[新聞] Buffett's firm to pay $4.1M fine for subsidiary's Iran sales

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備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: ※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報(請參考版規下方的核准媒體名單) foxnews 2.記者署名: ※ 若新聞沒有記者名字或編輯名字,請勿張貼,否則會被水桶14天 ※ 外電至少要有來源或編輯 如:法新社 foxnews 3.完整新聞標題: ※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 Buffett's firm to pay $4.1M fine for subsidiary's Iran sales 巴菲特的公司因為子公司賣東東給伊朗要罰四百萬鎂元 4.完整新聞內文: ※ 社論特稿都不能貼!違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!可詳看版規 Warren Buffett's company has agreed to pay a $4.1 million fine because one of its subsidiaries improperly sold equipment that was destined for Iran in violation of U.S. sanctions. The Treasury Department announced the settlement with Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway on Tuesday. The fine related to $383,443 worth of cutting tools and other equipment that Berkshire's Iscar subsidiary sold to Turkish distributors between 2012 and 2016. Regulators said Iscar officials knew the products were going to be delivered to Iranian buyers. 財政部星期二要罰波克夏。罰款近四百萬鎂元 波克夏子公司Iscar 2012到2016年間賣設備給土耳其經銷商, 財政部說Iscar的人員知道產品是要送到伊朗。 BIDEN TOUTS WARREN BUFFETT CALL DURING VIRTUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT WITH DONORS 拜登在虛擬募款會時吹捧巴菲特的call Officials at Berkshire's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska, didn't immediately respond to questions about the settlement Tuesday. Regulators said Berkshire reported the improper sales to the Treasury Department in 2016 after receiving a tip about them. WARREN BUFFETT BEEFS UP BANK OF AMERICA STAKE The department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said employees at Iscar's division in Turkey took steps to conceal the 144 shipments of tools that were involved by using private email accounts to coordinate details using false names in internal records. Regulators said some senior managers at the Turkish unit were involved. Regulators said Berkshire took appropriate action when it learned about the sales, including replacing the people involved and improving compliance procedures for its subsidiaries. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ON FOX BUSINESS Berkshire is a conglomerate that owns more than 90 companies, including insurers such as Geico, BNSF railroad and several large utilities. It also holds major investments in companies such as Apple, Coca-Cola and American Express. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/ buffetts-firm-to-pay-4-1m-fine-for-subsidiarys-iran-sales 6.備註: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意 ※ 備註請勿張貼三日內新聞(包含連結、標題等) 再支持睡登啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1603277657.A.674.html

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