[新聞] 抗疫成果排名,台灣南波水,紐西蘭南波萬

看板Gossiping作者 (沉思)時間3年前 (2021/01/28 08:57), 編輯推噓6(715)
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https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-28/new-zealand-tops-list-as-country-with-best-covid-response/13095758 澳洲 ABC news New Zealand tops Lowy Institute list as country with best response to coronavirus, Australia sits eighth New analysis has found that New Zealand has handled the coronavirus pandemic more effectively than any other country in the world. Australian think tank the Lowy Institute has crunched reams of data to produce a new interactive that assesses the coronavirus response of almost 100 nations. Researchers tracked COVID-19 case numbers in each country, as well as confirmed deaths and testing rates. While New Zealand took top spot, it was closely followed by Vietnam, Taiwan and Thailand, which were ranked second, third and fourth, respectively. Australia also performed strongly and was ranked eighth in the world by the Lowy Institute. The United States has been ravaged by the pandemic and languishes near the bottom of the table, at number 94. Indonesia and India did not perform much better, sitting at numbers 85 and 86, respectively. Lowy did not rate China's response to the pandemic, citing a lack of publicly available testing data. Rank Country 1 New Zealand 2 Vietnam 3 Taiwan 4 Thailand 5 Cyprus 6 Rwanda 7 Iceland 8 Australia 9 Latvia 10 Sri Lanka The Institute's Herve Lemahieu said the interactive showed that smaller countries had typically tackled COVID-19 more effectively than big countries. "Countries with populations fewer than 10 million people proved more agile, on average, than the majority of their larger counterparts in handling the health emergency," he told the ABC's Coronacast podcast. Several small countries — including Cyprus, Rwanda, Iceland and Latvia — round out the list of top-10 nations. Mr Lemahieu said the data also disproved the theory that authoritarian regimes had managed the crisis more effectively than democracies. "Authoritarian regimes, on average, started off better — they were able to mobilise resources faster, and lockdowns came faster," Mr Lemahieu said. "But to sustain that over time was more difficult for them." 新的分析發現紐西蘭比世界上所有其他國家都更有效地處理了疫情。 澳洲智庫羅伊研究所使用大量數據評估了近百個國家的疫情應對。 研究者們跟踪了每個國家的Covid-19病例數,以及確認死亡人數和測試率。 紐西蘭在分析中排在第一,緊隨其後的分別是越南、台灣和泰國。 澳洲也表現強勁,被羅伊排在世界第八。 美國第94名幾乎排在最末,印尼和印度分別為85和86名。 羅伊說因為缺乏公開的測試數據所以沒有把中國計入排名。 該研究所的 Herve Lemahieu 說評估發現較小的國家一般來說比大國能更有效地控制疫情 “平均來說人口不到1000萬的國家在抗疫措施上更為敏捷。” 他告訴澳廣的Coronacast 播客。 包括塞浦路斯,盧旺達,冰島和拉脫維亞在內的幾個效果也進了前十。 Lemahieu 說數據也不支持威權國家比民主國家抗疫更有效的理論。 “威權政權平均來說啟動得更好,他們可以更快地調用資源,更早封鎖。” “但是對於他們來說保持則更難。” 相比之下很多民主國家一開始應對糟糕,但是在第一輪後“顯著改善。” 但是包括美英在內的一些主要民主國家因為沒有實行足夠嚴格的衛生措施而未能利用好已 經取得的進展。 Lemahieu 說抗疫排名靠前的國家有自由民主體,威權國家以及混合類政權,但都享有著 有效的機構。 “應對危機的有效性方面的分界線並不在於何種政權,而是公民是否相信他們的領導人, 是否那些領導人能稱職有效地管理國家。” “看上去人口較小的國家,更為和諧的社會以及更卓有成效的組織機構佔了上風。” 他說開始富國一般比窮國抗疫更有效,但是到了2020年尾都亂了,因為歐洲和北美的疫情 又抬頭。 “這個研究的重要發現之一是窮國富國差不多是在同一水平線競爭的,因為抗疫所需的措 施是低技術含量的。” 但 Lemahieu 預測窮國因為難以獲得疫苗將很快又落下風。 “疫苗分發的不均衡以及富國的囤貨可能會讓富國在危機恢復努力中又占到決定性的上風 。” “發展中國家將會落後。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (澳大利亞) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1611795457.A.3C6.html

01/28 09:00, 3年前 , 1F
01/28 09:00, 1F

01/28 09:01, 3年前 , 2F
八卦:這媒體承認台灣為國家 完了 要被習大大鞭了
01/28 09:01, 2F

01/28 09:02, 3年前 , 3F
01/28 09:02, 3F

01/28 09:04, 3年前 , 4F
紐西蘭和澳洲 現在盛夏啦 也比較難傳播
01/28 09:04, 4F

01/28 09:13, 3年前 , 5F
01/28 09:13, 5F

01/28 09:15, 3年前 , 6F
01/28 09:15, 6F

01/28 09:19, 3年前 , 7F
01/28 09:19, 7F

01/28 09:19, 3年前 , 8F
台灣第3 支那沒上榜
01/28 09:19, 8F

01/28 09:22, 3年前 , 9F
01/28 09:22, 9F

01/28 09:29, 3年前 , 10F
NW人口4.6M : TW人口 23M
01/28 09:29, 10F

01/28 09:34, 3年前 , 11F
01/28 09:34, 11F

01/28 10:01, 3年前 , 12F
紐西蘭人口只有400多萬人而已 人口很少
01/28 10:01, 12F

01/28 10:01, 3年前 , 13F
01/28 10:01, 13F
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