Re: [問卦] 代糖 真的能代替糖嗎

看板Gossiping作者 (路人乙)時間4年前 (2019/08/25 08:56), 4年前編輯推噓3(528)
留言15則, 11人參與, 4年前最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《Rrrxddd (柯粉RR)》之銘言: : 餓死抬頭 : 小魯我文組 : 一介死肥宅 : 看到網路說 : 代糖能減肥 : 看得心動動 : 代糖有用嗎 : 有沒有卦 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 中國共產黨和中國國民黨的野心將會失敗.. 這世界上沒有柯粉.郭粉.韓粉....因為那些人活著不知道自己在幹什麼... 所有人都得努力工作上班賺錢...當好學生上課....當個稱職的家人.... 哪些人自己覺得是什麼粉...他們有病吧... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 【進一步研究揭示糖是如何導致癌症的】 2019-08-11 The average American consumes their body weight annually in this cancer-causing substance,and yet hospitals freely feed it to their cancer patients,seemingly oblivious to the harm it does. 美國人平均每年消耗他們體重的這種致癌物質,然而醫院卻隨意將它餵給癌症患者,似乎 對其危害一無所知。 Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a simple reason:they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease--hence their burgeoning growth,packed rooms,and'return customers.' 醫院為癌症患者提供糖和高碳水化合物飲食的原因很簡單 : 他們對營養在健康和疾病中 的作用一無所知---- 因此他們迅速成長,擁擠的房間,還有' 回頭客' Even though the science itself shows-at least since the mid-20's with Otto Warburg's cancer hypothesis--that tumors prefer to utilize sugar fermentation to produce energy rather than the much more efficient oxygen-based phosphorylation*-hospitals have actually invited corporations like McDonald's to move into their facilities to'enhance'their patient's gustatory experience,presumably to provide comfort and take the edge off of the painful surgery,radiation and chemo treatments erroneously proffered to them as the only reasonable'standard of care.' 儘管科學本身表明——至少從 20 世紀20 年代中期奧托‧沃伯格的癌症假說——腫瘤更 喜歡利用糖發酵產生能量,而不是更有效的氧基磷酸化作用——醫院實際上邀請像麥當勞 這樣的公司搬進他們的設施來" 提高" 病人的味覺體驗,大概是為了提供舒適感,減輕他 們錯誤地被提供給他們的痛苦的手術、放療和化療作為唯一合理的" 標準治療" But the times are changing,with new research requiring these medical institutions to reform their dietary strategies,at least if they wish to claim that their interventions are in fact'evidence-based,'as they so often claim. 但是時代在變化,新的研究要求這些醫療機構改革他們的飲食策略,至少如果他們希望聲 稱他們的干預實際上是 " 基於證據的" ,就像他們經常聲稱的那樣。 Study Reveals Sugar Doesn't Just Feed But Causes Cancer 研究表明糖不僅僅是食物,還會導致癌症 A groundbreaking study,uncovered by one of our volunteer researchers at Greenmedinfo,is the first of its kind to identify sugar,not only as fuel source for an already existing cancer,but as a primary driver in oncogenesis-i.e.the initiation of cancerous characteristics(phenotype)within previously healthy cells. 我們在 Greenmedinfo 的一個志願者研究人員發現了一個突破性的研究,這是第一個確定 糖不僅作為已經存在的癌症的燃料來源,而且作為腫瘤發生的主要驅動因素——即在以前 健康的細胞中發生癌症特徵(表型) 。 Published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and titled,Increased sugar uptake promotes oncogenesis via EPAC/RAP1 and O-GlcNAc pathways,researchers addressed a common perception(or misperception)in the cancer research community regarding sugar's relationship to cancer:namely,"increased glycolysis[sugar based metabolism]is frequently viewed as a consequence of oncogenic events that drive malignant cell growth and survival." 