看好灰熊前景 時間: Sat Aug 6 00:33:50 2011 [球隊] 診斷球隊高峰會 專家看好灰熊前景 http://nba.pixnet.net/news/article/2011-08-05/42300/47519 發表時間:2011-08-05 曼菲斯灰熊絕對是上個賽季NBA最美妙的故事之一,他們擊倒馬刺,完成了史上第四次 老八傳奇;隨後他們與雷霆大戰七場,險些殺進西區決賽。這一連驚奇之旅讓灰熊瞬間 成了各方矚目的焦點,他們究竟只是運氣好而已,還是他們已經蛻變成完全體,足以 撼動全聯盟?美國五位籃球專家日前便針對灰熊的諸多問題展開了一場超級高峰會: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are Memphis Grizzlies title contenders? http://es.pn/oEsyzj The TrueHoop Network 1、灰熊是真的強大,還是一支偽強隊? Are the Grizzlies contenders or pretenders? 亞諾維茲(Kevin Arnovitz, ESPN.com): The Grizzlies have won 24, 40 and 46 games over the past three seasons, so there's a definite upward trajectory here. But until they recruit some serious perimeter shooting, they're merely pretenders -- albeit a scrappy and intriguing pretender and a whole lot of fun to watch. 過去三個賽季,灰熊的勝場分別是24勝、40勝和46勝,進步非常明顯。但,除非他們 加強外線投籃,否則他們只是偽強隊而已,儘管他們鬥志旺盛,而且很值得一看。 克萊恩(Chip Crain, 灰熊部落格3 Shades of Blue): Contenders. They started to finally play together at the end of last season and have an identity now that the entire team is buying into. And with most of the players still on rookie contracts, the future looks very bright in Memphis. This team was only one triple-overtime game away from the conference finals, after all. 他們是強隊。從上個球季末開始,他們凝聚了全隊,找到了自己的風格,同時,他們 很多主力球員都還拿著新秀合約,這讓他們的未來看起來非常光明,他們還會進步, 事實上,他們距離西區決賽,也僅差一個延長賽而已。 德費羅(Justin DeFeo, 籃網部落格Nets Are Scorching): Pretenders. The Grizzlies are about a year or two away from being championship contenders, but last season's success wasn't a fluke. With some of their best players young and still improving, and with age catching up to the old guard in the West, anything can happen. 灰熊現在還只是偽強隊,再等個一兩年,他們也許就能成為冠軍的競爭者。但他們上季 的成功也絕非僥倖,他們的球員十分年輕,進步空間還很大,而西區傳統強隊正在逐步 老化中,這也為他們製造更多的機會。 魯勃(Brian Robb, 賽爾提克部落格Celtics Hub): Contenders. Memphis has a young, promising core that defends well and has three of its top players (Zach Randolph, Rudy Gay, Mike Conley) locked up for the long term. With that formula for success, it's tough to make a case for three to four other Western Conference rosters I'd take over the Griz's for the foreseeable future. 曼菲斯有一群前途美好的青年才俊,他們防守非常好,三名核心球員(藍道夫Zach Randolph、康利Mike Conley和蓋伊Rudy Gay)的合約還很長,就這點來看,在西區 我很難找出三支比他們前景還好的球隊。 楊(Royce Young, 雷霆部落格Daily Thunder): Absolutely contenders. Assuming Marc Gasol is retained, they're bringing back a better team than the one that fell to the Thunder in seven games in the West semifinals. Imagine if that team had its best scorer in Rudy Gay for the postseason. Add him to a core of Zach Randolph, Gasol and Mike Conley and you've got a very good team. 假設小蓋索(Marc Gasol)留守,他們下季的陣容甚至比上季那支將雷霆逼到生死戰的 灰熊更好。想想吧,如果上季季後賽他們最好的得分手蓋伊沒有因傷缺賽,他們會是 多麼強大? 2、灰熊該不該交易蓋伊? Should the Grizzlies consider trading Rudy Gay? 亞諾維茲: There's a temptation to believe that if a team can succeed and improve without a specific player -- as the Griz did last spring with Gay sidelined -- that means he's expendable. Should Chris Wallace listen to offers for Gay? You bet. But with four years remaining on a hefty contract, it's unlikely he can get equal value in return. 