Re: [資訊] 其他 該演員來滅火

看板GreysAnatomy作者 (Daryl, keep kidult.)時間12年前 (2012/06/02 20:53), 編輯推噓19(19021)
留言40則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
兩週後,演員終於出來發表離開聲明了。 (以下含不負責翻譯) Grey's Anatomy's Chyler Leigh Finally Speaks About Her Heartbreaking Exit 實習醫生的Chyler Leigh終於出來聊沒天良的劇末 Everyone has seen the Grey's Anatomy finale, right? Good. Because Chyler Leigh (finally) has something to say about Lexie's tragic death. 大家都看過824了吧,很好,因為Chyler要來講講Lexie為什麼死得這麼慘。 Since the finale aired last month, Leigh has remained mum on her character's exit from Grey's, so our only closure was what executive producer Shonda Rhimes told us about the deaths. 從上個月播出結局後,Leigh就一直對自己的離開保持沉默, 我們唯一獲得消息的管道是掌管大局的編劇大媽。 Until today! Leigh has broken her silence with a statement issued to E! News, and here is what she has to say: 今天Leigh打破沉默,在E! News上發表聲明。 You might still be crying over Lexie's untimely death, but let Leigh's words to fans help ease the suffering: 還在為Lexie的死哭天搶地的孩子們,讓Leigh說些什麼安撫你們。 "Earlier this year, I made the decision that season eight would be my last on Grey's Anatomy. I met with Shonda and we worked together to give Lexie's story appropriate closure. I am very lucky to have worked with this amazing cast and crew for five seasons. My experience on Grey's Anatomy is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I want to take this time to say thank you to the fans. Your unconditional love and support have made these last five years very special for me. I look forward to my next chapter and I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey." 今年初(大概是809~810這段期間)我決定了第八季是我在實習醫生的最後一季,我跟大媽 一起決定了該如何結束Lexie的旅程。我很幸運能跟這麼棒的團隊共事五年,這將成為我永 遠珍藏的經驗,我要感謝粉絲們,你們無條件的愛跟支持讓這五年對我而言意義非凡,現 在我要開始人生新的章節,也希望一路上有你們的陪伴。 After the finale aired and the screen faded to black, Shonda took to Twitter to confirm that both Lexie and Teddy would not be returning next season. 最後一集播出後,大媽隨即在推特上確認Lexie跟Teddy下季都不會回歸的事實。 "This finale was incredibly hard to write. I did not enjoy it. It made me sick and it made me sad. We end the season not knowing ANYTHING about the future. Except for two things. We know we are definitely saying goodbye to two of my favorite people: Chyler Leigh (Lexie) and Kim Raver (Teddy)." She continued: "I love Chyler and I love the character of Lexie Grey. She was an important member of my Grey's family. This was not an easy decision. But it was a decision that Chyler and I came to together. We had a lot of thoughtful discussion about it and ultimately we both decided this was the right time for her character's journey to end. As far as I'm concerned Chyler will always remain a part of the Shondaland family and I can't wait to work with her again in the future." 大媽說這一堆,前幾篇都有板友翻了,跳過。 Feel better, Lexie fans? Or will no kind words from Chyler close the wounds caused by her heartwrenching death in the finale? Lexie的粉絲們,看完有好一點嗎? 還是不管Chyler說什麼你們受傷的心都無力回天? 全文網址: -- 簡短感想: 有說跟沒說一樣嘛。XD p.s. 大媽之前在某篇訪問被問過"很多粉絲希望能再看到Lexie,就算是鬼或是夢都好" 大媽說:我們之前讓Denny當鬼回來過,觀眾並不喜歡,不是嗎? (↑原來大媽知道...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/02 21:19, , 1F
06/02 21:19, 1F

06/02 21:27, , 2F
06/02 21:27, 2F

06/02 21:30, , 3F
06/02 21:30, 3F

06/02 21:31, , 4F
06/02 21:31, 4F

06/02 21:57, , 5F
綜觀GA八季 有哪個演員離開很合理?
06/02 21:57, 5F

06/02 21:58, , 6F
06/02 21:58, 6F

06/02 22:14, , 7F
離開是可以 但好膽也留個後路 不一定要賜死吧...
06/02 22:14, 7F

06/02 22:20, , 8F
原文底下的留言也都在譙沒比較好XD 大家在意的不是她要離
06/02 22:20, 8F

06/02 22:20, , 9F
06/02 22:20, 9F

06/02 22:24, , 10F
在Shandaland 想走都寫得很難看 冏 好聚好散不行嗎
06/02 22:24, 10F

06/03 01:39, , 11F
06/03 01:39, 11F

06/03 02:14, , 12F
1.無法接受Lexie離開 2.無法接受Lexie死的如此隨便
06/03 02:14, 12F

06/03 03:44, , 13F
06/03 03:44, 13F

06/03 23:55, , 14F
06/03 23:55, 14F

06/04 03:12, , 15F
說什麼我就是不想要Lexie走啦 我才不管原因勒(鬧脾氣)
06/04 03:12, 15F

06/04 07:35, , 16F
都計劃這麼久還死得這麼難看 !@#$
06/04 07:35, 16F

06/04 09:19, , 17F
06/04 09:19, 17F

06/04 09:19, , 18F
06/04 09:19, 18F

06/04 11:21, , 19F
06/04 11:21, 19F

06/04 11:21, , 20F
06/04 11:21, 20F

06/04 12:21, , 21F
06/04 12:21, 21F

06/04 12:21, , 22F
告白時他們已經是如此靠近,卻又差了一步... 好個比例懸
06/04 12:21, 22F

06/04 12:22, , 23F
06/04 12:22, 23F

06/04 14:07, , 24F
06/04 14:07, 24F

06/04 14:07, , 25F
06/04 14:07, 25F

06/04 23:40, , 26F
06/04 23:40, 26F

06/04 23:48, , 27F
06/04 23:48, 27F

06/04 23:49, , 28F
06/04 23:49, 28F

06/04 23:49, , 29F
06/04 23:49, 29F

06/04 23:50, , 30F
06/04 23:50, 30F

06/04 23:50, , 31F
Lexie:...這種創作的事是急不得的!!! →XDDD
06/04 23:50, 31F

06/06 22:15, , 32F
有人知道那集是哪集嗎 XD 看對話好想回味
06/06 22:15, 32F

06/06 23:35, , 33F
06/06 23:35, 33F

06/06 23:48, , 34F
06/06 23:48, 34F

06/08 00:25, , 35F 國外粉絲太厲害了,我要催眠自己這
06/08 00:25, 35F

06/08 00:25, , 36F
06/08 00:25, 36F

06/08 02:13, , 37F
06/08 02:13, 37F

06/26 07:53, , 38F
06/26 07:53, 38F

06/26 07:54, , 39F
06/26 07:54, 39F

06/26 07:55, , 40F
樣嗎:( 我好喜歡Lexie跟Mark阿
06/26 07:55, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1FoWowgy (GreysAnatomy)