[問卦] 9,600,000英鎊business offer該不該接受消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/11/18 12:13), 6年前編輯推噓14(20611)
留言37則, 31人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前天好不容易有人寄信給窩,說看了窩的linkedin profile對我很感興趣! 窩當然也有禮貌的回信說謝謝感興趣好開森。 等了一天對方終於回信了,原來是Lloyds Banking Group 還提了個讓我難以拒絕的數字,到底該怎麼辦辦呢? Good Morning, Thanks so much for being able to response to my Email, I hope may this Email find you and your family in good health. I know we are unfamiliar with each other but it takes a day for people to know each other. I will like to propose a legitimate business to you and please take this seriously. I am proposing a deal that will make us richer and you are very important to this deal as you will find out. i am a Senior Accountant with Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) UK. I have worked here for a little more than 12 years now in vital position to my bank and I was the personal accountant to one Engineer.(Edward Liao) a foreign contractor with Royal Dutch plc who has an investment account with my bank. Unfortunately, my client died along with his nuclear family at France while on sabbatical in the summer of 2008, may their soul rest in peace. He died without leaving a will. Several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. I received a notice last week to provide the next of kin of been his accountant or the account risk been transferred to the government (es-cheat) in 21 days time. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind by my late client since you both share the same last name. This claim will be executed without breaching any UK laws and success is guaranteed if we cooperation on this. The bank will release the account to you because of your last name and my recommendation of you as the next of kin. I am a very religious person and I cannot lie and i expect the same from you. If interested i will tell you what to do as time goes on, when I get your response. The amount involved is 9,649,400(GBP) I propose we share the proceeds 50:50, I think this is fair. I will give you all the necessary information about this deal when I get your response.I anticipate your cooperation. Treat this proposal with utmost confidentially and urgency for a 100% success. Thanks and God bless you. Best Regards Mariah Hill, Lloyds Banking Group. 看到nuclear family 真是嚇死窩惹。 大家都好熱心回覆感受到大家的溫暖了! 但我還沒回覆她該怎麼回好呢? 1.咩修幹某 2.what? Edward died? he was my only family! 3.70:30 or else 4.i am sorry, and dont think i am the one youre looking for. the person's kids actually get his money. they need it most. btw. are you interested in coitus? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1510978410.A.D1A.html

11/18 12:14, , 1F
11/18 12:14, 1F

11/18 12:14, , 2F
瑪麗亞希爾… 聽起來有一種胸部很大的感覺
11/18 12:14, 2F
如果她剛好和神盾局的Maria Hill是同個人,那胸部應該很大。

11/18 12:16, , 3F
11/18 12:16, 3F

11/18 12:18, , 4F
Thanks so much是什麼鬼文法
11/18 12:18, 4F

11/18 12:18, , 5F
11/18 12:18, 5F

11/18 12:19, , 6F
什麼意思R 什麼有人過世之類之後要把裡面的財產轉移之
11/18 12:19, 6F

11/18 12:19, , 7F
11/18 12:19, 7F

11/18 12:20, , 8F
11/18 12:20, 8F

11/18 12:20, , 9F
11/18 12:20, 9F

11/18 12:20, , 10F
感覺 不太好
11/18 12:20, 10F

11/18 12:22, , 11F
你可以搜尋 奈及利亞王子詐騙 看看
11/18 12:22, 11F

11/18 12:22, , 12F
11/18 12:22, 12F
※ 編輯: Ray529 (, 11/18/2017 12:27:37

11/18 12:23, , 13F
11/18 12:23, 13F

11/18 12:23, , 14F
11/18 12:23, 14F

11/18 12:25, , 15F
XD 同姓!?就找上你, 好爛的理由
11/18 12:25, 15F

11/18 12:28, , 16F
11/18 12:28, 16F

11/18 12:31, , 17F
11/18 12:31, 17F

11/18 12:33, , 18F
11/18 12:33, 18F
※ 編輯: Ray529 (, 11/18/2017 12:44:24

11/18 12:35, , 19F
11/18 12:35, 19F

11/18 12:47, , 20F
Would you like to ………suck my ****?
11/18 12:47, 20F

11/18 12:47, , 21F
這一定是真的啦 我手上辦過幾個類似的案子 歡迎原po委託
11/18 12:47, 21F

11/18 12:47, , 22F
我 維護相關權利
11/18 12:47, 22F

11/18 12:48, , 23F
11/18 12:48, 23F
我其實不懂為什麼有人老愛說hope this mail finds you well是在find個屁根本沒聽過 XD

11/18 12:49, , 24F
11/18 12:49, 24F
※ 編輯: Ray529 (, 11/18/2017 12:53:25

11/18 12:54, , 25F
11/18 12:54, 25F

11/18 12:57, , 26F
這是真的 我上禮拜剛收到50000000英鎊 不要懷疑
11/18 12:57, 26F

11/18 13:02, , 27F
11/18 13:02, 27F

11/18 13:02, , 28F
11/18 13:02, 28F

11/18 13:23, , 29F
11/18 13:23, 29F

11/18 13:55, , 30F
Hope this finds you will 偶爾會看到啊..
11/18 13:55, 30F

11/18 13:56, , 31F
Well QQ
11/18 13:56, 31F

11/18 14:07, , 32F
hope 殺小啦 一看就不是 母語的人寫的
11/18 14:07, 32F

11/18 14:14, , 33F
11/18 14:14, 33F

11/18 14:23, , 34F
詐騙,之前說好50/50後來只給我1% 氣pupu
11/18 14:23, 34F

11/18 14:26, , 35F
這種信我信箱裡面幾百幾千封 真的話我財富早超越比爾蓋茲
11/18 14:26, 35F

11/18 15:33, , 36F
11/18 15:33, 36F

11/18 15:33, , 37F
11/18 15:33, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1Q3xDgqQ (Gossiping)