[新聞] 埃爾多安宣布與「卡達兄弟」並肩面對危機消失

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Al Jazeera (半島電視台) Erdogan vows to stand by 'Qatari brothers' amid crisis Turkish president urges Saudi Arabia to act like the 'Custodian of the Two Holy Places' in Gulf diplomatic row. 土耳其總統勸沙烏地阿拉伯在海灣外交紛爭中扮演「兩聖地監護人(註1)」。 Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan requested the full removal of a Saudi-led blockade of Qatar after approving the deployment of Turkish troops there, saying Riyadh needed to put brotherhood ahead of animosity. 土國總統埃爾多安在批准當地的軍事部屬後,要求解除沙國領導、針對卡達的封鎖,說道 沙國需要優先考慮兄弟情誼。 Erdogan said isolating Qatar would not resolve any regional problems and vowed to do everything in his power to help end the regional crisis. 他說孤立卡達無益於解決區域問題且宣布盡他所能結束危機。 "We will not abandon our Qatari brothers," Erdogan told members of his ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party at a fast-breaking meal on Friday in Istanbul during the holy month of Ramadan. 週五在伊斯坦堡,「我們絕不拋棄我們的卡達兄弟。」埃爾多安告訴正義與發展黨(註2) 成員。 "I also have a special request from the Saudi administration. You are the largest and most powerful state in the Gulf. We call you the Custodian of the Holy Places. You especially should work for brotherhood, not animosity. You have to work for bringing brothers together. This is what we expect from Saudi, the Custodian of the Holy Mosques. 埃爾多安還說沙烏地應扮演好他們所期待的腳色:「兩聖地監護人」,攏絡兄弟情誼而非 仇恨。 "I say it should be lifted completely," Erdogan said of the embargo. 關於禁運,他表示須完全解除。 Late on Thursday, a joint statement by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the UAE accused 59 individuals and 12 charity organisations in Qatar of being "linked to terror", local media reported. 週四由沙烏地阿拉伯、巴林、埃及和阿聯的聯合聲明指控卡達59人和12個慈善機構「和 恐怖主義有所牽連」。 Speaking about the allegations, Erdogan said: "There is no such thing. I know those foundations." 埃爾多安將其稱為子虛烏有。 Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Egypt severed relations with Qatar on Monday, accusing it of supporting "extremists" and their arch-adversary Iran - charges Qatar calls "baseless". Several countries followed suit. 週一沙烏地阿拉伯、巴林、埃及和阿聯稱卡達支持極端分子他們的主要敵人伊朗,卡達 斥其毫無根據,但仍有多國跟進。 Turkey has maintained good relations with Qatar, as well as several of its Gulf Arab neighbours. Turkey and Qatar have both provided support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and backed rebels fighting to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 土耳其和卡達關係良好,與其他海灣阿拉伯國家也如此。兩國在埃及支持穆斯林兄弟會 (註3)和幫助叛軍推翻敘利亞阿薩德政權。 Erdogan said he had never witnessed Doha supporting "terrorism". 埃爾多安說他從未見卡達支持恐怖主義。 "There are those who are uncomfortable with us standing by our Qatari brothers, providing them with food. I'm sorry, we will continue to give Qatar every kind of support," he said. 「有人看不慣我們和卡達友好,我很抱歉,我們仍將繼續提供卡達各種支援。」 On Wednesday, Turkey's parliament ratified two deals on deploying troops to Qatar and training the Gulf nation's security forces. 土耳其議會於週三批准軍隊部屬卡達和訓練海灣國家的維安部隊。 The deal to deploy Turkish troops in Qatar, aimed at improving the country's army and boosting military cooperation, was signed in April 2016 in Doha. 前項決議意在強化軍備和增強軍事合作,去年四月在杜哈(卡達首都)簽訂。 After an initial deployment of Turkish soldiers at a base in Doha, Turkish warplanes and ships will also be sent, the mass-circulation Hurriyet newspaper said on its website on Friday. 週五自由報(註4)報導:完成士兵在杜哈的初步部屬後,土國將派戰機及戰艦前往。 "The number of Turkish warplanes and Turkish warships going to the base will become clear after the preparation of a report based on an initial assessment at the base," Hurriyet said. 自由報:在初步評估的報告出爐後,戰艦、戰機的數量方得明瞭。 A Turkish delegation would go to Qatar in the coming days to assess the situation at the base, where about 90 Turkish soldiers are currently based, it said. 土耳其代表團將於數日內至基地評估狀況,該處現約有90名土國士兵。 Turkish officials were not available to comment on the report, but Hurriyet said there were plans send some 200 to 250 soldiers within two months in the initial stage. 土耳其官員沒有對該報導做出回應,但自由報預估第一階段會有200到250名士兵在兩個 月內送往卡達。 新聞連結: https://goo.gl/2aUDb5 5.備註: 1:兩聖地意指麥加及麥地那,一個伊斯蘭教的頭銜,為歷代阿拉伯帝國哈里發、鄂圖曼 土耳其帝國蘇丹和現在的沙烏地阿拉伯王國國王所使用。含有在阿拉伯世界和伊斯 蘭世界的領袖意義。 2:土耳其現在的執政黨,不是摩洛哥那個。 3:2015年,穆兄會被巴林、埃及、俄羅斯、敘利亞、沙烏地阿拉伯,和阿拉伯聯合大公國 認定為恐怖組織。 4:暫譯。Hürriyet,土耳其發行量最大報紙。 -- 閒來無事騙P幣 手起生風成廢文 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1497076109.A.B68.html ※ 編輯: Zauber (, 06/10/2017 14:30:57

06/10 14:31, , 1F
06/10 14:31, 1F

06/10 14:31, , 2F
06/10 14:31, 2F

06/10 14:32, , 3F
一直在夢想加進歐盟 到處搞事
06/10 14:32, 3F

06/10 14:32, , 4F
06/10 14:32, 4F

06/10 14:34, , 5F
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06/10 14:37, , 6F
06/10 14:37, 6F

06/10 14:38, , 7F
嗯 這回應該是遜尼/什葉自己兄弟對幹吧...
06/10 14:38, 7F

06/10 14:38, , 8F
老沙不想動老伊 就拿人家小弟小卡卡出氣
06/10 14:38, 8F

06/10 14:39, , 9F
06/10 14:39, 9F

06/10 14:42, , 10F
穆兄會呀 沒看到嗎
06/10 14:42, 10F

06/10 14:49, , 11F
06/10 14:49, 11F
Zauber:轉錄至看板 IA 06/10 14:50

06/10 14:52, , 12F
06/10 14:52, 12F

06/10 15:42, , 13F
靠腰 這火上加油吧
06/10 15:42, 13F
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