研究人員在《臨床研究雜誌》上發表了一篇題為《增加糖攝取通過 epac/rap1 和 O-GlcNAc 通路促進腫瘤形成》的文章,他們解決了癌症研究界對於糖與癌症關係的一個 普遍看法(或誤解): 即" 增加糖酵解[ 以糖為基礎的新陳代謝] 通常被認為是促進惡性細 胞生長和存活的致癌事件的結果。" Contrary to this conventional view,the new study"provide展?evidence that increased glycolytic activation itself can be an oncogenic event."That is to say,the activation of sugar-based metabolism in a cell-driven by both the presence of increased quantities of glucose and the increase glucose receptors on the cell membrane surface(i.e."overexpression of a glucose transporter")-drives cancer initiation. 與這種傳統觀點相反,這項新研究 " 提供了證據,證明增加的糖酵解激活本身可能是致 癌事件。" 也就是說,在細胞中,由於葡萄糖含量的增加和細胞膜表面葡萄糖受體的增加 ( 即" 葡萄糖轉運蛋白的過度表達") 而激活的糖基代謝促進了癌症的發生。 Moreover,the study found that"Conversely,forced reduction of glucose uptake by breast cancer cells led to phenotypic reversion."In other words,interfering with sugar availability and uptake to the cell causes the cancer cell to REGRESS towards its pre-cancer structure-function(phenotype). 此外,研究發現 " 相反,乳腺癌細胞強制減少葡萄糖攝取導致表型逆轉。" 換句話說, 干擾糖的利用和攝取到細胞導致癌症細胞倒退到它的癌前結構- 功能( 表型) 。 What Are The Implications of This Research to the Diet? 這項研究對飲食有什麼影響? What this new research indicates is that sugar-of which Americans consume an astounding 160 lbs annually(imagine:31 five-pound bags for each of us!)-is one of the primary causes of metabolic cell changes in the body consistent with the initiation and promotion of cancer.And,the research indicates that removing it from the diet,and depriving the cells of it,could REVERSE cancer.Why is this so surprising?It's because Americans have been lead like lambs to the slaughter to think of"prevention"as"early detection,"focusing not on identifying and removing the well known nutritional and environmental causes of cancer,rather,to spend their time,energy,and money on cause-marketing campaigns focused on"finding a cure"--as if one didn't already exist right in front of our noses,or more aptly,on the end of our forks. 這項新的研究表明,美國人每年攝入的糖竟達到驚人的 160 磅( 想像一下: 我們每人31 個5 磅重的袋子!)- 是引起體內新陳代謝細胞變化的主要原因之一,這種變化與癌症的發 生和發展相一致。而且,研究表明,從飲食中去除它,剝奪它的細胞,可以逆轉癌症。這 有什麼好驚訝的?這是因為美國人就像被屠宰的羔羊一樣,把" 預防" 當作" 早期發現" ,而不是專注於識別和消除眾所周知的導致癌症的營養和環境因素,而是把他們的時間、 精力和金錢花在公益營銷活動上,專注於" 找到治愈方法"—— 好像一種方法就在我們的 鼻子前面,或者更恰當地說,就在我們的叉子末端。 Hidden Sugar,Crouching Cancer 隱藏的糖,蹲伏的癌症 It has been estimated by the USDA that the average American consumes 200 lbs of grain products annually.Why is this relevant to the question of sugar in the diet?Because refined carbohydrate products-e.g.crackers,bread,pasta,cereal-are actually'hidden'forms of sugar.In fact,puffed rice causes your blood to become sweeter(and presumably feeds more cancer cells sugar)than white sugar,as it is higher on the glycemic index.Adding the two figures together-annual per capita consumption of sugar and grain-based products-we get a jaw dropping 360 lbs of sugar(both overt(table sugar/high fructose corn syrup)and covert(grain carbs) annually-all of which may contribute to promoting the ideal metabolic situation of cancer cells:aerobic glycolysis. 據美國農業部估計,美國人平均每年消費 200 磅穀物產品。為什麼這與飲食中的糖有關 ?因為精製的碳水化合物產品——例如餅乾、麵包、意大利面、穀類食品——實際上是" 隱藏" 形式的糖。事實上,由於膨化大米的血糖指數較高,它會使你的血液變得比白糖更 甜( 據推測,它能為癌細胞提供更多的糖分) 。把糖和穀物製品的年人均消費量這兩個數 字加起來,我們每年得到令人瞠目結舌的360 磅糖( 明顯的糖/ 高果糖玉米糖漿) 和隱蔽 的( 穀物碳水化合物) ,所有這些都可能有助於促進癌細胞的理想代謝狀態: 有氧糖酵解 。 