Re: [新聞] 2020全球最佳領導人!《彭博》盛讚:難找到比蔡英文更好的

看板Gossiping作者時間3年前 (2020/09/23 04:45), 3年前編輯推噓701(78584300)
留言1169則, 811人參與, 3年前最新討論串5/12 (看更多)
標題 China’s Threats of War Push Taiwan to Boost U.S. Economic Links 中國的戰爭威脅,促使台灣加速與美國間的經濟連結 It’s hard to find a world leader who’s had a better 2020 than Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. 很難找到一個世界領導人,比台灣總統蔡英文擁有更好的2020年。 She won re-election in January in a landslide, oversaw one of the world’s best responses to the Covid-19 pandemic and helmed an economic recovery that has boosted Taiwan’s stock exchange to record heights. The central bank last week revised up its 2020 growth target to 1.6%, making it an outlier among global peers as most major economies shrink. 她在一月的的連任選舉中獲得了壓倒性的勝利,並且監理了全世界最好之一的武漢肺炎 應對措施,並且領導台灣經濟復甦致證券交易所創下了新高紀錄。中央銀行上週重新修 正了2020年的經濟成長率目標至1.6%,這在全球經濟緊縮的情形下顯得鶴立雞群。 But Tsai does have one major problem: The Communist Party is threatening her life, with its Global Times newspaper saying over the weekend she would be “ wiped out” in a war if she violated China’s anti-secession law. 但蔡英文確實在面臨一項重大問題,那就是中國共產黨正在威脅他的生命。環球時報( 中國官媒)表示,如果侵犯到了反分裂國家法,那蔡英文將在戰爭中被除去。 The warning in a tweet Saturday described her dinner with Keith Krach, the most senior U.S. State Department official to visit Taiwan since 1979, as “ playing with fire.” People’s Liberation Army aircraft last week repeatedly breached the median line between Taiwan and China, and the PLA Air Force released a video showing H-6 bombers making a simulated strike on what looked like a U.S. military base on the nearby island of Guam. 蔡英文與Keith Krach共進晚餐,而這是自1979年來美國國務院資深官員首次的官方訪問 ,而環球時報的推特稱此事是在玩火。人民解放軍的軍機在上周屢次侵犯台灣海峽中線, 根據人民解放空軍釋出的影片,H-6轟炸機對關島附近的美國軍事基地進行了模擬攻擊。 While China’s military dwarfs that of Taiwan, an amphibious invasion across the 100-mile-wide strait separating the two carries risks that could easily backfire on the world’s number-two economy. Although many observers see the U.S. coming to Taiwan’s aid if China were to launch an attack, Tsai’s government is actively taking steps to increase economic ties between the unofficial allies to provide more incentives for American policy makers to intervene. 雖然中國的軍力讓台灣相形見絀,但海陸侵略需要橫跨100英里觀的海峽,使得中國這個 世界第二大經濟體有著被反噬的風險。雖然很多人認為美國會在台灣被中國侵略時給予幫 助,但蔡政府仍然非常積極的強化台美間的經濟連結(註:原文此處以非正式盟友稱雙方 關係),藉此在美國在政策上有更多的誘因來介入中國侵略。 “If we lessen our economic reliance on China, it won’t be able to politically blackmail us,” Kolas Yotaka, presidential office spokeswoman, told Bloomberg. “By establishing closer economic ties with other countries, we’ll be able to uphold regional peace through shared prosperity.” 總統府發言人Kolas Yotaka表示:「如果我們降低對中國的經濟依存,那他們就會失去在 政治上勒索我們的能力。透過增加與其他國家的經濟緊密性,我們可以用共享經濟繁榮的 方式維持區域的和平。」 Right now, the economic relationship is heavily tilted toward Beijing. Exports to China accounted for 42.3% of Taiwan’s total in the first half of this year, with only 14.7% going to the U.S. during the same period. Taiwanese investment in China in the first eight months of this year was up 50% year on year, totaling $3.9 billion, according to Taiwan’s economic ministry. 此時此刻,台灣的經濟是與北京緊密交織的。上半年的台灣對中國出口,占了台灣整體出 口額的42.3%,然而對於美國僅有14.7%。根據台灣經濟部統計,今年前八個月台灣對中國 的投資與去年同期相比增長了50%,總計39億美元。 Tsai’s government, however, has sought to reverse those trends in particular by encouraging companies to bring their tech supply chains out of China to Taiwan and places like Southeast Asia. In late August, she also lifted a ban on certain U.S. pork and beef products -- the major obstacle toward a trade agreement with the U.S. 然而,蔡英文政府正在試圖扭轉這個趨勢,著重鼓勵企業將科技供應鏈從中國移回台灣或 是東南亞等地。在八月下旬,他更解除了台美間貿易協定的最主要障礙,也就是對於美國 豬肉、牛肉的禁令, “We must accelerate our linkage to economies around the world, in particular strengthening our ties with our most steadfast partner,” Tsai said at the time. Through July, American government data shows Taiwan as its ninth-largest trade partner, up from eleventh last year. 蔡英文在解除時表示:「我們必須要加速與世界的經濟連結,尤其是加強與我們堅定不移 的夥伴間的緊密」。根據美國政府數據,截至七月為止,台灣是美國第九大貿易夥伴,而 去年是第十一名。 