[新聞] 對猶太裔學生開玩笑 英國小學老師遭解聘

看板Gossiping作者 (㊣矮㊣肥㊣醜㊣窮㊣宅)時間4年前 (2019/10/17 13:10), 4年前編輯推噓83(88553)
留言146則, 113人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: 每日郵報online 2.記者署名 ELEANOR HARDING 3.完整新聞標題: Teacher is sacked for 'joking' to Jewish primary school pupils that she would 'ship them off to the gas chambers' if they didn't finish their homework 4.完整新聞內文: 簡單大意: 英國有位小學老師在課堂上對十歲學生們(28位中有11位是猶太人)說:「你們最好 早點完成作業,不然我會把你們全部送到毒氣室。」 然後孩子們回家跟父母講之後就爆炸了,無數電話打到學校,老師在一週內被解雇。 A teacher has been sacked for ‘joking’ with Jewish pupils that she would ‘ ship them off to the gas chambers’ if they did not finish their homework. Newberries Primary School dismissed the woman on Friday following an outcry from children and parents. The teacher is said to have made the anti-Semitic remark on Thursday while teaching a class of 28 ten-year-olds, 11 of whom are Jewish. According to parents, she said: ‘You better finish off your work quick, or I’ll ship you all off to the gas chambers.’ It is understood that when challenged by one of the pupils, the teacher said she was ‘joking’ and apologised, before asking the children not to tell anyone. However, pupils informed their parents and the news soon spread on school WhatsApp groups. Many parents telephoned and emailed the head teacher to complain, with some even threatening to withdraw their children unless the staff member was dismissed. On Thursday evening, the board of governors held an emergency meeting to discuss the issue, and dismissed the teacher the next day. The action was instant because the woman was an agency worker, and therefore had no permanent employment contract with Newberries, it is understood. The school, which has 203 pupils aged four to 11, is in Radlett, Hertfordshire, a commuter village where around a quarter of the 8,000 residents identify as Jewish. One parent, who did not want to be named, said: ‘To the credit of the school they made it clear they wanted to deal with the situation without delay. ‘They did not seek to dispute the suggestion that the teacher had made the reference to “gas chambers”. The fact that the woman was sacked the following day says everything you need to know.’ Yesterday, a spokesman for the school said: ‘We can confirm that last week we were made aware that an alleged racist comment had been made by an agency teacher working within the school. ‘We acted on this immediately and our governors and leadership team are undertaking a full investigation. The agency teacher will not be returning.’ After the dismissal, the school issued a newsletter reassuring parents that despite ‘recent events’, it was doing all it could to ‘embrace and celebrate diversity’. It said it would be inviting religious leaders from different faith groups in to speak to the children, as it had done in previous years. ‘This year we are asking particularly for the focus to be on strengthening the important messages of religious tolerance and respect,’ it said. Newberries is rated ‘good’ by Ofsted, which described pupil attainment as ‘ outstanding’. At its last full inspection in 2011, the pupils were described as mostly ‘ white British’, with below-average levels of deprivation. The incident comes after Jewish community leaders condemned a third successive year with a record number of anti-Semitic incidents. In 2018 there were 1,652 cases logged by the Community Security Trust, a 16 per cent increase on 2017. It said the spread of incidents throughout the year – more than 100 a month – indicated a general atmosphere of intolerance and prejudice. The Daily Mail was not able to contact the sacked teacher. 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7576999/Teacher-sacked-joking-Jewish-pupils-ship-gas-chambers.html?fbclid=IwAR1mucjLPX78zZ89ZGSlupJlCTEhQRBAup7KV5sAvCa5fqgg1FHCpRnOuCU https://tinyurl.com/y3dpcemc 6.備註: 這被開除真的只能說是剛好而已 -- 2000年,鄉民以為政治要清明了,人民以為台灣要有救了 2008年,鄉民以為政治要清明了,人民以為台灣要有救了 2016年,鄉民以為政治要清明了,人民以為台灣要有救了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1571289004.A.05D.html ※ 編輯: ff760725 ( 臺灣), 10/17/2019 13:10:23

10/17 13:10, 4年前 , 1F
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10/17 13:12, 4年前 , 5F
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10/17 13:12, 4年前 , 6F
應該說 送去再教育營 的...
10/17 13:12, 6F

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10/17 13:16, 4年前 , 13F
慢走不送 北七
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10/17 13:20, 4年前 , 16F
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10/17 13:21, 4年前 , 17F
真好 我們國家動手的老師不在少數
10/17 13:21, 17F

10/17 13:21, 4年前 , 18F
解聘的寥寥無幾 悲哀
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10/17 13:25, 4年前 , 23F
= =
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10/17 13:25, 4年前 , 24F
這是玩笑? 就算是玩笑也不好笑...
10/17 13:25, 24F

10/17 13:26, 4年前 , 25F
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10/17 13:31, 4年前 , 34F
這個是拿你家死人開玩笑了 能忍嗎
10/17 13:31, 34F

10/17 13:31, 4年前 , 35F
很多東西不適合拿來開玩笑 例如吸白粉
10/17 13:31, 35F

10/17 13:32, 4年前 , 36F
XD 活該
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10/17 13:35, 4年前 , 39F
10/17 13:35, 39F
還有 67 則推文
10/17 16:55, 4年前 , 107F
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10/17 17:38, 4年前 , 110F
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10/17 17:39, 4年前 , 111F
……開這種玩笑 北七嗎
10/17 17:39, 111F

10/17 17:46, 4年前 , 112F
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10/17 17:57, 4年前 , 113F
猶太人比尼哥更政治正確 還敢嘴 活該
10/17 17:57, 113F

10/17 18:00, 4年前 , 114F
怎麼沒說自己有亞斯伯格 保證不會有事
10/17 18:00, 114F

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10/17 19:35, 4年前 , 121F
來台灣教吧 有人會幫你寫逐字稿洗白
10/17 19:35, 121F

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10/18 08:54, 4年前 , 133F
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10/18 09:35, 4年前 , 134F
噓 Arnol: 說好的言論自由呢 :)
10/18 09:35, 134F

10/18 09:36, 4年前 , 135F
誰跟你說言論自由不用負責任的 笑死
10/18 09:36, 135F

10/18 09:36, 4年前 , 136F
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10/18 10:56, 4年前 , 137F
我還以為是什麼集中營之類的 直接說毒
10/18 10:56, 137F

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10/18 10:57, 4年前 , 142F
送 懂?
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10/18 12:17, 4年前 , 143F
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10/18 15:06, 4年前 , 144F
無限上綱言論自由 法治社會都消失了呢
10/18 15:06, 144F

10/19 10:11, 4年前 , 145F
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10/20 07:24, 4年前 , 146F
10/20 07:24, 146F
文章代碼(AID): #1Tf_Ui1T (Gossiping)