This is one reason why the ketogenic diet-that is,a fat-and protein-focused diet devoid of carbohydrate,both in simple(sugar)and complex(grain product)form- has been found so useful in the most aggressive of cancers:including brain cancer.Once you'pull the rug out'from under the sugar/carb-craving cancer cells,they are forced to either undergo programmed cell death(apoptosis)or re-differentiate back into non-cancerous phenotypes. 這就是為什麼生酮飲食——一種以脂肪和蛋白質為主的飲食,不含碳水化合物,包括單醣 和復雜的穀物製品——被發現對最嚴重的癌症——包括腦癌——如此有用的原因之一。一 旦你從渴望糖 / 碳水化合物的癌細胞下面" 拔出地毯" ,它們就被迫要麼經歷細胞程序 性死亡(凋亡) ,要麼重新分化回非癌症表型。 If It's So Bad For Us,Why Do We Eat So Much? 如果它對我們有害,為什麼我們吃得這麼多? One of the primary reasons why we eat sugar and carbohydrate rich diets is because they are addictive.Within minutes of consuming sugar/carbs our body goes through a neuroendocrine roller coaster.Your brain can not survive very long without glucose,the fundamental energy unit of the cell,and will'freak out'if deprived of a steady stream of this'nutrient'within only 2-3 minutes.The endocrine system,on the other hand,perceives the danger of high sugar- namely,glycation associated damage to protein and lipid structures within the cells of our body;think:blood caramelizing,getting sticky,and gumming up the finely tuned works-and will release hormones such as insulin,adrenaline and cortisol,in order to try to get the elevated sugar in the blood and tissues under control.Insulin forces the sugar into storage within the cell,both as glycogen and as fat,but often does its job too well,causing available glucose levels in the brain to be depleted-setting off a vicious cycle of'emergency signals'telling the body to release more cortisol and adrenaline to increase the levels of glucose in the blood.This,of course,will result in additional insulin production and release,causing the same cycle to be repeated over and over again. 我們吃糖和富含碳水化合物的飲食的主要原因之一是因為它們容易上癮。在攝入糖 / 碳 水化合物的幾分鐘內,我們的身體就會經歷一次神經內分泌過山車。沒有葡萄糖( 細胞的 基本能量單位) ,你的大腦無法存活很長時間,如果在2-3 分鐘內失去這種" 營養物質" 的穩定流,你會" 崩潰" 。另一方面,內分泌系統感知到高糖的危險——即糖基化對我們 身體細胞內蛋白質和脂質結構的損害; 想想: 血液變成焦糖化,變得粘稠,粘結精細調節 的功能——並釋放激素,如胰島素、腎上腺素和皮質醇,以試圖控制血液和組織中的高糖 。胰島素迫使糖以糖原和脂肪的形式儲存在細胞內,但它的作用往往過於出色,導致大腦 中可用的葡萄糖水平被耗盡,從而引發" 電磁應急信號" 的惡性循環,告訴身體釋放更多 的皮質醇和腎上腺素,以增加血液中的葡萄糖水平。當然,這將導致額外的胰島素生產和 釋放,導致相同的周期重複一遍又一遍。 This seemingly endless vicious cycle is responsible for the insatiable cravings a high carb/sugar diet generates-not to mention the fructose-based hedonic effects generated in the brain that modulate both opioid and dopamine receptors in the nervous system(not unlike alcohol),and the pharmacologically active peptides in many gluten-containing grains,which also drive addictive behaviors and an almost psychotic fixation on getting carbs at each meal. 這種看似無窮無盡的惡性循環導致了高碳水化合物 / 糖飲食產生的永不滿足的慾望—— 更不用說大腦中產生的以果糖為基礎的享樂效應,它調節神經系統中的阿片類物質和多巴 胺受體( 與酒精不同) ,以及許多含谷蛋白的穀物中的藥物活性?,這些?還會導致成癮行 為,以及對每餐攝取碳水化合物的近乎瘋狂。 No wonder we have an epidemic of cancer in a world where the Westernized diet prevails.Certainly,we do not mean to indicate that a sugar/carb-rich diet is the only cause of cancer.There are many other factors that contribute to cancer initiation and promotion,such as: 毫無疑問,在西方飲食盛行的世界裡,我們有一種癌症流行病。當然,我們並不是說富含 糖 / 碳水化合物的飲食是導致癌症的唯一原因。