The Krach visit marked another milestone in that effort. Tsai hosted a dinner Friday night for him that also included Morris Chang, founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the main chipmaker for Apple Inc. The presence of Chang, whose company recently announced it would build a $12 billion facility in Arizona, highlighted the importance of Taiwan’s cutting-edge semiconductor industry, which the U.S. is looking to wall off from Chinese companies such as Huawei Technologies Co. Keith Krach的到訪象徵著上述努力的里程碑。當天的晚宴,蔡英文更邀請的台積電的創辦 人張忠謀,台積電是蘋果公司的主要晶片供應商。台積電近期宣布,將在亞利桑那斥資120 億建立廠房,這樣的行為更是彰顯了當美國要限制華為等中國公司時,台灣的半導體業 有多麼重要 。 On Sunday, Taiwan’s economic minister, Wang Mei-hua, announced she had met with Krach’s delegation for talks to prepare for a formal economic dialogue. Tsai on Tuesday also highlighted the importance of strengthening economic ties with the European Union and raised the prospect of a bilateral investment agreement with the bloc, which is the biggest source of investment in Taiwan. 週日,台灣經濟部長王美花宣布將與Krach代表團進行會談,以準備正式的經濟對談。蔡英 文在周二還強調了加強與歐盟經濟聯繫的重要性,並提出了雙邊投資協議的前景,而歐盟 向來正式台灣最大的投資來源。 Any serious discussions with the U.S. would be helmed by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who negotiated the phase-one deal with China signed earlier this year. 與美國進行的認真討論將由貿易代表Robert Lighthizer進行,而他在今年初才與中國談判 了第一階段協議。 While it’s unclear if Taiwan is on the USTR’s list of priorities, any agreement would go a long way toward bringing Taiwan out of its diplomatic isolation, according to Tiffany Ma, senior director at Bower Group Asia. Bower Group Asia資深經理Tiffany Ma表示,雖然尚不清楚台灣是否在美國貿易代表署的 優先處理名單上,但任何協議都將大大助益台灣擺脫外交孤立。 A bilateral trade agreement “would further benefit Taiwan’s security by giving momentum -- and political cover -- for other countries to pursue similar arrangements with Taiwan,” she said. 雙邊貿易協定可以讓那些與台灣有貿易約定的國家,得到足夠的誘因與政治藉口,從而進 一步有益於台灣的安全。 The U.S. formally cut ties with Taiwan’s government in 1979 in order to establish relations with Beijing. Four decades later, however, U.S. ties with China are getting worse by the day while trade and official exchanges with Taiwan are on the rise. 為了與北京建立關係,美國在1979年正式與台灣政府斷絕關係。然而,四十年後,隨著美 國與中國的關係日益惡化,與台灣的貿易和官方往來正在增加。 Shortly before Krach arrived in Taipei, Wisconsin Republican congressman Tom Tiffany introduced a bill to establish formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan and negotiate a free trade agreement. While the bill is unlikely to pass, the fact that a member of Congress is calling for recognition of Taiwan risks adding to Beijing’s worst fears. 在Keith Krach到達台北前不久,威斯康星州共和黨眾議員Tom Tiffany提出了一項與台灣 建立正式外交關係並談判達成自由貿易協定的法案。雖然該法案不太可能通過,但國會議 員呼籲承認台灣這一事實有可能加劇北京最糟的困擾。 Despite the military saber-rattling over the weekend, China doesn’t appear ready to give up on economic engagement with Taiwan. Wang Yang, the Communist Party’s No. 4 official, on Saturday pledged to “further improve policy measures and arrangements” that benefit Taiwanese people. 儘管上週末軍方大刀闊斧,但中國似乎並未準備放棄與台灣的經濟交往。中共排名第四的 官員汪洋在週六承諾,將進一步增加有利台灣人民的政策措施和計畫。 “We need to have a longer-term vision,” said Liu Guoshen, director of the Taiwan Research Institute at Xiamen University, which sits across the strait. 廈門大學台灣研究所所長劉國深說:「我們需要將眼光放遠一點。」 Even so, China’s recent military maneuvers near Taiwan signal that it is watching carefully and possibly willing to escalate. While the Communist Party has never ruled Taiwan, and polls show the vast majority of Taiwanese citizens don’t want it to, President Xi Jinping has vowed to take it by force if necessary. 即便如此,中國最近在台灣附近進行的軍事演習也顯示出了,中國正在仔細觀望並可能會 升級衝突。儘管共產黨從未統治過台灣,而且民意調查顯示絕大多數台灣公民也不希望如 此,但習近平仍然發誓在必要時會以武力佔領台灣。 “Beijing fears a slippery slope,” said Bonnie Glaser, director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “It worries that the U.S. has abandoned its one-China policy and won’t respect China’s red lines.” 戰略與國際研究中心「中國實力計畫」的主任Bonnie Glaser表示:「北京擔心被軟土深 掘,更擔心美國放棄了一中政策且不再尊重中國的底線。」 ______________________________________________________________________________ 編按:一開始打算全手動,後面幾段覺得太麻煩,就用機翻+人工校對修正。 如有理解錯誤,還請各位先進指教。 至於內容是否有利於蔡英文政府,則由各位看官自行判斷。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

