[外電] Phoenix Suns' Grant Hill finding new life

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※ [本文轉錄自 PHX-Suns 看板] 作者: styuan () 看板: PHX-Suns 標題: [外電] Phoenix Suns' Grant Hill finding new life 時間: Sun May 16 03:45:18 2010 Like models and dancers, athletes' careers usually fade to dark before the athlete is ready to leave the bright lights. 就像是麻豆與舞者一樣,運動員的生涯總是在他準備好光榮退役之前退色的黯淡無光。 It can be trying for the superstar to handle the aging he can't see or accept, just as Allen Iverson hastily exited this year. 當一個巨星對他的老化看不下去、無法接受的時候,可以考慮像今年的AI一樣匆匆的離開 。 That is what makes the renaissance of Grant Hill's career in Phoenix remarkable. He reinvented himself, like a chameleon blending into his desert. 這就是為什麼Grant Hill在鳳凰城的生涯復甦是多麼的不平凡。他改造了他自己,像是 變色龍融入了沙漠之中。 Hill came to Phoenix in 2007 on the first of two contracts that have paid him $6.8 million in three years - after he had collected $16.9 million for his final season in Orlando. That was the megastar contract that put him into nine-figure career earnings, money for finishing third in the 1997 MVP voting, All-Star honors and a load of 19 shots per game for his final Detroit season. Hill在2007年來到了鳳凰城,在這簽下的兩個合約中的第一個,他獲得了三年680萬 - 在 他收到與奧蘭多最後一年合約的1690萬之後。1997年MVP第三名、底特律的最後一季全明星 的光榮以及平均每場19次的出手讓他取得了一個超級巨星等級的合約讓他取得九位數的收 入。 slideshow Profile slideshow: Grant Hill 簡介:Grant Hill This Hill, at 37, plays more games than ever and shoots far less frequently. He soars for dunks, rebounds and blocks but is more apt to make a highlight for defending a star. He is a team leader rather than a scoring leader. 這個Hill,37歲,以遠低於從前出手數打了比從前更多的比賽。他可以為了灌籃、籃板和 火鍋而飛翔,但他更頃向於因為守住了一個明星球員而上高光。他更頃向於球隊領袖而不 是得分王。 He is playing in May for the first time. 這是他第一次在五月的時候還有球可打。 Hill adapted to life after TV commercials and trampoline-quality jumping ability better than most because fitting into a team was his nature. 因為配合團隊是他的天性。(這段我只翻得出最後這句.....) Fighting perception 奮鬥領悟 Hill grew up privileged as the only child of NFL running back Calvin Hill and attorney Janet Hill. A kid named by Roger Staubach wanted to fit in. Hill是NFL的跑鋒Calvin Hill以及律師Janet Hill的獨子。取名為Grant是因為Roger Staubach期望他能夠達到這個目標。 In his Virginia school days, Hill asked his father to pick him up in the Volkswagen rather than the Porsche. He faked an illness to go to the nurse when his father came to speak at his middle school. He accused his father of abuse when he thought he used his celebrity to get him on the high school varsity as a freshman. 再他的Virginia校園生活時,他要求他老爸再接送他的時候不要開寶時捷而是開大眾牌的 車。當他老爸來他中學演講的時候他還假裝生病去找護士聊天。 "He didn't want to play on varsity because it meant leaping over his friends," said Calvin, a Dallas Cowboys great who now serves as a Cowboys consultant. "I don't think he's changed in terms of temperament and the way he looks at a team. For him, it was always, 'What do I need to do to help the team to win?' Most kids want to be the high point man. The thing that drives him is being on a winning team." 前任達拉斯牛仔隊最佳球員以及現任顧問的老爸說:他大學的時候不想打校隊是因為不想 要超越同學太多。我並不認為他的氣質以及他在球隊中的定位有任何的改變。因為當大部 份的小孩想要成為得最多分的人時,他所想的是"該怎麼做才能夠幫助球隊獲勝"。這件事 驅使他成為贏家的一員。

