[新聞] Duterte blames Taiwanese, HK gangs for drug problem消失

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1.媒體來源: 自由 2.完整新聞標題: 《TAIPEI TIMES》 Duterte blames Taiwanese, HK gangs for drug problem 3.完整新聞內文: / Staff writer, with CNA The Taiwan-based Bamboo Union and Hong Kong-based 14K triad are behind the proliferation of drugs in the Philippines, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said yesterday, after barrels of drugs fitted with satellite positioning equipment and covered with Chinese writing washed up in the Philippines on Wednesday last week. 上週三,裝有毒品,附有衛星定位裝置及中文字的桶子被沖上菲國海岸。其後,杜特蒂 昨天表示,菲國的毒品泛濫,背後是臺灣的竹聯幫與香港的「14K」幫會在搞鬼。 He first made the allegation that the drugs were from Taiwan while speaking at a police academy alumni event on Thursday last week. 他在上週四的警察學院校友活動中,首度指控台灣為毒品來源 Duterte, speaking on Tuesday at an event marking the 120th anniversary of the establishment of the Philippine Department of Justice, named the Bamboo Union and 14K as running the drug trade in the country. 杜特蒂,在一個紀念菲國 Department of Justice 120週年的活動中,點名竹聯幫及14k 幫派在該國經營毒品交易 At an event celebrating the 56th anniversary of the Philippine Constitution Association, he said that the Philippines is a client state of the Bamboo Union. "The Philippines is a transshipment [point] of shabu to America. It behooves upon America to work closely with the Republic of the Philippines, especially in this serious matter,” he said. Shabu is a slang term for methamphetamine that is widely used in the Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia. Shabu是methampetamine的行話,廣泛使用於菲國、日本、香港、馬來西亞及印尼 Illegal drugs have penetrated 40 percent of the villages in the country, Duterte said. 杜:非法毒品已入侵菲國40%的村莊 He has been pushing to postpone village elections scheduled for next month, citing the alleged presence of narcotics in politics at the village level. 他推動延後下個月的村莊的選舉,指出有毒品介入村莊政治的傳聞 Duterte, who is known for his controversial policy of cracking down on drugs by sanctioning extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers, on Thursday last week reportedly gave police orders to kill his eldest son if they discover that he is involved in the drug trade. 杜特蒂以他具爭議性的掃毒政策聞名--批准私刑剷除有嫌疑的毒犯。 據傳聞,杜特蒂在上週四命令警方,如果發現他的長子有參與毒品交易,格殺勿論。 That remark came after Philippine Senator Antonio Trillanes claimed that Duterte's eldest son is a member of a Chinese drug triad. 在菲國參議員聲稱杜特蒂的長子為中國毒品幫會成員後,杜特蒂發表此言論 Meanwhile, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman yesterday reiterated Taiwan's support of the Philippine government's “war on drugs.” 同時,外交部發言人在昨天重申,台灣支持菲律賓政府掃毒 Regarding Duterte's claim that the Bamboo Union, a known organized crime group, is one of the primary sources of drugs in the Philippines, ministry spokeswoman Eleanor Wang (王珮玲) said in a statement that the government would work with relevant Philippine agencies to eliminate cross-border drug-related crime. 對於杜特蒂指稱竹聯幫為菲國毒品主要來源,發言人王珮玲聲明政府將與菲國相關單位 合作以剿滅跨國毒品犯罪 A critical component of the administration's New Southbound Policy is to strengthen Taiwan's collaboration with other nations to crack down on international crime, which in the case of the Philippines means a shared effort to combat drug-related crime, Wang said. The statement did not dispute Duterte's allegations, but voiced support for his increasingly tough policies on drug-related activities. 這份聲明沒有反駁杜特蒂的指控,但表示會支持杜特蒂愈發強硬的反毒政策。 The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines yesterday rejected Duterte's claims. Representative to the Philippines Gary Lin (林松煥) said that what is known at the moment is that illegal drugs in the Philippines are not coming from Taiwan. Taiwan does not ship drugs to the Philippines, Lin said, but added that his office was looking into the situation. Regarding an allegation that drugs were being produced in labs in international waters, Lin said that Taiwanese fishing boats were not involved and that the transportation routes were most likely in international waters. Raw materials for the production of illegal drugs have been mainly obtained from China, while Taiwanese have provided expertise, said a Philippine source, who claimed to be an expert on the Philippine drug trade. 一個自稱為毒品交易專家的菲國的供應商表示:毒品原料主要來自中國,台灣則提供 專業技術 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/breakingnews/2206721 5.備註: --               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ㄟ |   |            /     ㄟ |    |               |   (> )( <) < XD  |             | /// (_人_) |    |            |    \__/ ! |    |             |      ㄟ \____| -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1506585776.A.A1A.html

09/28 16:04, , 1F
糟了 在台灣一堆人吃 Shabushabu 毒性有平方過會很猛嗎?
09/28 16:04, 1F
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