
看板Grizzlies作者 (淺葉)時間18年前 (2006/01/25 22:20), 編輯推噓11(1101)
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※ [本文轉錄自 MiamiHeat 看板] 作者: JennyGarner (灰熊版主Gondor一路好走) 看板: MiamiHeat 標題: [外電]艾迪瓊斯回來了 時間: Wed Jan 25 15:13:39 2006 http://0rz.net/bd10M Jones back home again EJ回來了 Eddie Jones was bitter about last year's trade that sent him to Memphis -- the former Heat shooting guard might be what Miami is missing this season. Eddie Jones對於去年被送到曼菲斯還是有鼓淡淡的哀傷-但這位前熱火得分後衛也將是 邁阿密今年會想念的人 原文: ISRAEL GUTIERREZ 邁阿密傳令報 igutierrez@MiamiHerald.com Eddie Jones never figured he'd be riding a bus in Philadelphia in January, wearing Memphis Grizzlies garb and talking about his days as member of the Miami Heat. 艾迪瓊斯從來沒想過他在一月會坐著前往費城的遊覽車,穿著灰熊隊的衣服,哈拉著他 身為熱火隊員的往日時光 Not when, just seven months earlier, he was helping the Heat organization reach heights it never previously attained. 但是差不多7個月前,他正在幫助讓熱火球團達到以前從來沒達到的巔峰 Jones never figured he'd be sitting in a Four Seasons hotel lobby discussing the irony of Heat fans suddenly missing him, calling Jones the misplaced piece to a championship puzzle. EJ從未想過他會坐在四季飯店(Four Seasons hotel)的大廳談論著熱火球迷突然的將他 遺忘,甚至說他是冠軍拼圖上錯誤的那一塊 Not after Jones stood in AmericanAirlines Arena last May with fans chanting his name, displaying an appreciation he had waited five years to witness. 去年5月,EJ還站在美利堅航空體育館(AmericanAirlines Arena,以下簡稱AAA)與球迷 們介紹他的姓名,並且得到了他等了5年的讚美 Jones never figured he'd be making his lone appearance this season on the AmericanAirlines Arena floor tonight, playing against his former team. EJ也從未想到他今晚將孤單的出現在AAA的另一端,並且對抗前隊友與前東家 Not when his last game on that court was so painful that all he wanted was one more chance at the Finals, one more chance to make his hometown team the best in the NBA. 更不用說他在AAA的上一場球賽是多麼的痛苦,因為他想要的只不過是一個進軍總冠軍賽 的機會,一個讓他的家鄉球隊成為全聯盟最佳球隊的機會 Yet there he was, doing all the things he never guessed he'd be doing, days from a game he never guessed he'd be experiencing. 然而他只是,作著他從未想過會發生的事情,體驗著他從未體驗過的球賽 Jones came to the Heat in 2000 thinking a championship opportunity was very much within reach. Instead, it took five years to even come close. Now he's in another uniform, watching the Heat from afar and wondering why he never got a chance to finish the job. 當EJ在2000年來到熱火隊時,他想著總冠軍的機會就快要到來了。然而,他花了5年才 快要接近這個目標。現在,他穿著其他隊的制服,從遠處看著熱火(總部),並想著為什麼 他沒有這個機會完成這個任務 ''It's tough to swallow when you're so close to doing something you thought you were going to do here when you first signed,'' said Jones, who went to Pompano Beach Ely High. ``That's what hurts more than anything. And the fact that you were home.'' 「這真的很難讓人接受,尤其是當你在第一次簽約時,你是如此接近你夢中會作的事情 的時候」EJ在前往邦帕諾海灘高中(Pompano Beach Ely High,EJ高中母校)的路途中說 「這比任何事情還要來的傷人,尤其你是在家鄉打球的時候」 Jones' trip home, which began in 2000 when the Heat acquired the free agent for $86 million over seven years, wasn't all he expected it to be at first. EJ的返鄉之旅,是從2000年熱火以7年8600萬美金的簽約金獲得他展開的。然而,事情的 發展卻從一開始就不是他想像的那樣 He was brought on as the much-needed slasher who would perfectly complement Tim Hardaway and Alonzo Mourning. But when Mourning was out because of a kidney ailment, Jones was forced to play through a three-year rebuilding process. 他的到來被認為可以更充分的幫助提姆哈德威(Tim Hardaway)與阿朗佐莫寧(Alonzo Mourning)。但當莫哥因為腎臟疾病必須退出球場時,EJ被迫面對長達3年的球隊重建期 At the time, Jones wouldn't succumb to his frustrations and ask to be traded. He chose instead to work a little harder, mentor his younger teammates and hope the good karma comes back around before his seven-year contract expired. 當時EJ不願屈服於這種挫折,並且要求球隊將他交易出去。然而,最後他還是選擇工作得 更賣力,教導他比較年輕的隊友,並且希望好運能夠在他7年合約快要結束時回來 Jones was tempted, though. Especially when he heard his name involved in trade rumors. 不過,EJ仍然對交易躍躍欲試,尤其當他聽到他的姓名與交易謠言扯上關係時 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GETTING TIRED 累了… ''Yeah, there was a time I felt like maybe this wasn't the place for me,'' Jones said. 'As players, you get tired of hearing trade rumors, and you get to the point where you say, `Maybe they should trade me.' '' 「是啊!曾經有一段時間我認為這地方不適合我」EJ說「身為球員,你會對交易的謠言 感到厭煩,你甚至會想說"也許他們應該把我交易出去"」 But that trigger was never pulled. And Jones spent three seasons leading a team in scoring but never feeling like he accomplished anything. It wasn't until the 2003-04 season, when the surprising Heat team featuring Lamar Odom and Dwyane Wade reached the second round of the playoffs, that Jones felt relevant again. 但是手槍的板扣始終沒有拉上來。EJ在這3個球季是隊上的得分王,可是他卻感覺不到 他有什麼成就。