05/16 07:10,
05/16 07:10

05/16 07:12,
連名字都是名人堂四分衛Roger Staubach 取的,他一直
05/16 07:12

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After two NCAA titles at Duke, Hill did not experience a playoff series victory until last month's Portland series, when he also won his first playoff game since 1999. 再Duke取得了兩個NCAA頭銜之後,直到上個月擊敗阿拓之前Hill從未體驗過季後賽系列的 勝利。而他上一次取得季後賽的勝利是在1999年季後賽的第一勝。 That dearth had to do with his health for most of the past decade. After playing injured for Detroit in the 2000 playoffs, Hill went on to need five ankle surgeries, with a doctor telling him along the way that there was no hope because his repeated fractures were from soft bones. He found a different doctor and diagnosis before his final surgery in 2003 to reshape the heel under a left ankle with five 3-inch screws in it. That led to a staph infection. 他的健康可謂為上個10年中的最大缺憾。在2000年為底特律的季後賽受傷之後,Hill進行 了五次腳踝手術,而醫生也告訴他因為他的軟骨多次骨折他已經沒有希望了。所以在他 2003年的最後一次手術之前,他去找了另一個醫生,而這個醫生在他的左腳踝中塞了五個 三寸釘。而這讓他得了葡萄球桿菌感染.... Hill missed 374 games in Orlando, creating a theory that he missed one game in the past two seasons because of what his body avoided those years. Hill在奧蘭多錯過了374場比賽,而他前兩季僅只缺賽一場,這創造了一個說法就是,他的 身體幫他避開了過去的那幾年。 "The doctors kept saying the joint and the ligaments all look good," Hill said. "If the bone was able to heal, the ankle's good and the rest of the body doesn't get the wear and tear, and I'll be able to make it up on the back end. I don't know if I believed it, but I told myself that. I feel fresh. I have less miles on my body than a lot of guys who are playing now like KG (Kevin Garnett) and Ray Allen." Hill說:醫生持續的告訴他關節及韌帶看起來都好好的,如果骨骼能夠痊癒以及獲得修養 的身體不再磨損與撕裂,那我將可以彌補我的腳踝並繼續使用。我不知道我是否真的相信 ,但我也是這麼的告訴自己。我身體所跑的里程數還不及一大票的人像是KG或Ray Allen。 Adaptation 適應 Like his father becoming a third-down back in his final seasons, Hill had to find a new style. He went from being a primary ball handler and slasher to an efficient jump shooter. Once shielded from the toughest defensive assignments, Hill now draws Carmelo Anthony, Dirk Nowitzki, LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. 像是他老爸在NFL的最後一季變成專值第三次觸地的球員一樣,Hill必須要找出新的球風。 他成為主要以控球及利用有效的跳投打爆對手的球員。一但免除最困難的防守時,他還是 能夠與甜瓜、司機、小皇帝或是摳鼻這些人平起平坐。 The only thing Hill did not handle was coming off the bench last season, but it was not about the minutes or shots. Hill is so level-headed that his awards go to his parents' house. 上一季中Hill唯一沒辦法處理的一件事情就是從板凳出發,這與時間跟投球數無關。因此 他冷靜的去他老爸老媽家聊聊。 "For most guys, you get older and every year you maybe lose a little bit and get a little more efficient, but it's a gradual thing," Hill said. "For me, it happened in Orlando right away when I was in my prime. Those five years, you're trying to come back and you're not right. In March of 2000, I'm scoring 40 against Monty Williams in Orlando. In September of 2000, I'm playing pickup ball and he's dominating me. All of a sudden, you're like, 'What in the world is going on here?' You have to learn to become crafty and do things you haven't done." Hill說:對大多數人而言,當你變老,每年你可能都會失去一些並且得到更高一點的效率 ,而這一切都是漸漸發生的。但是對我而言,當我還是青年的時候這一切突如其來的在奧 蘭多發生。在那五年之中,你嘗試著回來但你一再的失敗。2000年3月,我在奧蘭多與 Monty Williams的對抗中取得了40分。2000年9月,我在玩接球而他支配了我。一切來的如 此的突然,你就像是"這世界怎麼了?"你必須去學習熟練並且做一些你從未做的事。 The adaptation was aided by his first true point guard. It has made Phoenix feel like home. He plans to stay through next season's contract option and beyond. 這些適應由他人生中第一個真正的控衛幫助他達到。這讓鳳凰城有了家的感覺。他決定透 過下一季的合約從此留在這邊。 During last summer's free agency, some wondered why he would not chase a ring in Boston or take New York's money. 他去年暑假的FA時,有些人質疑他為何不去波士頓追逐戒指或去紐約賺錢。 His wife, singer Tamia, told him, "If you want to enjoy a city, go to New York. If you want to win, go to Boston. If you want to enjoy going to work every day, go to Phoenix." 他老婆,歌手Tamia,告訴他:如果你想要享受城市生活,那麼你就去紐約。如果你想贏球 ,那你就去波士頓。如果你想要每天快樂的去上班,那你就去鳳凰城。 Hill chose the desert. Hill選擇了這個沙漠 "I think I've gotten a chance to experience all three of those this year," Hill said. "It's good to be back in the final four." 我想這三種感受我今年都有機會可以體驗到,回到最後四強的感覺非常棒。 PS:這篇好難翻唷>"< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: styuan 來自: (05/16 03:46)

05/16 03:49,
推! 翻譯辛苦了!!
05/16 03:49

05/16 03:51,
半夜也要推Hill !!!!!!!!
05/16 03:51

05/16 04:01,
推...HILL 大心啊..超佛心.
05/16 04:01

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05/16 07:02,
不想要超越同學太多= =...無法理解這是甚麼想法欸..
05/16 07:02

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05/16 07:12,
連名字都是名人堂四分衛Roger Staubach 取的,他一直
05/16 07:12

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05/16 09:09,
對了~第二頁最底 守住一顆星星->守住明星球員 好一點
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※ 編輯: styuan 來自: (05/16 11:24)

05/16 11:19,
推翻譯 但我的眼光全放在翹課找護士聊天...XD
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05/16 13:01,
Hill真男人啊 年紀這麼小就會泡護士了(誤)
05/16 13:01

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05/16 14:22,
推Hill (好想買他在太陽的球衣喔)
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05/16 14:46
※ 編輯: styuan 來自: (05/16 15:11)

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05/16 17:36,
推Hill+翻譯 Hill真男人 給他個冠軍戒吧
05/16 17:36
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/17 07:55, , 1F
05/17 07:55, 1F

05/17 07:57, , 2F
05/17 07:57, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1BxxolqH (GrantHill)