Re: [爆卦] 澳媒: 王立強夫婦6500萬澳洲資產被凍結

看板Gossiping作者 (倒立澳客)時間4年前 (2020/02/01 08:36), 4年前編輯推噓287(290327)
留言320則, 292人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
小弟來幫忙把新聞內容的翻譯作修正並作完整補充: 媒體名稱: 雪梨晨驅報 The Sydney Morning Herald 記者署名: Michaela Withbourn 新聞標題: 自白的中國間諜在三百萬澳元的訴訟中遭凍結資產 Self-confessed Chinese spy has assets frozen in $3m court battle 新聞連結: 新聞內文: A self-confessed Chinese intelligence operative seeking to defect to Australia has had his assets frozen by the NSW Supreme Court as a former business associate pursues him for $3 million. 一位在澳嘗試投誠並已自白的中國情報員,其資產現已遭新州最高法院凍結,因為 他的前商業合夥人向他追討300萬澳元(約新台幣6000萬元)。 The Supreme Court made urgent orders on January 24 temporarily freezing the Australian assets of Wang "William" Liqiang and his wife up to the value of $3.25 million. 最高法院於 1/24 下達了緊急命令,暫時凍結王立強和他妻子的在澳資產,凍結總 值達325萬澳元(約新台幣6500萬元) The order was extended on Friday until further court order. 週五時,此一命令的時效獲得延長,至下一道法院命令下達為止。 Sydney barrister Geoffrey Watson, SC, appearing pro bono on behalf of the couple, told the court on Friday that they did not contest the continuation of the order and were being kept in a "secure place" by a federal agency. 雪梨大律師傑佛瑞・華生以無償義務律師的身份代表王夫婦出庭,在週五開庭時向法 庭表示王夫婦對命令時效延長不提出抗辯,且兩夫婦目前由聯邦機構在一個「安全的 地方」保護著。 "I not only do not know where they are, I’m not allowed to know where they are," Mr Watson said, adding he had a "means of communication" with Mr Wang's wife. 華生表示:「我不但不知道他們所在何方,我更是不被允許知道他們的所在之處。」 他亦補充說他與王妻有「聯絡方式」。 The court previously ordered Mr Wang and his wife to provide a list detailing their assets in Australia, including their value and location. 先前,法院已對王先生及其妻子下達命令,要求兩夫婦提供他們在澳有哪些資產—— 包括該等資產所在地及其價值等——的詳細清單。 The list was provided on Friday. Mr Watson said the couple did not have "massive funds" and there was "something less than $2000" in their bank accounts. 清單已於週五提供。華生表示,王立強夫婦並無「大量金錢」,並且他們的銀行戶 頭裡餘額「不到2000澳元」(約新台幣六萬元) Mr Wang caused an international scandal in November when he told The Age, the Herald and 60 Minutes that he had worked on behalf of a Beijing-directed foreign interference ring targeting independence and democracy movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is now seeking asylum in Australia. 王立強在11月時向《時代報》、《晨驅報》及電視節目《60分鐘》等媒體爆料自己替 北京指導的對外干涉集團工作,目標針對香港及台灣的獨立、民主運動,以此掀起了 國際醜聞。現下他正在澳洲尋求庇護。 The Chinese government dismissed his claims as false and said he was a convicted criminal, a claim Mr Wang denies. 中國政府駁斥說王的聲稱為假,並說王是被定罪的刑犯,對此王立強則予以否認。 In documents filed in the Supreme Court, Australian resident Xin "Filip" Shu claims he met Mr Wang in September 2018 and Mr Wang told him he was involved in a "profitable business ... transporting luxury cars from Germany to China for sale in China". 在呈上最高法院的訴訟文件中,澳洲居民舒信(音譯)聲稱其在2018年9月時與王立 強認識,而王告訴他說自己正從事著「有賺頭的生意...將高級車從德國運輸之中國 並在中國銷售」。 Mr Shu alleges Mr Wang persuaded him to invest millions in the business and told him that a property he owned with his wife in Shanghai "would be security for my payments". The trio were later turned away from the Shanghai property by a gatekeeper, Mr Shu alleges. 舒先生聲稱,王立強說服他投資上百萬到那生意當中,並告訴他說自己與妻子在上 海有棟房產「可作為帳務的擔保」。舒先生亦聲稱,在那之後,三人到達上海房產 時被保全人員趕走。 Mr Shu claims the Shanghai Public Security Bureau informed him in early 2019 that the couple "are not and never were the owners of the Shanghai property" and documents purporting to show their ownership were "fraudulent". 舒先生聲稱,在2019年初,上海公安局向他告知那兩夫婦「從來不是那間上海房產 的屋主」,並且那些房地產權狀都是「假的」。 Mr Shu said as at December 31 the couple had "failed, neglected and refused" to pay him $3 million. 舒先生說,至12月31為止,兩夫婦均「未有、疏於、並拒絕」償付他三百萬澳元。 He said Chinese police had informed him they would be charging the couple in China "for swindling me". 他說中國警方已告知他,他們會起訴王立強夫婦以追究「詐騙我」一事。 