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Fratello concerned as long road trip begins 費老大從客場之旅一開始就保持高度警戒 原文http://0rz.net/f213n Perhaps they are in need of that effervescent health formula, Airborne, to bo ost a low basketball immune system for the long grind ahead. 在客場之旅之前,灰熊必須先找回他們的熱情,才能擺脫積弱不振的戰績 The Grizzlies suffer from some nagging and irritating symptoms as they embark on a season-long, six-game road trip that begins tonight at Milwaukee. 灰熊長久以來的缺點最近又拿出來大肆批評 而客場六連戰今晚從密爾瓦基出發 If only the Griz could rebound better. 但願灰熊能抓更多籃板 If only the Griz could score in fourth quarters. 但願灰熊第四節不會忘了如何得分 If only they weren't weary by losses in eight of the past 11 games. 但願他們不受最近11場輸了8場的影響 If only the word if were a string of consecutive victories the Griz wouldn't be stuck in a mode of second guessing and self pity. 但願灰熊不會自怨自艾,並且取得連勝 The challenge coach Mike Fratello & Co. take with them as their jaunt goes th rough Sacramento, Phoenix, Los Angeles (Clippers and Lakers) and Oakland (Gol den State) before returning Feb. 15 for a home date with Sacramento is clear and simple. 挑戰是顯而易見的,費老大和灰熊們將有一趟遠行 直到二月15號回家迎戰國王前,途中會經過沙加緬度,鳳凰城,洛杉磯和奧克蘭 Winning cures. 勝利會解決一切 "We play top teams tough," swingman Shane Battier said. "We played San Antoni o down to the wire and then Detroit. "對上聯盟頂尖的球隊,我們打得非常艱辛"搖擺人箱杯說 "對馬刺和活塞的比賽差一點就獲勝了" "It's not like we're getting wiped to the floor by these guys." "我們不太可能一場勝利都拿不到" Sure, while the Griz haven't lost more than four consecutive games this seaso n, they also haven't put together back-to-back victories since Jan. 10 (Sacra mento) and Jan. 13 (New Jersey), a span of three weeks. 沒錯,灰熊本季前尚未有四連敗的紀錄 自從一月10號對國王和一月13號對籃網之後 將近三個禮拜灰熊沒有在連續兩天出賽的比賽中贏球 That's added up to the once quiet surprises of the Western Conference not res ponding well to the most challenging portion of the schedule. 這意味著曾經是西區勁旅的他們並沒有作好準備面對挑戰 "January going into February is something, as a team, we've talked about," Fr atello said. "We've had a difficult stretch, and everybody was well aware of it. "從一月進入到二月又是新的挑戰"費老大說 "大家都知道這個挑戰非常困難" "We haven't finished it yet. So the idea is that you're going into the trip w ith the mindset to win 'X' number of games, and that's what we're going to do ." "但挑戰還沒開始,所以一切都是未知數.我們將盡可能地去求勝" Fratello expressed concern about the psyche of his ballclub, which is experie ncing a season-low in areas of confidence and execution. 費老大向跌到本季新低的灰熊說明 他帶領的球隊應該要有的特色 The "rhythm," as Fratello put it, is not longer there. 那就是"節奏",灰熊的身上已經找不到費老大曾經給予他們的節奏 Symmetry won't be easily re-established given the team's sudden road woes. 面對迫在眉睫的挑戰,灰熊很難及時找回適當的節奏 The Griz won away from FedExForum just once in seven road games during Januar y. 灰熊一月份客場比賽只贏了一場 They will have played eight of 13 games on the road this month, making concen tration, focus and execution paramount with teams readying to make a playoff push or jockey for postseason seeding. 二月13場比賽中有11場是客場,這個月的表現攸關他們是否能進入季後賽 "You've got to be concerned," Pau Gasol said. "It's been hard to get over the hump. In crunch time, we're not getting it done. The other team feels like t hey can beat us and they play with more confidence than we do. "我們知道該擔心什麼"賈索兒說,"過去幾場比賽我們並沒有克服障礙" "對手永遠比我們更有自信,所以能輕鬆擊敗我們" "It's getting to be really frustrating the way we're losing games. We should have won so many more games, it's not even funny." "輸球的方式也令人感到挫折,其中幾場比賽應該要贏的,這一點也不好玩" Asked if the team has conducted a players-only chat, Gasol said "not yet," bu t indicated that they could be close to confronting what he called "confusing " performances. 問到他們的球隊是否想出解決方法,賈索兒的回答是:"還沒" 不過面對接下來的挑戰灰熊會更加團結 All one needs to do is look at the disparity in production on the road compar ed to home. The Griz shoot a slightly higher percentage away from FedExForum but grab five fewer rebounds, commit nearly three more turnovers, block two f ewer shots and aren't as unselfish on average judging by the assist totals. 這禮拜所要做的事就是觀察灰熊客場表現和主場的不同 灰熊在客場的投籃命中率有些許上升,但少抓5個籃板,失誤多三次,少了兩個火鍋 助攻也比平常少 "You've got to ask yourself 'what's going on?'" Gasol said. "You have to wond er and look at yourself in the mirror. We know we're a better team than what we've shown lately, and we've should have won a lot more games. A lot. "我們應該問問自己'究竟怎麼了?'"賈索兒說,"問題的答案就在我們自己身上" "最近的表現確實和我們的實力差很多,我們的勝場數應該更多,多很多才對" "But talking about that doesn't do anything. We've got to find solutions on t he court and play the way we're capable of playing." "空口白話誰都會說.但我們一定會找出解決方法,打出應有的水準" Indeed. 沒錯 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 聽Gasol的口氣,感覺可以期待他明天大爆發 -- 哪天灰熊拿到冠軍時,我們可以很驕傲的說: "我可是一路陪他們走過來的,他們的榮耀就是我的榮耀。" by Gondor 04/04/18 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/04 22:31, , 1F
02/04 22:31, 1F

02/05 00:52, , 2F
就是要衝阿!!明天起客場大屠殺 哼哼~
02/05 00:52, 2F

02/05 02:43, , 3F
02/05 02:43, 3F
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