灰熊上個球季證明了失去某個球員,他們仍然可以取得成功,季後賽他們沒有蓋伊, 仍然接近了西區決賽,這意味著蓋伊並非不可動搖的,華勒斯(Chris Wallace)當然 應該聽取報價,問題是,蓋伊合約還剩四年,總金額並不低,想換來同等價值的球員, 十分困難。 克萊恩: No, the Grizzlies shouldn't trade Gay unless they can find someone of equal or superior talent to replace him. The team was 13-2 in the last 15 games he played before his injury and is better with him than without him. 不,灰熊不應該交易蓋伊,除非他們能換來跟蓋伊一樣出色甚至更加優秀的球員。上個 賽季,在蓋伊受傷之前的15場比賽,他們拿下13勝2負。 德費羅: There are few untouchable players in the NBA, and Rudy Gay is not one of them. The Grizzlies have already showed they can win without Gay in the lineup. If a trade comes along that makes sense for them, they should absolutely consider it. NBA現在沒多少「不動產」,蓋伊顯然不屬於那個行列。灰熊已經證明了沒有蓋伊他們 可以贏球,如果一筆交易可以讓他們更強大,為什麼不做呢? 魯勃: Not anytime soon. The one thing Memphis lacked in its impressive run to the Western Conference semifinals was consistent offense. Although Gay's bloated contract will likely limit the team's flexibility under the next CBA, trading its best scorer seems foolish. 倒是不用這麼快做交易決定,灰熊上季缺乏的是穩定的進攻火力,儘管蓋伊的合約將會 限制了他們的薪資彈性空間,但交易自己陣中最好的得分手?這看起來太傻太天真了! 楊: No way. Sure they caught fire once he went down but I don't think that's an indictment on Gay. Plus, that would be assuming Tony Allen would continue to play high-quality, productive ball on both ends. Seems like a hefty risk to me. 得了吧!確實,上季灰熊在他倒下後,仍舊打出不錯的成績,但我不覺得這關蓋伊什麼 事。此外,難道要讓艾倫(Tony Allen)在攻防兩端繼續扮演那麼重要的角色?他看起來 可不是那麼可靠。 3、在獲得續約之後,藍道夫下個賽季能依舊表現出色嗎? After getting an extension, which Z-Bo will show up next season? 亞諾維茲: With Randolph, all bets are off, but there was unquestionably a different vibe to his game last season. Was he a guy with dollar signs in his eyes, or a player who finally found a team and coaching staff that understood how to maximize his talents and minimize his liabilities? The truth probably lies somewhere in between. 對藍道夫來說,什麼事都有可能發生,但上季的他,確實有所不同。他是為了合約才 打得那麼賣力嗎?還是他真的找到能夠將他能力發揮最大化的教練和球隊呢?都有 可能。 克萊恩: Z-Bo may have played the last two seasons only for a contract but it is more likely that he has actually matured. Randolph isn't the player he was earlier in his career, when he partied all night and hung out with the wrong group of people. He's a family man and loved in Memphis. There is no reason not to assume he comes back ready to play. 也許是為了合同吧,但目前看起來更像是他真的成熟起了,藍道夫和生涯早期完全不同 了,以前他就是徹夜在外面鬼魂,交友不慎還老是捅簍子。但在曼菲斯,他突然變成了 陽光宅男,大家都喜歡他,所以,假設下季他仍然很優秀,應該是沒有任何問題的。 德費羅: On the court, you always know what you're getting with Z-Bo -- about 20 points and 10 rebounds. It's off the court where his problems arise. But I suspect the Z-Bo who loves the city of Memphis and has matured will show up next season. 在場上,你知道藍道夫可以帶給你什麼:20分外加10籃板;問題是場下的他?但我 懷疑藍道夫,這個熱愛曼菲斯而且已經成熟多了的傢伙,很可能會將他的毛病再次 暴露出來。 魯勃: The motivated one. It took me a while to get on board with Z-Bo, a player who has always put up good numbers on bad teams for the vast majority of his career. After getting a taste of a winning environment last season, however, I expect his strong, focused play to continue as Memphis continues to climb the standings. 生涯大多數時間,藍道夫都在一支爛隊拚命刷漂亮數據,但現在有所不同了,他剛剛 嚐過了勝利的滋味,所以我認為,這會激勵他繼續努力,帶領灰熊取得更多的勝利。 