Mr Shu is a former staffer to Labor MP Matt Thistlethwaite and previously worked for Ryde deputy mayor Simon Zhou, a close political ally of exiled property developer Huang Xiangmo. 舒先生是工黨國會議員Matt Thistlethwaite的前幕僚成員,並且過去也曾替萊德市 副市長周碩(Simon Zhou)工作,周碩是先前被澳洲驅逐的房地產建商黃向墨在政 治圈內的親近盟友。 Mr Huang, a Chinese Community Party-aligned billionaire, is a central figure in the Independent Commission Against Corruption's investigation into the source of an illegal $100,000 cash donation to the NSW Labor Party in 2015. Mr Huang denies he was the source of the money. 與中國共產黨關係密切的億萬富豪黃向墨是新州廉政公署追查2015年新州十萬澳元非法 政治獻金案的核心調查對象。黃向墨否認自己是獻金的提供者。 Mr Huang has resided in Hong Kong since his Australian permanent residency visa was cancelled on December 5 last year for reasons including character grounds, and has declined to give evidence at the ICAC. 黃向墨自從去年12月5日澳洲永居簽證因品格等因素被註銷後,就一直居住在香港,並 且拒絕到新州廉政公署作證。 The property developer is being pursued by the Tax Office for $140 million in allegedly unpaid tax and penalties related to the sale of a mansion in Hong Kong, which is said to give rise to a capital gains tax liability. 黃向墨目前被澳洲稅務局追討聲稱的一億四千萬澳元(約新台幣28億元)未繳稅金及 罰金,該金額與黃在香港售出的宅邸有關,據稱,此筆販售使黃有資本利得的稅務。 Mr Shu's barrister, Garry McGrath, SC, told the court on Friday that the "pittance" that was in the couple's bank accounts "would be lucky to provide for a couple of hours of legal assistance". 舒先生的大律師蓋瑞・麥格賴斯在週五開庭時,在庭上表示王立強夫婦戶頭裡那點 「微薄」的錢,光是付得出兩小時的法律協助費用就該偷笑了。 Mr McGrath asked Mr Watson to obtain verification of the couple's claims that they were being held in a secure place by a federal agency. 麥格賴斯律師要求華生律師取得證明,以核實王立強夫婦聲稱自己在一個安全的地 方受聯邦機構保護之說是否為真。 "That’s fair," Mr Watson replied. "Some of these organisations are secretive – nevertheless I’ll do my best." 華生答道:「這要求合理。雖然這些機構很保密,但我就盡力而為。」 The case returns to court for a further preliminary hearing on February 10. 本案將在 2/10 於法庭再召開後續的初步聆訊。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 備註: 由於我自己在澳洲是持NAATI執照的翻譯師,並有在法院做法庭翻譯 從現在還在初步聆訊,大概能推算這個訴訟差不多在去年王立強跑出來爆料後不久開始的 由於牽涉的金額龐大,超出下級法院的審理上限,故直接由最高法院審理 澳洲媒體的優點是會在資訊可查證的範圍內揭露各方背景和立場 舒先生的背景以及他和親中共勢力的關係,報導裡面也有寫出來 各位讀者就自行閲讀、自己思考判斷 由於司法程序尚在初始階段,報導出來的資訊尚有限 有很多事情的真相還很不明朗就是了 另外,誠心建議在轉貼外電的時候,真的要衡量自己的能力和時間 不要草率地張貼然後翻譯得不實不全,這樣容易誤導視聽 能的話最好交給專業的來做 ※ 引述《Stunts (時間.空間)》之銘言: : 今天別人傳給我看的 : 出自the sydney morning herald : : n-3m-court-battle-20200131-p53wgv.html : 大意是王立強夫婦因為詐欺他人投資,而被控告。目前澳洲法院凍結其名下資產待調查結 : 果出爐 : 以下為原文,因時間及能力僅部分翻譯 : ------------------------------------------------------ : Self-confessed Chinese spy has assets frozen in $3m court battle : 標題: 自稱中國間諜的300澳幣資產已被凍結 : By嗰ichaela Whitbourn : January 31, 2020 — 12.52pm : A self-confessed Chinese intelligence operative seeking to defect to Australia : has had his assets frozen by the NSW Supreme Court as a former business assoc : iate pursues him for $3 million. : 一位自稱是中國情報員在叛逃澳洲後被NSW最高法院判凍結名下300萬澳元資產 : The Supreme Court made urgent orders on January 24 temporarily freezing the Au : stralian assets of Wang "William" Liqiang and his wife up to the value of $3.2 : 5 million. : 最高法院在1/24指示凍結王立強夫婦之325萬澳幣資產(折合台幣約6500萬台幣) : The order was extended on Friday until further court order. : Wang Liqiang and his wife are being pursued in court for $3 million.CREDIT:60 : MINUTES : Sydney barrister Geoffrey Watson, SC, appearing pro bono on behalf of the coup : le, told the court on Friday that they did not contest the continuation of the : order and were being kept in a "secure place" by a federal agency. : 王立強夫婦的義務辯護律師表示王立強夫婦不反對這項命令,並目前在聯邦機構的安全處 : 被保護 : "I not only do not know where they are, I’m not allowed to know where they ar : e," Mr Watson said, adding he had a "means of communication" with Mr Wang's wi : fe. : 辯護律師表示他不知道王立強目前身在何處 : The court previously ordered Mr Wang