[新聞] Dutch Resist US Call to Ban More Chip Equipment Sales to China】

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【Dutch Resist US Call to Ban More Chip Equipment Sales to China】 【荷蘭反對美國對於晶片設備禁售中國的呼籲】 https://bloom.bg/3guV1Zv https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-22/dutch-resist-us-call-to-ban-m ore-chip-equipment-sales-to-china 外電媒體 彭博社 Bloomberg 記者 Diederik Baazil 時間 2022年11月23日 上午1:38 [GMT+8] *. Netherlands-based ASML dominates market for advanced machines *. US pressing for export controls to blunt China’s capabilities *. 荷蘭公司 艾司摩爾 主導高階機器市場 *. 美國施壓出口管制以削弱中國的能力 The Netherlands will defend its economic interests when it comes to the sales of chip equipment to China, a senior Dutch official said, further evidence of the country’s resistance to meekly following Washington’s attempts to cut off Chin a from semiconductor technology. 荷蘭一位高級官員表示,在向中國出售晶片設備時,荷蘭將捍衛其經濟利益,這進一步證明 了該國在華盛頓試圖切斷中國與半導體技術的聯繫後,拒絕順從。 The European country is home to ASML Holding NV, which dominates the market for one-of-a-kind, cutting-edge chipmaking equipment that has become a focus of the US government’s attempts to limit China. Dutch Foreign Trade Minister Liesje Sc hreinemacher told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Netherlands will make its own de cision regarding ASML’s chip gear sales to China amid trade rule talks with the US and other allies. 荷蘭這個歐洲國家是 艾司摩爾公司 的所在地,該公司在獨一無二的尖端晶片製造設備市場 佔據主導地位,這已成為美國政府試圖限制中國的重點。荷蘭外交部的外貿大臣 Liesje Sc hreinemacher 週二告訴荷蘭國會,荷蘭將在與美國和其他盟友的貿易規則談判就 艾司摩爾 向中國銷售晶片設備做出自己的決定。 “It is important that we defend our own interests -- our national safety, but a lso our economic interests,” Schreinemacher told lawmakers at the parliament in The Hague. “If we put that in an EU basket and negotiate with the US and in th e end it turns out we give away deep ultraviolet lithography machines to the US, we are worse off.” “重要的是我們要捍衛我們自己的利益——我們的國家安全,還有我們的經濟利益,”外貿 大臣 Liesje Schreinemacher 在海牙告訴國會議員。“如果我們把它放在歐盟的籃子裡並 與美國談判,最後結果是我們把深紫外光刻機送給美國,我們的境況會更糟。” Deep ultraviolet systems are the second-most-advanced chip production machines t hat Veldhoven, Netherlands-based ASML manufactures, and the equipment is require d to make a wide range of semiconductors. 深紫外線系統是總部位於荷蘭 Veldhoven 的 艾司摩爾 製造的第二先進的晶片製造機,該 設備是製造各種半導體的必要機器。 Schreinemacher’s comments appeared to indicate growing Dutch objections to the US call for the Netherlands to align with Washington on export controls to under mine Beijing’s ambition in building a chip industry at home and improve its mil itary capabilities. The European country wants to maintain access to China as a major market. Schreinemacher 的評論似乎表明,荷蘭越來越反對美國呼籲荷蘭在出口管制方面與華盛頓 保持一致,以破壞北京在國內建設晶片產業並提高其軍事能力的雄心。荷蘭這個歐洲國家希 望保持進入中國這個主要市場的機會。 Last week, the Dutch minister said the US shouldn’t expect the Netherlands to u nquestionably adopt its approach to China export restrictions. 上週,這位荷蘭大臣表示,美國不應期望荷蘭毫無疑問地採取其對中國出口限制的做法。 