09/23 04:47, 3年前 , 1F
09/23 04:47, 1F

09/23 04:47, 3年前 , 2F
英文原文裡,不是寫"武漢肺炎"耶,你怎如此翻譯 ?
09/23 04:47, 2F
我是根據衛服部的新聞稿翻譯的 衛福部疾管署都會寫covid-19(武漢肺炎)

09/23 04:49, 3年前 , 3F
所以到底哪裡寫武漢肺炎 偷渡政治?
09/23 04:49, 3F 要不要推回來? ※ 編輯: cipc444 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2020 04:51:12

09/23 04:51, 3年前 , 4F
09/23 04:51, 4F

09/23 04:51, 3年前 , 5F
09/23 04:51, 5F
五毛慢慢噓 老子台灣人 政府用啥我就用啥 乾你屁事 ※ 編輯: cipc444 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2020 04:52:57

09/23 04:52, 3年前 , 6F
我知道 他們說要寫新冠肺炎 但台灣都說武漢肺炎是沒錯
09/23 04:52, 6F

09/23 04:53, 3年前 , 7F
09/23 04:53, 7F

09/23 04:54, 3年前 , 8F
武漢肺炎不就陳述事實嗎?污名 科科
09/23 04:54, 8F

09/23 04:54, 3年前 , 9F
09/23 04:54, 9F

09/23 04:54, 3年前 , 10F
09/23 04:54, 10F

09/23 04:55, 3年前 , 11F
09/23 04:55, 11F

09/23 04:56, 3年前 , 12F
09/23 04:56, 12F

09/23 04:57, 3年前 , 13F
這篇真的已經夠政治了 加速與美國的經濟連結 都寫上去了
09/23 04:57, 13F

09/23 04:57, 3年前 , 14F
09/23 04:57, 14F

09/23 04:57, 3年前 , 15F
09/23 04:57, 15F

09/23 04:57, 3年前 , 16F
09/23 04:57, 16F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 17F
所以咧 啊我發在PTT 乾YT跟FB啥事
09/23 04:59, 17F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 18F
09/23 04:59, 18F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 19F
09/23 04:59, 19F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 20F
09/23 04:59, 20F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 21F
09/23 04:59, 21F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 22F
講武漢肺炎會怎樣 你不是中國人的話幹嘛在意
09/23 04:59, 22F

09/23 04:59, 3年前 , 23F
09/23 04:59, 23F

09/23 05:00, 3年前 , 24F
09/23 05:00, 24F

09/23 05:00, 3年前 , 25F
09/23 05:00, 25F
看你怎麼想吧 字面上就是我翻的意思沒錯 但我覺得這句話在英文的語境 其實就是有恭維的成分 比如說 很難找到比XXX更成功的學生生涯 意思就是XXX當學生很成功 只是沒那麼直接在文字上表達 當然你要說彭博只是覺得蔡英文很賽 那我也沒意見 只是那一句話其實也不是重點 重點是後面的台美關係 外國新聞習慣都會先吹捧一下被寫的人 這是我的經驗 ※ 編輯: cipc444 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2020 05:03:52

09/23 05:02, 3年前 , 26F
19冠狀肺炎 其實對外對內不一樣 是不是不太好?
09/23 05:02, 26F

09/23 05:02, 3年前 , 27F
武漢肺炎 武漢肺炎 武漢肺炎 武漢肺炎 武漢肺炎
09/23 05:02, 27F

09/23 05:02, 3年前 , 28F
美國是川普會直接說 中國病毒
09/23 05:02, 28F

09/23 05:04, 3年前 , 29F
但英文還是那樣啦 這怎麼說 剛看到的時候 覺得也太中性
09/23 05:04, 29F

09/23 05:04, 3年前 , 30F
09/23 05:04, 30F

09/23 05:04, 3年前 , 31F
09/23 05:04, 31F

09/23 05:04, 3年前 , 32F
09/23 05:04, 32F

09/23 05:04, 3年前 , 33F
09/23 05:04, 33F

09/23 05:05, 3年前 , 34F
五毛看到武漢肺炎就崩潰哭泣 ~~~柯憐哪
09/23 05:05, 34F

09/23 05:05, 3年前 , 35F
12b 120億吧
09/23 05:05, 35F
還有 1094 則推文
還有 3 段內文
09/23 14:46, 3年前 , 1130F
09/23 14:46, 1130F

