[新聞] 新發現表明:普通聲波具有負引力質量已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (asdf)時間5年前 (2019/03/12 01:36), 5年前編輯推噓51(56517)
留言78則, 64人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: Inside Science 2.完整新聞標題: Sound Waves May Fall Up in Gravity Instead of Down New findings suggest that ordinary sound has negative gravitational mass. 聲波在重力下可能會上升而不是落下 新發現表明:普通聲波具有負引力質量 3.完整新聞內文: The sound of a sonic boom may produce about the same magnitude of gravitational pull as a 10-milligram weight, a new study finds. Oddly, the findings also suggest the pull is in the opposite direction of the gravitational pull generated by normal matter, meaning sound waves might fall up instead of down in Earth's gravitational field. 一項新的研究發現:音爆的聲音可能會產生與10毫克重量相同的拉力。研究結果還表明: 拉力與正常物質產生的引力相反,這意味著聲波可能會在地球引力場中上升而不是下降。 One might assume these findings are related to Einstein's famous equation E=mc2, which revealed that anything with energy could be converted to an equivalent amount of mass and vice versa. One consequence of this relationship according to Einstein's theory of relativity is that matter traveling near the speed of light will get heavier. 你可能會認為這些發現與愛因斯坦著名的等式E = mc2有關,它揭示了任何能量都可以 轉 換成質量,反之亦然。根據愛因斯坦的相對論,這種關係的一個結果是:以接近光速 行進 的物質會變得更重。 However, these new findings suggest that even in regular conditions that ignore relativity, sound possesses gravitational mass. 然而這些新發現表明,即使在忽略相對論的常規條件下,聲音也具有引力質量。 Any sound waves on Earth would have extraordinarily weak gravitational effects on their surroundings compared to the effect of the Earth itself, which has a mass of about 6 trillion trillion kilograms. "It is a tiny, tiny effect," said study lead author Angelo Esposito, a high-energy physicist at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne. 與地球本身的影響相比,地球上的任何聲波都會對其周圍環境產生極其微弱的引力效應 , 地球本身的質量約為6兆公斤。研究的主要作者,洛桑瑞士聯邦理工學院的高能物理 學家Angelo Esposito說:“這是非常微小的效應。” Still, the finding challenges long-held assumptions about how sound works. 儘管如此,這一發現仍然挑戰了關於聲音如何運作的長期假設。 "It's surprising in this day and age that it is still possible to find new results in classical Newtonian physics," said particle physicist Ira Rothstein at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, who did not take part in this study. 匹茲堡卡內基梅隆大學的粒子物理學家Ira Rothstein說:“令人驚訝的是在這個時代, 人們仍然可以在經典的牛頓物理學中找到新的結果。” Sound waves are fluctuations of density within materials. In classical physics, their energy can make matter move back and forth, but they were not thought to possess mass. 聲波是材料內密度的波動。在經典物理學中,它們的能量可以使物質來回移動,但它們 並不被認為具有質量。 However, this view began to change when scientists investigated a very slippery kind of fluid known as a superfluid, which flows with virtually zero friction or viscosity. Liquid helium can act like a superfluid when cooled to temperatures just a few degrees above absolute zero. In 2018, researchers reported sound waves in superfluid helium might interact with gravity in ways that require they possess mass. 然而,當科學家研究一種非常光滑的流體(稱為超流體)時,這種觀點開始發生改變。 當 冷卻到比絕對零度高幾度的溫度時,液氦可以像超流體一樣起作用。在2018年,研究 人員 報告說:超流氦中的聲波可能與重力相互作用,這需要它們具有質量。 Now, Esposito and his colleagues have found that sound waves traveling in more familiar materials such as solids and fluids also may possess gravitational mass, which means they respond to gravitational fields like matter does. According to the researchers' equations, sound that carries one watt of power for one second in air -- comparable to that from heavy thunder -- will generate an equivalent of 10 milligrams of gravitational mass. 現在,Esposito和他的同事已經發現,在更熟悉的材料(如固體和流體)中傳播的聲波 也可能具有引力質量,這意味著它們像物質一樣對引力場作出反應。根據研究人員的方 程 式,在空氣中攜帶一瓦特一秒的聲音(與雷聲相當)將產生相當於10毫克的引力質量。 These findings not only suggest that sound has gravitational mass, but that such mass is negative. All known matter has positive gravitational mass, and such masses attract each other. However, positive gravitational mass repels negative gravitational mass instead of attracting it. 這些發現不僅表明聲音具有引力質量,而且這種質量是負的。所有已知的物質都具有正 的 引力質量,並且這種質量相互吸引。 "It follows that if I generate a sound wave traveling, say, horizontally in a standard material, this will tend to bend its path upward -- float -- under the influence of the Earth's gravitational field," said Esposito. However, since this work suggests that all sound waves have negative gravitational mass, they should gravitationally attract each other, the researchers added. “如果我產生一個聲波,例如,在標準材料中水平移動,它將傾向於將其路徑向上彎曲 (浮動)在地球引力場的影響下"Esposito說。然而,研究人員補充說,由於這項研究表明 所有聲波都具有負引力質量,因此它們應該相互吸引。 The researchers suggest that experiments may soon be able to detect whether this effect is real. For instance, the effect may be measureable in an exotic form of supercooled matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate. They calculate that a sound wave in a condensate of cesium atoms roughly 100 microns wide -- about the average diameter of a human hair -- might have a gravitational mass of up to one-thousandth that of the condensate, potentially within the limits of detection. 研究人員表示:這種效應可能很快就能用實驗檢驗。例如在玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚中測量。 他 們估算大約100微米寬的銫原子凝聚物中的聲波 - 大約是人類頭髮的平均直徑 - 可能 具有 高達凝結物千分之一的引力質量,這可能在檢測範圍內。 In addition, earthquakes generate sound waves in rock, and the scientists estimated that a quake of magnitude 9 on the Richter scale would generate 100 million metric tons of gravitational mass. This would exert a force about 100 trillion times weaker than Earth's gravitational pull, which atomic clocks and quantum gravimeters might be sensitive enough to detect in the near future, they said. 此外,地震在岩石中產生聲波,芮氏9級的地震估計將產生1億公噸的引力質量。這將產 生 比地球引力弱100萬億倍的力,原子鐘和量子重力儀的敏感度在不久將來可能足夠量測 。 "It would be really interesting to see if these effects are measurable," Esposito said. Esposito說:“看這些效應是否可以測量,真的很有意思。” The scientists detailed their findings online March 1 in the journal Physical Review Letters. 科學家在3月1日的“物理評論快報”上詳細介紹了他們的發現。 https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.084501 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://www.insidescience.org/news/sound-waves-may-fall-gravity-instead-down 5.備註: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1552325790.A.12F.html