楊: Good Z-Bo. The one that puts up a double-double just by putting on a uniform. He's past all the issues that held him back in Portland, New York and Los Angeles, and you could tell he completely ate up the love he got last year. He's not going to backslide and lose out on all that now. 這是個一穿上球衣就能拿下20分10籃板的傢伙,過去,他的場外問題阻礙了他在波特蘭 、紐約和洛杉磯的發展;過去一年他所得到的愛戴,也許已經接近飽和了,但他應該是 不會再走回頭路了吧。 4、大、小蓋索,你更願意得到誰? Which Gasol would you rather have: Marc or Pau? 亞諾維茲: Ah, the great "Sophie's Choice" question. With the Wilkins and Grant brothers, it was so easy! But Marc or Pau is a more complicated choice. The senior Gasol will earn $57 million over the next three seasons when he'll be 31, 32 and 33. Meanwhile, Marc will certainly receive a hefty payday in his first post-rookie contract. I'll go with youth over legacy -- but Pau can suit up for me anytime. 噢,這簡直就是「蘇菲亞的選擇」嘛!如果是選威金斯(Wilkins brothers)和葛蘭特 (Grant brothers)兄弟,答案很簡單。但Marc和Pau就複雜多了。蓋索未來三個賽季的 總薪資達到5700萬美元,而且他已經30多歲了。與此同時,結束了新秀合約的小蓋索 也許會得到不錯的合約,但他還年輕,我會選擇青春的肉體,但對我來說,Pau任何 時候都很合適這支球隊。 克萊恩: Pau is a highly skilled player, but on this Grizzlies team, Marc brings more to the table. The Grizzlies were soft with Pau as the leader, while Marc brings a toughness to the court the city has never had before. He's also much younger than his brother, so he should be able to maintain this level or even improve on last season. Pau's best years are likely behind him. Pau技術更「牛逼」啊!但就灰熊來說,小蓋索的作用更大。Pau做領袖的時候,灰熊 可說是軟趴趴,而小蓋索帶來了強悍硬實的特質,他也比他哥年輕很多,他還可以 進步,而他哥看起來已經在走下坡了。 德費羅: Despite Pau's lackluster postseason and Marc's emergence, I'd still rather have the older brother given the stages of their careers. Let us not forget that only two seasons ago, Pau was winning a second straight championship and was viewed as arguably the Lakers' best player. 上季季後賽,儘管大哥很低迷而小弟大放光芒,但我仍然會選擇Pau。別忘了只是在 兩個賽季之前,保羅還贏得了自己第二座總冠軍,當時可是有不少人認為他是湖人 最好的球員! 魯勃: Marc. Coming off a career season, he gets the checkmark in most relevant categories. Younger, more affordable, bigger and a better defender. If you 're looking for offense, Pau is your guy, but as an all-around player, I'll stick with the younger brother. 當然是小蓋索囉!經過上個賽季的洗禮,他找到了自己的位置。此外,他更年輕, 更經濟實惠,防守也比他哥更好。如果你看進攻,Pau當然是好選擇,但如果比整體 的話,我仍是會選擇弟弟。 楊: I'd still want Pau. Marc is very, very good. He's younger and probably cheaper. But he's just not quite the player Pau is. With the age difference not being massive and with their paychecks probably not looking all that different eventually, you want the better player, and that's Pau. 我仍然想要Pau。Marc非常非常優秀,他更年輕,可能也更便宜,但他不是Pau那樣的 球員,如果不考慮年齡和薪資因素,你想要的,總是更好的球員,那就是Pau。 5、2012年受限制的自由球員誰最需要續約,梅奧(O.J. Mayo)和亞瑟(Darrell Arthur) ,誰更重要? More important 2012 restricted free agent to re-sign: Arthur or Mayo? 亞諾維茲: O.J. Mayo is a dynamic player, but provided Gay can return to full strength at the wing, Darrell Arthur might be the more sensible choice. Arthur has emerged as an elite defender and quality offensive player with a reliable midrange shot. Winning teams need functional role players, and Arthur looks the part. Mayo still has upside but is trending downward in Memphis. 梅奧的確是個不錯的球員,但如果蓋伊歸來,並且完全恢復之前的身手,那麼亞瑟 看起來就是更好的選擇了。亞瑟防守出眾,進攻也不錯,還有一手中距離準度。一支 成功的隊伍,就需要這種認份任命不貪功的綠葉球員,梅奧仍有提升空間,但他在 灰熊的前景,看起來並不是那麼妙。 