and his wife to provide a list detailing : their assets in Australia, including their value and location. : 庭上曾指示王力強夫婦列出在澳的所有資產 : The list was provided on Friday. Mr Watson said the couple did not have "massi : ve funds" and there was "something less than $2000" in their bank accounts. : 王氏夫妻曾表示他們沒有巨額資產 ,帳戶裡只有2000澳幣而已 : Mr Wang氲aused an international scandal in November烀hen he told糍he Age, the? : Herald乸nd?60 Minutes濳hat he had worked on behalf of a Beijing-directed forei : gn interference ring targeting independence and democracy movements in Hong Ko : ng and Taiwan.? He is滢ow seeking asylum in Australia. : 王搞出的事大家都知道了 : The Chinese government dismissed his claims as false and said he was a convict : ed criminal, a claim Mr Wang denies. : 中國的反應大家也知道了 : In documents filed in the Supreme Court, Australian resident Xin "Filip" Shu c : laims he met Mr Wang in September 2018 and Mr Wang told him he was involved in : a "profitable business ... transporting luxury cars from Germany to China for : sale in China". : 控訴人舒先生(Shu)向法庭表示在2018年9月時,王向其兜售一門從德國進口豪華車去中國 : 的投資,表示利潤很高 : Mr Shu alleges Mr Wang persuaded him to invest millions in the business and to : ld him that a property he owned with his wife in Shanghai "would be security f : or my payments". The trio were later turned away from the Shanghai property by : a gatekeeper, Mr Shu alleges. : 舒先生表示王為了取得他信任,告訴他可以他在上海的資產可以作為擔保 : Mr Shu claims the Shanghai Public Security Bureau informed him in early 2019 t : hat the couple "are not and never were the owners of the Shanghai property" an : d documents purporting to show their ownership were "fraudulent". : 舒先生表示,上海公安局2019年年初告訴他王立強從來沒有擁有這筆資產,並表示他們的 : 產權文件是詐欺的 : Mr Shu said as at December 31 the couple had "failed, neglected and refused" t : o pay him $3 million. : 去年12/31王拒絕向他支付300萬元 : He said Chinese police had informed him they would be charging the couple in C : hina "for swindling me". : 他聲稱中國警方已告訴他將以詐欺起訴王 : Mr Shu is a former staffer to Labor MP Matt Thistlethwaite and previously work : ed for Ryde deputy mayor Simon Zhou, a close political ally of exiled property : developer Huang Xiangmo. : 舒先生過去曾在議員或市長手下工作過 : Mr Huang, a Chinese Community Party-aligned billionaire, is a central figure i : n the Independent Commission Against Corruption's investigation into the sourc : e of an illegal $100,000 cash donation to the NSW Labor Party in 2015. Mr Huan : g denies he was the source of the money. : Mr Huang has resided in Hong Kong since his Australian permanent residency vis : a was cancelled on December 5 last year for reasons including character ground : s, and has declined to give evidence at the ICAC. : The property developer is毪eing pursued by the Tax Office沲or $140 million in : allegedly unpaid tax and penalties related to the sale of a mansion in Hong Ko : ng, which is said to give rise to a capital gains tax liability. : Mr Shu's barrister, Garry McGrath, SC, told the court on Friday that the "pitt : ance" that was in the couple's bank accounts "would be lucky to provide for a : couple of hours of legal assistance". : 舒先生的律師McGrath表示王帳戶裡的少量存款恰可供支付法律資訊 : Mr McGrath asked Mr Watson to obtain verification of the couple's claims that : they were being held in a secure place by a federal agency. : 舒先生的律師要求王立強辯護律師就王目前被保護進行核實 : "That’s fair," Mr Watson replied. "Some of these organisations are secretive : – nevertheless I’ll do my best." : The case returns to court for a further preliminary hearing on February 10. : 這宗案件將在2/10進行初審 : ====== : 心得: 法院凍結他6500萬資產,他律師卻說他們沒有這些資產,只有兩千塊。那凍結的資 : 產是....? : 王的詐騙案官司將在2/10進行初審 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (澳大利亞) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 08:37:06

