[新聞] Qualcomm fined NT$23.4bn by FTC消失

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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《TAIPEI TIMES》 Qualcomm fined NT$23.4bn by FTC 3.完整新聞內文: ANTITRUST: The US chipmaker was ordered to terminate contracts with competitors that include sensitive information, as well as exclusionary deals that involve discounts By Lisa Wang / Staff reporter Qualcomm Inc, the world's biggest handset chip supplier, was yesterday handed a NT$23.4 billion (US$774 million) fine by the Fair Trade Commission (FTC), which found that it had unfairly manipulated prices and hampered market competition. 高通,世界最大的手持裝置晶片供應商,昨天被公平交易委員會祭出234億台幣的罰款。 公平交易委員會發現高通不當操控價格,並妨礙市場競爭。 It is another in a series of setbacks for the US chipmaker amid growing scurrility about its business practices in Asia and Europe. 這家美國晶片供應商於亞洲及歐洲實施下流商業手段時,遇到了一連串挫敗,此為另一椿 The company was fined 1.03 trillion won (US$910.2 million) by the South Korean competition agency last year and 6.09 billion yuan (US$924.7 million ) in 2015 by Chinese antitrust authorities for violation of competition rules. 這家公司曾被南韓的競爭管理機構處以1.03兆韓元,並於2015年被中國的反壟斷機關以違 反競爭條例為由處於60.9億人民幣 Yesterday's fine was the FTC's highest since its inception in 1992. 昨天的罰款是公平交易委員會成立以來祭出最高的 The commission reached the decision after three years of antitrust investigations into the chipmaker. 委員會在對這家晶片供應商做三年的調查後達成此決定 Qualcomm was found to have signed exclusionary agreements with Taiwanese chipmakers and mobile phone manufacturers to charge royalty fees and sell chips at prices unfavorable to its clients in a bid to maintain its monopoly, the commission said in a statement. 委員會於聲明中說道,高通被發現與台灣的晶片供應商與手機製造業者簽訂排他性契約, 以索取授權金,並將晶片以高價銷售給客戶,試圖壟斷。 “The company's practice has harmed competition in the [nation's] baseband market and directly — or indirectly — hindered its competitors from participating in the market,” the FTC said. 公平會說:「這家公司的經營模式已損害基頻晶片市場,並直接或間接阻礙他業者參與 競爭」 Qualcomm has monopoly status as it owns a considerable number of patents for code division multiple access (CDMA), wideband CDMA and long-term evolution technologies, the commission said, adding that it has hampered market competition by refusing to license key patents to rivals. 委員會表示:「高通有如此的壟斷地位是因為擁有大量CDMA、WCDMA及LTE專利,加上該 公司拒絕授權競爭同業必要專利,阻礙市場競爭」 The FTC made the ruling after interviewing more than 20 chipmakers, mobile phone manufacturers and communications equipment suppliers at home and abroad since February 2015. 公平交易委員會自2015年2月起會見國內外多於20多家晶片供應商、手機製造商及通訊設 備供應商後,下了這個裁決。 Qualcomm has been violating antitrust laws for at least seven years, the FTC said. 公平交易委員會說,高通違反反托拉斯法至少七年。 During that time, the chipmaker has charged royalty fees totaling NT$400 billion and US$30 billion in baseband chip sales from local companies, the statement said. 這段期間,這家晶片供應商向本地公司賺取4千億的授權費,另外還有3百億來自基頻晶片 的銷售。 Qualcomm has been instructed to terminate contracts with competitors that involve sensitive information such as chip prices, sale volumes and product types, the statement said. 聲明中寫道,高通被指示終止與競爭同業簽署之包含敏感性資訊的合約。合約包含競爭 對手的晶片價格、銷售量及產品類型等。 It is also required the firm to remove terms and clauses in chip supply contracts signed with handset makers that require the licensing of its patents as a precondition. 也要求該公司移除與手持裝置製造商簽署之的供應晶片的條文及條例 -- 以授權為先 決條件 (這句不好翻,其實就是手機製造商未經授權則不供應晶片) Finally, the commission said it has required Qualcomm to cancel all exclusionary agreements it inked with any parties that involve offering price discounts. 最後,委員會提到,已要求高通取消所有與交易對象簽訂之包含價格優惠的排他性契約 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/breakingnews/2219948 5.備註: 講真的,台灣又沒市場,是有什麼籌碼和人談條件 看看最後是誰倒霉囉~ --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1507883849.A.202.html

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10/13 16:39, , 4F
哦 原來是拒絕授權
10/13 16:39, 4F

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10/13 16:44, , 8F
問題是你罰了 又沒作為 更沒面子
10/13 16:44, 8F

10/13 16:46, , 9F
10/13 16:46, 9F
Yep! ※ 編輯: ed78617 (, 10/13/2017 16:48:35

10/13 16:57, , 10F
北七 收的到喔?幹
10/13 16:57, 10F

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