直到2004球季,令人感到驚奇的熱火隊,來了拉瑪歐登(Lamar Odom) 與杜恩韋德(Dwyane Wade),並進入季後賽的第二輪,才讓EJ再度感覺自己與球隊的 關聯 And last season, Jones was happy to take a back seat to Wade and Shaquille O'Neal, as long as it meant him finally being in position to win a title. But after the Heat fell one game short of reaching the NBA Finals last June, Heat president Pat Riley shook up a team that seemed so close. 在球隊的最後一季,EJ很高興因為有了閃電俠與俠客歐尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal)在前方 坐鎮,讓他終於可以在最適當的位置上競爭總冠軍。可是去年6月,熱火只差一場比賽就 能進入總冠軍賽而鎩羽而歸之後,熱火總裁派特來利(Pat Riley)又將球隊陣容作了一 番改組 That included Jones being sent to Memphis in a five-team trade that brought Jason Williams, Antoine Walker and James Posey to Miami. 這包括EJ在這次五隊交易案被送到曼菲斯,並將傑森威廉斯(Jason Williams)、安東華 克(Antoine Walker)與詹姆斯波西(James Posey)帶回邁阿密 ''It's sort of a tough situation being the coach and president,'' said Riley, who coached Jones for his first three seasons with the Heat. ``On one side of the coin I've got to coach him, and on the other side I'm always fielding questions about whether or not I'm going to trade him. That's hard. I have great respect for him. 「同時擔任教練與總裁真的不是一份簡單的差事」曾經在EJ在熱火前三年擔任總教練的油 頭老來說「一方面我必須教導他,但另一方面我又要每天去面對我該不該把他交易掉。這 問題真的讓人苦惱,但我相當的尊重他的意見」 ``At the very end, after I traded him, I left him a message. He never really communicated back to me, . . . I think he was probably pretty hurt.'' 「最後,在我把他交易出去之後,我還是有寄給他簡訊。但是之後他就從來沒有跟我聯絡 過了。我想他的心真的受傷了」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISUNDERSTANDING 誤解 Jones was stunned. But he wasn't hurt until he heard that Riley said, ``If we had come back with the same team as last year, it would have been a disaster.'' EJ呆住了。但是一直到他聽到油頭來說「如果我們回到像去年那樣的狀況的話,那將會是 一場災難」,他的心才真正的受到摧殘 ''I don't understand that,'' Jones said of Riley's comment. ``I would just like to know what he was insinuating.'' 「我不明白」EJ談到來利的評論「我只想知道他在諂媚誰」 Riley thought that Heat team had peaked with its appearance in the Eastern Conference finals, and without improvements, it would not have won a title. It was not, in Riley's mind, an indictment of Jones. 油頭來認為熱火以當時的陣容打進東區決賽已經是最佳表現了,如果不再作調整,就沒有 贏得總冠軍的機會。但是老來的心中,並沒有指責EJ的意思 ''It was not reflective of him,'' Riley said. ``If he took it personal, then that's something he's just trying to hang his hat on, because I didn't mean that about him.'' 「我這句話並沒有特別針對他」老來說「但如果他把它當作針對個人的言語的話,那麼那 就只是他自己對號入座罷了,因為我真的不是要說他的不是」 It's only fitting that Riley and Jones would have a misunderstanding after they parted ways. They didn't exactly have a sincere bond when they were together. So Jones' return to Miami tonight won't include an emotional reunion with Riley. EJ跟老來在分開之後到頭來只有誤會。他們在一起的時候並沒有那種"麻吉"方面的死忠 情誼,所以今晚EJ回到邁阿密不會跟老來有感情上的重聚 'It would be, `Hey, how are you doing, coach?' and that would be it,'' Jones said. 「有可能是"嘿,近來如何啊,教練",就這樣吧」EJ說 Jones' reconnection with the Miami fans will probably be a lot more heartfelt. It wasn't until Jones' final season here that fans truly embraced the lanky 6-6 guard, particularly for what he did on the defensive end. 倒是EJ與邁阿密球迷的重新結合可能會變得更真心誠意。一直到EJ在熱火的最後一季, 球迷才真情流露的擁抱這位6呎6吋的瘦長後衛,尤其是他在防守上所作出的奉獻 'I worked my [butt] off trying to let them know, `Hey, I'm still here,' '' Jones said. 「我用盡全力讓他們知道"嘿!我還在這裡"」EJ說 Halfway through this season, it's that type of disciplined individual defensive effort that Heat fans believe is absent. And just like 2000, there's a sense that Jones is what's missing in Miami. 在今年球季進行一半之後,正是這種個人在防守上所下的嚴謹苦工讓熱火的球迷感覺到 他們今年少了些什麼。就像2000年,有種第六感感應到EJ正是在邁阿密正在尋找的 ''I appreciate the fans remembering me,'' Jones said. ``It feels great that they even remember me or that they even care that I'm gone. At least I made an impression on them.'' 「我很感激球迷們仍然記得我」EJ說「他們仍然記得我的名字,甚至在乎我已經離隊了, 都讓我感到欣慰。至少我可以讓他們記得」 Jones has made an impression on the Grizzlies, with younger players such as Mike Miller and Dahntay Jones saying he's the type of veteran Memphis needed. EJ也讓灰熊隊其他的隊友印象深刻,因為叫年輕的球員如麥克米勒(Mike Miller)與 丹泰瓊斯(Dahntay Jones)都異口同聲的說EJ正是灰熊隊需要的那種老將 Jones might be what the Heat needs, too. And fans will probably let him know when he's introduced tonight as a Memphis Grizzlies player. EJ大概也是熱火隊需要的力量。不過今晚球迷們將會讓他知道他今天是以灰熊隊隊員進入 球場的 ''I love the fans down there,'' Jones said. ``I'm looking forward to playing there again.'' 「我喜歡這裡的球迷」EJ說「我希望能在這裡再度打球」 ============================================================================== 編按:這是昨天傳令報的消息 可以供喜歡艾迪瓊斯的球迷們參考看看 我怕翻譯有不夠周全的地方 還請多多指教 謝謝啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/25 15:19,
01/25 15:19