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翻的很不錯 給推
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另一篇一推高潮 笑死
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推 難怪翻譯特別有邏輯
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還有 243 則推文
還有 3 段內文
02/01 13:30, 4年前 , 283F
嘖嘖 中共洗地人員真的噁心
02/01 13:30, 283F

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02/01 13:56, 4年前 , 285F
推澳媒 反觀
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02/01 15:13, 4年前 , 297F
在中國的房產 當然都是黨的啊
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02/01 15:31, 4年前 , 301F
真。讓專業的來 上篇黃向墨那段直接跳過
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02/01 15:40, 4年前 , 302F
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02/01 15:41, 4年前 , 303F
澳洲的最高法院是High Court
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02/01 15:41, 4年前 , 304F
Supreme Court是指各州的高等法院
02/01 15:41, 304F
不,Supreme Court係屬州司法體系最上級法院,故譯作最高法院而不是高等法院。 聯邦體系的High Court則多加聯邦二字,譯作聯邦最高法院,來和Supreme Court區別。 澳洲本身是個聯邦國家,各州的司法體系和聯邦的司法體系是分開但有關聯的。 雖然Supreme Court的裁決可以再上訴到High Court, 但必須滿足相當多條件才會被受理。 因此大部份州內司法案件由Supreme Court終審定讞。 簡單說,澳洲的聯邦與州關係,並不等同台灣的中央地方關係。 各州Supreme Court並不能單純地看作High Court的下級法院。

02/01 15:50, 4年前 , 305F
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02/01 16:32, 4年前 , 308F
居然釣到在職翻譯師 另外也推備註
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※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 17:50:42 ※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 17:56:20

02/01 19:44, 4年前 , 311F
推 專業
02/01 19:44, 311F

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03/04 01:49, 4年前 , 318F
推 超專業! 辛苦你了!
03/04 01:49, 318F

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04/22 16:33, 4年前 , 320F
04/22 16:33, 320F
文章代碼(AID): #1UDCWURf (Gossiping)