[新聞] WSJ: 中國即將開放藥品市場

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1.媒體來源: WSJ 華爾街日報 2.記者署名 Jacky Wong Nov. 11, 2019 5:30 am ET 中文部分非來自中文版WSJ 3.完整新聞標題: China’s Drug Market Is Opening Up 中國的藥品市場即將開放 4.完整新聞內文: China’s plan to make its health-care system better and more affordable is throwing up opportunities for global drugmakers. 中國讓醫療系統變得更好更易於負擔的計畫,將為全球的製藥業者提供新契機。 There has been a tectonic shift in China’s drug policy in the past couple of years. The government is approving innovative foreign drugs at a record pace, while trying to push down sky-high prices. Fifty-one innovative drugs, 80% of them from global pharmaceutical companies, were approved last year, up from just five in 2016, according to Deloitte. By cutting red tape and fast-tracking approvals for drugs that have already been greenlighted by regulators in the U.S., Japan or Europe, China wants to give its fast-aging population access to the best drugs. 最近兩年以來中國的藥品政策有著結構性的改變。中國政府正用前所未有的速度在批准 國外的新藥,同時也在試圖壓低恨天高的藥價。據勤業眾信(德勤)的資料顯示,去年 批准的51項藥品中,有80%是來自全球藥廠,對比2016年,僅有五項新藥被批准。 透過消除繁瑣手續,以及對在美日歐等地已批准的藥物進行加速審查,中國欲為國內急 速老化的人口提供最好的藥品。 Top drugmakers get better access to the world’s second most valuable market for pharmaceutical products, after the U.S. However, China also is trying to clamp down on runaway drug prices. Manufacturers will have to slash prices to get on a list of treatments partially covered by China’s state insurance program. Many might still choose to be on the list, because the price cuts could be offset by the volume gains. 頂尖藥廠將得以進軍僅次於美國的全世界第二大藥品市場,但同時,中國也打算壓制 高昂的藥價。若想被列入中國健保部分負擔的名單中,藥廠需要降低售價。即使如此, 許多藥廠仍會選擇被列在名單上,因為增加的銷量可能足以彌平降低售價的損失。 For generic drugs, the government said in September that it will expand a bulk purchase program to almost the whole country. Under the program, pharmaceutical companies bid for the right to supply drugs to hospitals, the country’s biggest buyers, and the cheapest provider gets the contract. A pilot plan in 11 major cities, including Shanghai and Beijing, saw winners almost halve their drug prices. In the short term, sharply lower generics prices could hurt local and foreign drugmakers. Global pharmaceutical companies have so far mostly been selling off-patent drugs in the country, which can be very lucrative: U.S. generic-drug prices are on average 45% cheaper than those in China, according to a Credit Suisse report in March. 學名藥方面,中國政府在九月表示將會把大量採購的措施擴及到全國。在此措施下,藥廠 必須競價以取得提供藥品給醫院的權利,醫院是最大的買方,而價格最便宜者會得到銷售 合約。在試行的11個主要城市,包含上海與北京,取得合約的廠商幾乎都將藥價降了一 半。 在短期內,過低的學名藥價格可能會讓中國國內外的藥廠蒙受損失。國際大廠目前幾乎都 是僅賣專利過期的藥,而這些藥非常有利可圖:據瑞士信貸集團三月的報告顯示,此類藥 品在美國本土的售價僅約在中國定價的45%。 Global manufacturers likely won’t be able to compete purely on the basis of cost with domestic rivals going forward, but the new market in innovative drugs could compensate for those losses. Companies with a head start in China, such as AstraZeneca, Merck or Pfizer, look to be well-positioned. Merck ’s pharmaceutical revenue in China last quarter grew 84% from a year ago, for example, due to strong sales of its Gardasil HPV vaccine. 全球藥廠要能持續和中國本地對手競爭,只靠價格是不夠的,但在這個新藥的新興市場 中的獲利或許足以彌補虧損。最早進軍中國的藥廠包含AstraZeneca阿斯特捷利康,Merck 默克和Pfizer輝瑞看來都獲利良好。比方說,靠著Gardasil HPV疫苗,默克上一季在中國 的營收成長了84%。 These foreign companies are turning their attention to homegrown innovation in China, too. Last month, Amgen paid $2.7 billion in cash to buy a fifth of Chinese peer BeiGene. Beijing-based BeiGene will help sell three Amgen cancer drugs in China, while the two companies will work together to develop more oncology drugs. And last week, AstraZeneca said it is setting up a $1 billion fund to invest in biotechnology startups in China. More such deals are likely. 這些國外藥廠也將注意力放在中國本地的研發。上個月,Amgen(安進)以27億美元買下北京 百濟神州藥廠(BeiGene Co.)的五分之一。百濟神州將負責Amgen三項癌症用藥在中國 的銷售業務,同時雙方將合作發展更多癌症用藥。上星期,AstraZeneca表示將對中國的 生技新創投資10億美元。更多類似的合作案是可以預期的。 Local pharmaceutical leaders such as Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine will continue to do fine, but the focus on price and therefore cost-cutting for generic drugs will likely spur consolidation among China’s domestic drugmakers. The industry is very fragmented: The top 10 Chinese manufacturers have only 15% of the market, according to Citi. Global companies haven’t always been on the right side of policy change in Beijing, but the medicine China is administering to its health-care system could be an exception. 中國本地龍頭藥廠如江蘇恆瑞醫藥預期可以維持穩健不墜,但對價格的注重與隨之而來 對學名藥的降價,將可能刺激中國本土藥廠產生行業整併。中國的製藥業相當細分:根 據花旗的資料,中國前十大藥廠佔整體市場僅15%。 國際企業面對中國政策時並不總是壓對邊,但也許在中國提供給其醫療系統的藥品 方面,會是個例外。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://alturl.com/ac7ii 6.備註: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1573510542.A.19A.html ※ 編輯: yamori ( 美國), 11/12/2019 06:21:45

11/12 06:20, 4年前 , 1F
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11/12 06:26, 4年前 , 3F
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11/12 06:33, 4年前 , 4F
「完全開放 稅費全免」然後廠蓋好了
11/12 06:33, 4F

11/12 06:34, 4年前 , 5F
開始玩你收各種‘費’ 真想趕你走就
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11/12 06:34, 4年前 , 6F
開始查消防查公安搞到你無法生產 你
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11/12 06:34, 4年前 , 7F
走了投資直接收歸國有 不信?蘇州
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11/12 06:34, 4年前 , 8F
的新加坡產業園區就是這麼玩的 金山
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11/12 06:34, 4年前 , 9F
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11/12 07:17, 4年前 , 10F
中共就是各種保護阻撓 美國才不爽
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11/12 07:25, 4年前 , 11F
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11/12 07:32, 4年前 , 12F
沿海一帶都這樣玩好 早期建廠地方發展起
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11/12 07:32, 4年前 , 13F
來 利用完了開始各種環測 把你搞到遷移到
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11/12 07:33, 4年前 , 14F
內陸 繼續帶動地方發展 嘻嘻
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11/12 13:05, 4年前 , 15F
11/12 13:05, 15F
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