[新聞] 馬克宏的愛犬尼莫被拍到在總統府壁爐上撒尿消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/11/04 21:35), 編輯推噓2(202)
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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》Macron's dog Nemo caught peeing on presidential fireplace 馬克宏的愛犬尼莫被拍到在總統府壁爐上撒尿 3.完整新聞內文: ◎周虹汶 Even presidential pets show the occasional disdain for pomp and protocol. 連總統愛犬都對威風及儀節偶然展現不屑。 Nemo, the young dog adopted this year by France"s Emmanuel Macron, was caught on camera relieving himself on a gilded fireplace in the Élysée Palace behind a group of junior ministers meeting with the president. 今年被法國(總統)埃瑪紐耶爾.馬克宏收養的小狗尼莫,被攝影機拍到在一群與總統開 會的權理部長背後,於愛麗榭宮一座鍍金壁爐上小解的畫面。 The footage, captured by French TV channel TF1, showed Nemo interrupting the gathering as the sound of him peeing caused those present to turn around before they started giggling. 這幕被法國電視頻道「法國電視一台」捕捉到的鏡頭顯示,尼莫打斷了這場聚會,因為牠 噓噓的聲音讓在場的人轉頭後開始傻笑。 "He's doing something quite exceptional," a laughing Macron said. 馬克宏笑說:「牠正在做某件相當了不起的事情。」 Asked by junior minister for housing Julien Denormandie whether it was something that happened often, Macron added:"No ... you've triggered some completely unusual behavior in my dog, sorry." 負責住宅的權理部長朱力安.德諾何孟迪問道,這是否經常發生,馬克宏補充說:「不… 你們觸發了我的狗狗某些完全不尋常的行為,抱歉了。」 Nemo, a black labrador-griffon cross, was adopted by Macron and his wife Brigitte from a shelter home in August. 拉布拉多犬和格林芬犬混種的黑色尼莫,8月由馬克宏和他的太太布莉姬從一家收容所收 養。 The footage caused much hilarity on social media sites, where it circulated widely.(Reuters) 這支影片在廣泛流傳它的社群媒體網站引來許多歡笑。(路透) 新聞辭典 disdain:名詞,指輕蔑;動詞,指鄙夷、不屑。例句:They were treated with disdain.(他們遭到輕視對待。) giggle:名詞,指咯咯笑;動詞,指傻笑、情不自禁地笑出聲來。例句:She desperately fought the urge to giggle.(她拚命忍住笑意。) hilarity:名詞,指狂歡。例句:The square where the festival was held presented a scene of noisy hilarity.(舉行慶典的那個廣場呈現歡騰景象。) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/yddvspk5 5.備註: This news reminds me of Putin's Akita, who barked at diplomats from Japan with disdain. --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1509802504.A.367.html

11/04 21:35, , 1F
11/04 21:35, 1F

11/04 21:44, , 2F
法國馬 賣萌就夠了
11/04 21:44, 2F

11/04 21:47, , 3F
11/04 21:47, 3F

11/04 22:01, , 4F
11/04 22:01, 4F
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