01/25 15:31,
01/25 15:31

01/25 15:36,
謝啦 ~ ~ 翻譯挺棒的喔 推
01/25 15:36

01/25 15:47,
01/25 15:47

01/25 16:28,
01/25 16:28

01/25 16:29,
01/25 16:29

01/25 18:46,
01/25 18:46

01/25 19:19,
身為熱火迷 看的真的蠻心酸的
01/25 19:19

01/25 19:48,
01/25 19:48

01/25 20:35,
01/25 20:35

01/25 20:38,
01/25 20:38

01/25 21:47,
好辛酸阿~~~在熱火努力了那麼久 在快接觸到總冠軍的時候
01/25 21:47

01/25 21:48,
被捨棄掉...永遠忘不了 在冠軍賽 大歐跟閃電挾雙雙受傷
01/25 21:48

01/25 21:51,
他一個人苦撐的時候..他的離去 給了我很大的震撼...
01/25 21:51
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/25 22:22, , 1F
01/25 22:22, 1F

01/25 23:26, , 2F
樓上+1 真是有股蛋蛋的哀傷
01/25 23:26, 2F

01/25 23:32, , 3F
01/25 23:32, 3F

01/26 01:28, , 4F
01/26 01:28, 4F

01/26 03:55, , 5F
推到熊板罵一下。ㄇㄉ臭 Riley 專愛講場面話有夠噁心。
01/26 03:55, 5F

01/26 05:49, , 6F
01/26 05:49, 6F

01/26 09:17, , 7F
跟eddie來灰熊+1 從湖人時期就喜歡他了
01/26 09:17, 7F

01/26 09:25, , 8F
01/26 09:25, 8F

01/26 12:28, , 9F
跟著EJ從湖人->黃蜂->熱火->灰熊 的鄉民...
01/26 12:28, 9F

01/26 17:25, , 10F
01/26 17:25, 10F

01/28 09:25, , 11F
[跟eddie 來+1
01/28 09:25, 11F

02/01 00:46, , 12F
02/01 00:46, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #13ruapeI (Grizzlies)