09/23 14:53, 3年前 , 1131F
09/23 14:53, 1131F

09/23 14:54, 3年前 , 1132F
09/23 14:54, 1132F

09/23 15:06, 3年前 , 1133F
09/23 15:06, 1133F

09/23 15:06, 3年前 , 1134F
有人看到武漢肺炎好氣喔 那改中共肺炎可以嗎
09/23 15:06, 1134F

09/23 15:16, 3年前 , 1135F
蔡有一個美好的2020 其他領導人沒有 標題就這個意思阿
09/23 15:16, 1135F

09/23 15:16, 3年前 , 1136F
菸粉以為better leader這兩個字出現在一句就是在稱讚
09/23 15:16, 1136F

09/23 15:16, 3年前 , 1137F
蔡嗎 菸粉好可愛
09/23 15:16, 1137F

09/23 15:18, 3年前 , 1138F
中國肺炎 武漢肺炎 五毛死全家 好了 我們笑完智障五
09/23 15:18, 1138F

09/23 15:18, 3年前 , 1139F
毛了 現在可以開始笑菸粉的菜英文嗎?
09/23 15:18, 1139F

09/23 15:34, 3年前 , 1140F
09/23 15:34, 1140F

09/23 15:34, 3年前 , 1141F
09/23 15:34, 1141F

09/23 16:05, 3年前 , 1142F
09/23 16:05, 1142F

09/23 16:15, 3年前 , 1143F
所謂運氣好 要回到希臘羅馬時代的民主概念來理解
09/23 16:15, 1143F

09/23 16:15, 3年前 , 1144F
09/23 16:15, 1144F

09/23 16:16, 3年前 , 1145F
那時候的人說自己運氣好 就是受眾神眷顧 所謂天命所歸
09/23 16:16, 1145F

09/23 16:32, 3年前 , 1146F
五毛崩潰就是爽 推
09/23 16:32, 1146F

09/23 17:05, 3年前 , 1147F
09/23 17:05, 1147F

09/23 17:29, 3年前 , 1148F
09/23 17:29, 1148F

09/23 19:38, 3年前 , 1149F
09/23 19:38, 1149F

09/23 19:53, 3年前 , 1150F
這篇是怎樣 怎麼蓋了1000多樓
09/23 19:53, 1150F

09/23 20:26, 3年前 , 1151F
五毛 對 武漢肺炎很崩潰在意
09/23 20:26, 1151F

09/23 21:21, 3年前 , 1152F
09/23 21:21, 1152F

09/23 23:02, 3年前 , 1153F
09/23 23:02, 1153F

09/23 23:19, 3年前 , 1154F
好的,川普認證China Virus
09/23 23:19, 1154F

09/23 23:35, 3年前 , 1155F
09/23 23:35, 1155F

09/24 00:33, 3年前 , 1156F
2020的義和團 改喊武漢肺炎當口號了
09/24 00:33, 1156F

09/24 00:50, 3年前 , 1157F
09/24 00:50, 1157F

09/24 01:29, 3年前 , 1158F
馬的 蔡母豬這個臭鮑魚
09/24 01:29, 1158F

09/24 02:21, 3年前 , 1159F
讚 亞洲之光
09/24 02:21, 1159F

09/24 02:29, 3年前 , 1160F
有人崩潰耶@@! 推個
09/24 02:29, 1160F

09/24 03:17, 3年前 , 1161F
09/24 03:17, 1161F

09/24 03:17, 3年前 , 1162F
09/24 03:17, 1162F

09/24 06:23, 3年前 , 1163F
小粉紅在崩武漢肺炎 好好笑
09/24 06:23, 1163F

09/24 10:15, 3年前 , 1164F
翻武漢肺炎 五毛就崩潰了
09/24 10:15, 1164F

09/24 11:10, 3年前 , 1165F
09/24 11:10, 1165F

09/24 11:55, 3年前 , 1166F
09/24 11:55, 1166F

09/24 12:35, 3年前 , 1167F
中國武漢肺炎 ,逆統戰 買起來
09/24 12:35, 1167F

09/24 12:58, 3年前 , 1168F
4%仔 崩潰 薪水沒多少 一直崩潰 可憐阿~
09/24 12:58, 1168F

09/24 19:18, 3年前 , 1169F
實力和運氣都強 最強的
09/24 19:18, 1169F
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