還有許多其他因素有助於癌症的發生和 發展,例如: ‧ Chemical exposure 化學物攝入量 ‧ Radiation exposure 輻射暴露 ‧ Chronic stress that suppresses the immune system 抑制免疫系統的慢性壓力 ‧ Vaccines containing hidden retroviruses and cancer causing viruses 含有隱藏的逆轉錄病毒和致癌病毒的疫苗 ‧ Natural infection with bacteria and viruses that are cancer causing 自然感染引起癌症的細菌和病毒 ‧ Lack of sleep 睡眠不足 ‧ Insufficient nutrients(lack of methyl donors such as B12,folate,and B6 will prevent the body from'turning off'(methylating)cancer-promoting genes 營養不足 ( 缺乏甲基供體,如B12 、葉酸和B6 ,將阻止身體" 關閉"( 甲基化) 促癌基 因 Even though cancer is a complex,multi-factorial phenomena,with variables we can not always control,one thing we can do is control what goes into our mouth.Sugar,for instance,does not belong there if we truly want to prevent and/or treat cancer.And don't forget,carbohydrates that don't taste sweet on the front end-bread,crackers,cereal-certainly convert to sugar in the body within minutes post-consumption. 儘管癌症是一個複雜的,多因素的現象,我們不能總是控制變量,我們可以做的一件事是 控制什麼進入我們的嘴。例如,如果我們真的想要預防和 / 或治療癌症,糖就不屬於那 裡。別忘了,麵包、餅乾、麥片等前端沒有甜味的碳水化合物,在食用後幾分鐘內就會在 體內轉化為糖。 In a nutshell,if you are concerned about cancer,have cancer,or would like to prevent recurrence,removing sugar and excess carbohydrates is a must.Not only is it common sense,but it is now validated by experimental research. 簡而言之,如果你擔心癌症,有癌症,或想要防止複發,去除糖和過量的碳水化合物是必 須的。這不僅是常識,而且現在已經得到了實驗研究的驗證。 Additional Research 進一步研究 Note:another recent study found that Candida albicans(yeast)also contributes to cancer initiation and promotion.C.albicans thrives on sugar,lending additional support to the notion that sugar(consumed excessively)may be a primary driver of the cancer epidemic in those consuming the modern Western diet.For information on sugar alternatives that are not synthetic toxicants like Splenda(sucralose),read my latest article on the topic:4 Sugar Alternatives That Won't Poison You. 注 : 另一項最近的研究發現,白色念珠菌(酵母) 也有助於癌症的啟動和促進。白色念珠 菌依靠醣類生長,為醣類(過度攝入) 可能是現代西方飲食中癌症流行的主要驅動因素這 一觀點提供了額外的支持。有關糖替代品的信息,不是像Splenda(三氯蔗糖) 這樣的合成 毒物,4 種不會毒害你的糖替代品。 來源: 資料來源: ( 圖文來自網絡,版權屬於原創 ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

08/25 09:00, 4年前 , 1F
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08/25 09:01, 4年前 , 3F
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08/25 09:02, 4年前 , 4F
糖確實是不好 澱粉過量也是
08/25 09:02, 4F

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08/25 09:18, 4年前 , 9F
三小 還先放一段無關的廢話
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08/25 09:27, 4年前 , 10F
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-------------------------------------------------------------- 這篇英文文章是被製糖業封鎖的研究論文,不是內容農場,大腦糖中毒、3C用品成癮、人 類社會媒體羊群控制、是所有人都知道的事。 陰謀集團不斷的鼓吹人類食用各種糖類、沒有營養價值的轉殖基因小麥製品、各種生活上 的甜點飲料獎勵餵養心理上的缺乏,所有人的甜點費進入商人的口袋,所有人群永遠失落 達成所有人類無知更好操控目地(媒體新聞網路-操縱輿論控制),而造成所有普通人無法 覺醒、清醒,所有普通人今生永不能翻身? 這篇文章來自一個網站:,prepare for change準備轉變,希望有心人想覺醒自己進去了解。 ※ 編輯: d00c50 ( 臺灣), 08/25/2019 10:00:04

08/25 10:14, 4年前 , 11F
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08/25 10:16, 4年前 , 12F
再多思考一下? 為何大腦或人體優先用糖?
08/25 10:16, 12F

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文章代碼(AID): #1TOToYcm (Gossiping)
文章代碼(AID): #1TOToYcm (Gossiping)