[新聞] Groups petition to save coral消失

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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《TAIPEI TIMES》 Groups petition to save coral 環團請願保護珊瑚 3.完整新聞內文: NO TRANSPLANT: Environmentalist groups disagree with the COA about transplanting a coral habitat that overlaps a site where CPC Corp plans to build a natural gas terminal By Lin Chia-nan / Staff reporter Environmental groups yesterday petitioned the Council of Agriculture (COA) to protect the first-level endangered coral Polycyathus chaishanensis from CPC Corp, Taiwan's (CPC) development project in Taoyuan's Guanyin Industrial Park, by designating its habitat as a conservation area. 昨日環團向農委會請願,指定一級保育類珊瑚 Polycyathus chaishanensis 的棲息地為 保護區,以保護該物種受中油在觀音工業區的開發案的影響 The coral's habitat overlaps with CPC's planned site for its third liquefied natural gas terminal, on which construction was originally scheduled to begin in August. The terminal is to supply natural gas to Taiwan Power Co's Datan Power Station from July 2022. 該珊瑚的棲息地與中油預定的第三液化天然氣接收站重疊,此接收站原預定在八月動工。 此接收站將於2022年7月提供大潭電廠天然氣。 Due to the project's ecological conflict, Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Yang Wei-fu (楊偉甫) last month said the ministry would consider the Port of Taipei in New Taipei City's Bali District (八里) as an alternative site for the terminal. 考量到此計畫會衝擊生態,經濟部次長楊偉甫於上月表示該部會考慮將新北八里的台北港 視為替代接收站。 However, Minister of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-chin (沈榮津) said in a question-and-answer session at the Legislative Yuan on Thursday that the project would remain at the same location while the coral would be transplanted elsewhere. 然而,經濟部長沈榮津在週四立院質詢時表示,此開發案維持原址,而珊瑚將移植至他處 Transplanting coral "is almost impossible" given its particular living requirements, Academia Sinica biologist Allen Chen (陳昭倫) said, adding that the ministry should weigh its statement against scientific evidence. 中研院的陳昭倫說,考量到珊瑚的生長條件,移植"幾乎不可能",並進一下表示該部會應 衡量此段發言的科學根據。 No study has proved that transplanting coral is feasible, he said, whose own study, "Unprecedented calcareous algal reefs in northern Taiwan merit a high conservation priority," was accepted by the journal Coral Reefs in August. 他說,沒有研究證明移植珊瑚可行。他的研究「北台灣前所未見的石灰藻礁應該得到高 保育順位」在八月於journal Coral Reefs刊載。 Receiving the group's petition on behalf of the council, Forestry Bureau's Conservation Division director Hsia Jung-sheng (夏榮生) said she could not comment on Shen's remark, as the ministry had not presented any plan regarding transplanting the coral. 林務局保育組組長夏榮生代表部會接下這份請願,表示他無法評論沈榮津的發言,因為尚 未有珊瑚移植的計劃。 The bureau would protect the coral in line with the Wildlife Conservation Act (野生動物保育法), she said, adding that the Taoyuan City Government is dealing with the conservation area issue and would announce a decision soon. 該局將依野生動物保育法保護珊瑚,且桃園市政府正在處理保護區的議題,很快就會宣佈 他們的決定。 According to the act, those who hunt or kill protected species face fines between NT$200,000 and NT$1 million (US$6,584 and US$32,921) along with a prison term of between six months and five years. 根據此法案,獵捕會殺害保育物種將面臨20萬元到100萬元的罰金,且有6個月到5年的刑期 Shen had been misled by Taiwan Wetland Society researchers, Taoyuan Local Union director-general Pan Chong-cheng (潘忠政) said, adding that they had said local wildlife was sparse to cover up for CPC, who had commissioned their research. 「沈榮津被台灣濕地學會的學者誤導了!」桃園在地聯盟理事長潘忠政說道,「他們曾說 當地的野外生物很稀少,幫委託他們做研究的中油掩蓋真相」 The project passed an environmental impact assessment (EIA) in 1999, but CPC was required to file an environmental difference analysis with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), as it had not started construction three years after passing the EIA. 這個計畫於1999年通過環評(EIA),但因為未於通過環評後的三年內動工,中油需再向 環保署(EPA)提出環差分析 The EPA in June convened an ad hoc committee to review the report, but asked CPC to present a strategy to minimize the project's impact on the local ecosystem. EPA在6月召開特別委員會,要求中油提出對策,將此計畫對當地生態的衝擊降到最低 The company has responded by filing a strategy report with the EPA, which is to convene another review meeting later this month. 中油以提出一份對策報告以回應EPA的要求,於本月將召開另一個審議會議。 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/breakingnews/2215840 5.備註: 這個月有好戲看囉~ --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1507395491.A.784.html

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珊璞我老婆 洩洩
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