[新聞] 南韓設計核動力潛艦反應爐消失

看板Gossiping作者時間6年前 (2017/10/08 17:17), 6年前編輯推噓13(16312)
留言31則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea designs nuclear submarine reactor 南韓設計核動力潛艦反應爐 3.完整新聞內文: ◎茅毅 South Korea has already drawn up a preliminary sketch of a reactor for a 4,000-ton nuclear-powered submarine, according to military officials, Sunday. 軍方官員週日指出,南韓已繪製1艘排水量4000噸的核動力潛艦之反應爐草圖。 The Moon Jae-in administration is seeking negotiations with Washington to build the country's own nuclear-powered submarines in line with a push to bolster military capabilities for self-defense and better cope with North Korea's evolving nuclear threats. 為打造南韓自己的核動力潛艦,符合推動增進自衛軍事能力和進一步因應北韓不斷提升的 核威脅,文在寅政府正尋求與華府協商。 The officials said scientists at the Agency for Defense Development, which is under the wing of the Ministry of National Defense, already finished the design for a nuclear reactor three years ago. This suggests the military is ready to create a nuclear submarine prototype if the Moon government completes the negotiations with the United States. 軍方官員表示,南韓國防部所屬的「國防科學研究所」研發人員,3年前即已完成1具核反 應爐的設計。這暗示,若文政府與美國完成協商,南韓軍方準備打造1艘核動力潛艦的原 型艦。 "The country is virtually ready to work on the detailed design of the reactor and make it once relevant policies are finalized," an official said. "Production is estimated to take three to five years. It will require consent from the U.S. on having South Korea use uranium enriched up to 20 percent as the source for the submarine's reactor. " Only six nations - the U.S. ,Russia, Britain, France, China and India - have their own nuclear-powered submarines. 一位官員說,「一旦相關政策定案,南韓其實準備好著手該反應爐的細部設計及製造」, 「預估要花3到5年製造,將需要美國同意讓南韓使用濃度達到20%的濃縮鈾,做為該潛艦 的反應爐燃料」。全球僅美、俄、英、法、中及印度6國擁有自己的核動力潛艦。 《新聞辭典》 draw up:動詞片語,草擬、拉近(使……靠近)。Draw up a chair and sit down, and I will tell you the whole story.(拉把椅子過來坐下,我將告訴你事情的原委。 ) bolster:動詞,支撐、鞏固、提高。She needs to do something to bolster her confidence.(她得設法增強自己的信心。) work on sth:動詞片語,從事(致力)於、修改。He worked on changing his bad habits.(他努力改掉本身的陋習。) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/y86t7kct 5.備註: --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1507454235.A.185.html

10/08 17:17, , 1F
10/08 17:17, 1F
Our government seldom weigh its statements against scientific evidence

10/08 17:19, , 2F
10/08 17:19, 2F

10/08 17:19, , 3F
設計喊爽的 沒辦法造啦!
10/08 17:19, 3F
Unlike Taiwan, South Korea has created its own nuclear reactor.

10/08 17:19, , 4F
台灣 只適合當中國奴隸
10/08 17:19, 4F

10/08 17:20, , 5F
沒有台灣的螺絲釘 南韓造不核動力潛艇反應爐
10/08 17:20, 5F

10/08 17:20, , 6F
10/08 17:20, 6F

10/08 17:21, , 7F
10/08 17:21, 7F
But we need to migrate our technology to the next generation

10/08 17:21, , 8F
10/08 17:21, 8F

10/08 17:21, , 9F
10/08 17:21, 9F

10/08 17:21, , 10F
台灣有愛潛艦 完全無害
10/08 17:21, 10F

10/08 17:22, , 11F
我們還4乖乖燒柴油吧 嗚嗚
10/08 17:22, 11F

10/08 17:22, , 12F
台灣連電都搞不定還潛艦哩 笑死人了
10/08 17:22, 12F
Thanks to Ing-wen Tsai's vague "nuclear-free homeland" policy

10/08 17:22, , 13F
10/08 17:22, 13F

10/08 17:23, , 14F
10/08 17:23, 14F
※ 編輯: ed78617 (, 10/08/2017 17:27:28

10/08 17:25, , 15F
10/08 17:25, 15F

10/08 17:27, , 16F
10/08 17:27, 16F

10/08 17:28, , 17F
台灣內賊一堆 誰敢給技術
10/08 17:28, 17F

10/08 17:28, , 18F
10/08 17:28, 18F

10/08 17:29, , 19F
台灣國軍裁掉直接修憲 讓美軍代管繳保護費才是真der
10/08 17:29, 19F

10/08 17:32, , 20F
南韓還蠻適合有核潛艦的 國土60%領海 重點是 可以箝
10/08 17:32, 20F

10/08 17:32, , 21F
10/08 17:32, 21F

10/08 17:33, , 22F
10/08 17:33, 22F

10/08 17:34, , 23F
軍事武器直接造核彈了 看看車諾比就是一個例子
10/08 17:34, 23F

10/08 17:45, , 24F
10/08 17:45, 24F

10/08 17:47, , 25F
10/08 17:47, 25F

10/08 17:52, , 26F
10/08 17:52, 26F

10/08 18:06, , 27F
南韓有現代造船 他們的乾船塢好像是亞洲第一大 應該是有可
10/08 18:06, 27F

10/08 18:06, , 28F
10/08 18:06, 28F

10/08 18:13, , 29F
10/08 18:13, 29F

10/08 20:28, , 30F
10/08 20:28, 30F

10/08 23:23, , 31F
10/08 23:23, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1PsUqR65 (Gossiping)