Re: [新聞] 不尋常的教授被竊事件-中國的手段消失

看板Gossiping作者時間5年前 (2018/09/19 12:46), 編輯推噓0(001)
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※ 引述《Anddyliu (安滴滴)》之銘言: : 1.媒體來源: : ※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞 : 紐西蘭先驅報 : 2.完整新聞標題: : The curious case of the burgled professor : 3.完整新聞內文: :
: University of Canterbury professor Anne-Marie Brady has gained the repeated : attentions of burglars since publishing a report detailing China's influence : campaign in New Zealand. Photo / Kaveh Sardari : 坎特伯雷大學教授安妮 瑪麗布雷迪自從發表一份詳細介紹中國在紐西蘭的影響力運動的 : 報告後,就一再遭竊 : KEY POINTS: : Unusual burglaries of Professor prompts "extraordinary" Police investigation : 教授不尋常的盜竊案引發了“特別”的警方調查 : Interpol and NZSIS involved in probe : 國際刑警組織和NZSIS參與調查 : Professor gained international profile detailing China's influence campaign : 詳細介紹中國影響力運動的國際形象 : Prospect of diplomatic clash if China's involvement proven : An investigation into the burglary of a professor whose work exposed China's : influence in New Zealand has led detectives offshore with inquiries raising : questions over a possible intelligence operation. : Five police staff have worked over the past seven months investigating the : February burglary of the home of University of Canterbury Professor : Anne-Marie Brady, as well as other break-ins at her office on campus. : After months of silence this week police revealed progress had been made on : the case, and Interpol - the international police co-operation agency - were : also involved. : "This has been a complex case, but police do have positive lines of inquiry, : " the spokesperson said. : 經過幾個月的沉默,本週警方透露了案件的進展情況, : 國際警察合作機構國際刑警組織也參與其中。 : “這是一個複雜的案件,但警方確實有積極的調查,”發言人說。 : Police, while unwilling to comment further, said Brady had been kept "fully : informed as the investigation progresses". : Brady told the Weekend Herald yesterday the long-running investigation had : strengthened her belief - stated in testimony to an Australian parliamentary : committee considering laws curbing foreign interference the day after the : February 14 burglary of her home - that the break-ins were in direct response : to her work. : 布拉迪昨天告訴“週末先驅報”,這項長期調查加強了她的信念 : 也表明這些入侵事件是直接針對她的調查工作。 : :
: BREAK-IN DISCLOSED (p. 8) : Selected portion of a source document hosted by DocumentCloud : On February 15 Professor Anne-Marie Brady gave testimony to the Australian : Parliament's committee on intelligence and security and was asked whether : she'd faced any difficulties as a result of her high-profile criticism of : China's foreign policy. : View the entire document with DocumentCloud : "It was a psychological operation, it was intended to intimidate," she said. : “這是一次心理行動,它的目的是為了恐嚇, : Brady was pleased with the police's handling of her case. : "They looked seriously into all possibilities - exhaustively. : This must surely be one of New Zealand's longest and best-resourced : burglary inquiries." : 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): : ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 : : 5.備註: : 紐西蘭一個大學教授因為揭露中國共產黨滲透紐西蘭而受到威脅,中國共產黨為了讓她 : 閉嘴,向紐西蘭政府及所屬大學施壓,她還收到恐嚇信,辦公室被砸毀,家中被竊賊入侵 : 電話電腦都被偷。所以警方啟動特別調查,國際刑警也介入。 : 七個月調查結束,有重大進展了。 聽說在國外 支那有一種招數 用來對付言論反對支那的人 在日本聽說有一招是gang stalking 與就是集團式稍擾 手段是利用心理學的gaslightling方法 也就是例如 你每天早上起床 睜開眼的瞬間 就有人在你家門口用力關車門 又或者你今天在你家做了什麼事 隔天身邊就安排人做同樣的事情或舉動 造成目標的心理壓力跟精神壓力 由於這些並沒有造成目標的身體傷害 導致受害者要跟他人訴說時 往往會被認為精神狀況有問題 這其中當然包含了善於用電腦的人 會駭進目標的手機跟電腦 潛入目標家中裝設針孔攝影機等犯罪手段 也由於支那人在日本人口眾多 也會安排會想盡辦法住在目標的樓上 同樣位置的房間 並進行全天候24小時的監視並製造噪音 讓目標知道自己被監視 通常是兩人一組 一男一女 住在受害者樓上 純粹聽說 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

09/19 12:50, , 1F
主張安樂死 就知道箇中巧楚
09/19 12:50, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1ReTIUd_ (Gossiping)