[新聞] 美女子卡浴缸五天 郵差機警發現助脫困已回收

看板Gossiping作者 (渡久地東亞)時間5年前 (2018/11/10 22:58), 編輯推噓13(16312)
留言31則, 28人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: Dailymail 2.完整新聞標題: Woman, 54, gets stuck in bathtub for FIVE days before alert postal worker notices her mail piling up and leads police chief to the rescue 54歲女子卡在浴缸整整五天,因為郵差發現信箱塞爆機警發現報警救援 3.完整新聞內文: A woman has been rescued after getting stuck in her tub for five days, only escaping thanks to a vigilant postal worker who notified the police chief that her mail was piling up. Alison Gibson, 54, got stuck on October 15 after sitting down in the bathtub in her Chesaning, Michigan home and finding the handrails were out of reach and her cell phone was in the other room, WJRT-TV reported. 'When I get down there, I couldn't get back out,' Gibson told the station. 'Because (the handrail) was behind me, I couldn't get myself turned around to get a hold of it, that I usually use to get out.' Gibson, who lives alone, heard her cell phone ringing several times. But with no way to answer it, she was forced to wait and pray for rescue. https://i.imgur.com/GoQCqXt.jpg
女子 https://i.imgur.com/zX1lzCD.jpg
浴缸 Gibson had no food, and had to subsist drinking bathwater as she waited for rescue. 'I basically just sat there,' she said. 'When I got cold, I ran the hot water. When I get thirsty, I took a drink out of the cold water. That's about it, try to find a way to get out.' Around 11am on Friday October 19, an alert postal worker noticed the letters piling up in Gibson's mailbox, and alerted her neighbors. Several neighbors walked around to the back of her house, calling out, and called 911 when they heard Gibson yelling back for help. Chesaning Police Chief Stacey Wilburn and another officer rushed to Gibson's home and gained entry through a window. They found Gibson in the bathtub with the door to the bathroom closed - and mold growing on the inside of the door thanks to the constant moisture for five days. 'The ceiling was dripping because of all of the moisture, but that was the only way she was able to stay warm,' Wilburn said. 'She was in good spirits, actually,' Wilburn told MLive.com. 'She was smiling and talking. We were able to get her dressed and get her warm.' Gibson was held for observation at a local hospital for four days, but suffered no serious health impact from the ordeal and was released in good condition. She decided to speak out to thank her neighbors and the public servants who helped her escape the ordeal safely. Gibson says she plans to have a walk-in bathtub installed as soon as possible Gibson進入浴缸後 發現她抓不到身後平時用來起身的把手 也無法轉身 於是就這樣卡在浴缸裡 手機期間一直響起 但是放在隔壁房間她也接不到 於是她唯二能做的事情就是放熱水取暖 或是放冷水解渴 最後第五天上因為郵差發現她信箱爆了 叫來幾位鄰居一起探視 才聽到Gibson的呼救聲 最後叫來警察破窗而入 浴室內因為五天間的溼氣都發霉了 不過Gibson獲救時倒是心情還不錯 有說有笑 身體也沒什麼大礙 她很感謝鄰居和警察救了她 並說她會盡快改成步入式浴缸 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://goo.gl/iW5TyB 5.備註: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1541861922.A.50C.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1Rvl8YKC (Gossiping)