03/12 01:36, 5年前 , 1F
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03/12 01:39, 5年前 , 5F
我也曾這麼想過 果然如此
03/12 01:39, 5F

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03/12 01:44, 5年前 , 13F
我早就想到了== 現在才寫出來真是LAG :3
03/12 01:44, 13F

03/12 01:44, 5年前 , 14F
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03/12 01:45, 5年前 , 15F
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03/12 01:45, 5年前 , 16F
嗯嗯 我也是這麼想
03/12 01:45, 16F

03/12 01:45, 5年前 , 17F
跟我想的一樣 不過他們寫的比較簡略~
03/12 01:45, 17F

03/12 01:46, 5年前 , 18F
Phonon有negative effective mass?
03/12 01:46, 18F

03/12 01:47, 5年前 , 19F
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03/12 01:47, 5年前 , 20F
恩恩 雖然有些小瑕疵 但差不多是這樣
03/12 01:47, 20F

03/12 01:47, 5年前 , 21F
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03/12 01:47, 5年前 , 22F
1焦耳 10毫克?? 沒寫錯
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03/12 01:56, 5年前 , 26F
gan 2樓超壞
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03/12 01:56, 5年前 , 27F
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03/12 02:03, 5年前 , 28F
大致上是這樣 既然他們發表了就讓給他們吧
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03/12 02:06, 5年前 , 30F
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03/12 02:07, 5年前 , 31F
看到這篇 我才發現我電腦裡的論文被駭了 可惡
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※ 編輯: bulls0722 (, 03/12/2019 02:34:56

03/12 02:44, 5年前 , 41F
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03/12 02:51, 5年前 , 42F
嗯嗯 差不多
03/12 02:51, 42F

03/12 03:01, 5年前 , 43F
所以獅吼功不是把人推走 是吸過來打
03/12 03:01, 43F

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03/12 03:55, 5年前 , 48F
哇靠 聲波欸
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03/12 05:19, 5年前 , 54F
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03/12 05:20, 5年前 , 55F
=="愛的教育" 希望地球人能在他們的指點下慢慢成長======
03/12 05:20, 55F

03/12 05:20, 5年前 , 56F
=結果外星人發現地球人本質實在太智障 就放棄了直接RESET=
03/12 05:20, 56F

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03/12 08:27, 5年前 , 61F
好久沒看到多隆出來搞笑了 真懷念
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03/12 11:41, 5年前 , 72F
X戰警就演過了阿 朝地上喊就能飛了ㄆㄆ
03/12 11:41, 72F

03/12 12:15, 5年前 , 73F
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03/12 12:29, 5年前 , 74F
嗯嗯 我想也是
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