[新聞] tiktok同意出售美國業務給微軟

看板Gossiping作者 (hatano yee)時間3年前 (2020/08/01 23:24), 編輯推噓83(92958)
留言159則, 123人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/6 (看更多)
備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: reuters ※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報(請參考版規下方的核准媒體名單) 2.記者署名:Alexandra Alper,Echo Wang ※ 若新聞沒有記者名字或編輯名字,請勿張貼,否則會被水桶14天 ※ 外電至少要有來源或編輯 如:法新社 3.完整新聞標題:Exclusive: TikTok's Chinese owner offers to forego stake to clinc h U.S. deal - sources ※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 4.完整新聞內文: NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China’s ByteDance has agreed to divest the U.S. operations of TikTok completely in a bid to save a deal with the White House, a fter President Donald Trump said on Friday he had decided to ban the popular sho rt-video app, two people familiar with the matter said on Saturday. U.S. officials have said TikTok under its Chinese parent poses a national risk b ecause of the personal data it handles. ByteDance’s concession will test whethe r Trump’s threat to ban TikTok is a negotiating tactic or whether he is intent on cracking down on a social media app that has up to 80 million daily active us ers in the United States. Trump told reporters onboard Air Force One late on Friday that he would issue an order for TikTok to be banned in the United States as early as Saturday. “Not the deal that you have been hearing about, that they are going to buy and sell.. . We are not an M&A (mergers and acquisitions) country,” Trump said. ByteDance was previously seeking to keep a minority stake in the U.S. business o f TikTok, which the White House had rejected. Under the new proposed deal, ByteD ance would exit completely and Microsoft Corp would take over TikTok in the Unit ed States, the sources said. Some ByteDance investors that are based in the United States may be given the op portunity to take minority stakes in the business, the sources added. About 70% of ByteDance’s outside investors come from the United States. The White House declined to comment on whether Trump would accept ByteDance’s c oncession. ByteDance in Beijing did not respond to a request for comment Under ByteDance’s new proposal, Microsoft will be in charge of protecting all U .S. user data, the sources said. The plan allows for another U.S. company other than Microsoft to take over TikTok in the United States, the sources added. Microsoft did not respond to a request for comment. As relations between the United States and China deteriorate over trade, Hong Ko ng’s autonomy, cyber security and the spread of the novel coronavirus, TikTok h as emerged as a flashpoint in the dispute between the world’s two largest econo mies. ByteDance has been considering a range of options for TikTok amid U.S. pressure to relinquish control of the app, which allows users to create short videos with special effects and has become wildly popular with U.S. teenagers. ※ 社論特稿都不能貼!違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!可詳看版規 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://reut.rs/3gp4mwE ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 6.備註: tiktok的母公司字節跳動同意完全切割在美國的業務 並出售給微軟 目前白宮跟微軟都還沒有對此發表回應 ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意 ※ 備註請勿張貼三日內新聞(包含連結、標題等) -- 給酷~ 給酷~ 給..給酷 給酷 給....啊!!!! 為什麼...為什麼不幫我發大絕極靈~~~~~ (斗 內:果然牛逼反觀斗基督機大神) 啊!!墮!! 啊!!! Double kill!! 巨槌瑞斯 誇爪~~ 哈哈 哈~哈哈哈哈!! 恩ㄣㄣㄣㄣ(轉手 哇!~還敢下來R冰鳥~~ 哇!老爸墮起來~Double kill~ 哈哈哈~哈哈哈哈哈哈!! 哇! 哇~嬰兒! 哇! Double kill! 達瑞斯~~~ LALALALALALALALALA ~LALALALA!!!不要不要不要不要不要不要... 有囉!這波有囉~ 哈薩KI!吹起來!聊天室滑起 來!滑起來!!! Death is like the wind always by my side亞索開滑~~ WooWooWooWoo賀賀 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1596295474.A.4F9.html

08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 1F
08/01 23:25, 1F

08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 2F
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08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 7F
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08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 8F
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08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 9F
網路軟體賣給微軟跟遊戲公司賣給 EA 差不多
08/01 23:25, 9F

08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 10F
也好 新創賺一波下次搞更大的
08/01 23:25, 10F

08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 11F
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08/01 23:25, 3年前 , 12F
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08/01 23:27, 3年前 , 20F
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08/01 23:28, 3年前 , 21F
Tik toi revenue 還不錯耶 割肉了
08/01 23:28, 21F

08/01 23:28, 3年前 , 22F
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08/01 23:28, 3年前 , 23F
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08/01 23:29, 3年前 , 24F
08/01 23:29, 24F

