[轉錄][外電] Hill's sit, questionable for Game 5

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※ [本文轉錄自 PHX-Suns 看板] 作者: mea7211 (咩兒) 看板: PHX-Suns 標題: [外電] Hill's sit, questionable for Game 5 時間: Mon Apr 28 21:23:11 2008 原文連結: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/suns/articles/2008/04/27/20080427sunsnotes.html Hill sits, questionable for Game 5 Hill坐著當觀眾,第五戰能否上場還有待確認 by Paul Coro and Jason P. Skoda - Apr. 27, 2008 08:31 PM The Arizona Republic Suns forward Grant Hill was with a winning playoff team for the first time in nine years but did not get to play in the game. Hill九年來第一次當自己的球隊在季後賽勝利時自己卻沒上場比賽。 Hill's status was questionable going into Sunday and he dressed for the game but the decision not to play him had really been made Saturday. He is experiencing continued soreness from the lower abdominal and right groin strain that he tried to play through in the first three games. Hill的狀態不明朗,星期天他穿戴整齊坐在場邊,但其實他在禮拜六就已經下定 決心不上場了。(幹得好~養好傷再回來殺爆馬刺吧!)。他在來自下腹部的持續痠 動和右側鼠蹊部的拉傷的狀態下打了前三場比賽。 "I talked to Coach (Mike D'Antoni) and (General Manager Steve) Kerr yesterday and they told me if you're injured, you can't be out there," Hill said. "I've tried so I can look in the mirror. Maybe I should have sat out Game 2." Hill's status remains questionable for Game 5 Tuesday in San Antonio. "我昨天有跟冷笑話和科科(和GM)溝通,他們說如果我有傷在身,那就不該上場 。"Hill說:"I've tried so I can look in the mirror.或許我第二戰應該要坐在場 邊的。"第五戰Hill的狀態(能否上場)仍然是有疑問的。 Hacking backfires 駭客的逆襲 It was not just that Shaquille O'Neal made 6 of 10 free-throw attempts that made the Hack-a-Shaq the failed mathematical experiment that O'Neal says it is. 這不僅只是大歐在罰球上取得了10投6中的成績,這讓大歐宣告駭客戰術是個失敗 的數學實驗。 It also put Phoenix in the bonus early, setting up two Gordan Giricek points on a non-shooting foul in the first quarter. Fouling O'Neal in the second quarter sent the Suns to the bonus again and Steve Nash and Raja Bell both made two free throws off non-shooting fouls. 這也讓火鳥人早早領到免錢津貼,讓GG在第一節因為非投籃的犯規拿了2分。第二 節對大歐持續犯規再度送給火球們好康的,Nash和Bell都因為非投籃的犯規各罰了兩 球。 Before the game, D'Antoni had no plans to shy away from O'Neal in such situations. 在這場比賽之前,冷笑話對於怎麼讓大歐避免這情況是毫無計劃。 "He'll make his foul shots," D'Antoni said. "他會把罰球投進去的。"冷笑話說。 O'Neal is 23 of 44 (53.2 percent) at the line for the series. 大歐在本系列賽的罰球命成績23-44(53.2%)。 Pick-and-roll defense 屁啃弱的防守 The Suns had been hurt badly on defending the pick-and-roll until Sunday, when the combination of putting Boris Diaw on Tony Parker and being more aggressive on the dribbler changed the results. 太陽在星期天之前的比賽,在防守擋切上受了嚴重的傷害(受傷嚴重的是球迷吧 …哭哭),叫屌爺去黏住帕車並針對運球加強侵略性改變了結果。 "We were more active," Nash said. "We weren't as confused. Our guys fought through the picks. When the bigs are active in the paint, it makes a difference." "我們打得更積極," Nash說:"我們沒有被搞昏頭。大伙努力對抗他們的掩護。 當大個子們在油漆區裡打得更積極時,就會有不同的結果。" Expected effort 預料中的成果 The Spurs have had plenty of close-out games over the years and none of them is ever easy. 馬刺有很多的關門賽,但沒有一場會是輕鬆的。 "Especially against a team like them," Manu Ginobili said. "They are a great team with a lot of pride and they came out as we supposed they would and we didn't react well to the three wins. "尤其是像他們這樣的球隊,"馬妞說:"他們是頂級球隊並且他們表現得如同我們 所預料的,我們沒有像前三場勝利般給予好的回應。" "We couldn't allow ourselves a flat start like that (34-13 after the first quarter). It's one thing if it happens at home, but a 15-point lead in this building with this crowd, it's a big mistake." "我們不能允許我們自己如此早洩(第一節比分34:13)。如果在主場發生了那還 只是小事一件,但15分的領先和這群聒躁的觀眾們,出現在這個球場是個天大的錯誤。" Pop's way 波波路(不是藍藍路唷XD) Despite the Game 4 loss, the Spurs are still playing at a level that might garner the franchise its fifth NBA championship since 1998-99, all under coach Gregg Popovich. 雖然輸了第四戰,刺刺仍然打出了可能拿下自1998~99球季以來第五冠的實力,全 都是在波波的帶領之下取得的。(有沒有人覺得波波長得很像馬份老爸的…) "The thing that separates 'Pop' from other coaches is his success these last few years," reserve Brent Barry said. "He communicates the same thing every coach in this league tries to communicate to his players and that's to play the game the right way and hold each other accountable, but maybe it's easier to stay in that mode when it's going to lead to a championship." "老波和其他教頭的差別就在於他這些年來的成功,"Barry說:"他傳遞了每個教 頭試著傳遞給他球員的東東,讓比賽朝正確的方向進行,並且讓球員們對彼此負責, 但或許當一切正朝著冠軍的方向前進時,要維持住這情況就會容易一點。" Although Popovich wouldn't name anyone, he said he looks outside of the sport to steal tactics and ideas from other coaches. 雖然波波沒有指名任何人,他說他從其他教頭偷了幾個招術和點子。 "I enjoy seeing what other people do," Popovich said. "I look at strategically the chances they take or not take or psychologically, people-wise, how they approach different situations." "我很享受看其他人是怎麼做的,"波波說:"我觀察他們在取得機會或沒機會時的 戰略和心理--那些英明的人--他們是怎麼扭轉情勢的。 D'Antoni watch 對冷笑話的觀察 Popovich believes the scrutiny that has enveloped the Suns' coaching staff is misplaced. 波波相信觀察太陽的教練團是沒用的。 "People to have too much of a tendency, just like a lot of areas in our country, if things don't happen instantly the way people want there's got to be a goat and there's got to be a hero," he said. "Both of those notions are a bit immature. "人會有太多的某種傾向,就像在這國家的許多地方,如果事情的發生一和人們所 希望的不同,there's got to be a goat and there's got to be a hero,"他說: "這些想法都有一點不成熟。" "In the years that we have won championships, we've lost the first game of the first round and all of a sudden I'm an idiot. So I've heard of it before so that's why I don't think it makes much sense." "這些年我們已經贏了好幾個冠軍,我們已經輸了第一輪的第一場比賽而我突然成 了個傻瓜!這種話我早就聽過了,這是為什麼我不覺得這有什麼意義。" And he isn't so sure D'Antoni's system can't fetch the Suns a title some year. 而且他並不這麼確定冷笑話的系統沒辦法在某年給太陽一個(冠軍)頭銜。 "Nobody knows what wins titles," he said. "(The Suns style) works in the sense that you can win and what Phoenix has done. The fact that they haven't won a title doesn't necessarily mean it's because of the system." 他說:"誰知道什麼是有效得可以贏得這些頭銜的,誰知道火鳥城的人幹了什麼。 他們還沒拿到這頭銜不必然表示是因為這個系統。" -- 題外話 雖然一直對馬刺沒什麼好感 但不能否認波波的確是個了不起 有真知灼見的傢伙 若馬刺別再使用暗黑戰術的話 實在是不可多得的好對手 不管能不能完成NBA史上第一次季後賽0-3的大逆轉 希望接下來的比賽至少能夠做到不讓球迷們失望 慶祝勝利來一翻~ 有幾句疑似俚語看不太懂(紅字) 還請高手們幫忙 其他若有錯誤也請不吝指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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04/28 21:45,
PUSH Hill傷還沒好舊繼續休息吧
04/28 21:45

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04/28 22:08,
04/28 22:08
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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