[新聞] 巴黎迪士尼為禁止男孩參加公主日致歉消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/11/23 21:07), 編輯推噓9(1122)
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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》Disneyland Paris apologizes for banning boy from princess day-巴黎迪士尼為禁止男孩參加公主日致歉 3.完整新聞內文: ◎孫宇青 Three-year-old Noah McLean-Glass is a Frozen "super fan," who loves nothing more than dressing up as Elsa. 3歲的諾亞.麥連恩—葛雷斯是《冰雪奇緣》的「超級粉絲」,最喜歡打扮成艾莎的模樣 。 His mother Hayley planned on booking the "Princess for a Day" package for her son as an early Christmas present, which includes a makeover and photo-shoot, but received an email from Disney refusing the request. 他的媽媽海莉計畫預訂「一日公主」套裝行程,當作提前送兒子耶誕禮物,內容包括大改 造及拍照,不料竟收到迪士尼拒絕的電子郵件。 Disneyland Paris wrote: "At this time it is not possible to book Princess for a Day for a boy. However, we would be happy to arrange a gift pack with some Princess-themed items such as a cuddly toy, playset, etc. for a total price of 300 euros." 巴黎迪士尼寫道:「園方目前無法開放男孩預訂一日公主。但很樂意安排公主主題式的禮 物組合,例如絨毛玩具和遊戲組等,總價300歐元(約1萬700台幣)。」 Hayley penned an open letter to Disney: "so let me get this straight, my son, who fell in love with Disney Princesses, is not allowed to have the same experiences as the little girls?" 海莉寫了一封公開信給迪士尼:「恕我直言,我的兒子喜愛迪士尼的公主系列,卻不被允 許像其他小女孩一樣擁有相同的體驗?」 "Please do explain to me what terrible awful fate may befall him if you indulge him in his desire to have his hair done, put on an Elsa dress and wear a bit of blusher for a photo?" 「請向我解釋,讓我兒子換上艾莎的髮型和衣服,畫上些許腮紅去拍照,滿足他的嚮往, 究竟會有什麼可怕、糟糕的命運降臨在他身上?」 Disneyland Paris has expressed remorse for the family for providing them with inaccurate information and reinstated that this experience is available to all children ages 3 to 12. 由於提供不正確的資訊,巴黎迪士尼已向這家人表達懊悔,並重申3至12歲的兒童都能前 來親身體驗。 《新聞辭典》 makeover:名詞,美容;改造。例句:All the beauty contestants will have to go through a makeover.(選美比賽的參賽者都須經過大改造。) cuddly:形容詞,毛茸茸的。例句:These cuddly sheep are so cute that tourists can't help but touch them.(這些毛茸茸的綿羊太可愛,遊客都忍不住要摸一摸。) befall:動詞,降臨於。例句:May foul fate never befall you.(但願厄運永遠不會 降臨在你身上。) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/yb5wb5zl 5.備註: What this mother do might spawn unintended detrimental outcomes. Predilection toward children is conniving them, which is adverse for their growth. --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1511442468.A.BD8.html

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才幾歲就這樣掰 長大一定彎掉
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感覺其他參加的女生會崩潰 畢竟年齡來說性別認同還很普通
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