克萊恩: Mayo was lost for most of last season trying to find his role on the team, but he is an extremely talented player who brings a scoring energy needed off the bench for the Grizzlies. However, Arthur is the only big man off the Grizzlies' bench right now. If the Grizzlies were to lose Arthur, it would be very difficult to replace him. With Xavier Henry, Tony Allen and Sam Young on the roster, the loss of Mayo could be masked more easily by the team. 上季大部分時間,梅奧在灰熊都沒找到適合自己的位置,但他其實很有天賦,他的 得分能力可以讓他成為灰熊的板凳暴徒,然而,亞瑟是灰熊板凳目前唯一的大個子, 如果灰熊失去亞瑟,會很難找到替代他的人,而目前球隊還有亨利(Xavier Henry)、 艾倫和楊(Sam Young),失去梅奧的代價並沒想像中那麼大。 德費羅: They are both good players, but I think Mayo plugs more holes for the Grizzlies than Arthur does. Mayo's ballhandling, shooting, defense and toughness give them a lot of versatility in their backcourt. He also provides the Grizzlies with swagger and a guy unafraid of the big moment. 這兩位都是優秀的年輕球員,但我覺得梅奧可以帶給灰熊的更多。他能控球、能投籃、 能防守、也很強硬,這讓灰熊的後場組合多了很多選擇,此外,他也不畏懼投關鍵球。 魯勃: Mayo. But it wasn't an easy decision. Mayo is a polarizing player in NBA circles, but he's so young (23) it's tough to give up on that offensive promise. On a team in which scoring will continue to be an issue, Mayo's ability to spread the floor is needed. 梅奧。但這個選擇可不容易!梅奧到了NBA過得並不順,但他才23歲,這點就足以 讓你很難選擇放棄他,在一支進攻仍需提升的隊伍,梅奧在攻擊端的天賦能力是有 其重要性的。 楊: Mayo. The Grizzlies were dead last in the league in 3-pointers made last season and that really ended up being one of the biggest reasons Oklahoma City finished them off. The Grizzlies obviously want to beat you up in the paint but teams like the Thunder can just pack it and leave Memphis shooters open. After Lionel Hollins inserted Mayo into the starting five in that series, the Grizzlies were a new team. He's vital in not just scoring, but keeping some pressure off Z-Bo and Gasol. 梅奧。灰熊上季的三分已經爛到不能再爛了,這也是他們被雷霆擊落的最大原因。 灰熊顯然是靠內線打球的隊伍,但雷霆可以放棄他們的外線大膽去收縮防守,這點 就讓灰熊十分頭痛。但當霍林斯(Lionel Hollins)將梅奧安插入先發陣容,灰熊就 完全不同了,他的作用可不只是得分,他可以為小蓋索和藍道夫釋放更好的作戰 空間。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 灰熊並不是最近ESPN 5 on 5專欄中,唯一一支被討論的球隊 事實上,這個專欄從8月開始,就有一系列的單一球隊話題討論文 或許是因為今年小牛奪冠的關係,西南組成了打頭陣的分組 以下是其他已經推出5 on 5球隊的連結,歡迎其他球迷點閱甚至提供翻譯 小牛:http://es.pn/pfBGVL 馬刺:http://es.pn/nTzRAc 黃蜂:http://es.pn/nSDVbF 火箭的則是要等到晚一點才會出來 -- / \ U  ny  G   鷹 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   英囧 大囧寧 小囧寧 囧莫 囧利斯 囧傑斯 囧克 囧萊迪 囧-Roe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/06 00:45,
今年都打出來了 專家開始隨風倒囉
08/06 00:45

08/06 00:48,
08/06 00:48

08/06 00:59,
08/06 00:59

08/06 00:59,
08/06 00:59

08/06 01:00,
08/06 01:00

08/06 02:13,
推灰熊 可惜今年對手太強(?
08/06 02:13

08/06 02:15,
08/06 02:15

08/06 02:30,
如果GAY沒有受傷 可能今年灰熊還沒發現主打內線的優
08/06 02:30

08/06 02:31,
勢@@" 多給GAY主打或許就沒那麼強勢說
08/06 02:31

08/06 03:06,
08/06 03:06

08/06 04:48,
08/06 04:48

08/06 05:09,
08/06 05:09

08/06 13:31,
借轉灰熊版 謝!
08/06 13:31
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/06 14:24, , 1F
我也滿在意mayo跟gay的去留 尤其是mayo
08/06 14:24, 1F

08/07 02:50, , 2F
感覺兩人只能留一個 我的話會留GAY
08/07 02:50, 2F

08/09 20:05, , 3F
08/09 20:05, 3F

08/09 20:06, , 4F
留下來就是超級禁區!! 優射手好找 好中鋒全世界沒幾個
08/09 20:06, 4F
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