Read more: Europe Reasserts Middle Path on China, Pushing Back on Biden 閱讀更多:歐洲重申對中國採取中間道路,反擊拜登 While ASML hasn’t sold any of its most advanced extreme ultraviolet lithography machines to China because the Dutch government has refused to grant it a licens e under US pressure, the company can still sell less sophisticated chipmaking sy stems to the Asian country. 儘管 艾司摩爾 沒有向中國出售任何其最先進的極紫外光刻機,因為荷蘭政府在美國的壓力 下拒絕授予它許可證,但該公司仍可以向亞洲國家出售不太複雜的晶片製造系統。 However, US officials have been pressuring the Dutch government to ban the sales of immersion lithography machines, the most advanced kind of gear in ASML’s de ep ultraviolet lineup, Bloomberg News has reported. The Biden administration has been working to get allies including the Netherlands and Japan to adopt the swe eping measures it unveiled in early October to ban more chip machines for China. 然而,據彭博社報導,美國官員一直在向荷蘭政府施壓,要求其禁止銷售浸沒式光刻機,這 是 艾司摩爾 深紫外產品線中最先進的設備。拜登政府一直在努力讓包括荷蘭和日本在內的 盟國採取其在 10 月初 公佈的全面措施,禁止為中國製造更多晶片機器。 The Netherlands is key to the struggle because ASML is one of a handful of compa nies that dominate the market for semiconductor-manufacturing equipment. Its pee rs include Applied Materials Inc., Lam Research Corp. and KLA Corp. in the US, a nd Tokyo Electron Ltd. in Japan. 荷蘭是這場鬥爭的關鍵,因為 艾司摩爾 是主導半導體製造設備市場的少數幾家公司之一。 其同行包括美國的Applied Materials Inc.、Lam Research Corp. 和 KLA Corp.,以及日 本的 Tokyo Electron Ltd.。 Senior US officials -- including Alan Estevez, the undersecretary of commerce fo r industry and security -- are traveling to the Netherlands this month to discus s export controls. But an immediate accord isn’t expected to come out of the ta lks, Bloomberg News has reported. 美國高級官員——包括主管工業和安全的商務部副部長 Alan Estevez ——本月將前往荷蘭 討論出口管制問題。但據彭博社報導,預計會談不會立即達成協議。 EU negotiators are working on a number of contentious trade issues with Washingt on. Countries, most vocally France, have said the measures could damage European economies and have raised the possibility of filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization. 歐盟談判代表正在與華盛頓就一些有爭議的貿易問題進行磋商。一些國家,尤其是法國,表 示這些措施可能會損害歐洲經濟,並增加了向 WTO 世界貿易組織提出申訴的可能性。 These issues will be a topic of conversation early next month at the Trade and T echnology Council, a high-level meeting between EU and US officials. 這些議題將成為下個月初貿易和技術委員會的談話主題,這是歐盟和美國官員之間的高級會 議。 Meanwhile, China is working to ensure other countries don’t cave to US demands. In a Group of 20 summit meeting last Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping urge d Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to avoid disrupting global trade. 同時,中國正在努力確保其他國家不會屈服於美國的要求。在上週二舉行的 G20 集團峰會 上,中國國家主席習近平敦促荷蘭首相馬克呂特避免擾亂全球貿易。 “We must oppose the politicization of economic and trade issues and maintain th e stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain,” Xi told Rutte. Th e Dutch leader also visited South Korea last week to discuss tech issues and dee pen chip ties. “我們要反對將經貿問題政治化,維護全球產業鏈供應鏈穩定,”習近平對呂特說。這位荷 蘭領導人上週還訪問了南韓,討論技術問題並加深晶片合作。 — With assistance by Cagan Koc, Debby Wu, Jillian Deutsch and Ian King — 其他彭博社記者 Cagan Koc, Debby Wu, Jillian Deutsch and Ian King 的協助報導 【備註】: 2021年的統計,荷蘭是美國的第二大外資國,第一大投資美國的國家是日本。 https://i.imgur.com/32ZR4yi.jpeg
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