08/01 23:29, 3年前 , 25F
只有在美國的用戶,可以視為抖音又一次的hard fork
08/01 23:29, 25F

08/01 23:29, 3年前 , 26F
超強盜的 XDD Tik tok藥丸了被微軟買下
08/01 23:29, 26F

08/01 23:30, 3年前 , 27F
08/01 23:30, 27F

08/01 23:30, 3年前 , 28F
微軟真的拿下美國抖音的話也太爽 直接拿下現成的社群
08/01 23:30, 28F

08/01 23:30, 3年前 , 29F
08/01 23:30, 29F

08/01 23:30, 3年前 , 30F
Pornhub 何時能賣給日本?我不想看到洋妞的A片
08/01 23:30, 30F

08/01 23:30, 3年前 , 31F
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08/01 23:30, 3年前 , 32F
08/01 23:30, 32F

08/01 23:31, 3年前 , 33F
08/01 23:31, 33F

08/01 23:32, 3年前 , 34F
賣給 FB 真養大了怎麼辦? 還是給微軟好
08/01 23:32, 34F

08/01 23:33, 3年前 , 35F
抖音出賣個資 還能洗成打不過了 支那狗屎吃太多?
08/01 23:33, 35F

08/01 23:33, 3年前 , 36F
08/01 23:33, 36F

08/01 23:33, 3年前 , 37F
08/01 23:33, 37F

08/01 23:33, 3年前 , 38F
最輸不起的就中國人啊 禁最多
08/01 23:33, 38F

08/01 23:34, 3年前 , 39F
真爽 以後都來這招就行了 下一個是zoom嗎
08/01 23:34, 39F
還有 80 則推文
08/02 00:55, 3年前 , 120F
稱霸天下個洨 最大是AWS
08/02 00:55, 120F

08/02 00:57, 3年前 , 121F
08/02 00:57, 121F

08/02 00:59, 3年前 , 122F
不賣的話 等抖音虧損就不值錢了
08/02 00:59, 122F

08/02 01:17, 3年前 , 123F
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08/02 01:19, 3年前 , 124F
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08/02 01:19, 3年前 , 125F
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08/02 01:29, 3年前 , 126F
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08/02 01:34, 3年前 , 127F
某幾樓到底在工殺小 MS這幾年靠雲端賺翻好嗎...
08/02 01:34, 127F

08/02 01:46, 3年前 , 128F
川普:我們一起學貓叫 一起喵喵喵喵喵
08/02 01:46, 128F

08/02 01:47, 3年前 , 129F
08/02 01:47, 129F

08/02 02:00, 3年前 , 130F
微軟換新老總後 好很多了啦 反而g開始墮落了
08/02 02:00, 130F

08/02 02:05, 3年前 , 131F
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08/02 02:15, 3年前 , 132F
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08/02 02:18, 3年前 , 133F
賣臉書還有救 賣微軟必屎無疑
08/02 02:18, 133F

08/02 02:21, 3年前 , 134F
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08/02 02:24, 3年前 , 135F
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08/02 05:33, 3年前 , 136F
08/02 05:33, 136F

08/02 06:15, 3年前 , 137F
9.25毛崩潰 中資又向美金跪了
08/02 06:15, 137F

08/02 06:36, 3年前 , 138F
08/02 06:36, 138F

08/02 07:07, 3年前 , 139F
tiktok、trump、msft 三贏!
08/02 07:07, 139F

08/02 07:47, 3年前 , 140F
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08/02 08:31, 3年前 , 141F
這事情把美國改成中國 看看八卦版會怎麼罵
08/02 08:31, 141F

08/02 08:38, 3年前 , 142F
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08/02 08:51, 3年前 , 143F
08/02 08:51, 143F

08/02 08:52, 3年前 , 144F
搞到現在川說要直接封殺 血本無歸 爽嗎 共網軍們?
08/02 08:52, 144F

08/02 08:54, 3年前 , 145F
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08/02 09:14, 3年前 , 146F
08/02 09:14, 146F

08/02 09:45, 3年前 , 147F
雙方政治及利益最大化 最佳化的作法
08/02 09:45, 147F

08/02 10:09, 3年前 , 148F
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08/02 10:26, 3年前 , 149F
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08/02 10:41, 3年前 , 150F
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08/02 10:51, 3年前 , 151F
我也同意娶結衣當老婆啊 結衣真是霸道 哼哼>/////<
08/02 10:51, 151F

08/02 10:52, 3年前 , 152F
賤畜這個時候最會演受害者了 真是噁心嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔
08/02 10:52, 152F

08/02 11:12, 3年前 , 153F
安啦 本質查不多 頂多換個名字
08/02 11:12, 153F

08/02 11:48, 3年前 , 154F
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08/02 12:19, 3年前 , 155F
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08/02 12:20, 3年前 , 156F
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08/02 14:32, 3年前 , 157F
08/02 14:32, 157F

08/02 14:34, 3年前 , 158F
位置也被掌握 有救?
08/02 14:34, 158F

08/03 17:44, 3年前 , 159F
08/03 17:44, 159F
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