[新聞] Youtube Google Gmail崩潰 用戶也大崩潰

看板Gossiping作者 (奇諾 Monster)時間3年前 (2020/12/14 20:46), 3年前編輯推噓7(818)
留言17則, 12人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: Dailymail 英國每日郵報 2.記者署名: Joe Pinkstone for MailOnline 3.完整新聞標題: YouTube, Google and Gmail all CRASH as thousands of users complain of issues 4.完整新聞內文: ● Google family of apps has crashed around the world for thousands of users ● Problems first reported around 11:45am GMT and are concentrated in Europe ● But users in US, Australia, Asia, South America and Africa also reported issues Google 相關app已全球崩潰,成千上萬的用戶受害 問題最早在GMT上午11:45左右回報,並且受害集中在歐洲 然而美國,澳大利亞,亞洲,南美和非洲的用戶也回報了這些問題 The Google-owned family of apps has crashed for thousands of users worldwide. This includes Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets and YouTube as well as the main search engine. Outage tracker site DownDetecter clocked tens of thousands of users reporting issues with the sites around 11:40am. Google擁有的一系列app已使全世界成千上萬的用戶崩潰。(各種意義上) 包括了Gmail、Google雲端硬碟、Google試算表和YouTube,以及主要的搜索引擎。 當機獵人網站 DownDetecter 吸引了成千上萬的用戶回報上午約11:40(英國時間)這些網 站的問題。 Problems were reported mainly in Europe but also in Australia, the east coast of the USA and parts of Africa, South America and Asia. Google's websites are some of the most popular in the world, with its video-streaming site YouTube frequented by more than two billion people every month. Unlike other tech firms like Facebook, outages are rare at Google. 回報問題主要發生在歐洲;但澳洲、美國東岸,以及部分非洲、南美和亞洲地區也爆炸了。 Google是世界上最受歡迎的網站,旗下影音串流網站YouTube每月有超過20億人拜訪。 與Facebook等其他科技公司不同,Google很少發生停機。 By 11:54am GMT there was more than 50,000 complaints for YouTube alone. with half (49 percent) regarding issues with the website and 43 percent pertaining to problems watching videos. Gmail had 23,000 complaints before midday and Google's main site had a reported 19,000 complaints. Eighty-one and 91 per cent of the issues with these sites, respectively, was to do with logging in, according to DownDetector. MailOnline has approached Google for comment. other affected sites includes Google Meet, Hangouts and the Play Store as well as the Pokemon Go game, which is made by Niantic, another Google-owned company. 到格林威治標準時間上午11:54截止,光是對YouTube的抱怨就超過50,000則。 其中一半(49%)與網站問題有關,而43%與觀看影片相關。 Gmail在中午前接收到了23,000個投訴,Google本站則獲得了19,000個投訴。 據當機獵人網站 DownDetector稱,Gmail和Google問題分別有81和91%與用戶登錄有關。 本站已聯繫Google對此發表評論。 其他受影響的網站包括Google Meet、Hangouts、Play商店,以及由Google擁有的另一家 公司Niantic旗下的的Pokemon Go遊戲。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://reurl.cc/149KXD 6.備註: 全世界大趴踢 一袋米要扛幾樓 -- e04 發個外電就修好了是有沒有這麼快 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1607949980.A.343.html

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※ 編輯: kinomon ( 臺灣), 12/14/2020 20:55:31

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文章代碼(AID): #1VrrwSD3 (Gossiping)