[新聞] 疲弱的經濟為科索沃提前選舉的關鍵消失

看板Gossiping作者時間7年前 (2017/06/11 18:45), 7年前編輯推噓1(103)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
BBC Kosovo: Weak economy the key issue in snap elections -- 在總理Isa Mustafa上個月輸掉不信任投票後,科索沃將舉行提前選舉。 新組成的政府將面對諸如高失業率、經濟和鄰國的外交等問題。而民調顯示Mustafa一 方正落後前總理Ramush Haradinaj的聯合團隊,但若Haradinaj勝選,與塞爾維亞的關 係將複雜化。他因為被控犯下戰爭罪而遭發布國際逮捕令。 Haradinaj在1998至1999年對塞爾維亞的戰爭中擔任KLA(科索沃解放軍)指揮官。 塞爾維亞也警告將保護「每一寸」他在科索沃宣告的領土。 科索沃曾為塞爾維亞一省,2008年宣布獨立。雖然美國和歐盟多數國家皆承認其國際地位 ,但不包括塞爾維亞和其盟友俄羅斯。 約190萬科索沃人可在此獨立後第三場選舉投票,有近百萬人在境外。 新政府的首要目標是降低高達30%的失業率和緩解與塞爾維亞的緊繃關係,後者是兩國加 入歐盟的先決條件。 新西方國家認為,歐盟中西巴爾幹半島國家的合作是穩固這從90年代飽受戰火摧殘的地區 最有效的方法。 1999年起,北約在科索沃便有一支常駐維和部隊。 科索沃和塞爾維亞大事記: 1991-南斯拉夫內戰爆發。 1996-KLA向科索沃地區的塞爾維亞管理機構發動攻擊,遭到鎮壓。 1999-北約轟炸塞爾維亞,南斯拉夫和塞爾維亞軍隊以對科索沃的阿爾巴尼亞人實施種族 清洗作為回報,但在和平條約簽訂後撤出。 2008-科索沃單方面宣布獨立。 原文: The new government will have to tackle high unemployment, improve the economy and develop better relations with its neighbours. Opinion polls suggest Mr Mustafa's bloc is trailing a coalition led by a former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj. A victory for Mr Haradinaj would complicate relations with Serbia. It has issued an international arrest warrant for him for alleged war crimes. He served as a commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army during the war with Serbia in 1998 and 1999. Serbia has repeatedly warned it will defend "every inch" of what it claims as its territory in neighbouring Kosovo. Historically a province of Serbia, Kosovo declared independence in 2008. It is recognised by the US and most EU countries but not by Serbia or its ally Russia. About 1.9 million Kosovars are registered to vote in the third vote since independence. Nearly half a million voters live abroad. One of the top priorities for any new government will be to reduce unemployment, which is running at 30%, and lower tensions with Serbia, a pre-condition for both countries before they can join the European Union. The West believes that the incorporation of Western Balkan countries in the EU is the most effective way of stabilising a region blighted by war throughout the 1990s. Kosovo has had a constant Nato peacekeeping force since 1999. 新聞連結: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40237753 備註: 科索沃戰爭中,在科索沃有近9000阿爾巴尼亞平民死亡或失蹤,約145萬人流離失所。 453至2500平民死於北約轟炸。 -- What's the rockest German food? http://i.imgur.com/ARVK1Gk.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1497177908.A.546.html

06/11 18:45, , 1F
科索沃獨立的時候 台灣要承認他被拒絕 XDD
06/11 18:45, 1F

06/11 18:45, , 2F
台灣選誰都很慘,奸邪倫 VS 空心蔡
06/11 18:45, 2F

06/11 18:46, , 3F
以後還有 賣菜義 VS 空心菜
06/11 18:46, 3F

06/11 18:47, , 4F
白菜義 vs 空心菜 兩種菜類的對決比較有料理東西軍的感覺
06/11 18:47, 4F
※ 編輯: Zauber (, 06/11/2017 18:53:23 ※ Zauber:轉錄至看板 IA 06/11 18:54
文章代碼(AID): #1PFHyqL6 (Gossiping)