[新聞] 新研究指出,超級英雄鼓勵暴力,而非道德消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/10/25 00:56), 6年前編輯推噓4(6217)
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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》Superheroes encourage violence not morality, new study suggests 新研究指出,超級英雄鼓勵暴力,而非道德 3.完整新聞內文: ◎陳正健 The study, which was carried out by researchers at Brigham Young University, found that children who like superheroes such as Batman, Spiderman and Superman tend to mimic their aggressive behavior but don't copy their positive characteristics, such as protecting people. 楊百翰大學研究人員所做的研究發現,喜歡超級英雄的兒童,例如蝙蝠俠、蜘蛛人和超人 等,傾向模仿他們的暴力行為,而非仿效他們的正面特質,例如保護他人等。 The study was published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 240 preschoolers took part in the study, with their parents reporting their behavior. The children were interviewed individually to answer questions about why they like specific superheroes. 這項研究刊登於《異常兒童心理期刊》。240名學齡前兒童參與這項研究,他們的父母報 告其行為。這些孩子被個別訪談,回答關於他們為何會喜歡特定超級英雄的問題。 The study found that twenty percent of the children admired some kind of violent behavior saying things like "He smashes and gets angry." One of the most aggressive answers was:"Because he can smash and destroy everything, and he doesn't care because he's a big bully." 研究發現,20%的兒童崇拜某些暴力行為,說出像是「他猛擊且憤怒」等話語。最具侵略 性的回答之一是:「因為他可以搗毀和破壞一切,而且他不在乎,因為他是大惡霸。」 "So many parents think that the superhero culture will help their kids defend others and be nicer to their peers," the researcher suggested, "but our study shows the exact opposite. Kids pick up on the aggressive themes and not the defending ones." 「許多家長認為,超級英雄文化有助於他們的孩子保護他人,讓他們對同儕更友好。」研 究人員指出:「可是,我們的研究顯示事實正好相反。孩子們學會侵略性主題,也不會保 護他人。」 新聞辭典 preschooler:名詞,幼童、學齡前兒童。例句:Preschoolers are not old enough to go to formal school.(學齡前兒童還沒大到足以就讀正式學校。) bully:名詞,惡霸、暴徒、欺負弱小者。例句:Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.(老師通常知道誰是班上的惡霸。) pick up:動詞片語,學會、習得。例句:Children pick up a language naturally.( 兒童自然地學會一種語言。) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/y9e9ztww 5.備註: Reporting that "240 preschoolers took part" can scarcely be considered a rigorous research. --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1508864207.A.D42.html

10/25 00:57, , 1F
10/25 00:57, 1F

10/25 00:57, , 2F
故事看多了就知道 主角除了拆東西和砍死人之外啥都不會
10/25 00:57, 2F

10/25 00:57, , 3F
10/25 00:57, 3F

10/25 00:57, , 4F
10/25 00:57, 4F

10/25 00:57, , 5F
10/25 00:57, 5F

10/25 00:57, , 6F
每一國的好人都這樣 反而反派才是辛辛苦苦經營
10/25 00:57, 6F
I agree. It's not easy to run unconstrained by conventional morality.

10/25 00:57, , 7F
所以勒? 誰說這世界一定要充滿愛?
10/25 00:57, 7F

10/25 00:58, , 8F
10/25 00:58, 8F

10/25 00:58, , 9F
10/25 00:58, 9F

10/25 00:58, , 10F
天生的本能變成是超級英雄的錯了啊 左派再來要禁超級
10/25 00:58, 10F

10/25 00:58, , 11F
10/25 00:58, 11F

10/25 00:58, , 12F
10/25 00:58, 12F
I don't think the result of this research adequately disincentivize parents to let children watch superhero cartoons.

10/25 00:58, , 13F
10/25 00:58, 13F

10/25 00:58, , 14F
楊百翰大學 不是摩門教的大學嗎
10/25 00:58, 14F

10/25 00:59, , 15F
事實阿...兒童看的懂所謂的劇情 當然只看打來打去而已
10/25 00:59, 15F

10/25 01:00, , 16F
10/25 01:00, 16F

10/25 01:01, , 17F
才20% 我操你的垃圾研究
10/25 01:01, 17F
This result this investigation substantiates nothing

10/25 01:01, , 18F
10/25 01:01, 18F

10/25 01:02, , 19F
10/25 01:02, 19F
※ 編輯: ed78617 (, 10/25/2017 01:12:12

10/25 01:32, , 20F
10/25 01:32, 20F

10/25 08:44, , 21F
10/25 08:44, 21F

10/25 08:54, , 22F
10/25 08:54, 22F

10/25 08:54, , 23F
大部分作品一定有描述暴力 大部分遊戲一定有內含暴力
10/25 08:54, 23F

10/25 08:56, , 24F
10/25 08:56, 24F

10/25 09:01, , 25F
10/25 09:01, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1Pxt3Fr2 (Gossiping)