[新聞] 260艘中國漁船逼近厄瓜多海域引起爭議

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備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除 1.媒體來源: 外媒福斯FOX新聞 2.記者署名: By Danielle Wallace | Fox News 3.完整新聞標題: Ecuador navy 'on alert' as 260-strong Chinese fleet nears Galapagos Islands Ecuadorian Navy increasing patrols to ensure the ships do not enter exclusive economic zone around islands 4.完整新聞內文: Ecuador navy 'on alert' as 260-strong Chinese fleet nears Galapagos Islands Ecuadorian Navy increasing patrols to ensure the ships do not enter exclusive economic zone around islands 260名中國艦隊接近加拉巴哥群島,厄瓜多海軍“保持警惕” 厄瓜多海軍增加巡邏,以確保船隻不進入島嶼周圍的專屬經濟區 A large fleet of some 260 Chinese fishing vessels has been spotted in the waters surrounding the Galápagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador, the country’s navy officials said last week. The Ecuadorian Navy said it has increasing patrolling to ensure the Chinese ships do not enter the exclusive economic zone around the Galápagos Islands, where 19th-century British explorer Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution, Reuters reported. “We are on alert, conducting surveillance, patrolling to avoid an incident such as what happened in 2017,” Ecuador’s Defense Minister Oswaldo Jarrin said at a press conference. Three years ago, a Chinese ship was apprehended in the Galápagos Marine Reserve carrying 300 tons of marine wildlife -- mostly sharks, including the hammerhead, which is near extinction. 厄瓜多海軍上周發現,一隊260的大型中國漁船船隊在加拉巴哥群島大肆獵魚。 據路透社報導,厄瓜多爾海軍表示正在增加巡邏,以確保中國船隻不會進入加拉巴哥群島 周圍的專屬經濟區。加拉巴哥群島是19世紀英國探險家查爾斯·達爾文在那兒研究進化論 著稱。 厄瓜多國防部長奧斯瓦爾多·賈林(Oswaldo Jarrin)在新聞發布會上說:“我們保持 戒備,進行監視,巡邏,以避免發生類似2017年的事件。” 三年前,一艘中國船在加拉 巴哥群島海洋保護區被捕,該船載有300噸海洋野生生物-主要是鯊魚,包括瀕臨滅絕的 鎚頭鯊。 “There is a corridor that is international waters, that’s where the fleet is located,” Jarrin added. https://twitter.com/armada_ecuador/status/1287418680192663553 The Galápagos – as well as an about 188-mile radius of the surrounding ocean waters – was designated a Unesco world heritage site in 1978 for its unique marine wildlife and biodiversity. The Chinese fleet is sitting about 200 miles from the nine-island archipelago in international waters, The Guardi an reported. Former Ecuadorian environment minister, Yolanda Kakabadse, along with Roque Sevilla, a former mayor of Ecuador's capital, Quito, told The Guardian on Monday that they were developing a “protection strategy” to ask the Chinese fleet not to return, enforce international agreements protecting migratory species and extend the exclusive economic zone to a 350-mile radius from the islands. https://twitter.com/Lenin/status/1287147353951162368 加拉巴哥群島(Galápagos)以及周圍海洋半徑約188英里- 1978年因其獨特的海洋野生 動植物和生物多樣性而被指定為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。據《衛報》報導,中國船隊 距國際水域的九島群島約200英里。 厄瓜多前環保部長Yolanda Kakabadse以及厄瓜多首都前市長羅克·塞維利亞( Roque Sevilla)週一對《衛報》表示,他們正在製定一項“保護戰略”以限縮中國船隊 在離島350英里內的活動。 “This fleet’s size and aggressiveness against marine species is a big threat to the balance of species in the Galápagos,” Kakabadse said. To that sentiment, Sevilla echoed: “Unchecked Chinese fishing just on the edge of the protected zone is ruining Ecuador’s efforts to protect marine life in the Galápagos.” Chinese fishing vessels annually come to the international waters around the Galapagos, but this year, the fleet is significantly larger than before and has come within a closer range of the islands. Ecuador President Lenín Moreno tweeted his support in preserving the Galá pagos Islands on Saturday, writing in Spanish: “We will work in a regional position to defend and protect the Exclusive Economic Zone around the Galá pagos Marine Reserve, one of the richest fishing areas and a hotbed of life for the entire planet.” 厄瓜多前環保部長Yolanda Kakabadse表示:“船隊的規模和對海洋物種的侵略性對 加拉巴哥群島的物種平衡構成了巨大威脅。” 塞維利亞對此表示贊同:“在保護區邊緣,未經控制的中國人獵魚正在破壞厄瓜多保護 加拉巴哥群島海洋生物的努力。” 中國漁船每年都會來到加拉巴哥群島周圍的國際水域,但是今年,漁船船隊的規模比以 前大得多,並進入了更近的島嶼範圍。 厄瓜多爾總統列寧·莫雷諾(LenínMoreno)週六在推特上表示支持保護加拉巴哥群島 ,並用西班牙語寫道:“我們將在區域性位置上捍衛和保護加拉巴哥海洋保護區周圍的 專屬經濟區,這是最豐富的捕魚區和溫床之一。整個星球的生命。” 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://reurl.cc/z80Wq6 6.備註: 古狗機翻 有一隻被定位過豆腐鯊消失時機與中國漁船出現一致 已經有「#SOSGALAPAGOS」(#救救加拉巴戈群島)的標籤在社群網站了 https://youtu.be/USrbpg8zCo0
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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1596076186.A.792.html

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07/30 10:37, 3年前 , 5F
魚翅根本不好吃 這群人他媽的智障
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07/30 10:52, 3年前 , 8F
看到就擊沉 支那賤畜就該丟去海裡餵魚
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07/30 12:22, 3年前 , 12F
中國沿岸魚幾乎都快滅絕了 越撈越外面
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07/30 12:56, 3年前 , 13F
07/30 12:56, 13F
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